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湿法冶锰废渣中锰的形态分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将湿法冶锰废渣经过烘干、研细等预处理,按其所使用的原材料进行形态研究,通过筛选和实验,确定了废渣中的锰可用形态分析方法。在弄清废渣中锰的各种形态及含量的基础上,将其成果进行转化,用于指导工业生产、环境评价和废渣处理,具有很好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
It has been found that stream waters were severely contaminated with wastes from a long-time smelting factory in Hezhang, Guizhou, China. The main sources of contamination are the smelting wastes stored in the open air and abandoned in the vicinity of stream. A method of lead isotope was adopted in order to identify relations between tailings and water contamination. Representative samples of tailings and stream sediments were collected. Mineralogical characterizations were conducted using XRD and TEM/SEM, while acid digestion was carried out for determining metal contents. BCR sequential leaching tests were performed in order to assess metal mobility. The tremendous ‘actual' and ‘potential' mobility of heavy metals indicates that the smelting waste and stream sediments present a considerable threat to the environment. Besides the chemical remobilization of heavy metals from the sediments and the reworking of riverbed sediments act as a secondary source of pollution. Also groundwater and stream water were sampled in specific locations and were measured.  相似文献   
马德广 《湖南地质》1993,12(1):62-64
皮江法炼镁工艺对白云岩原料的特定技术要求,提出了炼镁用白云岩矿床的勘探工业指标的矿床勘探原则,对我国今后进行这个矿种的勘探工作具有现实的技术户经济意义。  相似文献   
大井矿冶遗址冶炼产物的输出方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大井矿冶遗址是我国北方发现最早的一处古铜矿遗址。本文利用ICP方法,测试了该遗址的铜矿、炼渣和辽西地区出土的部分青铜器。结果显示,遗址的冶炼金属产品Ag、As、Sb、Bi、Co、Zn等元素含量偏高,Mo含量偏低。同时发现,这批辽西地区出土的青铜器样品微量元素特征明显不同于铜绿山和皖南的铜锭,而与大井铜矿很相似,其铜料来源很可能来自大井古铜矿或其周边铜矿。这一结论,对探讨大井古铜矿冶炼产品的使用范围和辽西地区的冶金历史有重要意义。  相似文献   
对冶炼砒霜产生砷渣堆放后没有扰动砷渣(场)、扰动并已修复的砷渣场及扰动正在修复砷渣场周边水环境进行分析,发现长期堆放后没有被扰动的砷渣(场)周边地表水体达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)Ⅲ类标准;扰动正在修复和已修复的砷渣(场)周边地表水环境恢复较快,地下水恢复较慢,恢复周期较长。  相似文献   
甘肃河西走廊早期冶炼活动及影响的炭屑化石记录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
炭屑化石的显微结构研究是根据木材的解剖特征(组成木材的细胞与组织的形态和排列方式)确定燃烧植物的类型,重建古植被和古环境,探讨人类活动对环境的影响。火石梁和缸缸洼青铜冶炼点位于河西走廊西北部、黑河流域下游巴丹吉林南缘沙地中,散布了大量的炭屑化石遗存。通过炭屑化石3个切面(横切面、径切面和弦切面)显微结构特征研究,比对现代切片标本和木材解剖图版,识别和确定炭屑化石的木材种属,确定 2100~1860BC期间的青铜冶炼所用木材为柽柳、杨属、柳属、蓼科4种乔灌木植物,火石梁和缸缸洼地区大量乔、灌群落生长要比目前荒漠生态环境优越的多。先民的青铜冶炼活动导致乔木和灌木植物被大量砍伐,植被盖度急剧降低,对生态环境产生重大影响,是1900BC左右杨属、柳属和蓼科乔灌木植物基本消失的主要原因。  相似文献   
金属镁是新世纪重要的绿色金属能源,而冶镁白云岩是生产金属镁不可缺少的原料,是山西省能源重化工基地的一种十分重要的矿产资源.盂县羊泉冶镁白云岩矿床位于吕梁、太行断块-五台山块隆东侧,白云岩矿体赋存于寒武系上统-奥陶系下统三山子组,总体上呈走向NW、倾向SW的单斜构造.含矿岩石主要为中-厚层细-粗晶白云岩,粉晶-细晶或中粗晶粒状结构,块状或薄层状构造.矿床的形成演化经历了沉积-白云岩化-重结晶三个阶段.矿体平均品位ω(MgO)为21.20%、ω(SiO2)为0.67%、ω(K2O+ Na2O)为0.076%,品位变化较均匀.该区共求得冶镁用白云岩矿资源量约3.45亿吨,属一大型矿山,具有较大的开发前景.  相似文献   
硫代硫酸钠沉淀法富集铜冶炼废酸中铼的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白银有色集团铜业公司冶炼废酸量每年约为1×105m3,其中铼含量为5~70 mg/L,为综合利用废酸中的铼,采用硫代硫酸钠作为特效沉淀剂,对该沉淀剂加入量、反应时间、反应温度以及废酸中铼含量对铼沉淀率的影响做了较系统的实验研究,得到较优化的沉淀条件。进一步的中试放大实验取得了良好的技术指标:富铼渣泥中含铼达1.66%,铼的回收率达到99.8%。在此基础上,对沉淀剂的氧化还原反应机理进行了探讨。本方法工艺简单,铼沉淀率高,环境友好,较适用于废酸中铼的高效提取。  相似文献   
This review summarizes over 160 studies focused on soil contamination near non-ferrous metal smelters. The methods of these investigations were examined with an emphasis on the combinations of traditional (geo)chemical approaches with various mineralogical and metal isotope techniques that are particularly helpful for depicting the fate of smelter-derived contamination in the soil. Differences in the distributions and binding of metal(loid)s in smelter-affected soils from temperate and (sub)tropical climatic zones indicate the greater vulnerability of the latter. Prevailing wind direction is a key factor affecting the dispersion of smelter emissions and their subsequent deposition into the soils, with greater importance found especially in arid areas. Whereas the greatest contamination is generally observed in the surface soil layers, downward migration of metal(loid)s in the soil profiles has been documented at numerous sites. Contamination of smelter soils significantly affects both plants and soil organisms, but suitable remediation techniques (such as chemical stabilization of soils by amendments) can be used for reducing the bioavailability of contaminants.  相似文献   
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