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利用1981—2020年5—9月天山南坡16个气象站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR GDAS再分析资料,分析天山南坡暖季暴雨过程的环流形势,并采用HYSPLIT模式,模拟追踪水汽源地及输送特征。结果表明:天山南坡暖季暴雨主要发生在南亚高压双体型、500 hPa以上西南急流(气流)、700 hPa切变辐合以及天山地形辐合抬升的重叠区域。水汽主要源自中亚、大西洋及其沿岸、地中海和黑海及其附近,经TKAP(塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、阿富汗东北部、巴基斯坦北部和印度西北部)、南疆、北疆关键区,分别从偏西、偏南、偏北通道输入暴雨区,700 hPa以上偏西通道、以下偏北通道占主导地位,且贡献最大的是南疆关键区。源自中亚的水汽主要输送至暴雨区700 hPa及以下,对暴雨的贡献较大,且沿途损失较大;源自大西洋及其沿岸、地中海和黑海及其附近的水汽主要输送至暴雨区700 hPa以上,对暴雨的贡献较小。另外,中低层还存在源自北疆、南疆、北美洲东部、蒙古的水汽。基于上述特征,建立了天山南坡暖季暴雨过程水汽三维精细化结构模型。  相似文献   
数字工程是信息化、数字化的虚拟工程。笔者从数字工程提出的背景和研究意义入手,构建了数字工程基础理论框架。首先介绍了数字工程的研究方法,内容包括研究思路、基本概念、研究对象、数字工程的特征、研究任务和数字工程方法论等。然后,阐述数字工程基础理论,内容有:数字工程的连续动态系统和离散动态系统,数字工程的随机性、自组织、简单巨系统和数字工程的复杂巨系统。  相似文献   
新疆哈密卡拉塔格铜(锌)矿红石幅(K46E009008)1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库是根据《固体矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》(DD2019-02)和行业其他标准及要求,在充分利用1∶200 000、1∶50 000等区域地质调查工作成果资料的基础上,采用数字填图系统进行野外地质专项填图,并应用室内与室外填编图相结合的方法完成。本数据库将中-上奥陶统荒草坡群大柳沟组、下志留统红柳峡组和卡拉塔格组的建造类型进行了重新划分,把图幅内侵入岩时代划分为志留纪、泥盆纪、二叠纪等3期,建立了岩浆岩演化序列。图幅区内有大中小型矿床和矿点共8个,成矿时代集中分布在志留纪、石炭纪,赋矿围岩为火山碎屑岩和次火山岩,该区优势矿产以铜锌金为主,矿床类型以VMS型和次火山热液脉型矿床为主,分布在图幅东南一带。除金属矿产外,尚有膨润土矿床产出,具有较好的找矿潜力。本数据库包含5个地层单位和3期岩浆岩资料,数据量约为 15.1 MB。这些数据充分反映了该图幅 1∶50 000 矿产地质调查示范性成果,对该区矿产资源研究和勘查等具有参考意义。  相似文献   
Analysis of civil structures at the scale of life‐cycle requires stochastic modeling of degradation. Phenomena causing structures to degrade are typically categorized as aging and point‐in‐time overloads. Earthquake effects are the members of the latter category this study deals with in the framework of performance‐based earthquake engineering (PBEE). The focus is structural seismic reliability, which requires modeling of the stochastic process describing damage progression, because of subsequent events, over time. The presented study explicitly addresses this issue via a Markov‐chain‐based approach, which is able to account for the change in seismic response of damaged structures (i.e. state‐dependent seismic fragility) as well as uncertainty in occurrence and intensity of earthquakes (i.e. seismic hazard). The state‐dependent vulnerability issue arises when the seismic hysteretic response is evolutionary and/or when the damage measure employed is such that the degradation increment probabilistically depends on the conditions of the structure at the time of the shock. The framework set up takes advantage also of the hypotheses of classical probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, allowing to separate the modeling of the process of occurrence of seismic shocks and the effect they produce on the structure. It is also discussed how the reliability assessment, which is in closed‐form, may be virtually extended to describe a generic age‐ and state‐dependent degradation process (e.g. including aging and/or when aftershock risk is of interest). Illustrative applications show the options to calibrate the model and its potential in the context of PBEE. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在深水码头、防浪堤等大型港口工程建设中常常会遇到构筑物下覆地基由非均质的层状土构成的情况。对于这类非均质层状地基,我国港口工程地基规范推荐采用Hansen 61公式、Hansen 69公式和Sokolovskii数值解法3种方法计算地基的极限承载能力。然而,工程实践中由这3种方法计算得出的地基极限承载力数值往往有较大的差别。考虑到规范的继承性,基于牛顿迭代法,针对3个理论计算公式编制了计算程序,根据长江口深水治理二期工程地质实测资料,运用该计算程序对该地区地基的极限承载能力进行了计算比较。计算结果表明,对于非均质层状地基,在相同地质条件、相同荷载条件下Sokolovskii数值解法得到的承载力数值最大,Hansen 69公式得到的承载力数值最小。  相似文献   
杨朝发  刘发祥 《探矿工程》2012,39(8):72-74,78
岩质边坡的勘察相对较为简单,不像土质边坡那样当岩土结构复杂时使得勘察较为困难,但当岩质边坡为顺向坡、且有软弱夹层时,其软弱结构面抗剪强度指标的确定一直是勘察人员难以把握的问题。结合工程实例,通过结构面大型现场直剪试验、规范查表法及反算法等综合评价法,确定了岩质边坡软弱结构面的抗剪强度指标,并对各方法进行了详细的介绍和分析,以供类似工程作对比参考。  相似文献   
基于粗细网格的有限元并行分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付朝江  张武 《岩土力学》2006,27(5):807-810
并行计算己成为求解大规模岩土工程问题的一种强大趋势。探讨了粗细网格与预处理共轭梯度法结合的并行有限元算法。从多重网格刚度矩阵推得有效的预处理子。该算法在工作站机群上实现。用地基处理时土体强夯的数值模拟分析进行了数值测试,对其并行性能进行了详细分析。计算结果表明:该算法具有良好的并行加速比和效率,是一种有效的并行算法。  相似文献   
机械钻速、钻头进尺和每米钻探成本通常称之为是钻探工程的主要技术经济指标。这些技术经济指标均与选用的钻头、所用钻进规程参数和操作技术紧密相关。选用的钻头应与所钻地层的硬度、研磨性(可钻性)相适应。操作技术主要取决于司钻人员的技术、经验和水平。而钻进规程参数的选取和确定及其合理配合则是非常重要的一个因素,不可忽视。提出了临界钻进规程的概念。临界规程是一条红线,不可逾越,否则就会发生事故。正常钻进规程时,钻压和钻头转速应该合理配合,冲洗液量宜保证岩粉处于正常规程状态,以得到理想的钻探工程技术经济指标。建议根据功率表读数变化来调整钻压和钻头转速的合理配合,利用流量计监控孔底的冲洗液数量,严格控制临界规程的形成,把经验打钻和科学打钻结合起来。  相似文献   
黑土区土壤侵蚀的REE示踪法研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
应用定位小区段面法实验和稀土元素示踪剂检测,选择吉林省长春市净月开发区和永吉县的两块黑土实验小区进行土壤侵蚀过程研究,探讨了稳定性稀土元素示踪法应用于黑土区土壤侵蚀、沉积、分布和发生过程研究的可能性,并计算出坡面不同部位的侵蚀量与相对侵蚀量,较好地描述降雨对坡面的侵蚀过程。实验表明,坡面的土壤侵蚀率随降雨时间而加大;7°~12°坡面的最大土壤侵蚀量出现在坡面中部和下部(为Nd、Sm和Eu所标记的坡段)。降雨时间和地形坡度大小影响土壤颗粒运动的速度和方向,是土壤侵蚀发生的主要因素。  相似文献   
The observation on the outcrop in the field is one of the most direct and efficient methods to obtain the underground formation information, which provides the most direct first-hand geological data for geological science research. However, the traditional outcrop investigation, especially for the outcrop with a large slope and unreachable area, mainly relies on the inspection, measurement of the slope bottom, and photos to record outcrop information, making it difficult to accurately characterize the whole geological body. Consumer unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) with the advantages of good mobility, strong adaptability and low cost, can obtain outcrop images from a short distance, multiple perspectives and varying heights. In this paper, the image acquisition method and model construction accuracy without control points available for the geological outcrop with a large slope are discussed. Consumer UAVs is used to capture images through vertical route and then the geological model is set up. The results show that oblique photogrammetry technology combined with consumer UAVs can effectively build a large slope geological outcrop model with millimeter resolution. The model has the characteristics of high resolution, uniform resolution and high measurement accuracy up to millimeter, which can effectively reduce the difficulty of field investigation and the personnel safety risk, thus it accurately reproduces the outcrop situation with large slope in the field, providing a real and reliable data basis for the section interpretation, analysis and measurement of large slope outcrop.  相似文献   
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