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通过X射线荧光、红外光谱和X射线衍射等检测方法分析了延庆硅化木的矿物学特征.结果表明:2个不同植物种属但在同一埋藏地形成硅化木标本成因相似,其颜色与所含元素种类及含量密切相关.X射线衍射分析表明,不同颜色和植物种属的硅化木主要组成物相一致,为SiO2,其他矿物极其微量.2个硅化木标本的红外吸收谱带基本一致,均显示典型的石英质玉石红外吸收光谱,且含有少量吸附水.偏光显微镜下显示2个硅化木标本的主要矿物成分均为隐晶质石英.延庆土城子组硅化木的沉积环境为较浅的湖沼沉积,当时处于半干旱-半湿润的气候条件下,并伴随火山活动.  相似文献   
Surveys of wood along 30 forested headwater stream reaches in La Selva Biological Station in north‐eastern Costa Rica represent the first systematic data reported on wood loads in neotropical streams. For streams with drainage areas of 0·1–8·5 km2 and gradients of 0·2–8%, wood load ranged from 3 to 34·7 m3 wood/100 m channel and 41–612 m3 wood/ha channel. These values are within the range reported for temperate streams. The variables wood diameter/flow depth, stream power, the presence of backflooding, and channel width/depth are consistently selected as significant predictors by statistical models for wood load. These variables explain half to two‐thirds of the variability in wood load. These results, along with the spatial distribution of wood with respect to the thalweg, suggest that transport processes exert a greater influence on wood loads than recruitment processes. Wood appears to be more geomorphically effective in altering bed elevations in gravel‐bed reaches than in reaches with coarser or finer substrate. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Wood deposited in streams provides a wide variety of ecosystem functions, including enhancing habitat for key species in stream food webs, increasing geomorphic and hydraulic heterogeneity and retaining organic matter. Given the strong role that wood plays in streams, factors that influence wood inputs, retention and transport are critical to stream ecology. Wood entrapment, the process of wood coming to rest after being swept downstream at least 10 m, is poorly understood, yet important for predicting stream function and success of restoration efforts. Data on entrapment were collected for a wide range of natural wood pieces (n = 344), stream geomorphology and hydraulic conditions in nine streams along the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. Locations of pieces were determined in summer 2007 and again following an overbank stormflow event in fall 2007. The ratio of piece length to effective stream width (length ratio) and the weight of the piece were important in a multiple logistic regression model that explained 25% of the variance in wood entrapment. Entrapment remains difficult to predict in natural streams, and often may simply occur wherever wood pieces are located when high water recedes. However, this study can inform stream modifications to discourage entrapment at road crossings or other infrastructure by applying the model formula to estimate the effective width required to pass particular wood pieces. Conversely, these results could also be used to determine conditions (e.g. pre‐existing large, stable pieces) that encourage entrapment where wood is valued for ecological functions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, we aimed to clarify spatial variations in xylem sap flow, and to determine the impacts of these variations on stand‐scale transpiration (E) estimates. We examined circumferential and radial variations in sap flow velocity (Fd) measured at several directions and depths in tree trunks of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and native oak (Quercus liaotungensis), both of which have ring‐porous wood anatomy, in forest stands on the Loess Plateau, China. We evaluated the impacts of circumferential variations in Fd on stand‐scale transpiration estimates using a simple scaling exercise. We found significant circumferential variations in Fd in the outermost xylem in both species (coefficients of variation = 20–45%). For both species, Fd measured at the inner xylem was smaller than that of the outermost xylem and the Fd at the depth of > 10 mm was almost zero. The simple exercises showed that omitting circumferential variations in Fd affected the E estimate by 16–21%, which was less than the effects of omitting within‐tree radial and tree‐to‐tree variations in Fd in both species. These results suggest that circumferential variations in Fd can be a minor source of error for E estimates compared with within‐tree radial and tree‐to‐tree variations in Fd, regardless of the significant circumferential variations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We demonstrate how land use can drive mountain streams in the Southern Rockies across a threshold to induce an alternative state of significantly reduced physical complexity of form and reduced ecological function. We evaluate field data from 28 stream reaches in relatively laterally unconfined valleys and unmanaged forest that is either old‐growth forest or naturally disturbed younger forest, and 19 stream reaches in managed forest with past land use. We evaluate potential differences in stream form, as reflected in channel planform, cross‐sectional geometry, and in‐stream wood loads, and stream function, as reflected in pool volume and storage of organic carbon. Field data indicate a threshold of differences in stream form and function between unmanaged and managed stream reaches, regardless of forest stand age, supporting our hypothesis that the legacy effects of past land use result in an alternative state of streams. Because physical complexity that increases stream retentiveness and habitat can maintain aquatic‐riparian ecosystem functions, the alternative physical state of streams in managed watersheds creates a physical template for an alternative ecological state with reduced pool volume, organic carbon storage, and ecosystem productivity. We recommend maintaining riparian forests that can supply large wood to streams as a stream restoration technique in historically forested stream segments. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This work investigates wood dynamics in braided streams through physical modelling in a mobile bed laboratory flume, with the specific objective to characterize wood storage and turnover as a function of wood input rate and of wood element type. Three parallel channels (1.7 m wide, 10 m long) filled with uniform sand were used to reproduce braided networks with constant water discharge and sediment feeding. Wood dowels with and without simplified root wads were regularly added at the upstream end of each flume at different input rates, with a 1:2:3 ratio between the three flumes. Temporal evolution of wood deposition patterns and remobilization rates were monitored by a series of vertical images that permitted the recognition of individual logs. Results show that wood tends to disperse in generally small accumulations (< 5 logs), with higher spatial density on top of sediment bars, and is frequently remobilized due to the intense morphological changes. The amount of wood stored in the channel depends on log input rate through a non‐linear relationship, and input rates exceeding approximately 100 logs/hour determine a sharp change in wood dynamics, with higher storage volume and augmented formation of large jams (> 10 elements) that are less prone to remobilization. Presence of root wads seems to play a minor role in wood deposition, but it reduces the average travel distance of logs. Turnover rates of logs were similar in the three flumes, independently of wood input rate and largely resembling the turnover rate of exposed bars. For the simulated conditions, significant effects of wood on bed morphology were not observed, suggesting that interactions with fine sediments and living vegetation are crucial to form large, stable wood jams able to bring about relevant morphological changes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During floods, large quantities of wood can be mobilized and transported downstream. At critical sections, such as bridges, the transported wood might be entrapped and a quick succession of backwater effects can occur as a result of the reduction of the cross‐sectional area. The aim of this work is to explore large wood‐related hazards during floods in the gravel‐bed river Czarny Dunajec (Polish Carpathians), where the river flows through the village of D?ugopole. This work is based on the numerical modelling of large wood transport together with flow dynamics in which inlet and boundary conditions were designed based on field observations. The exploratory approach developed in this study uses multiple scenarios (193) to analyse the factors controlling bridge clogging: wood size, wood supply, flow conditions, morphology and obstacles in the riverbed. Results highlighted the strong control of log length (stronger than that of log diameter) on potential blockage probability; however, according to our results the main factor controlling bridge clogging was the flood discharge. River morphology and wood supply play an important role as well. The river morphology may reduce bridge blockage, as it influences flow velocity and depth, and creates natural retention zones for wood. In addition, the impacts of bridge blockage were analysed in terms of afflux depth and length, and flooded area. Results showed that bridge blockage may result in a significant increase in water depth (up to 0.7 m) and flooded area (up to 33% more), therefore increasing flood risk in the village. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The influence of woody debris on channel morphology and aquatic habitat has been recognized for many years. Unlike sediment, however, little is known about how wood moves through river systems. We examined some dynamics of wood transport in streams through a series of flume experiments and observed three distinct wood transport regimes: uncongested, congested and semi-congested. During uncongested transport, logs move without piece-to-piece interactions and generally occupy less than 10 per cent of the channel area. In congested transport, the logs move together as a single mass and occupy more than 33 per cent of the channel area. Semi-congested transport is intermediate between these two transport regimes. The type of transport regime was most sensitive to changes in a dimensionless input rate, defined as the ratio of log volume delivered to the channel per second (Qlog) to discharge (QW); this ratio varied between 0·015 for uncongested transport and 0·20 for congested transport. Depositional fabrics within stable log jams varied by transport type, with deposits derived from uncongested and semi-congested transport regimes having a higher proportion of pieces orientated normal to flow than those from congested transport. Because wood input rates are higher and channel dimensions decrease relative to piece size in low-order channels, we expect congested transport will be more common in low-order streams while uncongested transport will dominate higher-order streams. Single flotation models can be used to model the stability of individual pieces, especially in higher-order channels, but are insufficient for modelling the more complex intractions that occur in lower-order streams. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Large wildfires can have profound and lasting impacts not only from direct consumption of vegetation but also longer-term effects such as persistent soil erosion. The 2002 Hayman Fire burned in one of the watersheds supplying water to the Denver metropolitan area; thus there was concern regarding hillslope erosion and sedimentation in the reservoirs. The efficacy of various treatments for reducing erosion was tested, including hand scarification on contour, agricultural straw mulch, wood mulch, burned controls and unburned reference plots. Simulated rill erosion experiments were used both immediately after the fire and again 10 years post fire. To better understand untreated recovery, the same experiments were applied to control plots in post-fire years 1, 2, 3 and 4, and in unburned reference plots in years 4 and 10. Results indicate that control and scarified plots produced significantly greater sediment flux rates – 1.9 and 2.8 g s−1 respectively – than the straw and wood mulch treatments – 0.9 and 1.1 g s−1 – immediately after the fire. Mulch treatments reduced runoff rate, runoff velocity, and sediment concentration and flux rate. The straw mulch cover was no longer present, whereas the wood mulch was still there in year 10. Vegetation regrowth was slow and mulch treatments provided effective cover to reduce sediment right after the fire. In post-fire year 10, there were no significant differences in sediment flux rates across treatments; it is notable, however, that the wood mulch treatment (0.09 g s−1) most closely approached the unburned condition (0.07 g s−1). The burned control plots had high sediment flux rates until post-fire year 3, when flux rates significantly decreased and were statistically no longer higher than the unburned levels from year 4 and 10. These results will inform managers of the longer-term post-fire sediment delivery rates and of the ability of post-fire emergency hillslope treatments to mitigate erosion rates. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
Although in-channel and floodplain large wood (LW) has been recognized as an important component of lotic ecosystems, there is still limited knowledge on the recruitment, mobility and retention of LW in rivers with an intermittent hydrological regime. In this study, we analysed the LW characteristics and related reach-scale variables of 22 reaches in a Mediterranean intermittent river (Evrotas, Greece) in order to identify predictors of in-channel and floodplain LW distribution. Our results indicated high downstream variation in LW volumes in the fluvial corridor (0.05–25.51 m3/ha for in-channel LW and 0–30.88 m3/ha for floodplain LW). In-channel and floodplain LW retention was primarily driven by the hydrological regime of the studied reaches (i.e. perennial or non-perennial) with higher volumes of LW observed in perennial sections. The width of the riparian corridor was an important predictor of LW storage at the reach scale. Non-perennial reaches had a disproportionally larger number of relatively small-diameter living trees at the expense of mature trees with larger diameters typical for riparian stands functioning as LW recruitment areas in perennial reaches. The smaller dimensions of in-channel LW in non-perennial reaches, coupled with the dominance of loose LW pieces, implies frequent LW transport during ordinary flood events. Nevertheless, overall low LW retention in the fluvial corridor under non-perennial flow regime predicts low volumes of mobilized LW. In contrast, the recruitment of relatively long and large-diameter LW from mature riparian stands in perennial reaches, together with additional LW stabilization by banks, bed sediments, living trees or other LW pieces decreases the potential for further LW transport. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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