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研究海底表层沉积物性质对海洋矿产资源探测、海洋工程建设等有重要的意义。Biot-Stoll模型可以模拟预测海底沉积物的物理性质,但采用不同的参数模拟的效果不同。Stoll参数是各种海洋环境下模型达到最佳预测的单一数值的形式;Schock参数则是对渗透率、孔隙大小、沉积物孔隙曲折度等修改后的函数表达式形式,更接近沉积物实际情况。采用Stoll参数和Schock参数分别计算了南海南部海区海底沉积物纵波速度,并对南海南部沉积物样品进行了计算和实测对比,结果表明,采用Stoll参数计算误差较大,平均为3.962%;采用Schock参数计算误差较小,平均为0.847%。因此,在南海南部海区采用Schock参数预测海底表层沉积物物理性质更准确。  相似文献   
The results of simulated tidal current field, wave field and storm-induced current field are employed to interpret the depositional dynamic mechanism of formation and evolution of the radial sand ridges on the Yellow Sea door. The anticlockwise rotary tidal wave to the south of Shandong Peninsula meets the following progressive tidal wave from the South Yellow Sea, forming a radial current field outside Jianggang. This current field provides a necessary dynamic condition for the formation and existence of the radial sand ridges on the Yellow Sea seafloor. The results of simulated “old current field (holocene)” show that there existed a convergent-divergent tidal zone just outside the palaeo-Yangtze River estuary where a palaeo-underwater accumulation was developed. The calculated results from wave models indicate that the wave impact on the topography, under the condition of high water level and strong winds, is significant. The storm current induced by typhoons landing in the Yangtze River estuary and turning away to the sea can have an obvious influence, too, on the sand ridges. The depmitional dynamic mechanism of formation and evolution of the radial sand ridges on the Yellow Sea seafloor is “tidal current-induced formation—storm-induced chang—tidal current-induced recovery”. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49236120).  相似文献   
通过黄河三角洲埕岛海域2个典型平台桩柱周围实测水深及海流、波浪资料,研究了淤泥质粉砂海底桩柱周围局部冲刷坑的特征及其发展演化情况,并结合水动力条件对其形成机制进行分析。  相似文献   
根据大量地质一地球物理实测资料,分析了大亚湾海底潜在地质灾害因素,特别是基底断层、沙波、浅埋基岩、陡坎、异常堆积区等与海洋工程关系密切的地质灾害的类型、分布特征、形成机制及危害性,为海洋开发与海底工程设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   
中西太平洋海山形态类型与钴结壳资源分布关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对中西太平洋海山形态剖面的山体高度、山顶直径、基底直径、山顶直径与基底直径之比、山体坡度、山体高度与基底直径比值六个参数多元统计分析,发现可以根据山体高度与基底直径的比值对海山形态类型进行分类:比值小于0.10的为平顶海山(Ⅰ类),大于0.10的为尖顶海山(Ⅱ类),对于等于0.10的海山需参考平坦度和山体坡度,平坦度大和山体坡度缓的为Ⅰ类,反之为Ⅱ类。西太平洋的麦哲伦海山区、马绍尔群岛基本以平顶海山为主,介于中西太平洋之间的威克—马尔库斯海山区和中太平洋海山区、莱恩群岛平顶海山与尖顶海山共同发育。对各种类型海山上钴结壳分布研究发现,无论是在尖顶海山还是在平顶海山,板状结壳均比较发育,但砾状结壳在平顶海山比在尖顶海山的发育。中太平洋尖顶海山的结壳比平顶海山的发育,但由于山顶面积小,钴结壳资源量不大。仅从平顶海山看,在麦哲伦海山区、威克—马尔库斯海山区板状结壳比中太平洋海山区、马绍尔群岛、莱恩群岛的板状结壳发育,前者的板状结壳平均厚度大于3 cm,后者的板状结壳平均厚度小于3 cm,总体上是西太平洋平顶海山钴结壳比中太平洋平顶海山的发育。两种类型海山各方向上的资源分布明显不同,在平顶海山的西部山坡的资源比东部山坡的丰富,尖顶海山的则刚好相反。  相似文献   
在海底热液pH值的探测过程中,探测电极的特性会随时间的推移而发生变化。为了实现长期的原位探测,需要一套流体控制系统对探测电极进行自校正与自维护。针对所设计的流体控制系统,遵循低功耗的设计原则,研制了其主控系统,包括硬件设计和软件开发。为了使控制系统能应用于海底热液环境,对其进行了耐压封装设计,并进行了高压水实验,实验结果表明系统在40 MPa的高压下能正常工作。各种测试指标亦表明系统能自动实现pH探测电极自校正与自维护的功能。  相似文献   
为了实现大量离散多波束水深测量数据快速网格化和地形三维可视化表达,提出了一种基于CGAL库的离散数据快速构建三角网,并利用OpenGL库实现了海底地形的三维可视化和自由漫游的方法,降低了编程实现的难度,海底地形细节显示清晰,并与Surfer软件的实现效果进行了对比.  相似文献   
南黄海中部海底沉积物原位声速与物理性质相关关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于在南黄海中部获得的海底沉积物原位声速数据,分析讨论了原位声速与密度、含水量、孔隙比、孔隙度等沉积物物理性质参数的相关关系。通过回归分析建立了海底沉积物原位声速预测方程。结果表明,原位声速与上述物理参数之间具有良好的相关性,相关系数r均大于0.93。对比分析了原位声速预测方程与甲板声速预测方程的差异,两者最小相差15.8 m/s,最大相差31.3 m/s,平均差值约为22.6 m/s。将原位声速预测方程与其他研究者建立的声速预测方程进行了对比,结果表明不同声速预测方程存在明显差异,初步分析了存在差异的原因。  相似文献   
There is a pressing need for standardization of data derived from bathy‐metric swath‐mapping systems. Currently several dozen multibeam and sidescan sonar data formats exist within the oceanographic community, and more can be expected as new systems are developed. Without some standardization of swath‐mapping data formats, the capability for use and integration of data from different systems will be severely compromised.

This paper presents a strategy for organizing swath bathymetry data in a logical modular fashion that will allow data from all current swath bathymetric sonar systems to be stored and accessed in a common fashion. We have chosen the approach of defining compact efficient modules for each logically independent portion of a data record and storing it in a manner that is portable between diverse computer architectures and operating systems. This approach is extensible to accommodate new types of data. Although specifically developed for swath bathymetry, this format is also capable of supporting digital sidescan data and other types of swath data.  相似文献   
Acouso-physical properties of sea floor sediments in the southeast offshore sea area of Hainan Island on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea are analyzed. In many cruises, conductivity-temperature-depth measurements of seawater, measurements of shallow stratum and side-scan sonar have been made. Acoustic parameters, basic sedimentary parameters, physical-mechanical parameters and 14C age, etc., have been measured. The sediment elastic parameters, including Young's modulus, bulk modulus, constrained modulus, rigidity modulus, Poisson's ratio, Lames constant, etc., have been calculated. Results show that the compression wave velocity of the seafloor sediment in the sea area ranges from 1474–1700 m/s, and there are high and low sound velocity sediment types in the different sea areas; the shear wave velocity is 150–600 m/s; at 100 kHz the sediment sound attenuation is 35–260 dB/m, the sediment density is 1.4–2.0 g/cm3; the sediment porosity is 42–88%. Sound field parameters and describing sound reciprocity between sea and seafloor are described.  相似文献   
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