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YML铁矿区位于几内亚福雷卡里亚省,富铁矿以条带状赤铁矿和铁角砾岩矿为主。矿区内共发育7条矿体,条带状赤铁矿体6条,铁角砾岩矿体1条。条带状赤铁矿体赋存部位多为向形地段,次级紧密褶皱发育,沿走向和倾向有逐渐变薄和尖灭的趋势;铁角砾岩矿体覆盖于地表,以风化壳的形式出现。矿床类型属复合类型,即海底热液喷气沉积叠加后期构造变质型+风化淋滤型。该区具备铁矿形成和保存的地质条件,且已发现具一定储量、品位较高的条带状赤铁矿和大面积的铁角砾岩分布区,区内铁矿找矿远景较好。  相似文献   
模拟酸雨对福建四种山地土壤的淋溶与风化作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
樊后保  林德喜 《山地学报》2002,20(5):570-577
在不同pH值 (2 .0、3.5、5 .0、6 .0及蒸馏水 )的模拟酸雨作用下 ,对福建四种类型山地土壤进行了为期 12 0d的淋溶试验。结果表明 ,盐基离子的淋溶量随模拟酸雨pH值的降低而增加 ,尤其当pH≤ 3.5时 ,增加最明显。 4种类型土壤中各离子淋失量大小均为 :Ca2 >Mg2 >K >Na ,这与原土壤中交换性盐基含量一致。在pH≥ 3.5的酸雨作用下 ,土壤中铝的淋失较少 ,而当酸雨pH =2 .0时 ,铝的淋失骤然升高。pH2 .0的模拟酸雨不仅增加了土壤铝离子的释放 ,而且加速了矿物的风化。在pH2 .0的模拟酸雨淋溶下 ,红壤、黄壤、山地草甸土和紫色土中由矿物风化输入的 5种阳离子总量分别为 2 .94、4 .33、4 .35和 6 .0 4 (cmol kg)土 ,显著大于其它酸雨处理。土壤对酸沉降的缓冲作用由阳离子交换、氢氧化铝水解以及原生矿物风化缓冲作用三部分组成 ,其相对重要性不仅决定于土壤酸度、盐基饱和度和矿物组成 ,而且与酸雨的pH值密切相关  相似文献   
论文研究了成都经济区天降水和下渗水中元素含量、在农田耕层中的输入输出通量及其影响因素.研究表明,研究区雨水中含有大量SO2-4、NO-3等酸性物质,雨水中SO2-4 >NO-3>Cl-.雨水中Ca2 和NH 4含量最高,且NH 4>Ca2 >K >Na >Mg2 .雨水的pH与阴、阳离子摩尔浓度差值具有显著相关性.下渗水中以Ca2 为主要阳离子,且Ca2 >Na >Mg2 >K >NH 4;HCO-3为主要阴离子,且HCO-3>NO-3>SO2-4>Cl->F-,下渗水pH与阳、阴离子摩尔浓度差值具有显著相关性.不同地区雨水中Pb>As>Cd>Se>Hg,下渗水中Pb>As>Se>Cd>Hg,因此,Cd、Pb、Se和Hg等元素累积在耕层中,而As则被下渗水携带迁移出耕层进入地下水.由降雨输入土壤中的Cd通量均大于下渗水输出Cd的通量,局部地区As下渗通量高于雨水输入通量的5.45~13.16倍.土壤中元素的下渗比与土壤质地、pH有关.  相似文献   
Major and trace elements as well as strontium isotopic composition have been analyzed on the acid-insoluble (AI) phase of the loess-paleosol sequence from Luochuan, Shaanxi Province, China. Results show that the chemical composition of AI phase of loess and paleosols is distinctive to the average composition of upper continental crust (UCC), characterized by depletion of mobile elements Na, Ca and Sr. The distribution pattern of elements in AI phase reveals that initial dust, derived from a vast area of Asian inland, has suffered from Na- and Ca-removed chemical weathering compared to UCC. Some geochemical parameters (such as CIA values, Na/K, Rb/Sr and87Sr/86Sr ratios) display a regular variation and evolution, reflecting that the chemical weathering in the source region of loess deposits has decreased gradually since 2.5 Ma with the general increase of global ice volume. This coincidence reflects that the aridity of Asian inland since the Quaternary is a possible regional response to the global climate change.  相似文献   
为控制金矿开采废岩和选冶废料的酸化 ,利用净产酸量、净产酸势实验和柱淋溶实验 ,研究了猫岭 王家崴子金矿区采矿废石和尾矿的酸化情况。结果表明 ,在废石和尾矿的堆放过程中会发生酸化 ,且废石的产酸量远高于尾矿的产酸量 ,氰化尾矿的产酸量高于浮选尾矿的产酸量。但是 ,12 0天的淋溶实验表明 ,各种采选废物在短期内酸化现象不明显 ,与本区采矿废石和尾矿低的含硫量和系统中的缓冲能力及其外部环境因素有关 ,也反映了废物漫长的酸化过程。本研究结果为金矿开发废碴的环境管理和酸化控制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地西南缘灌丛沙丘沉积物的粒度和元素特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对毛乌素沙地白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛沙丘沉积物粒度和元素特征进行了采样分析.结果表明:灌丛沙丘沉积物来源单一,几乎全部由丘间地物质组成,其粒度和元素特征与丘间地物质极其相似;相对而言,灌丛沙丘沉积物比丘间地物质含有更多粗颗粒物,主要因丘间地可做跃移运动的中沙和细沙更易被灌丛阻挡而堆积;灌丛沙丘沉积物中大部分元素含量比丘间地物质低,主要因这些元素易被淋溶迁移到丘间地富集;灌丛沙丘发育以来,虽然其沉积环境存在波动,但相对稳定,未发生过显著变化.  相似文献   
Hematite, as a typical iron oxide slime in sulphide ore slurries, was artificially added into the leaching systems of pure gold and a sulphide ore respectively, in an attempt to investigate the effect of iron oxide slimes on the ammoniacal thiosulphate leaching of gold. The presence of hematite significantly reduced the dissolution of gold and this detrimental effect became more pronounced with increasing hematite concentration. Hematite formed coatings on gold surfaces, which could prevent leach solution from diffusing to the gold surfaces and hence, inhibit gold dissolution. Hematite catalysed the oxidative decomposition of thiosulphate to polythionates with oxygen present. XPS studies indicated a thin layer of iron oxide coating as well as the deposition of some copper and sulphur species on gold surfaces. SEM images revealed a lesser extent of corrosion for gold after leaching in the presence of hematite. The gold extraction from the sulphide ore was reduced with the addition of hematite and this effect became more noticeable with an addition of hematite at a higher concentration. A natural guar type surfactant (Gempolym M47) reduced the detrimental effect of hematite on gold extraction likely due to the prevention of hematite coating on gold and mineral particles and the dispersion of the mineral slurry. Gempolym M47 stabilised thiosulphate by weakening the interaction between cupric ions and thiosulphate and by minimising the catalytic effect of hematite on thiosulphate decomposition.  相似文献   
李建红  罗毅  王明太  孙志富  周青生 《铀矿地质》2001,17(3):168-173,149
本文从矿床的地质评价入手,对矿体形态、产状、规模,矿石的物质成分,矿石结构构造,铀的存在形式,矿床水文地质、工程地质等诸多方面进行了矿床溶浸天然地质条件研究;通过对低品位、大块度的铀矿石进行柱浸工艺试验,获得了一系列溶浸工艺参数;归纳分析出高昔、牛尾岭矿床的矿石灰第2类有利溶浸类型;提出常规采治法、原地破碎浸出和堆浸相结合的采治方案。  相似文献   
Post-mining drainage chemistry depends strongly on geochemical and hydrologic processes that occur during the operational years. Where routine operational monitoring data are abundant, the dominant processes can often be evaluated with no additional, special studies. Thus, post-mining drainage chemistry can be predicted with confidence based on the operational data. This is referred to here as ‘empirical drainage-chemistry modelling’ (EDCM).This paper presents examples of EDCM using routine monitoring databases from several minesites, each containing thousands of analyses and spanning up to 30 years of mine operation and closure. Simple statistical interpretations in the EDCM can reveal annual cycles and trends that aqueous concentrations display during operation and into closure.A new compilation of 12 EDCM equations for copper versus pH is presented to illustrate similar trends with pH among the sites. However, this compilation also shows that average-annual copper concentrations at a particular pH can vary by three orders of magnitude, reflecting site-specific factors. Also, a new case study comparing actual closure concentrations to those predicted with EDCM in 1991 demonstrates that predictive accuracy is within a factor of two.  相似文献   
Summary Pad construction costs can affect the overall economics of heap leach projects. Costs for single- and double-lined pads, using various designs, are listed for a typical small and large project. Double-lined pads are now frequently required by regulatory agencies. Unless such designs significantly reduce the risk of site-specific contamination, the extra costs cannot be justified from an economical viewpoint. Specific attention is given to the short project life (typically five years) of heap leach projects. A few numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the overall impact of these costs on economic parameters.  相似文献   
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