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Accidental oil spills from ships or rigs and inputs of effluent such as production formation water (PFW) are key perceived threats to tropical biota from industry activities. Scleractinian corals are an important functional component of tropical reefs and the abundance, diversity and resilience of coral communities can be used as an indicator of ecosystem health. In this paper, we report the effects of petroleum products, including water accommodated fractions (WAF) of crude oil, PFW and dispersant (Corexit 9527), on fertilization and larval metamorphosis of the widespread scleractinian coral, Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) in laboratory-based assays. At 20% v/v PFW fertilization was inhibited by 25%. This concentration was equivalent 0.0721 mg l−1 total hydrocarbon (THC). In contrast, larval metamorphosis was more sensitive to this effluent, with 98% metamorphosis inhibited at the same concentration. Crude oil WAF did not inhibit fertilization of gametes until dispersant was introduced. Dispersed oil was slightly more toxic to fertilization than dispersant alone, suggesting toxicity to that event may be additive. The minimum concentration of dispersed oil which inhibited fertilization was 0.0325 mg l−1 THC. Larval metamorphosis was more sensitive than fertilization to crude oil. Although crude oil and dispersant inhibited larval metamorphosis individually, this toxicity was magnified when larvae were exposed to combinations of both. Crude oil inhibited metamorphosis at 0.0824 mg l−1 THC and at 0.0325 mg l−1 THC when dispersed in 10% v/v (dispersant/oil). Management of petroleum-related risks to spawning corals should consider not only the occurrence of the annual coral spawning event, but also the subsequent 1–3-week period during which most larval metamorphosis and recruitment occur.  相似文献   
王飞  李国玉  马巍 《冰川冻土》2022,44(1):217-228
冻土区管道工程建设面临冻土工程特性及相关地质问题的严重挑战,开展管道-冻土相互作用研究对于解决管道稳定性问题具有重要的实际指导意义。综述国内外输油管道-冻土热力相互作用研究进展发现,目前研究集中在特定(定值或周期变化)油温下管周土温度场的定量描述以及差异冻胀/融沉下交界面处管道力学响应规律的解耦分析,缺乏完整时空序列的现场综合观测与管土界面特性及其动态演化研究。对管道防融沉措施进行归纳总结发现,各措施应用效果缺乏管道应力与变形数据的有效支持。应加强管道本身与管道沿线次生冻融灾害监测及相关数据获取,以此为校验开展管土界面特性及演化规律的系统研究,以便构建更为合理的管土接触面单元模型,将其和具有普适性的冻土模型相结合,植入有限元软件提高管土相互作用模型计算可靠性,并建议立足管道变形角度对防融沉措施的工程应用效果予以综合评价。  相似文献   
以海水青鳉(Oryzias melastigma)胚胎为研究对象,比较了120#燃料油分散液(water-accommodated fractions,WAFs)与乳化液(biologically enhanced water-accommodated fractions,BE-WAFs)的急性毒性效应,并研究了不同浓度(40、100、250 mg/L)下WAFs、BE-WAFs对胚胎内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活性的影响。结果表明:在受到石油烃的氧化胁迫后,海水青鳉胚胎内3种抗氧化酶活性变化明显。随着石油烃浓度的升高和暴露时间的延长,3种酶表现出程度不同的诱导效应和抑制效应。其中受石油烃污染影响最为明显的为SOD酶;而GST酶则对消油剂单独暴露表现较为敏感。实验证明,海水青鳉体内SOD酶活性对石油烃污染反应最为敏感,适合作为监测石油烃污染程度的生物标志物。  相似文献   
右江盆地微细浸染型金矿与古油藏均产于二叠纪生物礁的核部或侧翼.流体包裹体拉曼光谱分析和矿石抽提物色质谱分析均发现了大量的有机质官能团, 暗示金矿成矿过程与古油藏的形成、演化密切相关.金矿与古油藏的物质均来源于盆地裂陷期和凹陷早期的沉积地层, 流体来源于沉积地层中封存的建造水, 形成年龄 > 172 Ma.在随后约40 Ma(172~130 Ma)的时间里, 流体向盆地中生物礁及其他构造部位运移聚集.由于盆地中烃源岩逐渐成熟, 这一过程是油气运移成藏的过程, 也是有机流体萃取成矿物质, 最终演变为有机成矿流体并聚集的过程.燕山运动是金矿成矿作用的主要构造营力(130~46 Ma), 同时也是古油藏破坏的主要原因.正是古油藏的破坏打破了流体的动态平衡, 导致流体中成矿物质沉淀形成矿床.右江盆地的金矿和古油气藏是同一种流体体系在其发展演化过程中不同阶段的产物.   相似文献   
以北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区为例,重点分析和论述了该地区地层、构造组合及其空间展布规律,指出北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区多级复式褶曲及与其匹配的边界断裂所构成的三级构造单元,呈现帚状构造组合特征,进而提出北羌塘盆地为一大型帚状旋扭构造体系。油气找寻的战略方向应在该体系向东南撤开的方向上,重点是多格错仁—赤布张错一带的广大区域。  相似文献   
Nine surface sediments collected from Daya Bay have been Soxhlet-extracted with 2:1 (v/v) dichloromethane-methanol. The non-aromatic hydrocarbon (NAH) fraction of solvent extractable organic matter (EOM) and some bulk geochemical parameters have been analyzed to determine petroleum pollution of the bay. The NAH content varies from 32 to 276 μg g−1 (average 104 μg g−1) dry sediment and accounts for 5.8–64.1% (average 41.6%) of the EOM. n-Alkanes with carbon number ranging from 15 to 35 are identified to be derived from both biogenic and petrogenic sources in varying proportions. The contribution of marine authigenic input to the sedimentary n-alkanes is lower than the allochthonous input based on the average n-C31/n-C19 alkane ratio. 25.6–46.5% of the n-alkanes, with a mean of 35.6%, are contributed by vascular plant wax. Results of unresolved complex mixture, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, hopanes and steranes also suggest possible petroleum contamination. There is strong evidence of a common petroleum contamination source in the bay.  相似文献   
新乌地1井地处塔里木盆地西北缘乌什西构造带,断裂发育,且缺乏邻井参考资料,区域地质调查程度较浅,所钻遇地层复杂,漏失、破碎、缩径等现象时常发生,给钻探施工带来巨大挑战。针对该井井身结构设计缺乏依据、地层极端复杂、事故处理难度大等问题,研发应用了超前裸眼钻进、深厚覆盖层堵漏、井内事故处理和复杂地层冲洗液护壁等多项关键技术,解决了上述各项难题,降低了施工成本,形成了一套适宜于塔里木盆地西南与东南坳陷区复杂地层的小口径油气调查井钻探技术体系,为今后该地区同类钻探施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   
受震旦纪末期桐湾运动影响,四川盆地震旦系灯影组白云岩因遭受大气降水岩溶作用而发育了丰富的溶蚀孔隙。虽然经历了漫长的埋藏成岩演化过程,深层灯影组白云岩中仍见有丰富的储集空间未被成岩矿物充填而保存下来。通过对钻井及野外剖面进行系统岩石矿物学研究发现,储集空间保存段是灯影组上部的沥青显示段;而没有沥青的下部白云岩中的孔隙空间多被白云石等成岩矿物所充填。对林1井研究发现,上部沥青发育段白云岩储层孔隙度多大于3.0%,最高可达10.6%,平均为4.0%;但下部沥青不发育的自生白云石充填段孔隙度一般都小于3.0%,平均为1.95%。下部白云岩段溶蚀孔洞中自孔洞边缘向中心,所充填的白云石中流体包裹体均一温度从120℃逐渐增加至238℃;电子探针分析Fe、Mn平均含量从0.063%和0.025%逐渐升高至0.35%和0.108%;氧同位素组成δ18 OVPDB从-6.8‰逐渐降低至-11.2‰;表明了下部沥青未充填段成岩充填作用在埋藏过程中持续进行。油气充注改变了白云岩储层中的成岩流体环境并抑制了成岩矿物的形成;在后期埋藏过程,油逐渐转变成沥青覆盖在孔洞壁周围,也抑制了成岩矿物的沉淀形成;因而在现今沥青存在的深层白云岩储层中仍有丰富的孔隙空间保存下来。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(4):567-574
In order to figure out the redox conditions and paleo-sedimentary environment of the Middle Devonian shales in the northwest of Guizhong Depression, the trace element analysis was conducted on the Middle Devonian cores (320.35–938.50 m) of the typical shale gas investigation well (GY-1) at a 1.50 m sampling interval through X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). According to the test result, the average values of V/(V+Ni), V/Cr and Ni/Co in Nabiao formation (Fm.) are larger than 0.67, 4.65 and 7.71 respectively, and Nabiao Fm. is rich in biological assemblages such as tabasheer, ammonite, etc. These evidences indicate the rising sea level rose relatively in the sedimentation period of Nabiao Fm. and a deepwater shelf environment, which was favorable for the preservation of organic matters. The V/(V+Ni), V/Cr and Ni/Co in Luofu Fm. and Tangting Fm. are 0.38–0.65, 0.73–4.10 and 3.70–6.72 respectively, indicating that the sea level dropped relatively in their sedimentation period, during which the water bodies became shallow, and the sedimentary environment was a weak oxidizing shallow water shelf environment. In addition, the variation of TOC has a high correlation with the enrichment degree of Ba element, indicating the favorable conditions for the enrichment and preservation of organic matters under an oxygen-deficient environment. Moreover, according to the identification of trace element indexes, the northwest of Guizhong Depression experienced the sedimentary cycle of relative rise to relative fall of sea level from bottom to top in the Middle Devonian sedimentation period. The relative sea level rose to the highest in the sedimentation period of Nabiao Fm., in which the organic-rich shales with stable thickness and high organic content were deposited. Hence, the Nabiao Fm. could be regarded as the favorable exploration target interval in this area.  相似文献   
针对海洋石油平台传统维修方式依赖经验的缺陷,从可靠性分析角度来制定维修策略,包括确定最佳维修周期和制定设备的检修顺序。以胜利油田埕岛中心一号海洋石油动力平台电力系统为例,采用基于最小割集的数值仿真方法进行故障树分析,通过任务可靠度推出任务时间,实现以可靠性为中心的最佳预防性维修周期的确定。此外,对系统进行重要度分析,按关键重要度大小进行排序,从而制定设备的检修顺序。  相似文献   
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