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青海赛什塘铜矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对青海赛什塘铜矿床内与成矿有关的矽卡岩中石榴子石、透辉石及硫化物石英脉中流体包裹体的岩相学、显微测温学和显微激光拉曼光谱分析等的研究结果表明,流体包裹体有富液相、富气相和含子矿物多相包裹体3种类型;早期矽卡岩阶段均一温度436~562℃,盐度为34 wt %~45wt%NaCl eqv.,代表了高温、高盐度岩浆流体;退变质阶段均一温度322~419℃,盐度为15wt %~39 wt%NaCl eqv.;硫化物阶段均一温度235~366℃,盐度5wt%~36wt%NaCl eqv..激光拉曼光谱分析结果表明,包裹体中气相成分以CH4、H2S、CO2和H2O为主.成矿流体属于中高温、高盐度的NaCl-H2O-CO2-CH4体系,在290~360℃之间发生了强烈的流体沸腾作用,导致大量的金属硫化物沉淀,成矿流体的沸腾作用是导致铜矿床形成的重要因素.  相似文献   
The Yangla deposit is an intrusion‐related Cu deposit in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt (eastern Sanjiang region, SW China). Despite extensive studies that have been conducted on this deposit, the relationship between the granitic magma and Cu mineralization is still unclear, and hence, the genesis is debated. To answer this question, we conducted an integrated study of mineralogy, fluid inclusions (FIs), and hydrogen and oxygen (H‐O) isotopes. Three mineralization stages were identified based on the ore textures, alteration zonation, and crosscutting relationships: (i) pre‐ore prograde skarn (stage I), with the garnet and pyroxene dominated by andradite and diopside, respectively; (ii) syn‐ore retrograde alteration (stage II), which is subdivided into the early syn‐ore stage (stage IIa) marked by retrograde hydrated mineral assemblages and significant Fe‐Cu‐Mo‐Pb‐Zn sulfide mineralization, and the late syn‐ore stage (stage IIb) featured by quartz‐calcite veins; and (iii) late supergene mineralization (stage III), which is characterized by secondary azurite and malachite. These results of mineralogy, FIs, and H‐O isotopes indicate that: (i) Cu mineralization has a close temporal, spatial, and genetic relationship with skarn alteration; (ii) the ore fluids were magmatic dominated with late‐stage meteoric water incursion; and (iii) Type‐S (halite‐bearing) and Type‐V (vapor‐rich) FIs coexisted in garnet and clinopyroxene of stage I, indicating that fluid boiling might have occurred during this stage. From stage I to stage IIa, the FI type transformed from Type‐S + Type‐V + Type‐L (liquid‐rich) to Type‐V + Type‐L with the conduct of mineralization and was accompanied by the disappearance of Type‐S, and homogenization temperature and salinity also tended to decrease dramatically, which may be caused by the deposition of skarn minerals. At stage IIa, boiling of the ore fluids still continued due to the change from lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure, which triggered the precipitation of abundant quartz‐Cu‐Mo‐Fe sulfides. Furthermore, fluid mixing between a high‐temperature magmatic fluid and a low‐temperature meteoric water might cause a considerable drop in temperature and the deposition of Cu‐bearing quartz/calcite veins during stage IIb. Hence, we consider the Yangla deposit to be of a skarn type, genetically related to the Mesozoic magmatism in the Sanjiang region.  相似文献   
为进一步查明黄岗锡铁矿矿床成因、夕卡岩矿物成分与金属矿化类型之间的联系,利用电子探针对研究区主要夕卡岩矿物的化学成分进行了详细的分析。测试结果表明,成矿早期石榴石的端员组分以钙铁榴石为主,主成矿期石榴石的端员组分以钙铝榴石为主;辉石端员组分变化较大,主要为透辉石和钙铁辉石。石榴石和辉石的矿物组分分别为Adr28.69~96.44Grs2.00~67.38(Prp+Sps)0.67~5.69和Di11.8~94.12Hd4.08~81.28Jo1.79~20.02,其较大的成分变化特征反映出夕卡岩不是在一个完全封闭的平衡条件下形成的。角闪石大多为镁铁钙角闪石,个别属于铁角闪石,成分变化较大的原因可能是由于氧化还原条件改变导致不同程度的AlⅥSi←→(Na,K)的置换作用,属于一种固相线下的转变。角闪石中四次配位的Si、Al及六次配位的Al、Ti和A位置的阳离子数变化范围很大,可能是由于接触交代作用过程中岩浆的成分差异或结晶时的物理化学条件改变所引起的。富锰的辉石夕卡岩是岩浆流体顺层间破碎带渗滤交代形成的,富锰辉石可作为本区寻找Sn、Cu、Zn等多金属的找矿标志,外接触带夕卡岩和其附近的大理岩中是多金属成矿的有利部位。  相似文献   
The Tonglushan Cu–Fe deposit (1.12 Mt at 1.61% Cu, 5.68 Mt at 41% Fe) is located in the westernmost district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. As a typical polymetal skarn metallogenic region, it consists of 13 skarn orebodies, mainly hosted in the contact zone between the Tonglushan quartz-diorite pluton (140 Ma) and Lower Triassic marine carbonate rocks of the Daye Formation. Four stages of mineralization and alterations can be identified: i.e. prograde skarn formation, retrograde hydrothermal alteration, quartz-sulphide followed by carbonate vein formation. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) indicates garnets vary from grossular (Ad20.2–41.6Gr49.7–74.1) to pure andradite (Ad47.4–70.7Gr23.9–45.9) in composition, and pyroxenes are represented by diopsides. Fluid inclusions identify three major types of fluids involved during formation of the deposit within the H2O–NaCl system, i.e. liquid-rich inclusions (Type I), halite-bearing inclusions (Type II), and vapour-rich inclusions (Type III). Measurements of fluid inclusions reveal that the prograde skarn minerals formed at high temperatures (>550°C) in equilibrium with high-saline fluids (>66.57 wt.% NaCl equivalent). Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes of fluid inclusions from garnets and pyroxenes indicate that ore-formation fluids are mainly of magmatic-hydrothermal origin (δ18O = 6.68‰ to 9.67‰, δD = –67‰ to –92‰), whereas some meteoric water was incorporated into fluids of the retrograde alteration stage judging from compositions of epidote (δ18O = 2.26‰ to 3.74‰, δD= –31‰ to –73‰). Continuing depressurization and cooling to 405–567°C may have resulted in both a decrease in salinity (to 48.43–55.36 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and the deposition of abundant magnetite. During the quartz-sulphide stage, boiling produced sulphide assemblage precipitated from primary magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (δ18O = 4.98‰, δD = –66‰, δ34S values of sulphides: 0.71–3.8‰) with an extensive range of salinities (4.96–50.75 wt.% NaCl equivalent), temperatures (240–350°C), and pressures (11.6–22.2 MPa). Carbonate veins formed at relatively low temperatures (174–284°C) from fluids of low salinity (1.57–4.03 wt.% NaCl equivalent), possibly reflecting the mixing of early magmatic fluids with abundant meteoric water. Boiling and fluid mixing played important roles for Cu precipitation in the Tonglushan deposit.  相似文献   
红山铜矿床位于三江地区义敦岛弧南端的中甸弧,是在晚三叠世甘孜-理塘洋盆向西俯冲过程中形成的一个中型规模的矽卡岩矿床.通常,矽卡岩体就是铜矿体或铜矿化体,主要呈似层状、层状、脉状及透镜体状产于大理岩与角岩接触带或局部在角岩中,未见其与侵入岩直接接触.通过对不同成矿阶段所形成的石榴石、磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方解石等典型矿物以及大理岩的稳定同位素特征研究,发现矽卡岩的最主要组成矿物石榴石的δ18OSHOW范围为6.2~8.3‰,反映了矽卡岩可能直接继承隐伏斑岩体的氧同位素组成.根据磁铁矿的氧同位素组成(5.5~7.1‰)所计算的磁铁矿化阶段成矿流体的δ18OSHOW为13.1~14.7‰(400℃)或12.5~14.1‰(500℃),暗示有富集δ18O的CO2溶入到成矿流体中.硫化物的δ18SCDT范围4.45~6.20‰,说明矿床具有高度均一的硫源,并且在硫化物的结晶沉淀过程中,流体中硫同位素分馏很弱.由此推测主成矿期成矿流体的δ18S∑S为5.6±0.6‰.矿床中的大理岩的δ13CPDB为2.0~2.2‰,δ18OSMOW为24.0~24.8‰,说明大理岩是由海相碳酸盐岩经重结晶作用而成.成矿晚期阶段形成的方解石脉的δ13C范围是-2.4~1.7‰,δ18OSMOW范围是16.3~22.4%o,表明其C和O主要来源于大理岩.总之,我们推测红山矽卡岩很可能主要是由中酸性岩浆浅成侵位时局部同化碳酸盐围岩所形成的一种富含钙质成分的次生岩浆就位于碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩之间的构造薄弱带冷凝固结而成,矽卡岩型矿化与深部斑岩型矿化具有共同的成矿物质和成矿流体来源.  相似文献   
巴布亚新几内亚西部Fubilan山奥克泰迪矿床是一个世界级铜金矿床,在大地构造上位于新几内亚造山带的巴布亚褶皱带。该矿床的铜金矿化赋存于Fubilan二长斑岩及其周边的磁铁矿夕卡岩和硫化物夕卡岩中。矿石类型以原生硫化物矿石为主,金属矿物包括磁铁矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、白铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括夕卡岩化、钾化、泥化和青盘岩化。矿床氧化次生富集带发育,表生矿石矿物为蓝辉铜矿、辉铜矿、自然铜、铜蓝和银金矿。成矿作用主要受区域构造、侵入杂岩体、Darai组灰岩地层、断裂等因素的控制。根据矿床的主岩、矿石特征、蚀变特征和控矿因素,认为该矿床成因类型属于较为典型的夕卡岩一斑岩型矿床。  相似文献   
A series of element concentrations sampled from four drill cores with a length about 1000 m into different skarn-type deposits were selected from the Shizishan orefield, central Tongling, southeastern part of Anhui Province. Using the multifractal method, the distribution and migration characteristics of the major and trace elements are analyzed. The multifractal spectrum of the major elements is left-skewed, whereas the spectrum of the trace elements is right-skewed, which shows that in the process of skarn formation, the trace elements were enriched only locally, and major elements transported within a much larger range. The correlation coefficients of the multifractal parameters Aa (width of the multifractal spectrum) of the four drill cores are relatively low, but the correlation coefficients of the multifractal parameters R (spectrum symmetry parameter) and Af are relatively higher, indicating that although the non-homogeneous intensity of the distribution of elements is inconsistent, their spatial accumulation patterns are almost the same during the ore-forming process. The statistics of the mnltifractal parameters of various elements in the different locations show that the ore-forming processes and element migration pattern in the Shizishan orefield are consistent, and that the migrations of trace elements and major elements exhibit some differences.  相似文献   
三矿沟矿床位于黑龙江省嫩江县多宝山矿集区西北部,为小型矽卡岩型铁铜矿床。在野外地质调查与ICP_MS测试的基础上,通过显微观察、扫描电镜与电镜能谱分析,对三矿沟矿床的矿石特征进行了研究。在矿石中新识别出钨铁矿、白钨矿、锡石、自然铋、碲铋矿、辉铋矿、硫铜铋矿、硫铋铜矿、碲银矿、银金矿、金银矿、自然金,钴黄铁矿、辉砷钴矿、含锌硫砷铜矿等金属矿物。矿石有用金属元素为Cu、Fe、Zn、W、Co、In、Bi,建议对这些元素展开进一步的研究,并在开采时进行综合评价。详细的矿石镜下研究结果显示,矿床形成过程分为内生成矿期与表生期,其中内生成矿期分为干矽卡岩阶段、湿矽卡岩阶段、氧化物阶段(主要的铁矿化阶段)和低热液-硫化物阶段这4个阶段(主要的铜矿化阶段),表生期只包含表生阶段。其中铁矿化形成于高温阶段,铜矿化系中温热液交代形成。  相似文献   
东昆仑野马泉地区矽卡岩矿床地质特征及控矿条件   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
野马泉地区蕴藏有丰富的矽卡岩型铁、铜、铅、锌、银矿床等,是东昆仑地区重要的多金属矿产地之一。对野马泉多金属矿床的产状、矿物共生组合、矿石结构构造、围岩蚀变类型等进行了研究,查明矿床主要产于花岗岩与围岩的接触面及其附近的断裂带中,其形成与区域晚古生代-早中生代构造岩浆旋回末期的岩浆活动关系密切,属岩浆矽卡岩型矿床。  相似文献   
徐强  薛卫冲 《江苏地质》2013,37(4):647-652
福建省政和县铁山铅锌矿床位于闽东中一新生代火山活动带。大地构造上处于建瓯一遂昌上古台拱与浙闽粤沿海断陷交接处。矿体产于晚震旦世一早古生代稻香组与铁山混染正长岩及燕山晚期枫林黑云母花岗岩接触带以及接触带围岩一侧的顺层裂隙之中。矿体与接触带产状基本一致,主要受地层产状及接触带控制。矿体呈似层状、透镜状,部分呈脉状。矿石品位较高,以铅锌矿石为主,次为黄铜铅锌矿石和铅锌磁铁矿石。矿床物质来源于地层、岩体特别是沉积岩中的火山质夹层。矿床成因类型为层控矽卡岩型。  相似文献   
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