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应用地电阻率各向异性度S分析了辽宁省地电观测资料,结果表明地电阻率各向异性度作为地电资料一种分析方法是可行的,某些地震发生前后,地电阻率的各向异性度存在明显的异常变化。  相似文献   
土壤含水量高光谱灰色关联度估测模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对土壤含水量高光谱估测中的不确定性,基于灰色系统理论,建立土壤含水量灰色关联度高光谱估测模式。首先根据光谱特征因子的非时间数据序列特性,利用基于加权距离的灰色关联度计算方法,构建灰色关联度预测模型;然后利用识别残差建立修正模型,提出了具有残差修正的灰色关联度预测模式,并应用于山东省泰安市土壤水含量高光谱估测。结果表明,检验样本的平均相对误差为3.614%,而基于经典的灰色关联模式和线性回归模型的平均相对误差分别为4.762%和6.841%。应用实例说明提出的模式是有效的。  相似文献   
高超  申双和  蒋烨林  彭擎 《气象》2019,45(6):854-861
城市的热环境与城市因子之间有某种必然的联系,为了研究两者之间的关系,本文以人体舒适度为研究视角,分析影响人体舒适度变化的主要城市因子。该研究首先采用了热气候指数法计算1980—2017年杭州夏季高温不舒适日数,并统计其变化趋势。运用熵权优化的灰色关联度模型,确立各影响因子的权重,分析城市化因子与高温不舒适日数之间的关联关系。结果表明:(1)38年来,杭州高温不舒适日数的平均为30.6 d,气候倾向率为6.87 d·(10 a)~(-1),呈现显著上升趋势。年代际变化特征表明,高温不舒适日数主要集中在7、8月,并在1992—1993年高温不舒适日数发生由少到多的突变。(2)灰关联熵结果显示,在十二个指标因子中,第二产业占地区生产总值比重所占权重最大,公路客运量所占权重占第二位,所占权重最小的是人口密度。(3)公路客运量和第二产业占地区生产总值比重与高温不舒适日数的关联度均成强度相关联,而园林绿地面积、建成区绿化覆盖面积、人口密度等剩下的十个因子均成中度相关联。综上所述,灰色理论在多因子关联系统预测中具有优越性,能够有效分析影响高温不舒适日数的主要城市因子,在实际应用中具有一定价值。  相似文献   
随着对地基承载力理论研究的深入及大量工程实践的开展,暴露出弹性理论的诸多缺陷。基于弹-塑性理论,对以前学者的地基分类进行改进,推导出地基的临塑承载力、弹-塑性承载力以及极限承载力的公式,并且为了更好地进行地基土处于非线性变形阶段弹-塑性承载力的计算,提出了弹-塑性承载力利用率的概念;针对以前学者提出的危险度的概念,由于其不能在工程实际工程中很好地推广应用的缺点,给出了具有工程意义的弹-塑性承载力安全度Kep这一参数。结合工程实际说明只要Kep满足要求,地基土可用到非线性变形阶段,由此理论设计地基基础,造价将大大降低。  相似文献   
南疆地区经济发展对荒漠化程度的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荒漠化程度的变化对南疆地区来说是生态系统退化的表现。应用NDVI数据,利用图像处理软件ENVI对南疆地区荒漠化程度进行分析,结果表明: 1952-1983年之间南疆地区荒漠化面积约增长11%,其中重度荒漠化面积约增14.21%左右,而中轻度荒漠化面积增7%~8%。1983-1993年荒漠化保持着基本稳定的状态。在21世纪初,即从2000年、2005年、2010年、2014年4期遥感数据解译分析结果来看, 2000年荒漠化总面积达到96.11×104 km2,约占总面积的90.41%,其中严重荒漠化面积为72.93×104 km2,重度荒漠化面积为15.76×104 km2,中轻度荒漠化面积为7.42×104 km2,到了2014年,荒漠化总面积达到95.31×104 km2,比2000年下降1.24%,但严重中轻度荒漠化土地面积不断发生变化。通过分析发现,荒漠化程度变化主要是人类活动和自然因素共同作用所导致的。  相似文献   
杜坤  魏鸣  许遐祯  项瑛 《气象科学》2011,31(5):632-638
引入雾的集中期和集中度的方法,对江苏省59个地面观测站1961—2007雾的发生频次资料进行了分析研究,得出了近47 a来江苏雾的时空分布特征及其相关统计结果。研究表明,集中度和集中期能够明显地分辨江苏省雾的时空分布非均匀特性。江苏省雾集中度呈现南北高、中间低的特点;集中期在47 a中出现较大波动。采用EOF方法分别对雾日数、集中度和集中期的距平值进行分析,其第一特征向量表现为同相位;其中雾日数的第一时间系数在1980s前后出现峰值,集中度和集中期距平值的第一时间系数表现为先减小后增大的总体趋势。通过气候趋势系数的计算表明苏北地区除4站点外均呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
The performance of temperature‐index melt models is particularly affected by the choice of near‐surface lapse rate used to determine the sum of positive daily temperatures at different elevations, and by the choice of factor used to relate this sum to the rate of melting. Data from the Langjökull ice cap are used in this study to quantify the influence of lapse‐rate and degree‐day factor variation on temperature‐index melt simulations. The lapse rate was significantly lower during summer than in spring or autumn, as a result of diabatic cooling, reducing boundary‐layer sensitivity to free‐air temperature change. The summer lapse rate was also significantly lower than the saturated adiabatic lapse rate. A sensitivity of approximately 600 mm water equivalent (w.e.) cumulative June–August melt per 0.1 °C 100 m–1 change in lapse rate was found across a 500‐m altitude range. The sensitivity to a 1‐mm w.e. °C–1 day–1 change in degree‐day factors varied more: from approximately 500 mm w.e. cumulative summer melt at low elevation to approximately 200 mm w.e. at high elevation, reflecting the decline in melt rates associated with the greater persistence of snow with increasing altitude. The determination of a degree‐day factor for snow is complicated by the densification of the ageing snowpack, but the application of a parameterization for near‐surface density on the basis of albedo helped account for the development of snow water equivalence. Lapse rate was parameterized as a function of standardized anomalies in 750 hPa reanalysis temperature and significantly improved the simulation of cumulative summer melt compared with models applying the saturated adiabatic lapse rate. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Biofiltration systems represent an effective technology for the management of urban stormwater runoff volumes and quality. The performance of these systems, although largely dependent on their physical characteristics, is also strongly affected by the natural variability of runoff occurrence and volumes. This article presents a model that describes the statistical behaviour of the main variables involved in the water balance of a biofiltration system, given its main physical properties (filter media and vegetation types) and accounting for the natural inflow variability in terms of occurrence and water volumes. The model permits the analytical derivation of the long‐term (e.g. annual) probability density function of the soil water content in the filter media and the estimation of the main statistics of water fluxes, that is, outflow, evapotranspiration and overflow. By relating the soil water content in the filter media before inflow events to the outflow total nitrogen concentrations, the model also gives estimates of the statistics of nitrogen removal performance as a function of inflow variability. The model was tested against field data collected at a stormwater biofiltration system in Melbourne, Australia. The model could be used to rapidly assess the hydrologic and nitrogen treatment performance of alternative applications of biofiltration for stormwater management across a range of climates. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于两种典型的采煤区影响程度评估方法,对比分析两种评估方法的结果,讨论二者的优缺点。研究结果表明:概率积分法和模糊综合评判法的采煤区影响程度划分结果存在明显差异。与模糊综合评判法相比,概率积分法的评价结果更为客观,理论体系更加成熟,但是其参数选取也存在的不足,建议根据参数反演选取预测参数。模糊综合评判法运用于采煤区影响程度分析存在缺陷,因子权重分配和影响程度隶属函数体系有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
This paper reports sensitive high resolution ion micro-probe U-Pb zircon ages for the "Huoqiu Group" and granitoids of the Early Precambrian basement in the Huoqiu area, southeastern margin of the North China Craton. The "Huoqiu Group" is similar in rock association and metamorphism to the khondalite series, apart from it containing considerable amounts of banded iron formation. All detrital zircons from the "Huoqiu Group" meta-sedimentary rocks are 3.0 Ga and 2.75 Ga, without any 2.5 Ga and younger ones, as is commonly found in Paleoproterozoic khondalite series in other areas of the North China Craton. In the Huoqiu area, 2.75 Ga and 2.56 Ga granitoids have also been identified. This basement assemblage underwent strong metamorphism during the late Paleoproterozoic (~1.84 Ga) tectonothermal event that is widely developed in the North China Craton. Thus the formation time of the "Huoqiu Group" can be constrained between 2.75 and 1.84 Ga in terms of detrital and metamorphic zircon ages. It is considered, combined with regional data, that there may be a Paleoproterozoic collision orogen extending in a NWW–SEE direction to the southern margin of the North China Craton.  相似文献   
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