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Many studies of soil and water conservation in third world situations show that among the farmers' incentives the commercial view on rural management is important and that at the same time intangible considerations are playing an important role. Traditional belief, local customs as well as inner conviction are also significant in the farmer's life. An example of incentives of land husbandry in the first world is given by a case of the Swiss Alp-farming. Their great attachment to this type of farming as well as the national support for mountain farmers' income play a role. In activities aimed at improvement of rural development in a third world country, the viewpoint of the expert may easily dominate any kind of plan making because of his position in the projects. However, his cultural background may limit his understanding of the rural situation in countries foreign to him. This has frequently lead to misjudging the importance of other than commercial incentives. A critical self-appraisal of motives and attitude to life by the adviser would often be needed in order to take immaterial incentives into account in development projects and in the achievement of agricultural policy. From the experience obtained in the third world and from the case study of the european alp-farming, the weight of intangibles in the land users' incentives appears as one of the crucial factors in rural management. This weight will grow with the present increasing need for sustainable agricultural productivity as well as with the need to create a sustained use of the environment in many parts of the world.  相似文献   
鉴于目前对尾矿库二期加坝监测没有一个统一的规律可寻,其根本原因在于尾矿库明显的个案性,另一点是缺乏已建类似坝的相关资料,因而给监测分析带来很大困难。本文结合舒家山尾矿库二期扩建坝已运行二年,通过对坝体设计和监测资料的整理分析,对坝体的安全运行状态及变化规律做出判断,为今后尾矿库安全生产提供一个科学参考。  相似文献   
设计一种组合GPS/速率陀螺定姿系统。系统以方向余弦矩阵表示姿态,建立GPS/速率陀螺组合状态模型和观测模型。结合kalman滤波算法,提出一种状态矩阵卡尔曼滤波(StateMatrixKalmanKilter,SMKF)姿态估计算法,并采用拉格朗日算法对姿态矩阵进行正交化约束。与传统的基于四元数的扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法相比,基于方向余弦矩阵的姿态系统状态方程与测量方程均为线性方程,无需线性化处理,对初始姿态误差更具有较好的鲁棒性。数值仿真表明,该方法具有精度高和稳定性强等优点。  相似文献   
郑元勋  李清华  王常虹  黄远  钟佳朋 《遥感学报》2022,26(10):2073-2082
针对室内、地下以及障碍物较多的复杂环境中,可用导航源匮乏问题,本文提出一种利用低频时变磁场实现目标高精度位置与姿态解算的解决方案。传统时变磁场定位方法要求磁信标坐标系与目标坐标系一致且无法解算目标相对姿态角信息,同时精度普遍较差。本文提出的方案在解决传统方案的局限性基础上,又提出一种基于指纹匹配的改进方案,具有穿透性好、鲁棒性强且精度高的特点。首先根据空间中测量磁场计算磁信标接收信号强度RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)拟合直线,根据指纹匹配原理估计目标位置;再根据测量磁场方向矢量模型,反演解算目标姿态角信息,实现目标位置与姿态信息解算过程,研究并分析了磁信标导航系统误差来源及解决方案;最后通过对比实验,验证本文提出的算法在实验条件下,位置估计误差期望为0.069 m,姿态角估计误差期望为2.3°,且误差不随时间积累,相对于传统的磁信标导航方案具有明显优势,具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
潘娟霞  邹贤才 《测绘学报》2022,51(2):192-200
GOCE卫星引力梯度仪的精确校准是反演高精度重力场的前提之一,本文利用GOCE卫星L1b数据中的引力梯度仪及恒星敏感器数据实现了卫星引力梯度的内部校准。以最小二乘联合多个恒星敏感器观测数据确定内部校准使用的角速度,有效避免了单个恒星敏感器低精度角速度分量对坐标转换过程的影响。考虑到恒星敏感器坐标系与梯度仪坐标系间旋转矩阵随时间的变化,本文在ESA官方内部校准方法的基础上,提出了顾及旋转矩阵校准参数的内部校准模型,并利用2009年11月的GOCE实测数据验证了该方法的效果。结果表明,该旋转矩阵校准参数数值约100″,且在该月存在3″~30″的漂移;与GOCE官方内部校准方法对比,从卫星引力梯度精度结果来看,在低于0.005 Hz频段内,同时解算旋转矩阵的校准参数与梯度仪内3个加速度计对的校准参数的内部校准模型优于仅考虑加速度计对校准参数的模型;除此之外,本文讨论了以该模型为基础的GOCE梯度仪数据校准的可能方法,为GOCE及后续重力卫星的数据处理工作提供参考。  相似文献   
CSDP-02井是中国东部海区科学钻探工程2井,该井采用五开结构,完井井径98 mm,完井井深2843.18 m,历时504 d,创造了海洋科学钻探全取心井深世界纪录。本文介绍了该井的施工过程,对该井的钻进时间、钻探效率和回次进尺长度进行了系统的统计与分析。通过分析,对影响海上深部科学钻探效率的海况、后勤保障等因素进行了简单的阐述,为提高海上深孔钻探施工效率提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
中国勘查地球化学全面发展的重要标志和本质特征是大数据信息与地球系统科学。勘查地球化学的全面发展坚持资源与环境并重方针,真实生动地反映国家经济社会发展的历史轨迹,在科学技术领域具有典型意义。自然资源时期地质工作关于资源内涵从矿产资源、国土资源到一切自然资源,关于环境内涵从地质环境、国土环境到包括山水林田湖草生命共同体在内的一切自然环境。本文继2008年对此有所评述后,在国家自然资源部成立之际,地质工作面临深刻转型之时,从大数据信息科学与自然资源地球化学调查、建立地球系统科学指导的自然资源地球化学理论体系与自然资源地球化学评价体系,以及针对自然资源领域重大科学问题,深化地球化学应用研究与理论研究,构建完善的科学体系等若干值得注意的方面再次就此议题加以评论。勘查地球化学的长期目标是通过大数据信息与地球系统科学研究揭示自然资源与自然环境状况,实现对地球资源的科学开发、合理利用和整体保护,创造人类与地球和谐共处的生存环境。由此,转型和升级贯穿中国勘查地球化学发展的全过程。地球化学将以形态和内涵的系统性、综合性、整体性作用,以及应用实践的多目标全方位面貌出现在国家行业部门与科技领域,极大地拓展和深入经济社会发展各个方面。勘查地球化学以方法技术优势实行大调查、大数据、大应用战略,建立大环境、大生态、大地球观,向大地质、大资源、大科学转变,为解决自然资源与生态环境问题提供地球化学方案,将全面发展时期的勘查地球化学从大数据信息应用优势和地球系统科学理论高度提升到"大地球化学"境界。  相似文献   
陈文俊  周策  刘一民 《探矿工程》2011,38(11):76-79
通过研究滑坡体在突发性灾害爆发前后姿态的变化过程和规律,以及自动监测和无线传输技术,开发为地质灾害预测预报所需用的滑坡体滑动姿态、加速度自动监测仪,采用有数据采集和存储器功能的"黑匣子",对滑坡体成灾全过程进行跟踪监测。实现对滑坡体滑动三维位移的方位、速度和加速度变化情况的全程实时监测,解决以往不能对滑坡体三维姿态和滑动加速的全程实时监测的问题,推动地质灾害监测技术进步。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):553-570
The southern part of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) is located at the conjunction of the West Philippine Basin, the Parece Vela Basin, the Palau Basin, and the Caroline Basin. This area has extremely complex structures and is critical for the research on the tectonic evolution of marginal seas in the Western Pacific Ocean. However, only few studies have been completed on the southern part, and the geophysical fields and deep structures in this part are not well understood. Given this, this study finely depicts the characteristics of the gravity and magnetic anomalies and extracts information on deep structures in the southern part of the KPR based on the gravity and magnetic data obtained from the 11th expedition of the deep-sea geological survey of the Western Pacific Ocean conducted by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China Geological Survey using the R/V Haiyangdizhi 6. Furthermore, with the data collected on the water depth, sediment thickness, and multichannel seismic transects as constraints, a 3D density model and Moho depths of the study area were obtained using 3D density inversion. The results are as follows. (1) The gravity and magnetic anomalies in the study area show distinct zoning and segmentation. In detail, the gravity and magnetic anomalies to the south of 11°N of the KPR transition from high-amplitude continuous linear positive anomalies into low-amplitude intermittent linear positive anomalies. In contrast, the gravity and magnetic anomalies to the north of 11°N of the KPR are discontinuous and show alternating positive and negative anomalies. These anomalies can be divided into four sections, of which the separation points correspond well to the locations of deep faults, thus, revealing different field-source attributes and tectonic genesis of the KPR. (2) The Moho depth in the basins in the study area is 6–12 km. The Moho depth in the southern part of KPR show segmentation. Specifically, the depth is 10–12 km to the north of 11°N, 12–14 km from 9.5°N to 11°N, 14–16 km from 8.5°N to 9.5°N, and 16–25 km in the Palau Islands. (3) The KPR is a remnant intra-oceanic arc with the oceanic-crust basement.which shows noticeably discontinuous from north to south in geological structure and is intersected by NEE-trending lithospheric-scale deep faults. With large and deep faults F3 and F1 (the Mindanao fault) as boundaries overall, the southern part of the KPR can be divided into three zones. In detail, the portion to the south of 8.5°N (F3) is a tectonically active zone, the KPR portion between 8.5°N and 11°N is a tectonically active transition zone, and the portion to the north of 11°N is a tectonically inactive zone. (4) The oceanic crust in the KPR is slightly thicker than that in the basins on both sides of the ridge, and it is inferred that the KPR formed from the thickening of the oceanic crust induced by the upwelling of deep magma in the process of rifting of remnant arcs during the Middle Oligocene. In addition, it is inferred that the thick oceanic crust under the Palau Islands is related to the constant upwelling of deep magma induced by the continuous northwestward subduction of the Caroline Plate toward the Palau Trench since the Late Oligocene. This study provides a scientific basis for systematically understanding the crustal attributes, deep structures, and evolution of the KPR.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):571-584
The Philippine Sea is the largest marginal sea in the Western Pacific Ocean and is divided into two parts by the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR). The western part is the West Philippine Basin, and the eastern part consists of the Shikoku and Parece Vela basins. Based on surveyed data of massive high-resolution multibeam bathymetric data and sub-bottom profiles data collected from the southern section of the KPR from 2018 to 2021, this paper analyzes the topographic and geomorphological features, shallow sedimentary features, and tectonic genesis of the southern section of the KPR, obtaining the following conclusions. The southern section of the KPR has complex and rugged topography, with positive and negative topography alternatingly distributed and a maximum height difference of 4086 m. The slope of seamounts in this section generally exceeds 10° and is up to a maximum of 59°. All these contribute noticeably discontinuous topography. There are primarily nine geomorphological types in the southern section of the KPR, including seamounts, ridges, and intermontane valleys, etc. Among them, seven independent seamount groups are divided by five large troughs, forming an overall geomorphological pattern of seven abyssal seamount groups and five troughs. This reflects the geomorphological features of a deep oceanic ridge. Intramontane basins and intermontane valleys in the southern section of the KPR are covered by evenly thick sediments. In contrast, sediments in ridges and seamounts in this section are thin or even missing, with slumps developing locally. Therefore, the sediments are discontinuous and unevenly developed. The KPR formed under the control of tectonism such as volcanic activities and plate movements. In addition, exogenic forces such as underflow scouring and sedimentation also play a certain role in shaping seafloor landforms in the KPR.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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