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Since the sign up of CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), the nuclear monitoring and distinguishing has gained great attention by the treaty countries. Seismology is one of the primary technical means available for monitoring compliance to a CTBT. However, there does not exist a single criterion, so far, that can effectively distinguish explorations from earthquakes. It has been known that source time function (abbreviated to STF) of an underground nuclear explosion contains important p…  相似文献   
Major and trace element concentrations, as well as Sr and U isotope ratios, were measured in rainwater samples collected in three different locations in Alsace (East of France) and Luxembourg: a mid-altitude mountain site (Aubure Environment HydroGeochemical Observatory), an urban site (Strasbourg) and a peri-urban site located in an area of well developed industrial activity (Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg). Results highlight the quite high spatial and temporal variability of the chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at the regional scale. They also suggest a quite systematic contribution of a local component in the chemical composition of rainwater. In urban and peri-urban sites, the local component is certainly linked to human activities, as it is well illustrated in this study with the Esch-sur-Alzette samples. On the other hand, for the Aubure site, i.e. a small forested watershed of mid-altitude mountain, data presented in this study demonstrate the influence of the vegetation on the chemical composition of rainwater for alkali and calc-alkali elements, as well as for the Sr isotope ratios. Such a result questions the reliability of the method classically used to estimate the rainwater contribution on the river chemical budget. In addition, data of the present study confirm the very low content of uranium in rainwater and demonstrate, especially through the U isotope analysis of Aubure rainwater, the negligible effect of rainwater on U budget of river waters. This work thus outlines the property of U to be a geochemical tracer specific of weathering fluxes carried by rivers. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
We seek to identify the depth to which water is extracted by the roots in the soil. Indeed, in an isotopic steady-state condition of leaf water, transpiration introduces into the atmosphere a vapour whose isotopic signature is identical to that of root water. In the isotopic models of atmospheric general circulation, it is classically allowed that the signature of transpiration belongs to the meteoric water line. This supposes that the water taken by the roots has escaped with the evaporation of the soil and comes thus from the deep layers of the soil. At the time of experimentation carried out on maize plants (Nemours, Seine-et-Marne, France), this extraction depth was inferred from the comparison between the signature of the water measured on the level of the first internode of the stems of the plants and the isotopic profile of water in the soil. When the flow of transpiration reaches a maximum value, the plant uptakes water resulting from precipitations and which preserves its non-evaporating character after having quickly infiltrated in the deep layers of the soil. This relates to only 55% of the flux transpired by the canopy, the remainder presenting an evaporating character more or less marked according to ambient conditions. This experiment invalidates the classical hypothesis used in isotopic models of general atmospheric circulation in temperate regions. In fact, only half the amount of water vapour transpired by the canopy during the day presents a signature similar to that of the rainwater sampled in deep soil layers. To cite this article: Z. Boujamlaoui et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
东昆仑可支塔格蛇绿混杂岩的地质地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东昆仑可支塔格蛇绿混杂岩属于木孜塔格-鲸鱼湖大断裂的西延部分,主要由辉橄岩、辉长岩、闪长岩、斜长花岗岩、辉绿岩、玄武岩及硅质岩等组成,形成时代为早石炭世。为构造强烈破坏的蛇绿混杂岩,形成于俯冲带环境,属SSZ型蛇绿岩。其中辉橄岩以相对低SiO2、TiO2、Al2O3和CaO、高MgO为特征,贫有色金属成矿元素,富集相容元素Cr、Ni、Co。稀土总量低,接近于球粒陨石稀土元素总量,以LREE略富集为特征。闪长岩SiO2、K2O含量较低,MgO、CaO、Na2O较高,稀土总量高,∑REE为90.95μg/g,LREE富集。斜长花岗岩SiO269.8%,Na2O>K2O,K2O/Na2O为0.78,A/CNK为1.68,具有大洋斜长花岗岩的岩石化学特征。闪长岩、斜长花岗岩的微量元素特征相似,表现为大离子亲石元素K、Sr、Rb、Ba相对富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf相对亏损。研究表明,辉橄岩来源于亏损的地幔岩,接近于强烈亏损的方辉橄榄岩,而明显不同于结晶分异作用成因的超镁铁质岩石。闪长岩、斜长花岗岩为蛇绿混杂岩的浅色岩组分,是地幔岩浆结晶分异的产物。  相似文献   
研究区属北秦岭金多金属成矿带,大店沟金矿床位于李子园-湘潭子新元古―晚古生代陆源裂陷火山-碎屑沉积岩带中,控矿因素主要有地层、构造。奥陶―震旦系李子园群是金矿床的赋矿层位,矿床分布受区域性元家坪―小寺沟韧性剪切带控制,NE向次级的韧性剪切带是重要的控矿构造,矿床类型为构造蚀变岩型。通过对本矿床成矿地质条件、控矿因素、矿化富集规律研究,总结了北秦岭地区地层、构造、岩体、围岩蚀变、地球化学异常等找矿标志,提出了该地区金矿勘查思路及找矿方向。  相似文献   
The IAG conducts two programmes, the GeoPT ? proficiency test and a certification programme that are closely interconnected. Both support the quality control/quality assurance activities of geochemical laboratories. Each derives an estimate of ‘true value’ for a number of samples, but arrives at that estimate, and its uncertainty, differently. This review discusses the history of the two programmes and compares the ‘true values’ and their uncertainties obtained through each. It then considers ‘fitness‐for‐purpose’ issues related to both GeoPT ? and certification uncertainties. Issues related to potential modification of the IAG protocol for certification are also considered.  相似文献   
非线性弹性地基上矩形薄板的主参数共振   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
杨志安  赵雪娟  席晓燕 《岩土力学》2005,26(12):1921-1925
分析非线性弹性地基上受参数激励小挠度矩形薄板的主参数共振问题,由冯卡门方程和伽辽金方法得到系统的非线性振动方程,它是杜分-马休型方程,应用非线性振动的多尺度法得到平均方程。数值计算结果表明:阻尼系数、地基系数、几何参数对主参数共振曲线影响明显。  相似文献   
基于PCA-GEP算法的边坡稳定性预测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
谷琼  蔡之华  朱莉  黄波 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):757-761
提出一种基于主成分分析的基因表达式程序设计算法,并将其用于边坡稳定性预测。该算法先采用主成分分析法对样本数据进行预处理,有效地减少预测模型的输入量,消除输入数据间的相关性,再将得到的新样本数据输入基因表达式,构建边坡稳定性的预测模型。利用该预测模型对82个危险圆弧破坏边坡实例中的71个实例进行学习,对另外11个实例进行预测,取得了较好的效果。在保留传统的以误差值作为评判模型优劣标准的同时,引入AIC信息准则法,分别对v-SVR算法和GA-BP网络算法和PCA-GEP算法三种预测模型进行比较分析,结果表明,运用该算法可以获得更优的预测模型,其预测结果比v-SVR算法和GA-BP网络等其他算法得到的结果具有更高的预测精度。工程实例计算表明,该方法是合理、可行的。  相似文献   
有机酸对长石溶解度影响的热力学研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
罗孝俊  杨卫东 《矿物学报》2001,21(2):183-188
为明确认识有机酸(草酸、醋酸)对长石溶解度及储层次生孔隙发育的影响,本文利用热力学方法,计算了不同温度、酸度下钾长石在含有醋酸根0.05mol/L、草酸0.0055mol/L的溶液中的溶解度及草酸和醋酸对溶液酸度的影响,计算的结果表明醒酸根与铝的络合作用只发生在偏酸性的溶液体系中,并且随温度升高要求酸度增加,实际的络合能力降低,醋酸根的络合作用对长石溶解度的增加作用极及有限,最高时不足一倍;但醋酸能有效地缓冲溶液酸度,从而提高长石溶解度。草酸根与铝的络合作用发生在弱碱性至酸性条件下,温度升高,络合能力增加,络合效应对长石溶解度,草酸根上铝的络合作用发生在弱碱性至酸性条件下,温度升高,络合能力增加,络合效应对长石溶出量的增加最多可达2个数量级以上,草酸的浓度太低无法通过缓冲溶液在较高的酸度下来促进长石的溶解,草酸和醒酸能否促进储层次生孔隙的发育取决于盆地流体的酸度及组成流体的缓冲体系。  相似文献   
为描述非饱和土的应力-应变特性,基于非饱和土三轴剪切试验,提出泊松比变化率(即切线泊松比随轴向应变的变化速率)的概念,发现非饱和土的切线模量和泊松比变化率均随轴向应变的增加呈指数衰减规律,基于此提出了一种描述非饱和土应力-应变关系的新非线性模型。该模型不仅能描述应变硬化,而且能描述应变软化;能对非饱和土三轴不固结不排水剪、固结排水剪、固结不排水剪试验的应力-应变关系进行描述;模型共包含6个参数,物理意义明确,确定方法简便。利用提出的模型对国内外文献中的三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明,模拟结果与试验数据有很好的吻合度,从而验证了模型对试验数据的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   
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