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琼北地区铺前−清澜断裂是一条关系到1605年琼山7½级大地震发震构造判断的重要断裂。为准确厘定该断裂的最新活动特征,针对琼北地区第四纪玄武岩盖层和巨厚海相砂沉积等地质条件,采用大吨位震源的浅层人工地震勘探和小间距钻孔联合地质剖面探测相结合的方法,分别在海口江东三江镇岐山头村和东寨村展开探测。结果表明:(1) 铺前−清澜断裂断错了多个标志地层,最浅断错至全新统烟墩组淤泥层,上断点埋深10 m左右,钻探所揭示的断层面明显具有走滑兼具逆冲性质,是一条具有一定宽度、多分支、多期次活动的大规模断裂带;(2)钻孔联合地质剖面所揭示的地层深度范围内,被断错地层的位移量随着深度增加而加大,铺前−清澜断裂自8 346~7 153 a cal BP以来有过活动,全新世累计垂直位移量4~5 m,垂直位移速率为0.53~0.63 mm/a,推断其为1605年琼山大地震的发震断裂。本研究取得的铺前−清澜断裂全新世活动的新证据,为国土空间规划和区域地震危险性评价提供了科学依据。

Division of sedimentary strata according to groundwater chemistry is discussed with implications for petroleum reservoir potential. It is suggested to process multiparametric water chemistry data from West Siberia using formalized clustering techniques. The efficiency of this approach has been tested for Neocomian clinoform reservoirs with reference to regional-scale appraisal and subregional petroleum division.  相似文献   

Detection efficiencies of alternative groundwater monitoring networks were evaluated in relation to distance to a buffer zone (contaminant migration) boundary. This boundary establishes a distance limit within which contaminant plumes should pass through monitoring wells, located on curvilinear segments (monitoring loci) near a waste storage facility. Alternative strategies allocated monitoring wells to loci at specified distances, measured parallel to groundwater flow, from the downgradient boundaries of a landfill. One approach constrained wells to equal spacing, measured perpendicular to groundwater flow. Compressing well locations 10% closer to the downgradient corner of the landfill rendered alternative monitoring configurations. Computations by a monitoring efficiency model indicated: (a) networks largely maintained detection efficiency for different contaminant migration boundaries; (b) one network most efficiently attained a target detection capability for all contaminant migration boundaries; and (c) compressed networks slightly outperformed equal-spaced counterparts. Compressed networks with more wells along closer monitoring loci best maintained the detection efficiency when shifting the contaminant migration boundary closer to the landfill. Procedures described in this paper may be useful for examining trade-offs between monitoring efficiency and distance limits of contaminant travel at landfills posing potential hazards to underlying groundwater.  相似文献   

Floodplains are composed of complex depositional patterns of ancient and recent stream sediments, and research is needed to address the manner in which coarse floodplain materials affect stream–groundwater exchange patterns. Efforts to understand the heterogeneity of aquifers have utilized numerous techniques typically focused on point-scale measurements; however, in highly heterogeneous settings, the ability to model heterogeneity is dependent on the data density and spatial distribution. The objective of this research was to investigate the correlation between broad-scale methodologies for detecting heterogeneity and the observed spatial variability in stream/groundwater interactions of gravel-dominated alluvial floodplains. More specifically, this study examined the correlation between electrical resistivity (ER) and alluvial groundwater patterns during a flood event at a site on Barren Fork Creek, in the Ozark ecoregion of Oklahoma, USA, where chert gravels were common both as streambed and as floodplain material. Water table elevations from groundwater monitoring wells for a flood event on 1–5 May 2009 were compared to ER maps at various elevations. Areas with high ER matched areas with lower water table slope at the same elevation. This research demonstrated that ER approaches were capable of indicating heterogeneity in surface water–groundwater interactions, and that these heterogeneities were present even in an aquifer matrix characterized as highly conductive. Portions of gravel-dominated floodplain vadose zones characterized by high hydraulic conductivity features can result in heterogeneous flow patterns when the vadose zone of alluvial floodplains activates during storm events.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Chen  相似文献   
超采深层地下水引起的地面沉降、地裂缝等灾害已经成为华北地区大中城市的主要地质灾害。本文以华北地区地下水开采漏斗边缘的砂性土为研究对象,通过反复加荷卸荷试验,分析了砂性土的卸荷回弹特征,阐述了砂土并不是完全弹性的,它同样存在一定的塑性特征,并且说明了砂土的回弹量的大小是个变量,其回弹能力随着反复回弹次数、回弹应力大小及哪一应力进行回弹而变化。该研究结果对治理开采深层地下水引起的地面沉降等灾害有重要意义。  相似文献   
随着水上(海洋)地质调查的迅速发展,曾在陆地地质调查中发挥过重要作用的地震映像法便延伸到水域(海洋)地质调查中来。但由于水陆环境不同,水域地震映像法的工作原理与陆域地震映像法并不相同,它只是一种浅层地震反射波探测方法——当其采用单道接收时,即为海洋地质调查中的单道地震调查;当其采用多道接收时,即为海洋地质调查中的高分辨率多道地震调查。同时,由于水域映像法在其声波发射及接收系统上有其独到之处,在海洋地质调查中可作为水域浅地层剖面测量及地震调查的补充。  相似文献   
建筑垃圾是城市市政垃圾的重要组成部分,对其堆填处理可能造成场地及周围一定范围内的地下水污染。传统观念认为,建筑垃圾中多为惰性或无害成分,对地下水影响有限,缺乏关于建筑垃圾堆填对地下水水质造成影响的研究。选取2处建筑垃圾堆填场地,通过对场地周围地下水采样分析,得到场地周边地下水化学指标空间分布特征,并利用正定矩阵因子分解法(PMF)识别研究区地下水化学组分来源,从而定量评价建筑垃圾填埋对周边地下水水质变化的贡献。结果表明,建筑垃圾填埋会显著影响周边区域地下水组分的浓度和质量,尤其是TDS、TH、Ca2+、SO42-等组分显著受到影响,填埋时间越长、填埋体量越大,影响程度越深。两场地区域范围内Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、SO42-和TDS 5个组分或指标的空间分布整体变化趋势较一致,均表现为垃圾填埋场附近沿地下水流下游方向的点位浓度较高,其他点位浓度较低,验证了建筑垃圾填埋对区域地下水质量的影响。PMF来源解析确定两场地周边地下水化学组分来源有建筑垃圾填埋、岩石风化溶解、水岩相互作用和农业活动,在场地一来源贡献占比分别为29.2%、21.6%、24.2%和15.1%,在场地二贡献占比分别为15.6%、23.2%、28.4%和18.2%。两场地周围地下水质量受人类活动影响程度较深,人为污染源正在成为地下水中离子组分的重要来源。  相似文献   
大同盆地孔隙地下水化学场的分带规律性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对大同盆地2004年孔隙地下水水化学资料的分析发现,盆地内孔隙地下水的水化学特征在水平方向上具有以盆地中部为中心,呈环状分布的特点,且与盆地水动力分区具有很好的一致性。由山前冲洪积倾斜平原到中部冲湖积平原,地下水依次经历了补给区、径流区和排泄区,相应的主要水化学类型分别为HCO3型、HCO3.SO4型和HCO3.SO4.Cl型。与中深层孔隙水相比,浅层孔隙水由于水位埋深浅,蒸发浓缩强烈,易受人类活动的影响,各组分的含量较高,变化幅度较大,水化学类型也相对复杂。浅层地下水的水质呈好转趋势,深层地下水水质基本保持稳定。  相似文献   
越南西北部O Quy Ho钼矿床为范士版成矿带的典型钼矿床之一,矿体以脉状形式就位于中生代花岗岩中,辉钼矿主要赋存于石英脉及长石石英脉中,与黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁铁矿等共生。8件样品硫同位素分析结果表明,δ34S介于0.14‰~3.34‰之间,平均值为1.53‰,表明成矿物质具有深源特征。黄铁矿的206Pb/204Pb范围为18.583~22.355,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.632~15.812之间,208Pb/204Pb变化于38.989~39.199;辉钼矿的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb分别为18.686~18.737、15.655~15.660和39.081~39.082,与范士版含角闪石花岗斑岩具有成因联系。辉钼矿Re-Os同位素等时线测年获得了(36±1)Ma的年龄,该年龄与金沙江-红河新生代斑岩铜钼矿成矿带岩浆-成矿活动的年龄一致,提出O Quy Ho钼矿床为金沙江-红河新生代斑岩铜钼矿带的一部分。  相似文献   
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