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桂林市电子沙盘设计及其功能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
桂林市电子沙盘的开发采用了3S技术、多媒体技术和数字化技术, 它以数字化的地形图为基础数据源, 建立数字高程模型; 以卫星遥感数字图像为三维景观的表层粘模。电子沙盘具有二维平面-三维立体图对照显示,任意调整观察的位置、高度、方位、视角等功能, 并可以按预设的路线在空中模拟飞行观察, 给人亲临其境的感觉。同时, 它具有绘制剖面、求算任意区域地表面积和土石方量(水库库容)等功能, 突破传统沙盘的概念。  相似文献   
酰化高丝氨酸内酯化合物(acyl-homoserine lactone,AHL)是革兰氏阴性细菌(G-)群体感应的信号分子。本文建立1种从环境微生物中高效地筛选AHL降解菌株的方法。首先利用AHL作为唯一能源对环境微生物进行初筛,再利用顶层琼脂法和报告菌株Chromobacterium violaceumATCC 12472、Agrobacterium tumefaciensA136等进行复筛,共筛选得到21株具有AHL降解活性的菌株。对其中活性最高的菌株A11进行初步的菌种鉴定,通过形态观察、16S ribosomal RNA(16S rDNA)基因分析最终确定为假单胞菌属细菌Pseudomonassp.A11。  相似文献   
研究利用高光谱成像数据,用数字的方法定量模拟了SPOT-HRV、CBERS-CCD、Landsat5-TM和NOAA14-AVHRR类似波段的空中表面反射率及地面光谱反射率图像,并利用这些图像对上述传感器相应波段的光谱响应、大气影响特性用基于反射率和基于归一化植被指数(NDVI)的方法进行了定量的比较分析。研究表明,由于传感器类似波段的光谱响应不同,因而由其计算的反射率和NDVI之间均存在明显差异,这种差异是大气改正所无法完全消除的。多传感器定量分析时需要进行相应的辐射改正。  相似文献   
根据水量平衡原理,采用人工模拟降雨入渗实验装置,对上海新老菜区土壤进行不同墒情状态下的多种雨强人工模拟降雨入渗试验,获取了上海菜区代表性土壤的暴雨入渗过程动态实验数据和入渗基本参数,并分析了土壤水分变化规律,可作为上海菜区开展暴雨雨涝灾情评估的依据,对类似土壤条件的长江流域平原地区菜田,也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
东濮凹陷砂岩储层埋藏深、厚度薄、横向变化快,常规地震资料已不能满足储层精细描述的要求。针对该区薄砂岩储层特征,利用谱反演和分频解释技术将时间域的地震信号变换到频率域,获得较原始地震数据更加丰富的数据信息,在此基础上进行模拟退火波阻抗反演和广义多属性拟合综合预测。预测结果表明:谱反演和分频解释技术有效提高了薄储层的分辨率;模拟退火反演精确预测出薄砂岩储层的厚度;而广义多属性拟合技术精确刻画出薄砂岩储层的平面展布范围。多种方法综合最终有效预测出薄砂岩储层的空间分布规律,经钻井证实可靠。  相似文献   
A scheme of excitation, quenching, and energy transfer processes in the oxygen nightglow on the Earth, Venus, and Mars has been developed based on the observed nightglow intensities and vertical profiles, measured reaction rate coefficients, and photochemical models of the nighttime atmospheres of the Venus and Mars. The scheme involves improved radiative lifetimes of some band systems, calculated yields of the seven electronic states of O2 in termolecular association, and rate coefficients of seven processes of electronic quenching of the Herzberg states of O2, which are evaluated by fitting to the nightglow observations. Electronic quenching of the vibrationally excited Herzberg states by O2 and N2 in the Earth's nightglow is a quarter of total collisional removal of the O2(A, A′) states and a dominant branch for the O2(c) state. The scheme supports the conclusion by Steadman and Thrush (1994) that the green line is excited by energy transfer from the O2(A3Σu+, v≥6) molecules, and the inferred rate coefficient of this transfer is 1.5×10−11 cm3 s−1. The O2 bands at 762 nm and 1.27 μm are excited directly, by quenching of the Herzberg states, and by energy transfer from the O2(5Πg) state. Quenching of the O2 band at 762 nm excites the band at 1.27 μm as well. Effective yield of the O2(a1Δg) state in termolecular association on Venus and Mars is ∼0.7. Quantitative assessments of all these processes have been made. A possible reaction of O2(c1Σu)+CO is a very minor branch of recombination of CO2 on Venus and Mars. Night airglow on Mars is calculated for typical conditions of the nighttime atmosphere. The calculated vertical intensity of the O2 band at 1.27 μm is 13 kR, far below the recently reported detections.  相似文献   

In this article the author explains how military geography information is being exploited by modern Armed Forces. In doing so he highlights some of the underlying principles of surveying and cartographic that define paper mapping, and that are still applicable in the digital era.

This article reflects the personal views of Lieutenant Colonel Prain who is currently serving in the Headquarters of the Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency.  相似文献   

A real-life problem involving pumping of groundwater from a series of existing wells along a river flood plain underlain with geologically saline water is examined within a conceptual framework. Unplanned pumping results in upconing of saline water. Therefore, it is necessary to determine optimal locations of fixed capacity pumping wells in space and time from a set of pre-selected candidate wells that minimize total salinity concentration in space and time. The nonlinear, non-convex, combinatorial problem involving zero—one decision variables is solved in a simulation—optimization (S/O) framework. Optimization is accomplished by using simulated annealing (SA)—a search algorithm. The computational burden is primarily managed by replacing the numerical model with a surrogate simulator—artificial neural network (ANN). The computational burden is further reduced through intuitive algorithmic guidance. The model results suggest that the skimming wells must be operated from optimal locations such that they are staggered in space and time to obtain least saline water.  相似文献   
盆地地下水年龄空间分布规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地下水年龄蕴含了地下水循环与演化过程的信息,是研究盆地地下水循环规律的重要信息来源。利用实测示踪剂年龄校正地下水模型,是当前国际水文地质学研究的前沿与热点。在数值模拟计算中,地下水年龄有三种确定方法,分别是利用"活塞流"模型计算对流年龄、根据同位素浓度结合半衰期计算浓度模拟年龄和利用地下水年龄控制方程计算直接模拟年龄。利用地下水年龄控制方程计算的直接模拟年龄适合于从理论上分析盆地中的地下水年龄空间分布规律。研究发现,在各级次流动系统内,从补给区到排泄区,地下水年龄有整体上变老的趋势;盆地下游,地下水年龄在垂向上会发生突变,可作为识别不同级次流动系统的实用指标。研究还发现,驻点位置或者附近,地下水年龄存在一个偏大的峰值。这些规律可为利用地下水年龄校正盆地地下水模型提供理论指导。  相似文献   
模拟退火优化算法的冻土热传导参数反分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文斌  吴青柏  蒋观利  张鹏 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2401-2408
土体热参数是寒区工程温度场预测和稳定性分析至关重要的参数。根据冻土温度场计算的特点,建立冻土一维相变热参数估计模型,采用非线性有限元法得到土体温度场,基于一种非常快速的模拟退火(VFSA)算法对热参数进行反分析。考虑各个参数的敏感度因子和土体分层情况,将热参数分组、分步进行反演,克服参数较多反演困难的缺陷。以青藏公路多年冻土区监测断面下土体反分析为例,反演分析冻土路基下部不同土层的导热系数、体积热容量和孔隙率等参数。最后,运用参数反演结果对温度场进行预测,经检验和与实测地温对比,表明参数反分析结果可靠,有较高的精度,该方法可用于实际工程。  相似文献   
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