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Utilizing historical accounts, field mapping, and photogeology, this paper presents a chronology of, and an analysis of magma transport during, the December 1919 to August 1920 satellitic shield eruption of Mauna Iki on the SW rift zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. The eruption can be divided into four stages based on the nature of the eruptive activity. Stage 1 consisted of the shallow injection of a dike from the summit region to the eventual eruption site 10 km downrift. During stage 2, a low ridge of pahoehoe formed in the vent area; later a large a'a flow broke out of this ridge and flowed 8.5 km SW at an average flow front velocity of 0.5 km/day. The eruption continued until mid-August producing almost exclusively pahoehoe, first as gas-rich overflows from a lava pond (stage 3), and later as denser tube-fed lava (stage 4) that reached almost 8 km from the vent at an average flow-front velocity of 0.1 km/day. Magma transport during the Mauna Iki eruption is examined using three criteria: (1) eruption characteristics and volumetric flow rates; (2) changes in the surface height of the Halemaumau lava lake; and (3) tilt measurements made at the summit of Kilauea. We find good correlation between Halemaumau lake activity and the eruptive stages. Additionally, the E-W component of summit tilt tended to mimic the lake activity. The N-S component, however, did not. Multiple storage zones in the shallow summit region probably accounted for the decoupling of E-W and N-S tilt components. Analysis of these criteria shows that at different times during the eruption, magma was either emplaced into the volcano without eruption, hydraulically drained from Halemaumau to Mauna Iki, or fed at steady-state conditions from summit storage to Mauna Iki. Volume calculations indicate that the supply rate to Kilauea during the eruption was around 3 m3/s, similar to that calculated during the Mauna Ulu and Kupaianaha shield-building eruptions, and consistent with previously determined values of long-term supply to Kilauea.  相似文献   
Understanding the role of forest fires on water budgets of subarctic Precambrian Shield catchments is important because of growing evidence that fire activity is increasing. Most research has focused on assessing impacts on individual landscape units, so it is unclear how changes manifest at the catchment scale enough to alter water budgets. The objective of this study was to determine the water budget impact of a forest fire that partially burned a ~450 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield basin. Water budget components were measured in a pair of catchments: one burnt and another unburnt. Burnt and unburnt areas had comparable net radiation, but thaw was deeper in burned areas. There were deeper snow packs in burns. Differences in streamflow between the catchments were within measurement uncertainty. Enhanced winter streamflow from the burned watershed was evident by icing growth at the streamflow gauge location, which was not observed in the unburned catchment. Wintertime water chemistry was also clearly elevated in dissolved organics, and organic-associated nutrients. Application of a framework to assess hydrological resilience of watersheds to wildfire reveal that watersheds with both high bedrock and open water fractions are more resilient to hydrological change after fire in the subarctic shield, and resilience decreases with increasingly climatically wet conditions. This suggests significant changes in runoff magnitude, timing and water chemistry of many Shield catchments following wildfire depend on pre-fire land cover distribution, the extent of the wildfire and climatic conditions that follow the fire.  相似文献   
China is arguably one of the countries where the most tunneling and underground projects are being performed. Recently in China, it has often been necessary to construct tunnels under many types of conditions and to develop new techniques. Currently, some advanced construction techniques cannot be appropriately applied to different types of underground conditions, and many traditional methods are still often used. However, because of the progress in tunnel boring machines (TBM), innovations are required for the construction method. This article introduces the current situation of TBM both in western countries and in China, and examines the future of TBM in China.  相似文献   
两种坐标系转换计算方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出于对目前常用的两种坐标系转换模型的学习和理解,对原本适合于小角度坐标转换的布尔莎模型进行了拓展,使其适合于任意角度坐标转换。将改进后的7参数布尔莎模型与13参数的大角度模型,结合盾构三棱镜法解算盾首盾尾坐标的工程实例,通过大旋转角和小旋转角两组数据以及编程实现两者的对比,并得出了结论。  相似文献   
代国忠  殷琨 《冰川冻土》2011,33(4):922-926
为研制出一种低渗透系数并对污染物有一定吸附阻滞作用的浆材,用于城市生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液防渗工程,通过正交试验优选出了以膨润土为主的浆材配方:膨润土20%~30%,水泥15%~25%,粉煤灰20%~25%,纯碱1.0%~1.4%,稀释剂FCLS加量0.35%~0.75%,余之为水.该浆材结石率〉99.6%,固结体28d渗...  相似文献   
林杰明 《探矿工程》2011,38(9):21-23
福建煤田钻探中常遇坍塌、涌水、漏水、溶洞、老洞、缩径等问题,严重影响钻探质量、效率和成本。通过长期的钻探实践摸索、研究、攻关,初步形成了一套福建煤田钻探的技术工艺方法。结合一些实例,总结了福建煤田钻探中常遇问题及处理方法。  相似文献   
海底滑坡是海洋油气工程最危险的地质灾害之一,直接影响海底管线运营安全。滑坡体失稳滑动过程中,由于海水掺和作用逐渐加速转变成快速滑动泥流,冲击海底悬跨管道。基于当前国际通用的计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,采用赫巴模型描述快速滑动泥流,计算分析海底滑坡冲击悬跨管道的受力特性,重点分析悬跨高度对管道法向拖曳力系数的影响。研究发现,管道法向拖曳力系数随悬跨高度的增长而增大,当达到某一悬跨高度时,管道拖曳力系数保持稳定。  相似文献   
扩挖盾构隧道建成两连拱地铁车站模型试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李围  何川  张海波 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3261-3265
采用模型试验进行了扩挖盾构隧道建成两连拱隧道地铁车站的施工方案研究,重点研究扩挖施工的可行性和地层位移规律。同时,采用有限差分法进行了扩挖施工全过程二维数值模拟对比分析。结果表明,采用中导洞法扩挖建成两连拱隧道地铁车站的施工方案是可行的,但需进行拱脚和拱顶加固。施工完成后地层竖向位移场呈U型分布,随着加固地层力学参数的提高,地层位移减小,拱脚加固能够有效地减小地层位移。地表沉降曲线为近似正态分布,其宽度为3倍的车站结构总宽度。  相似文献   
泥水盾构泥膜形成二维理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘成  孙钧  赵志峰  赵联桢 《岩土力学》2013,34(6):1593-1597
在各种复杂环境下采用泥水盾构法修建隧道工程,需要解决在开挖面上如何及时形成安全有效的泥膜支护问题。采用修正的剑桥模型中正常固结黏土各向等压固结曲线规律,建立泥膜固含率与有效应力之间的关系,结合圆球形颗粒孔隙理想模型的渗透率以及泥膜固含率、渗透率和比阻三者之间的关系,确立新的泥膜形成本构关系模型。将泥膜形成一维模型拓展为二维模型,基于增量分析方法分析泥膜的增长规律,给出泥膜滤失量和厚度分别与位置、时间、重度比和盾构直径等因素的关系。结果表明,修正的剑桥模型能够较好地表征泥膜压缩固结特性;对于高压泥浆,泥浆重度对泥膜增长的影响较小,但对超大直径的盾构其影响不可忽略。  相似文献   
丁红波  王自强 《探矿工程》2019,46(12):68-72
在桥梁超深大直径钻孔灌注桩施工中,国内通常采用大扭矩全液压回转钻机配备滚刀钻头钻进成孔,气举反循环排渣清孔。但对于深厚卵石地层,回转钻机钻进时需要破碎卵石,存在着钻进效率低、施工成本高、钻杆易堵塞、卵石层漏浆易坍塌等不足。本文针对深厚卵石层回转钻机施工中存在的不足,选用旋挖钻机钻孔,利用膨润土泥浆护壁,针对卵石层漏浆采取了可靠堵漏措施,通过气举反循环两次清孔,确保了孔底沉渣厚度,施工效率大幅提高,施工工期大为缩短,节约了施工成本,确保了桩基质量。  相似文献   
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