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Geochemistry of Adakites from the Philippines: Constraints on Their Origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We have identified in the Philippine Archipelago 230 samples of Late Miocene to Quaternary intermediate and evolved magmatic rocks or glasses, the compositions of which plot within the adakitic field defined by Defant and Drum-mond (1990) using Sr/Y ratios versus Y contents. These rocks belong to four different subductions, along the Manila Trench (Batan, Northern Luzon, Central Luzon), the Negros and Sulu Trenches (Negros and Western Mindano), the Cotobato Trench (Southern Mindanao) and the Philippine Trench (Eastern Mindanao). Lavas from Central Mindanao overlie the deep remnants of the Molucca Sea Plate, and were emplaced in a post-collision setting.
All these samples show a significant depletion in Y and HREE with respect to their "normal" calc-alkaline equivalents, suggesting that garnet was either a residual phase during partial melting or a fractionating mineral during differentiation or assimilation coupled with fractional crystallisation (AFC). However, only 19 samples out of our set (i.e., 8 %) display very high Sr/Y ratios (100–250). Our preferred model for the genesis of these "typical adakites" is ca. 20 % partial melting of subducted altered oceanic metabasalts converted to eclogite. This melting process could have been triggered by water from the underlying serpentinites. Most of the samples, termed "intermediate adakites", display major and trace element chemical features intermediate between those of the former group and those of normal calc-alkaline lavas. We show that magma mixing between slab-derived adakitic magmas and mafic mantle-derived melts accounts for most of the trends linking typical and intermediate adakites, although an additional contribution of mantle is required in some cases.  相似文献   
Serpentinite mylonites from the Happo ultramafic complex show evidence of two stages of mylonitization at different temperature conditions. Peridotite mylonites exhibit two types of olivine – porphyroclasts and neoblasts – produced at the earlier stage. The olivine neoblasts have a stretching lineation with a fabric suggesting plastic deformation along (0 1 0) [0 0 1]. In addition to the olivine fabric, the stable association of olivine, orthopyroxene and tremolite in the peridotites that survived later serpentinization, and the Si and Na contents of tremolite, suggest that the earlier mylonitization took place at temperatures between 700 and 800 °C. Later mylonitization was associated with high‐temperature serpentinization to form serpentinite mylonites. In contrast to a common type of serpentinite in orogenic belts, the serpentinite mylonites are cohesively foliated, rich in olivine and diopside, and poor in antigorite. The diopside has low Al, Cr and Na contents typical of a retrograde origin, and the olivine has a homogeneous composition except in areas subjected to contact metamorphism at a later stage. Modal composition and mineral chemistry suggest that the serpentinite mylonites were formed by a hydration reaction of tremolite and olivine to produce diopside and antigorite under stable conditions of olivine, at temperatures between 400 and 600 °C. Later‐stage mylonitization has preferentially been superimposed on the earlier‐stage mylonite zone with a common direction of foliation. The difference in temperature between the two mylonitization stages suggests that the shear zone was episodically active during the emplacement of the Happo complex. Conditions of relatively high temperature for serpentinization at a convergent plate boundary and high permeability caused by the early mylonitization favoured the formation of the serpentinite mylonites.  相似文献   
金沙江蛇绿岩带蛇纹岩中浅色岩类的成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
浅色岩类的岩石类型包括斜长岩和斜长花岗岩,它们均呈岩块状包裹于蛇纹岩中。浅色岩的正Eu异常明显,REE参数图解、Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf值等均呈现分离结晶趋势,不相容元素Sr、Ba、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf富集,相容元素Sc、V、Co、Ni亏损,并与其寄主岩-蛇纹岩形成强烈的互补关系。这些特征表明,浅地是幔源超基性岩浆晚期结晶分异的产物。  相似文献   
The Siuna Serpentinite Mélange (SSM) is a subduction-zone-related complex that contains diverse blocks of igneous and sedimentary origin, overprinted by various metamorphic conditions. The SSM is located at the southern border of the Chortís block and marks the boundary between continental and oceanic crusts in the western margin of the Caribbean Plate. The serpentinite matrix mainly consists of lizardite/chrysotile, Cr-rich spinel, and relict orthopyroxene that suggest a harzburgitic protolith and an upper mantle supra-subduction zone origin. Blocks within the southern and central regions range from Jurassic pelagic sediments to mafic/intermediate igneous rocks that are metamorphosed to various degrees, ranging from prehnite-pumpellyite/greenschist to likely blueschist facies (e.g. riebeckite-bearing metashale) conditions. In contrast, the northern section encloses almost exclusively epidote-amphibolite facies metabasite blocks, and minor mica- and chlorite-rich rocks of metasomatic origin, respectively. Some of the epidote-amphibolite blocks contain relic garnet-rich zones embedded in an amphibole-rich matrix. The garnets appear to record two generations of growth and contain mineral inclusions such as amphibole, apatite, titanite, aegirine-augite, and quartz. Thermobarometric estimates for the garnet-rich zones and epidote-amphibolite-rich matrix suggest a prograde blueschist facies at ~1.2 GPa and 400–450°C, an eclogite facies metamorphic peak at 1.5–1.7 GPa and 565–614°C, and a post-peak epidote-amphibolite facies metamorphism. These pressure and temperature estimates indicate a classical clockwise PT path that has been observed in many palaeo-subduction zone environments worldwide. Phengite Ar–Ar dating of mica-rich rock yields 140 Ma and suggests an Early Cretaceous exhumation along the southern edge of the continental Chortís block.  相似文献   
泰山玉产于山东省泰安市泰山山麓,属蛇纹岩质玉石,形成于新太古代五台期,距今约26亿年。玉石呈墨色、浅绿—墨绿色,致密块状,质地细腻温润,油脂光泽,不透明—半透明,硬度4.8~5.5。根据玉石的颜色、杂质成分、显微结构等特征可分为泰山墨玉、泰山碧玉和泰山翠斑玉3类。泰山玉矿床是由富镁超基性岩受高温气体—液体作用变质而成,属变质超基性岩浆矿床。  相似文献   
高台沟硼矿地质地球化学及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高台沟硼矿位于吉南集安地区,含硼岩系普遍经受中-高级区域变质作用,区域上含矿镁质岩石类型划分为镁橄榄岩大理岩混合型和大理岩型两种矿化类型,高台沟硼矿属于镁橄榄岩大理岩混合型硼矿。含矿层岩石为灰绿色和黄绿色蛇纹岩,顶部岩石为金云母、透辉、滑石岩或金云透辉大理岩,向下为金云蛇纹岩或金云白云石大理岩,与蛇纹岩成渐变关系。蛇纹岩原岩为菱镁矿大理岩和镁橄榄岩,蛇纹石化镁橄榄岩中以产出硼镁铁矿为主,蛇纹石化大理岩中主要产出硼镁石。矿石化学成分反映,B_2O_3品位变化与MgO含量正相关,高品位硼矿石MgO含量均在40%以上。硼矿石稀土总量较低,小于22.03×10~(-6),轻重稀土略有分异,不同的负铕异常,明显的铈正异常。矿石中除B外,F也明显富集,其次是Cl、Rb、Sn、Th、U高于地幔岩石,而Ti、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Ga、Ba等则亏损,而硼镁铁矿的Co、Sn、U热液元素明显高于硼镁石矿石。矿床成因属于变质热液交代富镁质岩石形成的矿床,硼酸热液交代富镁岩石及磁铁矿形成硼镁石和硼镁铁矿,也可以是硼酸热液与铁镁溶液混合形成硼镁石和硼镁铁矿。  相似文献   
在 0 .5~ 1 .5GPa,1 60~ 2 55℃条件下动态监测了石膏脱水过程中电导率随时间的变化。实验结果表明 ,脱水过程中电导率随时间的变化分两个阶段 :第一阶段电导率随时间的变化速率可间接地反映脱水反应的速率 ;第二阶段反映了流体中溶解离子的增多。相角随时间的变化可动态反映释放的水在矿物颗粒边缘的存在及连通性。电导率法是适用于含水矿物脱水过程动态监测及脱水过程中水的分布、迁移等动力学过程就位研究的有效方法。  相似文献   
Hydrogen diffusion in clinopyroxene: dehydration experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen diffusivity of one clinopyroxene megacryst from Nüshan, eastern China parallel to [001]* crystallographic direction was measured by high-temperature sequential dehydration experiments at 950℃ and 850℃, which was (6.5± 1.5)×10-12(m2/s) and (1.8± 0.7)×10-12(m2/s) respectively. From these results and the previous published data, it seems that the correlation between hydrogen diffusivity and Fe content suggested by Dyar et al. (1996) possibly does not exist. Clinopyroxene megacrysts from alkali basalts appear to be possible reliable samples for the study of the water evolution and hydrogen isotope compositions of the upper mantle.  相似文献   
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