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高分辨区域输送模式中不同输送格式的对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对两种输送格式在理论试验的基础上,引入19层高分辨区域输送模式EM3,由中尺度模式(MM4)提供实例输送风场,积分至13、18、30、50、70小时,作分析和对比数值试验。采用的两种格式是:二阶动量矩守恒的Prather格式(以下简称为SOM)及通量订正的Smolar格式。数值试验结果表明,高精度的SOM格式使数值扩散减小一个量级, 使输送物质(SO#-[2])中心浓度比Smolar格式增大3~4倍, 采用SOM格式还明显改进了浓度中心水平平均运动轨迹的模拟精度,选择高精度的平流格式是改进模拟结果的重要途径。  相似文献   
运用高分辨率的边界适应网格进行流体动力学数值计算时,如何提高计算稳定性和减少计算量成为数值求解的关键性问题.在非正交的边界适应坐标系中,每个动量方程中同时出现了两个交叉方向的水位偏导数项,给隐式求解带来困难,而显式格式下的时间步长由于受与空间步长有关的Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy条件限制,计算量成倍增加.本文从广义曲线坐标系下浅海动力学方程组出发,导出了流速的逆变张量所满足的动量方程组,使方程中的水位偏导数项变成了沿某一协变基向量方向占优的形式,方便地采用了交替方向隐式差分格式,从而提高了计算稳定性并减小了计算量.本文通过对澳门海域航道和港池中流场的计算,证实了该模式是一种进行高分辩率数值计算的有效方法.  相似文献   
针对我国劳动争议案件处理的时效制度和仲裁前置程序的规定直接影响劳动争议的解决,提出取消仲裁前置程序,由当事人自愿选择仲裁或诉讼;或者,可以保留劳动争议仲裁的前置程序,但应将仲裁时效与诉讼时效严格区分。  相似文献   
The impact of diabatic processes on 4-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) was studied using the 1995 version of NCEP's global spectral model with and without full physics.The adjoint was coded manually.A cost function measuring spectral errors of 6-hour forecasts to "observation" (the NCEP reanalysis data) was minimized using the L-BFGS (the limited memory quasi-Newton algorithm developed by Broyden,Fletcher,Goldfard and Shanno) for optimizing parameters and initial conditions.Minimization of the cost function constrained by an adiabatic version of the NCEP global model converged to a minimum with a significant amount of decrease in the value of the cost function.Minimization of the cost function using the diabatic model, however,failed after a few iterations due to discontinuities introduced by physical parameterizations.Examination of the convergence of the cost function in different spectral domains reveals that the large-scale flow is adjusted during the first 10 iterations,in which discontinuous diabatic parameterizations play very little role.The adjustment produced by the minimization gradually moves to relatively smaller scales between 10-20th iterations.During this transition period,discontinuities in the cost function produced by "on-off" switches in the physical parameterizations caused the cost function to stay in a shallow local minimum instead of continuously decreasing toward a deeper minimum. Next,a mixed 4D-Var scheme is tested in which large-scale flows are first adiabatically adjusted to a sufficient level,followed by a diabatic adjustment introduced after 10 to 20 iterations. The mixed 4D-Var produced a closer fit of analysis to observations,with 38% and 41% more decrease in the values of the cost function and the norm of gradient,respectively,than the standard diabatic 4D-Var,while the CPU time is reduced by 21%.The resulting optimal initial conditions improve the short-range forecast skills of 48-hour statistics.The detrimental effect of parameterization discontinuities on minimization was also reduced.  相似文献   
JJG 2001-1987《线纹计量器具检定系统》是我国线纹计量器具进行量值传递的检定系统表,但其存在着许多不足,已无法满足当今计量检定的需要。此处对该检定系统表进行详细分析后给出修订建议,并介绍了目前国际上有关动向,提出了一些有益建议。  相似文献   
对非线性Schrödinger方程给出了一个线性化紧致差分格式,运用不动点定理和能量方法证明了格式的唯一可解性,还运用能量方法和数学归纳法,避开困难的先验估计,证明格式在空间方向和时间方向分别具有四阶和二阶精度,数值算例验证了格式的精度和数值稳定性.  相似文献   
山西省大同市大秦铁路湖东车站信息调度机房由于没有按照防雷规范的要求安装外部防雷装置和内部防雷装置,因此每年雷雨季节都要不同程度地遭受雷击损失,本文主要是从直击雷防护、电源系统感应雷防护、轨道测速系统等电位接地等方面按照现代综合防雷的要求提出设计方案。  相似文献   
闭合气压系统中心位置指数的计算方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王盘兴等在"闭合气压系统环流指数的定义及计算"一文中定义了闭合气压系统的面积指数S、强度指数P和中心位置指数(λc,φc),并给出了它们的计算方案。但其中(λc,φc)的计算方案对低纬系统的计算存在明显误差,误差原因是原方案中的极点球面坐标系不适合低纬系统的计算。本文建立了一套原点位于搜索区Ω中心的新球面坐标系,通过坐标转换实现了低纬闭合气压系统中心位置指数(λc,φc)的准确计算。对7月南亚高压和1月蒙古高压中心位置指数(λc,φc)的实际计算表明,它既消除了低纬系统(南亚高压)(λc,φc)原计算方案的明显误差,又保持了与高纬系统(蒙古高压)(λc,φc)原计算方案计算结果的一致。因此,本文给出了适于计算任意纬度闭合气压系统中心位置指数(λc,φc)的计算方案。  相似文献   
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