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遥感图像异常识别是遥感应用领域一个颇受关注的研究课题,在军事目标识别和自然环境保护等许多领域都有潜在应用价值。不妨假设遥感图像背景像素分布于随空间位置缓慢变化的一系列高斯超椭球体内,异常像素则分布于超椭球体之外。在这种假设前提下,首先应用Weiszfeld方法估算遥感图像中一系列高斯超椭球体的重心和波段协方差矩阵;然后,计算各像素到对应的超椭球体重心的马氏距离,并用直方图法确定马氏距离的异常下限;最后,把马氏距离高于异常下限的像素作为异常像素识别出来。在GDAL遥感图像数据输入输出函数库基础上,用VC++语言开发了遥感图像像素级异常识别的算法程序;用美国亚特兰大TM图像进行了方法的应用实验研究。结果表明,该方法对遥感图像中的局部异常具有很好的识别效果。 相似文献
一种可存储路径的三维非均质空间最短距离场生成算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对成矿定量预测强调三维空间信息综合研究的特殊需求和地质要素定量表达难、深层次信息挖掘难等关键问题,笔者提出了一种基于三维非均质地质空间的最短距离场算法,并且可回溯出目标体元到源体元的最短路径.应用该方法实现了对某铜矿区三维地质实体模型深层次和组合信息的挖掘,在反映断层对地质空间分划作用的基础上,建立了侵入岩体的最短距离场,可用于对侵入岩体热力场和围岩蚀变等问题的分析. 相似文献
不少山区输电线路的铁塔基础都建在斜坡上,研究斜坡地基内附加应力的分布规律很有必要。采用室内模型试验和数值模拟相结合的方法,研究了临坡距对斜坡地基附加应力分布及扩散规律的影响。研究成果表明,当临坡距小于安全距离时,地基附加应力随临坡距的增大而增大,并在基础两侧具有显著的非对称性;当临坡距超过安全距离时,附加应力逐渐趋于稳定,基本接近平面地基状态。传统的平面地基附加应力计算方法不适用于斜坡地基,当临坡距在0.3 m时,地基浅层附加应力接近平面地基条件的50%,说明斜坡对地基附加应力的影响十分显著。在小临坡距条件下地基附加应力较小,但对应的地基变形却较大,也说明传统的分层总和法不适于计算斜坡地基变形,否则将影响工程安全。在地基稳定性满足要求的前提下,建议最小临坡距不小于安全距离。 相似文献
In the real world, there are many kinds of phenomena that are represented by points on a network, such as traffic accidents
on a street network. To analyse these phenomena, the basic point pattern methods (i.e. the nearest neighbour distance method,
the quadrat method, the K-function method and the clumping method) defined on a plane (referred to as the planar basic point pattern methods) are extended to the basic point pattern methods on a network (referred to as the network basic point pattern methods). However, like the planar basic point pattern methods, the network basic point pattern methods assume a uniform network
and this assumption is hard to accept when analysing actual phenomena. To overcome this limitation, this paper formulates
a transformation, called the uniform network transformation, that transforms a non-uniform network into a uniform network. This transformation provides a simple procedure for analysing
point patterns on non-uniform networks: first, a given non-uniform network is transformed into a uniform network; second,
the network basic point pattern methods (which assume a uniform network) are applied to this transformed uniform network.
No modification to the network basic point pattern methods is necessary. The paper also shows an actual application of this
transformation to traffic accidents in Chosei, Japan. 相似文献
提出了一种新的关联矩阵——角度矩阵来表达关联图,分别采用邻接矩阵、拉普拉斯矩阵、距离矩阵和角度矩阵来数字化表达关联图。初步实验结果表明,图的谱方法是一种有效表达空间目标形状信息的方法,其中选择角度矩阵作为关联矩阵的效果最好。 相似文献
Hiroyuki Usui; 《Transactions in GIS》2024,28(8):2809-2832
The present locations of city benches show the required continuous walking distance, which can be defined as the distance from a city bench to the furthest neighboring one, called the furthest neighbor distance (FND). However, we lack a method for identifying where additional city benches should be installed incrementally to reduce the FND. The aim of this paper is thus (1) to develop a new method for determining the priority of the locations of new benches, subject to the number of city benches; and (2) to investigate the relationship between the priority and the reduction of the FND. The reduction of the FND is quantified based on the probability of an FND greater than 100 m. The empirical study around Tokyo Central Station showed that if reducing the probability of the FND being greater than 100 m is the top priority, additional city benches should be installed simultaneously. 相似文献
In this study, we attempted to perform an earthquake source dynamic inversion to obtain dynamic parameters on fault system with complex geometry. The forward modeling of the spontaneous rupture process is carried out using a boundary integral equation method (BIEM) based on unstructured meshing, and the inversion method is implemented by a genetic algorithm based on a parallel acceleration of the GPU. The source model in this study is a branched fault, which is described by two physical parameters, the initial stress T0 and the critical slip-weakening distance Dc. We investigated the effect of the inherited parameters on the accuracy and convergence of the inversion simulation. Numerical results showed that if a set of parameters are assigned properly, the inversion of rupture parameters is accurate and converges fast. It is easy to converge to a local optimal solution during the inversion process if inappropriate inherited parameters are selected. Compared with T0, Dc has better convergence and accuracy in the inversion process. 相似文献
Yang Li ;Zifeng Zhan ;Kuidong Xu 《海洋湖沼学报(英文)》2017,35(4):803-814
A new species of bubblegum coral, Paragorgia rubra sp. nov., discovered from a seamount at a water depth of 373 m near the Yap Trench is studied using morphological and molecular approaches. Paragorgia rubra sp. nov. is the fourth species of the genus found in the tropical Western Pacific. The new gorgonian is red-colored, uniplanar, and measures approximately 530 mm high and 440 mm wide, with autozooids distributed only on one side of the colony. Paragorgia rubra sp. nov. is most similar to P. kaupeka Sánchez, 2005, but differs distinctly in the polyp ovals with large and compound protuberances (vs. small and simple conical protuberances) and the medullar spindles possessing simple conical protuberances (vs. compound protuberances). Moreover, P. rubra sp. nov. differs from P. kaupeka in the smaller length/width ratio of surface radiates (1.53 vs. 1.75). The genetic distance of the mtMutS gene between P. rubra sp. nov. and P. kaupeka is 0.66%, while the intraspecific distances within Paragorgia Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1857 except the species P. regalis complex are no more than 0.5%, further supporting the establishment of the new species. Furthermore, the ITS2 secondary structure of P. rubra sp. nov. is also different from those of congeners. Phylogenetic analyses indicate Paragorgia rubra sp. nov. and P. kaupeka form a clade, which branched early within Paragorgia and diversified approximately 15 Mya. 相似文献