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珠江口盆地西部海域发育弱BSR或无BSR的天然气水合物储层,常规叠后反演所获得的参数单一,难以精确预测其天然气水合物分布特征。本文在地震道集优化处理、精细速度分析、岩石物理分析及低频模型精确建立的基础上,针对性地采用叠前同时反演技术,对珠江口盆地西部海域天然气水合物储层进行预测,并利用岩相流体概率分析技术对其进行综合识别,实现了对天然气水合物储层地精细刻画。反演预测结果表明,研究区天然气水合物较为发育,预测结果与钻探结果吻合程度较高,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
Compressional and shear wave velocities and attenuation measurements have been carried out in some of the borehole samples of acidic, basic and intermediate granulites of Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, India. The results have been obtained at ambient conditions using ‘time-of-flight’ pulse transmission technique at 1.0 MHz frequency. The results show linear relationships between velocity and density, and velocity and attenuation properties of the rocks. The acidic granulites show lower velocities and higher attenuation than the intermediate and basic granulites. The average values of the Poisson’s ratio of acidic, intermediate and basic granulites have been found to be 0.210, 0.241 and 0.279 respectively. The variations in velocities and attenuation in these low porosity crystalline rocks are found to be strongly influenced by their mineral composition. The laboratory velocity data (extrapolated to high pressure) of the present study and the published field velocity data from deep seismic sounding studies indicate that these granulite facies rocks may belong to mid-crustal depths only.  相似文献   
柳河盆地中生代地层发育有中侏罗统侯家屯组,下白垩统果松组、鹰嘴砬子组、林子头组、下桦皮甸子组和亨通山组。主要岩石类型为碎屑岩、火山碎屑沉积岩、火山碎屑岩和熔岩,沉积相为扇三角洲-湖泊相。根据岩性变化和岩相组合,将下白垩统划分为13个三级层序和8种充填类型。根据盆地构造和层序特征,划分为5个构造发育阶段,分别是中侏罗世初始凹陷阶段、晚侏罗世抬升剥蚀阶段和早白垩世的3个火山喷发-沉降阶段。柳河盆地是一个受走滑张扭-走滑压扭机制控制的走滑伸展盆地。  相似文献   
This paper presents the primary results of petrologic, mineralogical and petrochemical studies of garnet-bearing granulite facies rock xenoliths from Xinyang, Henan Province. These xenoliths, which are found in a pipe of late Mesozoic volcaniclastic breccia, are of high density (3.13-3.30 g/cm3) and high seismic velocity (Vp = 7.04-7.31 km/s), being products of underplating of basaltic magmas and had experienced granulite facies metamorphism. The underplating and metamorphism took place before the eruption of the host rock. Petrographical studies and equilibrium T-P calculations show that these xenoliths were captured at a 49 km depth and experienced at least a 16 km uplift before they were captured. The dynamics of the uplift could be related to the continent-continent collision between the North China plate and the Yangtze plate during the Triassic.  相似文献   
吉林延边开山屯低级变质作用发育于兴凯地块西南晚古生代活动大陆边缘,这里产出二叠纪末的消减增生杂岩。低级变质作用矿物除冻蓝闪石、阳起石、玉髓、黝帘石、多硅白云母、绿泥石、钠长石外,还在灰黑色变泥质岩中发现硬绿泥石 纤锰柱石 多硅白云母组合。这是国内首次报道的以泥质岩为原岩并具有硬绿泥石 纤锰柱石标志矿物组合的蓝片岩相岩石。研究表明,该组合的形成温度290.14(或370.8)℃,具明显的低温特征。  相似文献   
薄互层砂体研究是湖盆沉积学的研究难点。本文针对辽河西部凹陷沙四上亚段(Es4上)薄互层砂体,以层序地层学、沉积学、测井地质学等理论为指导,综合岩心、测录井和地震等多种资料,对西部凹陷的薄互层砂体进行精细描述和深入剖析。结果表明,研究区主要发育辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉积相,其中,滩坝砂体是湖泊相的主力砂体。通过考虑不同沉积背景下滩坝在岩相组合、发育位置和成因机理的差异性,将滩坝划分成侧缘改造型滩坝、前缘改造型滩坝、基岩改造型滩坝、淹没改造型滩坝和风暴改造型滩坝5种沉积模式;对薄层滩坝砂体的控制因素进行分析,认为其受到"风场-物源-盆地"三端元的控制。  相似文献   
山东黄县盆地是中国东部一个重要的煤和油页岩共生盆地,古近系李家崖组是盆地主要的含煤岩系发育层段。根据层序地层学理论,建立了古近系层序地层格架;依据钻测井、岩心资料划分了李家崖组的沉积相类型,编制了分体系域的沉积相图。主要结论如下:(1)李家崖组发育湖泊、辫状河三角洲以及扇三角洲3种沉积相类型。(2)层序Ⅰ低水位体系域以辫状河三角洲相为主,湖扩展体系域以扇三角洲相和湖泊相为主,高水位体系域以扇三角洲相为主;层序Ⅱ低水位体系域以辫状河三角洲相为主,湖扩展体系域以扇三角洲相和湖泊相为主,高水位体系域以湖泊相为主。(3)层序Ⅰ发育时期: 低水位期盆地初始形成—湖扩展期盆地扩张—高水位期盆地萎缩;层序Ⅱ发育时期: 低水位期盆地再次缓慢扩张—湖扩展期盆地加速扩张—高水位期盆地萎缩消亡。  相似文献   
Abstract Physical stratigraphy within shoreface‐shelf parasequences contains a detailed, but virtually unstudied, record of shallow‐marine processes over a range of historical and geological timescales. Using high‐quality outcrop data sets, it is possible to reconstruct ancient shoreface‐shelf morphology from clinoform surfaces, and to track the evolving morphology of the ancient shoreface‐shelf. Our results suggest that shoreface‐shelf morphology varied considerably in response to processes that operate over a range of timescales. (1) Individual clinoform surfaces form as a result of enhanced wave scour and/or sediment starvation, which may be driven by minor fluctuations in relative sea level, sediment supply and/or wave climate over short timescales (101?103 years). These external controls cannot be distinguished in vertical facies successions, but may potentially be differentiated by the resulting clinoform geometries. (2) Clinoform geometry and distribution changes systematically within a single parasequence, reflecting the cycle in sea level and/or sediment supply that produced the parasequence (102?105 years). These changes record steepening of the shoreface‐shelf profile during early progradation and maintenance of a relatively uniform profile during late progradation. Modern shorefaces are not representative of this stratigraphic variability. (3) Clinoform geometries vary greatly between different parasequences as a result of variations in parasequence stacking pattern and relict shelf morphology during shoreface progradation (105?108 years). These controls determine the external dimensions of the parasequence.  相似文献   
沼泽发育过程中堆积的各类沉积物真实地记录了区域环境演变与沼泽发育过程。以霍林河下游漫流区--向海沼泽湿地为研究对象,由137Cs、210Pb法定年实现沉积层深度坐标向年代坐标的转换,对其典型沉积剖面特征元素比值进行了综合剖析。结果表明:稳定元素对比值Ti/Al是判断不同沉积物来源是否一致的较好指标。剖面上下Ti/Al比值在一定层序的波动变化表明物源的波动性,洪水成因可能性较大。综合比较,V/(V+Ni)比值用于沼泽湿地缺氧沉积环境的判别标准可靠性较好。贫氧环境是向海沼泽湿地主要特征之一,其次是缺氧或含氧环境,各环境之间频繁振荡,体现了内流河下游半干旱区沼泽地表水周期和干湿环境转换频繁的特征。  相似文献   
西昆仑库地混杂岩带中深海浊积岩的浊积相划分及其特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
西昆仑库地混杂岩带中发育一套深海浊积岩。本文在系统的沉积相分析基础上,识别并划分出本区浊积岩的7类浊积相及14种亚相,结合其成因分别对各浊积相(亚相)的沉积特征、垂向分布规律进行了总结与描述。此外,垂向上还识别出3种浊积相组合,文中对其沉积序列特征及其所代表的环境意义进行了阐述。结合其它资料,探讨了这套浊流沉积的沉积环境,认为它形成于位于消减带和海沟之间的弧前盆地环境。  相似文献   
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