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The Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) event is not associated with a transgression on the southern margin of the Subalpine Basin, but with a steady shallowing-up trend beginning in the lower half of the δ13C positive shift. The SW–NE Rouaine Fault had a complex role, first in isolating a black shale basin to the west and a large, deep submarine plateau devoid of black shale to the east, then by a strike-slip movement that induced a forced progradation to the north of the southern platform in the eastern compartment. This compressive tectonic reactivation of the southern margin began around the deposition of the local equivalent of the Plenus bed of boreal basins, as shown by correlation supported by both isotope and palaeontological data. Other local data are pieced together to suggest that the whole of SE France underwent a short-lived transpressive tectonic pulse around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, probably connected with the early compressive movement of Africa vs. Europe. On a larger scale, other published data suggest that this pulse could be a global one. It is coeval with renewed thrust loading, volcanism and transgression in the North-American Western Interior, local emergences during the event along the eastern Atlantic margin, suggesting a slight tendency to inversion of the margin, and a tilting to the east of the North-Africa plate that could explain the large transgression recorded from Morocco to Tunisia on the Saharan Craton.New isotope and palaeontological (coiling ratio of Muricohedbergella delrioensis) data from SE France suggest that two coolings of suprabasinal importance occurred just before and during the build-up of the d13C shift, including the boreal “Plenus Marls“, especially its middle limestone bed and its SE France equivalent.Regarding the extinction of the genus Thalmaninella and Rotalipora and during the event, neither anoxia nor climate changes can fully explain the palaeontological crisis, given that Rotalipora cushmani crosses the first phase of anoxia without harm, as well as the two coolings, not only in SE France but on a large scale, as shown by the correlation of the published data. This extinction needs alternative explanations as we challenge both anoxia and climate as major causes.  相似文献   
地图新显示载体的出现,要求制图者不能继续沿用纸质地图符号的设计原则进行符号设计.以旅游网络地图点状符号设计为例,在对单个点状符号进行认知实验的基础上,将符号成图可视化显示,应用眼动跟踪技术,采用统计学的样本标准偏差方法分析被试者阅读地图的眼动数据分布状态,从易学性、地图信息易获取性、易记性等三个指标评估点状符号的有效性,从而得到点状符号设计改进原则,为旅游网络地图设计提供了参考依据.  相似文献   
Fracability characterizes the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. The existing assessment methods cannot reflect the actual value of the effectiveness due to a lack of comprehensive consideration and neglect of the influences of engineering factors. This study aims to solve this problem by implementing geological static data and production dynamic data in multivariate analysis in Zhaotong shale gas demonstration zone. First, the reservoir quality index (RQI) was introduced to evaluate the exploration potential by integrating the geological parameters with gray relational analysis. Moreover, the differences in fracturing fluid types and proppant sizes were considered, and the operating parameters were normalized on the basis of the equivalence principle. Finally, the general reservoir fracability index (GRFI) was proposed based on a dimensioned processing of the various parameters. A case study was conducted to verify the accuracy and feasibility of this new approach. The results demonstrate that (1) the organic carbon and gas content are adjusted to contribute the most to the calculation of the RQI, while the effective porosity contributes the least; (2) the fracturing scale is the main operating parameter determining the fracability, which has the strongest correlation with the effectiveness of fracking; and (3) the GRFI has a positive correlation with shale gas production, and the lower limit of the GRFI of 2,000 corresponds to a daily production of 50,000 m3/d; this value is defined as the threshold value of a stripper well. The GRFI is consistent with the productivity trend of shale gas wells in the research block, which suggests that the new model is accurate and practical for well candidate selection.  相似文献   
Kerogen plays an important role in shale gas adsorption, desorption and diffusion. Therefore, it is necessary to characterize the molecular structure of kerogen. In this study, four kerogen samples were isolated from the organic-rich shale of the Longmaxi Formation. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the maturity of these kerogen samples. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) , X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy were conducted to characterize the molecular structure of the shale samples. The results demonstrate that VReqv of these kerogen samples vary from 2.3% to 2.8%, suggesting that all the kerogen samples are in the dry gas window. The macromolecular carbon skeleton of the Longmaxi Formation kerogen is mainly aromatic (fa’=0.56). In addition, the aromatic structural units are mainly composed of naphthalene (23%), anthracene (23%) and phenanthrene (29%). However, the aliphatic structure of the kerogen macromolecules is relatively low (fal*+falH=0.08), which is presumed to be distributed in the form of methyl and short aliphatic chains at the edge of the aromatic units. The oxygen-containing functional groups in the macromolecules are mainly present in the form of carbonyl groups (fac=0.23) and hydroxyl groups or ether groups (falO=0.13). The crystallite structural parameters of kerogen, including the stacking height (Lc=22.84 ?), average lateral size (La=29.29 ?) and interlayer spacing (d002=3.43 ?), are close to the aromatic structural parameters of anthracite or overmature kerogen. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy reveals that the aromatic structure is well oriented, and more than 65% of the diffractive aromatic layers are concentrated in the main direction. Due to the continuous deep burial, the longer aliphatic chains and oxygen-containing functional groups in the kerogen are substantially depleted. However, the ductility and stacking degree of the aromatic structure increases during thermal evolution. This study provides quantitative information on the molecular structure of kerogen samples based on multiple research methods, which may contribute to an improved understanding of the organic pores in black shale.  相似文献   
页岩层系内的非常规油气已成为全球油气勘探开发的热点,这些资源的形成与富有机质页岩密切相关,形成演化有序、空间分布上共生。目前的研究通常按非常规油气类型单独进行,尚未从页岩层系整体角度考虑各类油气资源的分布规律。在大量调研国内外页岩层系油气资源分布规律的基础上,提出页岩层系油气资源有序共生,并以鄂尔多斯盆地长7页岩系为例进行解剖,按照成熟度阶段、埋藏深度和有机质丰度,将长7页岩层系油气资源分成露头-浅埋藏油页岩区、中等成熟-中等埋深压裂页岩油区、中等成熟-中等埋深原位改质页岩油区、高成熟度-深埋页岩气区和紧邻-夹层致密砂岩油五大区域。基于页岩系统油气资源有序共生关系,提出页岩层系油气资源立体勘探开发的观点,以期对页岩层系非常规油气资源有效利用提供新思路。  相似文献   
下扬子地区经历了多期构造运动,地质条件复杂,对油气保存条件产生了重要影响。页岩油气具有自生自储的特性,与常规油气相比,对保存条件的要求较低,在下扬子地区具备形成页岩油气藏的潜力。通过港地1井钻探,在下扬子地区二叠系大隆组和龙潭组获得了页岩油、页岩气、煤层气和致密砂岩气"三气一油"的发现,与常规油气"上气下油"不同,港地1井油气呈现"上油下气"式非常规油气储集方式。大隆组富有机质页岩厚度约70m,地层倾角10°~20°,现场解吸获取的页岩气样品甲烷含量达80%,有机质丰度为1.9%~2.3%,平均值约2.0%,有机质成熟度(Ro)为1%~1.25%,平均值约1.2%,具备生成页岩油气的良好基础。基于港地1井的钻探发现,认为下扬子地区构造运动影响弱、盆地规模小、保存条件好的"小而整"的坳陷或盆地具备形成页岩油气藏的地质条件。  相似文献   
正Materials deposited in low-temperature environments are characterized by their small particle size.The activity of microorganisms in aqueous sedimentary environments may have effective impacts on the geochemical  相似文献   
The Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the south of Sichuan is a key player in the exploration and development of shale gas in China. Due to a highly complex topographic area, electromagnetic methods(EM) become important exploration means in this area. Many studies have been conducted on the shale mineral composition and electrical properties of shale, however, the correlation between sedimentary environments and the electrical properties of shale remain poorly understood. The electrical prope...  相似文献   
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地何1井三叠系延长组油页岩工业指标分析,发现油页岩产油率与产气率具有良好的线性关系,随着产油率的增加,产气率呈线性增加.据70件油页岩样品分析结果,平均产油率为5.9%,平均产气率为3.7%,平均油气产率为9.6%,产气率占油气产率的38.5%.说明产气率在油气产率中占有较大比重,是油页岩工业品质评价的重要指标.  相似文献   
高俊  夏露  李英杰  于青春 《地学前缘》2016,23(5):103-112
页岩气是一种潜在资源量巨大的非常规天然气资源,页岩气藏具有多尺度的孔渗结构及多种渗流形态,研究页岩气藏储渗特征能够为页岩气的勘探开发提供理论支撑。该研究选取了柴达木盆地东部石炭系克鲁克组与怀头他拉组的页岩钻井岩心共5个样品,应用氩离子抛光扫描电镜实验与孔径分布测试(包括压汞法、氮气吸附法、二氧化碳吸附法)对页岩的孔隙结构特征进行定性定量测试。基于页岩气质量流量渗流模型,给出页岩表观渗透率与平均压力的关系。通过甲烷渗流模拟实验测定页岩的表观渗透率。从表观渗透率随平均压力的变化特征出发,分析页岩储层中的气体渗流规律。研究结果表明:页岩气的渗流形态包括滑脱流、扩散流及达西流。在低压情况下,渗透率低的页岩中以扩散流为主,其次为滑脱流。随渗透率的增大,渗流主要形式转变为滑脱流。当压力大于2 MPa时渗流形态以达西流为主,滑脱与扩散行为不明显。研究区内页岩微孔与中孔发育较多,达西渗透率与大孔的孔隙体积相关性较大,扩散流对表观渗透率的贡献与50 nm以下的孔隙孔体积比例有一定的相关性。低压下扩散流对表观渗透率的贡献较大,扩散流是一种非常重要的页岩气运移形式。  相似文献   
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