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样品经过氧化钠碱熔,溶解后的上层清液直接酸化,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱测定钛铁矿中铬、磷、钒的含量。确定了钛铁矿石中Cr、P、V的分析谱线、光谱级次;为了消除钠盐基体的影响,确定稀释因子为1000,标准曲线基体与样品基体保持一致;为避免过氧化钠熔矿后溶液碱性较大对进样系统造成腐蚀,加入2.00 mL盐酸对溶液进行酸化。方法检出限为4.46~23.55μg/g,采用国家一级标准物质进行验证,方法准确度小于10%,精密度为0.68%~9.90%。本法与分光光度法单一元素测定相比较,具有测量范围宽、结果准确、操作简便、省时省力、适合大批量样品测定等突出的优点。  相似文献   
对复合改性水玻璃溶液固化黄土进行了试验研究,并通过化学组成和矿物成分分析、微观结构分析探讨了复合改性水玻璃固化黄土的机理。试验结果表明:复合改性水玻璃固化黄土的强度有明显提高; X射线衍射图谱中密集低矮的非晶质物相峰群仍存在,但是部分矿物衍射强度比普通水玻璃固化的有所升高; SEM图像显示胶凝材料特有的裂纹减少,黏结比较紧密; MIP数据显示复合改性后孔隙表面积增大,最可几孔径减小。复合改性水玻璃溶液固化黄土的强度增加的机理在于:K+的加入使生成的聚合物增多,胶凝裂纹减少、黏结趋于紧密,促使了最可几孔径的减小和小孔隙的增多,强化了骨架颗粒的连接强度,并将骨架颗粒黏结成为一个空间网状整体,从而改善了土体的强度。  相似文献   
表土结皮形成影响因素述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北干旱半干旱地区,表土结皮普遍发育,其形成受诸多因素影响。土壤质地是影响表土结皮形成的最重要因素。此外,团聚体稳定性、表面粗糙度、矿物质和交换性离子浓度、降雨历时、降雨强度、前期含水量、湿润速度等因素同样对结皮的形成具有重要影响。结皮的形成可以简要归纳为两个主要过程,一是团聚体的分散,二是分散后的粘粒阻塞土壤孔隙。因此团聚体稳定性和粘粒含量是影响表土结皮形成的关键。研究发现,土壤中粘粒含量为20%~30%时,极易形成结皮,当粘粒含量超过40%时,团聚体变得较为稳定,结皮形成受到一定抑制。此外,土壤中如果富含蒙脱石矿物,或者土壤溶液具有较低的交换性钠离子和电解质浓度,则表土结皮易于形成。前期含水量和湿润速度对结皮形成也同样具有重要影响。试验表明,粘粒含量较高的试样在较低的前期含水量情况下更容易形成结皮,因为稳定性较高的团聚体在干燥条件下更容易因迅速湿润而崩解。湿润速度对表土结皮的影响作用随着粘粒含量的增加而增大,但在土壤结构不稳定条件下,其影响作用受到很大限制。影响结皮形成的各因素并不是孤立的,它们之间互相作用、互相影响,这给定量研究和分析结皮形成敏感性带来很大难度,如何对各影响因子的临界值进行确定以及定量研...  相似文献   
Kangjoo Kim 《水文研究》2002,16(9):1793-1806
The weathering rate of plagioclase was estimated in the groundwater system of a sandy, silicate aquifer formed after the Wisconsin Glacial Stage. The study area is an isthmus lying between Crystal and Big Muskellunge Lakes in northern Wisconsin, USA. Plagioclase occupies 3% of the quartz and K‐feldspar dominated sediments. Groundwater in the study area is recharged in part by precipitation through the isthmus soils and in part by seepage from Crystal Lake, which is of low ionic strength and chemically in steady state. Water analysis revealed that the chemistry of groundwater recharged from Crystal Lake is regulated by mineral dissolution reactions. The rate constant for plagioclase was estimated using mass balances for sodium concentrations along a groundwater flowline from Crystal Lake. For this calculation, various kinds of hydrological/mineralogical information were used: groundwater flow path from oxygen isotope analysis, groundwater travel times from flow modelling, mineral composition from microprobe analysis and surface area of minerals from BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) analysis. The overall range of the estimation was less than an order of magnitude (3·5 × 10?16 to 3·4 × 10?15 mol/m2/s). The result is up to three orders of magnitude slower than the previous field estimates, which applied geometric methods in measuring mineral surface areas. However, this result is somewhat higher than the estimates reported by other BET area‐based studies, which were undertaken on soil profiles having different hydrological conditions. This rate difference is interpreted as a result of higher mineral reactivity owing to younger sediment age. The rate difference is smaller when this result is compared with the estimates from the soils of similar age, indicating that the differences in hydrological condition are not sufficient to explain the weathering rate discrepancy between the laboratory and field studies, which is up to five orders of magnitude. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
改性提高膨润土阳离子交换容量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了焙烧活化、酸活化、氯化钠活化、溴化十六烷基三甲铵活化等改性方法对膨润土阳离子交换容量的影响。结果表明,450℃焙烧2 h,膨润土阳离子交换容量可提高30%以上,0.01 mol.L-1氯化钠和0.3 mol.L-1溴化十六烷基三甲铵活化处理均可使膨润土阳离子交换容量提高10%以上,0.1 mol.L-1盐酸活化处理对提高膨润土的阳离子交换容量效果不明显,还深入讨论了改性提高澎润土阳离子交换容量的机理。  相似文献   
西藏拉果错盐湖属于硫酸钠亚型盐湖,卤水含有钾、锂、硼等有价值组分,针对此类盐湖资源,研究锂的富集过程非常必要。通过硫酸钠亚型盐湖卤水的变温蒸发过程,对比了锂在不同温度下富集规律和饱和点,卤水中的锂在蒸发过程中主要以硫酸锂和锂芒硝等形式结晶,在此基础上建立了锂和硫酸根浓度与温度变化关系的相关性,根据组成和温度,计算了浓度熵,模拟了锂饱和点和浓度熵的关系方程;利用浓度熵方程,控制锂盐析出,从而实现获得高锂浓度的卤水,为硫酸钠亚型盐湖卤水天然蒸发富集锂和盐湖资源高效利用提供依据。  相似文献   
张洁  阳国运 《岩矿测试》2018,37(6):657-663
铅锌矿常与硫化矿共生形成复合多金属矿床,其中伴生有益元素的含量对矿床的综合利用评估有重要的参考意义。在目前常用方法中,钨钼锡锗硒碲主要采用分组或单独熔矿和测试的方法,操作强度大、分析效率低,且高含量铜、铅和含量高于1μg/g的硒分别干扰钨钼和碲的测定。本文采用过氧化钠碱熔,提取后加入0. 8%柠檬酸溶液络合钨、钼、锡形成金属复合物,以8~9 g阳离子树脂交换分离高含量钠盐和铜、铅、锌、铁等主量元素,采用动能歧视模式以铼、硼为内标用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪同时测定钨钼锡锗硒碲的含量。经树脂处理后,铜铅锌铁的去除率均高于96%,在测定介质中实际浓度为0. 192 ng/mL~1. 28μg/mL,基本消除了主量元素的干扰。各待测元素工作曲线相关系数为0. 9994~0. 9999,优于阳离子树脂处理前的0. 9923~0. 9992。经标准物质验证,各元素测定相对误差为-8. 33%~7. 00%,加标回收率为94. 9%~107. 5%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=8)小于8%。该方法在样品前处理环节将主量干扰元素从溶液体系中分离,优化了测定介质,实现了铅锌矿中多元素的准确快速测定。  相似文献   
顾海峰  蓝东兆 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):132-133,T006
本文介绍了一种分离富集沉积物中甲藻休眠孢子的新方法-钨酸钠法,并用这种方法在诏安湾沉积物中分离到了12种甲藻休眠孢子。  相似文献   
用氢氧化钠-过氧化钠混合熔剂分解样品,酸提取后加入亚硫酸钠水浴加热消除过氧化氢和大量钛的干扰,硅钼蓝分光光度法快速测定钛铁矿中二氧化硅的含量。经国家一级标准物质分析验证,结果与标准值相符,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=7)为0.34%~2.24%。  相似文献   
Differences in weathering response characteristics of fine‐ and coarse‐grained Stanton Moor sandstone samples were assessed in a laboratory weathering simulation experiment using a variable combination of salt weathering and freeze/thaw cycles. Preliminary analysis of permeability characteristics identified similar mean values for each type of Stanton sandstone but significant differences in the range of values between the two sample sets, with coarse‐grained samples of Stanton Moor sandstone displaying a restricted range of values in comparison to fine‐grained samples which showed much greater within‐block variation. Data indicated that the greater the range in initial permeability values, the greater the potential for salt and moisture ingress and retention and hence eventual disruption of the fabric of the stone. Experimental data also identified different stages in decay sequences, with significant structural change occurring during the initial preparatory stage before material breakdown and loss became apparent. Evidence suggests that relatively minor structural and mineralogical differences between samples of the same stone type can have a significant influence on weathering behaviour, resulting in distinct rates and patterns of breakdown. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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