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The shale gas resources in China have great potential and the geological resources of shale gas is over 100×1012m3,which includes about 20×1012m3 of recoverable resources.Organic-rich shales can be divided into three types according to their sedimentary environments,namely marine,marine-continental transitional,and continental shales,which are distributed in 13 stratigraphic systems from the Mesoproterozoic to the Cenozoic.The Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas have the highest geological resources of shale gas,and the commercial development of shale gas has been achieved in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in these areas,with a shale gas production of up to 20×109m3 in 2020.China has seen rapid shale gas exploration and development over the last five years,successively achieving breakthroughs and important findings in many areas and strata.The details are as follows.(1)Large-scale development of middle-shallow shale gas(burial depth:less than 3500 m)has been realized,with the productivity having rapidly increased;(2)breakthroughs have been constantly made in the development of deep shale gas(burial depth:3500-4500 m),and the ultradeep shale gas(burial depth:greater than 4500 m)is under testing;(3)breakthroughs have been made in the development of normal-pressure shale gas,and the assessment of the shale gas in complex tectonic areas is being accelerated;(4)shale gas has been frequently discovered in new areas and new strata,exhibiting a great prospect.Based on the exploration and development practice,three aspects of consensus have been gradually reached on the research progress in the geological theories of shale gas achieved in China.(1)in terms of deep-water fine-grained sediments,organic-rich shales are the base for the formation of shale gas;(2)in terms of high-quality reservoirs,the development of micro-nano organic matter-hosted pores serves as the core of shale gas accumulation;(3)in terms of preservation conditions,weak structural transformation,a moderate degree of thermal evolution,and a high pressure coefficient are the key to shale gas enrichment.As a type of important low-carbon fossil energy,shale gas will play an increasingly important role in achieving the strategic goals of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality.Based on the in-depth study of shale gas geological conditions and current exploration progress,three important directions for shale gas exploration in China in the next five years are put forward.  相似文献   
We determined 15N/14N ratios of total nitrogen in surface sediments and dated sediment cores to reconstruct the history of N-loading of the North Sea. The isotopic N composition in modern surface sediments is equivalent to and reflects the isotopic mixture of oceanic nitrate on the one hand (δ15N = 5‰) and the imprint of river-borne nitrogen input into the SE North Sea (δ15N up to 12‰ in estuaries of the SE North Sea) on the other hand. We compare the results with δ15N records from pre-industrial sediment intervals in cores from the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas, which both constitute significant depositional centres for N in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea/North Sea transition. As expected, isotopically enriched anthropogenic nitrogen was found in the two records from the Kattegat area, which is close to eutrophication sources on land. Enrichment of δ15N in cores from the Skagerrak – the largest sediment sink for nitrogen in the entire North Sea – was not significant and values were similar to those found in sediment layers representing pre-industrial conditions. We interpret this isotopic uniformity as an indication that most riverine reactive nitrogen with its characteristic isotopic signature is removed by denitrification in shallow shallow-water sediments before reaching the main sedimentary basin of the North Sea.  相似文献   
Sedimentological studies including X-ray digital analyses, mineralogy, inorganic contents, and organic geochemistry on cores of laminated sediments accumulated in the oxygen minimum zone of the central Peruvian margin reveal variable oceanographic and climate conditions during the last 500 yr. Coherent upcore variations in sedimentological and geochemical markers in box cores taken off Pisco (B0405-6) and Callao (B0405-13) indicate that variability in the climate proxies examined has regional significance. Most noteworthy is a large shift in proxies at 1820 AD, as determined by 210Pb and 14C radiometric dating. This shift is characterized by an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) in parallel with an abrupt increase in the enrichment factor for molybdenum Mo indicating a regional intensification of redox conditions, at least at the sediment water interface. In addition there was lower terrestrial input of quartz, feldspar and clays to the margin. Based on these results, we interpret that during several centuries prior to 1820, which corresponds to the little ice age (LIA), the northern Humboldt current region was less productive and experienced higher terrestrial input related to more humid conditions on the continent. These conditions were probably caused by a southward displacement of the inter-tropical convergence zone and the subtropical high pressure cell during the LIA. Since 1870, increases in TOC and terrigenous mineral fluxes suggest an increase of wind-driven upwelling and higher productivity. These conditions continued to intensify during the late 20th century, as shown by instrumental records of wind forcing.  相似文献   
A model of turbidity maximum maintenance in the Irish Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional model has been developed in order to improve understanding of the processes which interact to maintain the sediment concentrations at an isolated turbidity maximum in the Irish Sea throughout the year. The model comprises two interchangeable populations of particles with different diameters, one of fine cohesive material, the other made up of flocs. Both populations are slow settling, and subject to horizontal diffusion, resuspension, settling, aggregation and disaggregation.The equations used to describe the processes of aggregation and the break-up of flocs in response to sediment concentration and turbulent shear have been developed by the tuning of the model to observations. Due to high turbulent shear at the turbidity maximum, the particles are predominantly fine, while the sediment in the surrounding water is made up of larger flocs. Diffusion of small particles out of the turbidity maximum balanced by the diffusion of aggregated material towards it provides a mechanism for its maintenance. The modelled sediment concentrations at the turbidity maximum can be reproduced year-on-year, with no loss due to diffusive processes. This is achievable with a limited, exhaustible source of material which is not replenished once resuspended.Through comparison with satellite imagery the correlation of the modelled sediment concentrations with observations is investigated, both spatially and temporally. The seasonal cycle is reproduced well by the model with winter and summer concentrations matching those observed. Spatially the model also performs well in both turbid regions and those where the surface sediment load is low.  相似文献   
分析了南海62个表层沉积物样品中生源(有机质、碳酸钙和蛋白石)和非生源(岩源物质)组分的含量变化和分布特征,并以沉积学分区为基础,结合5个沉积物捕获器站位,将南海划分为N、C-NE、SW和S 4个区域,对比分析了各区表层沉积物和水柱中沉降颗粒物中各组分含量、沉积通量分布特征和变化,探讨了表层沉积物的输出生产力、沉降颗粒物的初级生产力及真光层下100 m输出生产力三者之间的对应关系.结果显示:南海4个海域表层沉积物中各组分平均含量多数低于沉降颗粒物中的平均含量,而碳酸钙、岩源物质的沉积通量却多数高于沉降颗粒物中的沉积通量,分析得出表层沉积物中各组分平均含量和沉积通量不仅受水柱中各组分输出量影响,还受到陆源物质输入、溶解作用和上层水体营养盐影响.南海表层沉积物中生源组分沉积通量大小对应其输出生产力的大小.但是,由于陆源有机质、生源颗粒侧向漂移的影响,表层沉积物的输出生产力大小分布并不完全对应沉降颗粒物的初级生产力大小分布,尽管南海真光层下100 m输出生产力与沉降颗粒物的初级生产力比值与世界大洋"f"比平均值基本一致,但是,明显低于表层沉积物的输出生产力大小,只有在沉降颗粒物的初级生产力较高区域,真光层下100 m输出生产力大小才最接近表层沉积物的输出生产力大小.  相似文献   
The design and operation of mathematical models of solute mixing and sediment transport in estuaries rely heavily on the provision of good-quality field data. We present some observations of salinity, suspended sediment concentration and velocity at one of the tidal limits of a semi-enclosed tidal lagoon in Southern England (Pagham Harbour, West Sussex, UK) where the natural processes of tidal incursion and solute mixing have been heavily modified as a result of the construction of sea walls dating back to the 18th Century. These observations, made immediately downstream of two parallel tidal flap gates by conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler, and also using bed-mounted sensor frames to measure velocity at 2 fixed depths, have yielded a set of results covering 11 tidal cycles over the period 2002–04. It is clear from the results obtained that over a typical tidal cycle, the greatest vertical salinity gradients occur in the 1–2 h immediately after the onset of the flood tide, and that subsequently, energetic mixing acts to rapidly break down this stratification. Under moderate-to-high fresh water flows (>0.5 m3/s), the break-down in vertical salinity gradient is more gradual, while under low fresh water flows (<0.2 m3/s), the vertical salinity gradient is generally less pronounced. Estimates of Richardson number during the early flood-tide period reveal values that vary rapidly between <1 and about 20, with lower values occurring after around 1.5–2 h after low water. Observations of suspended sediment concentration vary widely even for similar tidal and fresh water flow conditions, revealing the possible influence of wind speed, the storage effects of the water in the lagoon downstream of the observation site, and the complexity of the hydrodynamics downstream of tidal flap gates. The data also show that most of the sediment transport is landward, and occurs during flood tides, with estimated total tidal landward flood tide flux of fine sediment of the order of 50–120 kg under low fresh water flow conditions. These observations, which reinforce the results presented in Warner et al. (2004) and elsewhere, can help to provide information about the appropriate techniques for managing sediments and pollutants, including nutrients from sewage effluent waters, in estuaries where hydraulic flap gates are used to control the entry of fresh water over the tidal cycle.  相似文献   
蟹类底栖动物对河口潮滩无机氮界面交换的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以长江河口的沿岸及岛屿潮滩高潮滩湿地为研究区域,结合现场调查和实验室模拟分析,初步研究了大型穴居底栖动物无齿相手蟹(Sesarma denaan)活动对长江口潮滩沉积物-水界面无机氮交换以及界面处氮的生物地球化学循环的影响。结果表明,高潮滩蟹类底栖动物活动对潮滩滩面地貌施加了显著的改造作用,蟹类活动较集中的地段,蟹洞覆盖率达到2%~3%,滩面掘出沉积物高达1~1.5 kg/m2。潮水淹没情况下,小范围内高密度的蟹类活动能通过机体排泄、加强沉积物再悬浮及促进沉积物-水界面溶质交换等方式致使沉积物出现三态无机氮的巨大释放。蟹类活动造成的洞穴结构及对沉积物的翻动混合能增加沉积物中的氧气含量,促进沉积物中有机氮的矿化和NH4 的释放,造成无机氮在沉积物中的剖面分布特征发生较大变化。  相似文献   
241Am is a useful tracer for understanding biogeochemical processes in the marine environment. 241Am also poses a potential radiation threat to human health due to the continuous increase of its concentration in the global environment. We report a rapid analytical method for determining 241Am in marine sediments using isotope dilution sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) combined with a high-efficiency sample introduction system (APEX-Q). A selective CaF2 co-precipitation procedure followed by TRU extraction chromatography was employed to effectively remove the major sediment matrix and to pre-concentrate 241Am. We achieved an extremely low detection limit of 0.32 fg/g or 0.041 mBq/g (for 1 gram sediment), which is better than that of alpha spectrometry, and it allowed the accurate determination of 241Am in low-level marine sediment samples. The accuracy and precision of the developed analytical method was evaluated using a laboratory prepared Am isotope standard solution and Ocean Sediment reference material (IAEA-368). The results were satisfactory. For sediment samples, overall chemical recoveries varied from 60–90%. The developed method was applied to the study of 241Am depth distribution in Sagami Bay, Japan, where we observed different depth profiles between 241Am activity and 239+240Pu activity.  相似文献   
通过对2005年和2006年东海赤潮高发区表层沉积物部分脂类标记物(正构烷烃、脂肪酸等)的分析,初步探讨了表层沉积物有机物的来源。沉积物中正构烷烃的碳优势指数Icp值及姥鲛烷/植烷的质量比(Pr/Ph)普遍较低,而n-C16,n-C18的质量分数较高。分析表明,石油烃是东海赤潮高发区表层沉积物脂肪烃的主要成分。来源于细菌、海洋微藻和陆生高等植物的脂肪酸如直链饱和脂肪酸、支链饱和脂肪酸、不(多不)饱和脂肪酸等在2005~2006年间的组成和分布比较稳定:直链脂肪酸含量普遍较高,其次为支链脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸,多不饱和脂肪酸含量相对较少。利用生物标记物分析表明,海洋自生生物源(细菌、海洋微藻等)是沉积物中脂肪酸的主要来源,陆源脂肪酸对东海赤潮高发区表层沉积物的贡献较小。  相似文献   
琼东南海域表层沉积物常量元素地球化学及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对琼东南海域88个表层沉积物的常量元素进行了统计分析,结果表明:琼东南海域表层沉积物中含量最高的两种组分是SiO2和CaO,其平均含量分别为41.15%和15.66%;琼东南海域表层沉积物以陆源碎屑为主,同时生物沉积作用也较发育;陆源物质源区较复杂,主要的陆源物质可能由古红河水系携带而来;因子分析结果表明,该区表层沉积物的常量元素可分为4组,第1组包括SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO、K2O、TiO2,第2组包括CaO、CaCO3、烧失量,第3组包括P2O5和有机碳,第4组包括Na2O和MnO,分别代表了陆源碎屑沉积、钙质生物沉积、海洋化学沉积以及火山碎屑沉积。  相似文献   
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