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Ice and snow chemistry of alpine glaciers is crucial for the research of regional atmospheric environment change. Fresh snow samples were weekly collected from Urumqi Glacier No.1 in the Tianshan Mountains, Xin- jiang, China, and the chemical characteristics and seasonal variations of major ions, mineral dust, δ18O and trace metals were measured. Results show that the concentrations of major ions in the snow are Ca2+ SO42- NH4+ NO3- Cl- Na+ Mg2+ K+, in which Ca2+ is the dominant cation, and SO42-is the dominant anion. All major ions have close positive correlations with each other except NO3-. δ18O shows positive correlation with air temperature change during the study period. Mineral dust particle and major ionic concentrations in fresh snow have obvious seasonal change, with high concentration in spring but low concentration in summer and autumn, which indicates that the chemical mass input from Asian dust activity to snow is very significant. Temporal changes of trace metals in fresh snow, e.g., Cd, Pb, Zn, Al, Fe, have shown that human-induced pollution of central Asian region also has large contribution to the snow chemistry on alpine glaciers of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   
青海高原雪灾风险区划及对策建议   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
李红梅  李林  高歌  刘义花 《冰川冻土》2013,35(3):656-661
利用青海省50个气象台站逐日积雪深度资料、遥感监测积雪深度资料和牲畜死亡率资料,对遥感监测积雪数据进行了验证,证实遥感监测积雪数据能很好的反映青海积雪状况.利用积雪指标分析青海各地致灾强度大小.结果表明:青海三江源地区和祁连山区的部分地区致灾因子危险性最高,柴达木盆地的西部和东部农业区以及环湖的部分地区致灾因子危险性较低.通过分析积雪指标和牲畜死亡率的相关关系,确定了不同雪灾等级临界气象指标,对青海地区进行了雪灾风险区划.区划结果为:轻灾主要发生在柴达木盆地、东部农业区的大部和环湖的部分地区,这些地区发生轻灾的频率大都在50%以上;中灾和重灾在青海发生频率均不高,都在20%以下;三江源的大部尤其是囊谦、玉树和称多一带是特大雪灾的高发区,发生频率均在50%以上.  相似文献   
The physical structures of snow and sea ice in the Arctic section of 150°-180°W were observed on the basis of snow-pit, ice-core, and drill-hole measurements from late July to late August 2010. Almost all the investigated floes were first-year ice, except for one located north of Alaska, which was probably multi-year ice transported from north of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago during early summer. The snow covers over all the investigated floes were in the melting phase, with temperatures approaching 0℃ and densities of 295-398 kg/m3 . The snow covers can be divided into two to five layers of different textures, with most cases having a top layer of fresh snow, a round-grain layer in the middle, and slush and/or thin icing layers at the bottom. The first-year sea ice contained about 7%-17% granular ice at the top. There was no granular ice in the lower layers. The interior melting and desalination of sea ice introduced strong stratifications of temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions. The sea ice temperature exhibited linear cooling with depth, while the salinity and the density increased linearly with normalized depth from 0.2 to 0.9 and from 0 to 0.65, respectively. The top layer, especially the freeboard layer, had the lowest salinity and density, and consequently the largest gas content and the smallest brine content. Both the salinity and density in the ice basal layer were highly scattered due to large differences in ice porosity among the samples. The bulk average sea ice temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions were-0.8℃, 1.8, 837 kg/m3 , 9.3% and 10.4%, respectively. The snow cover, sea ice bottom, and sea ice interior show evidences of melting during mid-August in the investigated floe located at about 87°N, 175°W.  相似文献   
冰雪旅游是推动冰雪经济与旅游产业高质量融合发展的重要途径,现已成为文旅产业中最具潜力的领域之一。然而在全球气候变化的影响下,冰雪旅游发展面临严峻挑战。文章以北京市为例,运用结构方程模型对冰雪旅游情境中城市居民的气候变化感知、感知价值、旅游意向和环境责任行为等变量间的影响关系及其形成机制进行分析。研究发现:(1)气候变化感知分为气候变化表征和气候变化风险两个维度,且两者显著正向影响冰雪旅游感知价值。同时,气候变化风险显著正向影响旅游者环境责任行为。(2)冰雪旅游感知价值显著正向影响冰雪旅游意向和环境责任行为。(3)冰雪旅游意向显著正向影响环境责任行为。(4)旅游经历在气候变化感知对冰雪旅游意向和环境责任行为的影响关系中具有显著的正向调节作用。本研究对厘清冰雪旅游情境下气候变化感知对游客环境责任行为的复杂影响机理具有重要的理论价值,同时也能够在一定程度上为相关部门把握“后冬奥”黄金机遇,推动冰雪旅游高质量发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   
积雪资源深刻影响着滑雪旅游的发展与布局,刻画中国积雪资源时空特征,识别旅游开发关键区,对中国冰雪旅游高质量发展具有重要意义。本文通过Mann-Kendall突变检验、热点分析、重要-感知实绩分析(IPA)等方法刻画中国1979—2020年积雪资源时空演变特征,构建资源稳定性-旅游开发适宜性指标体系,识别中国滑雪旅游开发关键区。结果表明:(1)中国积雪资源过去40年变化可划为3个阶段,1980—1995年(Ⅰ)积雪资源下降,1995—2010年(Ⅱ)增加,2010—2020年(Ⅲ)下降。在空间上,变化面积呈现Ⅰ-Ⅱ(33.2%)>Ⅱ-Ⅲ(31.1%)>Ⅰ-Ⅲ(29.3%)的特征;(2)中国积雪资源在月尺度上,1—3月(Ⅰ)积雪资源基本维持稳定,3—10月(Ⅱ)显著下降,10—12月(Ⅲ)恢复。在空间上,变化面积呈Ⅰ-Ⅲ(30.3%)>Ⅱ-Ⅲ(28.3%)>Ⅰ-Ⅱ(26.8%)的变化规律;(3)中国境内滑雪旅游开发极关键区面积占比为4.90%、关键区为11.69%、一般区为31.57%、不关键区为25.73%、极不关键区为26.11%,总体来看中国境内85%的区域不...  相似文献   
Chinese meteorological satellite FY-1D can obtain global data from four spectral channels which include visible channel(0.58-0.68 μm) and infrared channels(0.84-0.89 μm,10.3-11.3 μm,11.5-12.5 μm).2366 snow and ice samples,2024 cloud samples,1602 land samples and 1648 water samples were selected randomly from Arctic imageries.Land and water can be detected by spectral features.Snow-ice and cloud can be classified by textural features.The classifier is Bayes classifier.By synthesizing five d ays classifying result of Arctic snow and ice cover area,complete Arctic snow and ice cover area can be obtained.The result agrees with NOAA/NESDIS IMS products up to 70%.  相似文献   
根据2002年9月至2005年12月在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区采集的表层雪样品,揭示了该区表层雪中δ<'18>O值的季节变化特征,讨论了水汽输送对降水中δ<'18>O值变化的影响.研究表明,天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川表层雪中δ<'18>O值季节变化显著,变幅可达12.59‰左右,其变化趋势和气温的变化趋势基本一致,...  相似文献   
Glaciers and snow cover are important constituents of the surface of the Tibetan Plateau. The responses of these phenomena to global environmental changes are sensitive, rapid and intensive due to the high altitudes and arid cold climate of the Tibetan Plateau. Based on multisource remote sensing data, including Landsat images, MOD10A2 snow product, ICESat, Cryosat-2 altimetry data and long-term ground climate observations, we analysed the dynamic changes of glaciers, snow melting and lake in the Paiku Co basin using extraction methods for glaciers and lake, the degree-day model and the ice and lake volume method. The interaction among the climate, ice-snow and the hydrological elements in Paiku Co is revealed. From 2000 to 2018, the basin tended to be drier, and rainfall decreased at a rate of −3.07 mm/a. The seasonal temperature difference in the basin increased, the maximum temperature increased at a rate of 0.02°C/a and the minimum temperature decreased at a rate of −0.06°C/a, which accelerated the melting from glaciers and snow at rates of 0.55 × 107 m3/a and 0.29 × 107 m3/a, respectively. The rate of contribution to the lake from rainfall, snow and glacier melted water was 55.6, 27.7 and 16.7%, respectively. In the past 18 years, the warmer and drier climate has caused the lake to shrink. The water level of the lake continued to decline at a rate of −0.02 m/a, and the lake water volume decreased by 4.85 × 108 m3 at a rate of −0.27 × 108 m3/a from 2000 to 2018. This evaluation is important for understanding how the snow and ice melting in the central Himalayas affect the regional water cycle.  相似文献   
经勘察评价和国家级评审鉴定,天镇县城关T_(67)井属锂-锶-偏硅酸三项达标的复合型优质饮用天然矿泉水。矿泉水产于近东西向挽近断裂带上,马圈痒地热田边部,地势平坦,环境无污染,交通便利,水质独特,水量丰富,具有综合开发优势,适宜建厂开发。  相似文献   

This study examined the end-of-winter snow storage, its distribution and the spatial and temporal melt patterns of a large, low gradient wetland at Polar Bear Pass, Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canada. The project utilized a combination of field observations and a physically-based snowmelt model. Topography and wind were the major controls on snow distribution in the region, and snow was routinely scoured from the hilltop regions and deposited into hillslopes and valleys. Timing and duration of snowmelt at Polar Bear Pass were similar in 2008 and 2009. The snowmelt was initiated by an increase in air temperature and net radiation receipt. Inter-annual variability in spatial snowmelt patterns was evident at Polar Bear Pass and was attributed to a non-uniform snow cover distribution and local microclimate conditions. In situ field studies and modelling remain important in High Arctic regions for assessing wetland water budgets and runoff, in addition to model parameterization and validation of satellite imagery.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Assini, J. and Young, K.L., 2012. Snow cover and snowmelt of an extensive High Arctic wetland: spatial and temporal seasonal patterns. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 738–755.  相似文献   
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