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塘唇钨(锡)矿是近年来新发现的一个具有大型规模找矿潜力的石英脉型矿床.矿床产于粤东龙窝花岗闪长岩岩体西部外接触带,赋矿地层为下侏罗统金鸡组碎屑岩,该层位是南岭及邻区石英脉型钨锡矿的最新赋矿地层.在详细的野外地质调查基础上,对矿床含钨石英脉中的白云母进行40Ar-39Ar测年,获得白云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为150±1 Ma,等时线年龄为149±2 Ma(MSWD=1.20),它们在误差范围内一致,为南岭地区燕山早期大规模成岩成矿作用高峰期的产物.塘唇钨(锡)矿的发现,不仅拓宽了石英脉型钨锡矿的找矿视野,还有助于完善石英脉型钨锡矿成矿规律和成矿模式,对区域下一步找矿具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   
基于Arcview3.2a平台的二次开发工具,采用Avenue和Microsoft VB6.0语言,设计开发了地漫砂岩型铀矿成矿预测评价信息系统。信息平台应用地理信息系统(GIS)强大的空间分析功能以及空间和属性数据的管理和查询功能,以某盆地的控矿地质、盆地构造、地质异常多深信息数据为例,建立了砂岩型铀矿成矿预测评价信息系统。系统对该盆地的地质、遥感、地球物理数据进行了基于空间分析和成矿预测的数据处理,圈定出14片远景区,其中4号远景区已钻探见矿。该系统的开发成功对铀矿的成矿预测评价进入数字化、信息化和可视化的空间信息处理具有重要的试验意义。  相似文献   
粤北花岗岩型铀矿找矿潜力及找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深部构造环境、长期活动的深大断裂和成群成组的成矿构造带、多期次构造岩浆活动和蚀变叠加、多期次地幔流体和成矿流体的频繁活动,以及花岗岩丰富的铀源、良好的还原条件和封闭成矿环境等优越的成矿条件,使粤北成为得天独厚的花岗岩型铀矿矿集区。通过分析下庄矿田330南西地区“群脉型”、中洞地区“交点型”铀矿化,以及南雄矿田坪下水地区、棉花坑-书楼丘地区“硅化碎裂岩型”铀矿化等成矿条件好、找矿线索明显的地区,表明区内有较大的铀资源潜力和找矿潜力,为下一步的工作指出了方向。  相似文献   
The Mesta-Nestos river basin in Bulgaria and Greece is a case study for transboundary decision-making support in south-eastern Europe and a show-case for the development of methodologies and information-gathering for the integrated regional planning of water resources. Land-use conflicts in this water-scarce region cover a wide spectrum of activities like agricultural irrigation,drinking water production,diversions for industrial water,and risk of pollution from mining,to name a few examples. Measurements of the water quality were carried out in the upper basin. Results will be illustrated by the example of the environmental situation in the alpine region of the Pirin National Park as well as in the Razlog Basin with a stronger anthropogenic impact and pollution around a former uranium mine near the village of Ele?nica. The social and economic development of this transboundary region is a recently established priority for the future. It will mean an increase in water usage and more stress for the water resources if regional impacts of global climate change are verified. Problem-focused management of the catchment area as a whole on the basis of proved geo-data sets is needed for the future.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地后期改造与砂岩型铀成矿关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据鄂尔多斯盆地中新生代地层接触关系、沉积建造、构造变形、主要构造变动事件及同位素测年等资料,对盆地后期改造期次、类型及分布进行了分析。盆地改造作用发生于晚侏罗世以来,可分为晚侏罗世、早白垩世、早白垩世末—古新世、始新世—中新世及中新世末—现今5个阶段,改造形式包括抬升剥蚀、冲断褶皱、叠合埋藏、断陷分隔及热力改造等,并且在空间上有明显的不均一性。盆地后期改造与砂岩型铀成矿的关系密切。提出了晚侏罗世以来多期抬升剥蚀期控制着砂岩型铀成矿作用的发生形成,构造抬升(掀斜)区控制着铀矿的空间展布,而冲断褶皱、叠合埋藏、断陷分隔等改造作用使含矿层变形破坏、深埋或与地下水补给区分割,对铀成矿作用不利。  相似文献   
Biomineralization of Uranium: A Simulated Experiment and Its Significance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A simulated experimental reduction of U^v1 and the synthesis of uraninite by a sulfate-reducing bacteria,Desulfovibrio desulfuricans DSM 642, are first reported. The simulated physicochemical experimental conditions were:35℃, pH=7.0-7.4, corresponding to the environments of formation of the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposits in Xinjiang, NW China. Uraninite was formed on the surface of the host bacteria after a one-week‘s incubation. Therefore, sulfate-reducing bacteria, which existed extensively in Jurassic sandstone-producing environments,might have participated in the biomineralization of this uranium deposit. There is an important difference in the orderdisorder of the crystalline structure between the uraninite produced by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and naturally occurring uraninite. Long time and slow precipitation and growth of uraninite in the geological environment might have resulted in larger uraninite crystals, with uraninite nanocrystals arranged in order, whereas the experimentally produced uraninite is composed of unordered uraninite nanocrystals which, in contrast, result from the short time span of formation and rapid precipitation and growth of uraninite. The discovery has important implications for understanding genetic significance in mineralogy, and also indicates that in-situ bioremediation of U-contaminated environments and use of biotechnology in the treatment of radioactive liquid waste is being contemplated.  相似文献   
The Mjølnir impact crater in the Norwegian Barents Sea features among the 20 largest impact craters listed in the Earth Impact Database. The impact is dated to 142 ± 2.6 Ma, corresponding closely to the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Boreal stratigraphy. Multidisciplinary studies carried out over the last three decades have suggested that the up to 40 km wide crater was created by a 1–3 km diameter impactor colliding with a shallow epicontinental sea, causing regional havoc and a regional ecological crisis that followed in its wake. Only minor evidence for the consequences of the impact for the surrounding depositional basins has been documented so far. This study describes a large submarine slump penetrated by hydrocarbon exploration well 7121/9-1, located in the southern Hammerfest Basin and approximately 350 km away from the impact site. The slump is dated by a black shale drape, which contains characteristic impact-related biotic assemblages and potential ejecta material. This precise dating enables us to associate the slump with large-scale fault movements and footwall collapse along the basin-bounding Troms-Finnmark Fault Complex, which we conclude were caused by shock waves from the Mjølnir impact and the passage of associated tsunami trains. The draping black shale is interpreted to represent significant reworking of material from the contemporary seabed by tsunamis and currents set up by the impact.  相似文献   
通过对岩浆冷却过程的数字模拟研究,揭示出岩浆在冷却成矿过程中的温度分布和变化规律及影响因素.在此基础上,进一步应用高精度的温龄计组合来限定岩浆成矿体系的热演化和剥露历史,精确地计算出岩浆的初始侵位时间和深度、矿物结晶时间、冷却速率、冷却和暴露地表时间,以及剥露和剥蚀速率等重要参数,并将模拟结果应用于斑岩铜矿床的成矿研究中.研究表明,将精确的年龄测试手段与计算机模拟技术相结合,可为定量研究岩浆矿床的热演化和剥露史、深入了解矿床的成因机制提供一种有效方法.  相似文献   
Evolution and deposits of a gravelly braid bar, Sagavanirktok River, Alaska   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolution, migration and deposits of a gravelly braid bar in the Sagavanirktok River, northern Alaska, are described in unprecedented detail using annual aerial photographs, ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) profiles, trenches and cores. Compound braid bars in the Sagavanirktok River form by chute cut‐off of point bars and by growth of mid‐channel unit bars. Subsequent growth is primarily by accretion of unit bars onto their lateral and downstream margins. The upstream ends of braid bars may be sites of erosion or unit bar deposition. Compound braid bar deposits vary in thickness laterally and are thickest in medial sections and near cut banks. Compound bar deposits are typically composed of three to seven sets of simple large‐scale inclined strata, each simple set formed by a unit bar. The simple large‐scale strata contain medium‐scale cross‐strata (from dune migration) and planar strata (from migration of bedload sheets). The upstream and medial parts of compound braid bar deposits show very little vertical variation in grain size, but downstream and lateral margins tend to fine upwards. The deposits are mostly poorly sorted sands and gravels, although sands tend to be deposited at the top of the braid bar, and open‐framework gravels preferentially occur near the top and base of the braid bar. The patterns of braid bar growth and migration, and the nature of the deposits, described from the Sagavanirktok River are generally similar to other sandy and gravelly braided rivers, and consistent with the theoretical braid bar model of Bridge (1993).  相似文献   
松散堆积体工程边坡变形机理分析及支护对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理选择开挖坡比、正确认识变形破坏机理是影响松散堆积体边坡稳定性和施工安全的前提, 本文研究了西南地区某松散堆积体工程边坡的结构特征, 根据地形条件确定了合理的开挖坡比, 采用二维有限元研究了开挖边坡的变形机理并根据模拟结果确定潜在滑动面, 在此基础上, 提出支护对策。研究结果表明, 边坡由厚度达70m 的坡洪积、泥石流块碎石堆积体组成, 斜坡下部缓中部稍陡, 开挖平台位于缓坡部位, 根据地形条件结合坡体结构特征确定边坡开挖坡比为1: 0. 75; 数值模拟结果表明, 边坡变形开挖面附近及坡顶拉应力和坡体下部最大剪应力控制, 坡顶部位将首先产生拉张裂隙, 开挖边坡内部产生从坡脚部位向上发展的剪切变形, 滑面一旦与坡顶拉裂缝贯通, 边坡将产生整体失稳; 边坡采用锚拉桩、锚索框架、锚杆框架、排水相结合的综合治理措施进行支护。  相似文献   
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