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尹尽勇  李泽椿  杜秉玉 《气象》2009,35(8):16-26
利用中尺度模式MM5对西北太平洋9617号热带风暴Tom转变温带气旋的变性过程进行了模拟.通过对其变性过程的模拟分析发现:热带风暴Tom与西风槽相互作用,风暴东侧低层暖湿气流与槽前正涡度平流发生耦合有利于气旋发展;槽前暖平流与槽后冷平流使风暴形成具有西冷东暖的热力分布结构,诱使风暴向斜压转变;高空急流入口处右侧的气旋式切变及出口处右侧的反气旋式切变有利于风暴右侧气流上升和左侧气流下沉运动,有利于风暴由正压向斜压性转变;来自风暴西北侧的干冷空气自700hPa附近向风暴中心侵入,使风暴中心暖柱体发生自低层向高层的西北一东南向的倾斜,其暖性特征遭到破坏;由于干冷空气的侵入,低层700hPa分为南北两个暖中心,北侧暖中心北侧出现了明显的暖锋锋生,西南侧另一个暖心附近有冷锋锋生迹象;平流层高值PV异常下传有利于变性后的热带风暴的再次加强.  相似文献   
刘爱鸣  林毅  吴幸毓 《气象》2010,36(9):29-35
利用热带气旋资料和天气图、卫星云图等观测资料,统计分析了1949-2008年入侵台湾岛及邻近区域的热带气旋出现的各类异常路径的时间、空间分布规律及成因。结果表明,异常路径的形成是环境流场和台湾地形共同作用的结果,在特定的环流形势下,台湾地形的影响,导致入侵这一带区域的热带气旋结构及其周围的气压场和流场发生变化,并可能诱生出地形槽或低压。热带气旋出现左折、右折、打转和诱生低压发展取代原热带气旋的异常路径,发生在不同地点的异常路径,地形和环境作用的主次关系不同。  相似文献   
The relationship between the interannual variation in tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) and the thermal state over the warm pool (WP) is examined in this paper. The results show that the subsurface temperature in the WP is well correlated with TC geographical distribution and track type. Their relation is linked by the East Asian monsoon trough. During the warm years, the westward-retreating monsoon trough creates convergence and vorticity fields that are favorable for tropical cyclogenesis in the northwest of the WNP, whereas more TCs concentrating in the southeast result from eastward penetration of the monsoon trough during the cold years. The steering flows at 500 hPa lead to a westward displacement track in the warm years and recurving prevailing track in the cold years.
The two types of distinct processes in the monsoon environment triggering tropical cyclogenesis are hypothesized by composites centered for TC genesis location corresponding to two kinds of thermal states of the WP. During the warm years, low-frequency intraseasonal oscillation is active in the west of the WNP such that eastward-propagating westerlies cluster TC genesis in that region. In contrast, during the cold years, the increased cyclogenesis in the southeast of the WNP is mainly associated with tropical depression type disturbances transiting from equatorially trapped mixed Rossby gravity waves. Both of the processes may be fundamental mechanisms for the inherent interannual variation in TC activity over the WNP.  相似文献   
海面热带气旋域内风速分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在原始方程中引入藤田气压模式、最大风速半径和风向内偏角等因子,经过合理的简化,推导出了适合计算海面热带气旋域内风速分布的公式。检验表明,该方法的计算结果与强、弱、西行或北上转向型的热带气旋的观测风场基本相符,对环境气压受副热带高压明显影响的热带气旋风场的计算效果尤好。  相似文献   
Based on different parameterization schemes of planetary boundary layer (PBL), the uncertainty of intensity and structure of the Super-strong Typhoon Rammasun (1409) is investigated using the WRF model (v3.4) with six PBL parameterization schemes. Results indicate that PBL uncertainty leads to the uncertainty in tropical cyclone (TC) prediction, which increases with forecast time. The uncertainty in TC prediction is mainly reflected in the uncertainty in TC intensity, with significant differences in the TC intensity forecasts using various PBL schemes. The uncertainty in TC prediction is also reflected in the uncertainty in TC structures. Greater intensity is accompanied by smaller vortex width, tighter vortex structure, stronger wind in the near-surface layer and middle and lower troposphere, stronger inflow (outflow) wind at the lower (upper) levels, stronger vertical upward wind, smaller thickness of the eye wall, smaller outward extension of the eye wall, and warmer warm core at the upper levels of eye. PBL height, surface upward heat flux and water vapor flux are important factors that cause the uncertainty in TC intensity and structure. The more surface upward heat flux and water vapor flux and the lower PBL height, the faster TC development and the stronger TC intensity.  相似文献   
马圆  余锦华  方珂  董晓云 《气象科学》2020,40(2):264-269
采用1949—2016年7—8月美国国家环境预报中心及大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料与中国气象局(CMA)上海台风所整编的热带气旋最佳路径数据集,研究大气环状模(Circumglobal Teleconnection,CGT)与中国大陆地区登陆热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)频数气候变化的关系。定义200 hPa经向风经验正交展开(EOF)的第一模态为CGT,其时间系数为环状模指数(Circumgolbal Teleconnection Index,CGTI)。CGT在北半球中纬度地区有5个异常中心,CGTI在1949—2016年呈明显的下降趋势,且存在一个2~3 a的周期振荡。CGT与大尺度环流异常存在密切的联系。研究表明:CGTI与中国大陆登陆TC频数气候变率具有显著的正相关,即CGTI表现为正异常时,登陆中国大陆的TC频数增加,反之减少。当CGT表现为正位相时,东亚副热带西风急流增强,急流南侧的反气旋切变增强,使TC登陆过程的活动区域200 hPa的辐散增强,此外,对流层高层Rossby波能量向南传播增强,形成波通量辐合,导致东风异常,产生了东风异常的引导气流和纬向风垂直切变,东风切变使得切变减小,增加了TC登陆中国大陆的可能性。  相似文献   
Tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the South China Sea (SCS) during 1965-2004 was analyzed.The locations of TC genesis display evident seasonal changes,with the mean position of formation situated nort...  相似文献   
以关岛飞机探测的热带气旋资料和登陆热带气旋的实测风资料为观测值,将用数字云图确定的热带气旋强度与观测值作比较,其平均绝对误差均不足3 ms-1。文章还给出了1994年业务试用结果。检验结果表明,此方法具有业务应用价值。  相似文献   
利用1981-2019年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和观测降水资料,对山东5月降水多(少)雨年环流特征进行分型,分析前期海温影响大气环流进而影响降水的过程.结果表明:典型多(少)雨年,亚洲中高纬环流呈"-、+"("+、-")距平分布,盛行纬(经)向环流,东亚大槽偏弱(强).前期冬春季黑潮区和热带印度洋海温是影响山东5月...  相似文献   
利用1980--2008年Godas的逐月海表面高度(SSH)资料,分析了热带太平洋不同季节海表面高度季节及年际变化特征,并初步探讨了海表面高度异常与ENSO事件的关系。结果表明:1)就赤道地区而言,东太平洋区域海表面最低,西北太平洋和西南太平洋海表面最高,中太平洋区域较低。2)西北太平洋和西南太平洋海表面高度年际异常大,赤道中东太平洋区域在秋季和冬季的异常较大。3)1、4、10月热带太平洋海表面高度年际异常与ENSO事件有良好的对应关系:在E1Nifio事件期问,热带太平洋东部海表面高度增加,西部和西南部减小,不同季节异常区略有区别;7月海表面高度异常与ENSO事件关系不密切。  相似文献   
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