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Due to the existence of thermal offsets, global solar irradiances measured by pyranometers are smaller than actual values, and errors are larger in the daytime. Until now, there is no universally-recognized correction method for thermal offset errors. Therefore, it is imperative to identify a convenient and effective correction method. Five correction methods were evaluated based on the data measured from a field experiment from 23 January to 15 November, 2011. Results have shown: 1) Temporal variation characteristics of thermal offsets in the four tested pyranometers are consistent. 2) Among the five methods, non-dimensional quantity method is suggested for use to correct thermal offsets, because it is convenient and no modification of instruments is required. If collocated net longwave radiation and wind speed data are available and their uncertainties are small, the historical solar radiation datasets can also be corrected. And correction effects by the method are better.  相似文献   
运用统计分析方法,对伊宁市1993 ̄2004年的辐射观测资料进行分析,找出总辐射和净辐射的日、季、年变化一般规律。同时对极值也进行了描述,并对总辐射和净辐射的特殊变化进行了分析。  相似文献   
利用青岛市2003年8月~2011年8月的太阳辐射观测资料及常规气象地面观测资料,采用双标图分析、相关分析等统计方法,研究了地面太阳总辐射的变化特征及其影响因子。结果表明:青岛地面太阳总辐射呈现春季最大,夏秋季次之,冬季最小的季节变化特征;大气透射率夏季最小,其他3个季节相差不大。双标图分析及相关分析表明:总云量、能见度及相对湿度是辐射的主要影响因子,其中总云量对辐射变化起重要作用,能见度次之,相对湿度的影响最小。云对辐射有强的衰减作用,且低云的影响相对中高云大;实际大气中相对湿度和能见度对辐射的影响主要反映在两因子对云量的影响上,排除云的影响后相对湿度和能见度对辐射的衰减相对小,且不同云量条件下表现不同,云量较大时透射率随着相对湿度和能见度的变化较为明显。青岛地面太阳辐射受风向影响明显,盛行风为东南风的情况下,大气透射率较盛行风为西北风的情况下要小,且冬、春、秋3季节的大气透射率受风向影响大,夏季受风向影响小。  相似文献   
Sun-photometer has been widely used to investigate various optical properties of the atmosphere.In order to derivean accurate atmospheric optical depth,great care in the sun-photometer calibration is required.In this paper,the fea-ture of a new sun-photometer is described.Calibration results based on the Langley method at Mt.Huangshan are re-ported.Effect of the atmospheric instability on retrieving the calibration values is discussed and errors in calibration atMt.Huangshan due to temporal variation of aerosol concentration are estimated.It is shown that the calibratedsun-photometer can be used to derive the atmospheric optical depth to an accuracy of 5%.As one of its applications,examples of determination of turbidity parameters and columnar aerosol size distribution are presented.  相似文献   
我国太阳总辐射气候学计算方法的再讨论   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
根据我国建站时间在30a以上的辐射资料以及对应的地面站日照资料,在分析太阳总辐射统计特征的基础上,讨论了总辐射气候学计算公式中a、b系数的地理分布和季节变化特征,分析了辐射气候学计算的可能误差,得到了用日照资料估算总辐射的误差范围。结果表明,太阳总辐射月总量接近正态分布特征;总辐射气候学计算公式中的a、b系数具有较明显的时空变化特征,需按不同月份确立;通过逐年观测资料计算各基本站a、b系数,再由内插求得无辐射资料测站的a、b系数,进而计算无辐射资料站的辐射总量,其误差在可接受的范围内。  相似文献   
基于长江流域147个站点的气象数据,利用气候学计算方法估算1960年以来的太阳总辐射数据,运用线性回归和相关分析等方法,探讨1960年以来太阳总辐射在长江流域的时空变化特征,并分析太阳总辐射的影响因子.结果表明:太阳总辐射在整个长江流域(除去上游源头区金沙江流域)自东向西递减,且上游地区变化波动大,中下游地区下降趋势显著;自1960年以来太阳总辐射在长江流域呈现下降趋势,1990年以后开始呈现上升趋势;近50a来太阳总辐射的减少趋势与云量和大气水汽含量没有显著相关性.  相似文献   
地面臭氧的变化规律和计算方法的初步研究Ⅰ.紫外波段   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对广州鼎湖山近地面O3、NOx、太阳辐射、气象参数等项目的观测和理论分析,研究了地面O3与NOx等微量气体及太阳辐射的变化规律,详细讨论了紫外波段、不同天气条件地面O3与NOx,光化学反应、气溶胶、光化辐射等之间复杂的关系.用光能量传输与守恒的观点来考虑大气中与紫外辐射有关的主要过程,并以此来研究大气光化学过程中所遵循的能量规律,建立了一个简单、实用、省时的统计模式,用于计算地面O3浓度.结果表明,不同情况下计算值与观测值均吻合较好.  相似文献   
利用MODTRAN3计算我国太阳直接辐射和散射辐射   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
根据光的多次散射理论-离散纵标法,利用我国国家一级辐射测站的大气廓线,计算出晴空大气观测波段不同高度上的太阳直接辐射和向下散射辐射。将模式输出的地面辐射值与地面辐射观测资料进行比较,对不同高度的太阳直接辐射和向下散辐射以及日变化进行了讨论。最终目的是直接由MODTRAN3计算我国辐射空白站的地面辐射值,以弥补我国辐射站稀少,时空分布短缺的不足。  相似文献   
A forecasting scheme of geomagnetic activity is presented, based on the analysis of the geoeffectiveness of X-ray flares, accompanied by Type II and/or Type IV radio bursts (RSP) observed on the solar disc in the years 1996–2004. The neural network was used to construct this scheme enabling us to determine the probability, with which flares will be followed by a geomagnetic response of a particular intensity. The successfulness of forecasts produced after the fact depended on the flare class and on the combination of radio-burst types. In the case of RSP IV, 58% of the geomagnetic responses of X-ray flares of at least B class were successful. If only RSP II was observed, the forecast was successful only for flares of the X class (67% of successful forecasts). In the second step, a strong geomagnetic response was correctly forecast after geoeffective flares in 58% of the cases. The results are in a good agreement with recent papers based on physical modelling. fridrich@geomag.sk ph@ig.cas.cz, jboch@ig.cas.cz  相似文献   
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