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汶川M_S 8.0地震地表破裂带北端位置的修订   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对汶川MS8.0地震地表破裂石坎乡以北段的野外地质调查显示,这一段地表破裂仍然十分明显。地表破裂并未沿地质填图所标定的位置发育,而是在走向上稍有变化,但清楚的地貌显示它在此段并不是一条新生断裂。与前期工作相比,可观察到的地表破裂又往NE方向延长了约12km。该段破裂位于平武县石坎乡至青川县马公乡窝前村之间,走向为15°~45°,运动学性质主要为右旋走滑逆冲。地震地表破裂显示的同震垂直位移与石坎乡一带相近,为1~2m左右;右旋水平位移略有增加,为2.0~3.0m之间。地表调查的情况显示,地表破裂在北端可能消失在红光乡东河口一带。  相似文献   
Attenuation of peak ground accelerations from the great Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Over 800 accelerograms recorded by 272 ground-level stations during the Wenchuan earthquake are used to analyze the influence of rupture distance, local site conditions and azimuth on peak ground accelerations (PGAs). To achieve a better understanding of the characteristics of ground motions, the spatial distributions of the EW, NS and UD components of PGAs arc obtained. Comparisons between the EW and NS components, the fault-normal and fault-parallel components,and the vertical and horizontal components of PGAs are performed, and the regression formula of the vertical-to-horizontal ratio of PGAs is developed. The attenuation relationship of peak horizontal accelerations (PHAs) is compared with several contemporary attenuation relationships. In addition, an analysis of residuals is conducted to identify the potential effects of rupture distance, azimuth and site conditions on the observed values of PHAs. The analysis focuses on medium-hard soil site conditions, as they provided most of the data used in this study.  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震北川县城震害原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
汶川MS8.0地震中,处于映秀—北川断裂带上的北川县城区地震烈度达Ⅺ度。地震断层活动在地表形成了3条破裂带,城区地表破裂带占总面积的比例超过6.5%,使建筑物遭受严重破坏,并引发了滑坡与崩塌灾害,加剧了震害损失。各种成灾机制之间存在相互耦合现象,不良地质现象发育是导致北川县城区震害程度极为严重的主要原因。  相似文献   
Data of the intermediate depth (the Geioyo and the Shizuoka) earthquakes in Japan recorded in a dense network is analysed and compared with various available attenuation relations. The approach of Midorikawa (Midorikawa S., 1993, Technophysics 218, 287–295) based on the empirical Greens function technique of Irikura (Irikura, K., 1986, Proceedings of the 7th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, pp. 151–156.) has been used to model the rupture responsible for these earthquakes and peak ground acceleration are simulated at selected observation points. The method presented in this work includes the transmission effect in a multiple layer crustal model for a finite fault earthquake source model. Sharp attenuation rate is seen for such intermediate depth earthquakes which is difficult to explain through conventional attenuation relations. Detail study of the methodology and comparison of results shows that the transmission factor plays an important role for the sharp attenuation rate for intermediate-to deep-focus earthquakes.  相似文献   
采用美国南加州地震委员会(SCEC)Steven Day博士提供的三维有限差分断层瞬态破裂动力学模型(3D-FDM),以1976年唐山M_S7.8地震为例,从简化的断层双侧破裂模式出发,对该地震发震断层的动态破裂过程及近断层地表运动特征进行了仿真模拟和计算.研究区域为围绕发震断层200 km×140 km×40 km(深度)的长方形块体组成,模拟计算的空间分辨率和时间分辨率分别为200 m和0.012 s,形成的空间网格节点数为1051×701×201.在DELL小型上作站上,我们实现了对源程序的移植和并行计算.同时,通过引进计算机可视化技术,对模拟数据进行了3D/4D解释分析.另外,在对源程序修改过程中,实现了对京津唐地区三维地壳速度结构的嵌入,在一定程度上增强了对地震波传播以及地面运动模拟的真实性,并讨论了地震破裂的方向性对近断层地表运动的影响.最后根据初步研究结果结合京津唐地区活动断层构造特征,对唐山M_S7.8级主震后随之而来的1976滦县M_S7.1级余震及宁河M_S6.9级余震的动态触发机制提出了新的解释.由于受主震破裂方向性作用的影响,使得主震对后续两个较大余震产生的动态应力变化的峰值在断层的走滑方向上较大,为2~3 MPa,在逆冲方向上较小,为0.1~0.2 MPa.即唐山主震的发生使得其周边的应力场有一个瞬态的应力调整,唐山主震对后续余震的发生有促发作用.  相似文献   
摘要:地震地表破裂是强地震活动中沿发震断层在地表形成的位移,它是包括震源因素、传播途径因素、场地地质条件因素等多种复杂因素的综合作用产物。地震地表破裂可以定量地加以描述。在假定基岩介质具有各项均匀刚性的前提下,对于一般的场地,地震地表破裂的危险性(概率P)大致可以确定为场地地震危险性(P1)、断层(P2)、场地第四系覆盖层(P3)的函数,即P=3Пi=1Pi.Pi值的确定可以通过多种途径来实现,本文在Pi值的确定过程中,以场地所在潜在震源区震级上限(Mu)为指标,P1=1.5874(Mu-6)-1;P2表示为断层发育状况、活动程度和断层最新活动性质的概率指数,P2=3Пi=1P2i.P3=nПi=1kiwi,wi为分解的第i均质土层(i=1,2,…,n)对地震破裂的衰减系数,ki为破裂通过第i均质土层(i=1,2,…,n)与其下土层临界面的破裂传播折射损耗率。通过上面的计算可以得到一般场地条件下地震地表破裂的危险性估计,这一估计是相对保守的估计。  相似文献   
2001年永胜6 级地震的地表破裂与程海断裂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综合研究结果表明程海断裂晚更新世晚期以来大地震活动的时间间隔在1500a以上,因此未来一定时间段内,程海断裂还主要以6级左右的中强震为主。  相似文献   
Paleoseismological studies have shown that indi-vidual past large-magnitude earthquakes can be recog-nized in the geological record and the timing betweenevents can be measured through Quaternary datingtechniques[1—6]. Thus, through paleoseismological st-udies, it is possible to determine age of each prehis-toric event so that recurrence intervals of large earth-quakes may be evaluated which provides a means toexpand the limited view of earthquakes offered by thehistorical and instrumental re…  相似文献   
High-resolution sea floor imaging (narrow beam sediment profiler) yields evidence for an offshore rupture along a strand of the Carboneras Fault Zone (CFZ) in the Gulf of Almería off southern Spain. The observed faults affect the seafloor and cut the Late Holocene sedimentary cover, hence the faults are regarded as active and the escarpments as relatively fresh. Seafloor faulting is associated with escarpments, fissures, pressure ridges, folds, and reverse faults indicating sinistral strike-slip faulting with a significant vertical displacement. Adjacent to the major fault zone secondary phenomena such as submarine slumps and slides are observed. The observed fresh escarpments imply an offshore rupture during a major earthquake along the CFZ. The southern Iberian margin and the Afro-Eurasian convergence zone form an area of moderate seismicity. However, some major events occurred, such as the 1522 Almería earthquake (EMS IX; [IGN (2005) Instituto Geografico Nacional, www.ign.es]), which affected large areas in the western Mediterranean. Different epicentral areas have been suspected, mainly along the 50 km long sinistral CFZ; however, no on-shore surface ruptures and paleoseismological evidences for this event have been found. Based on our data, a new epicentral area is proposed in the Gulf of Almería precisely along the observed sea floor rupture area, where the CFZ extend at least for 100 km offshore. Our findings suggest a specific seismic hazards and tsunami potential for offshore active and seismogenic faults in the Alborán Sea.  相似文献   
2001年11月14日昆仑山口西发生81级地震.应用高分辨率卫星影像进行地震地表破裂带解译,10m分辨率SPOT卫星影像能够清楚地反映出地震地表破裂主破裂带的形迹, 1m分辨率IKONOS影像能反映出地震地表破裂的精细结构及运动特征.结果表明,昆仑山口西81级地震地表破裂带主要位于东昆仑断裂南麓冲洪积台地或冲洪积台地后缘的地貌陡变带和断层谷地里,是一条叠置在先存破裂带上的地震破裂带.在布喀达坂峰以东的地表破裂带长近350km,由3条次级破裂组成,走向100°.流经破裂带的一系列沟谷发生左旋同步扭曲,平均滑动速率为134~168mm/a,属AA级活动水平.最大左旋位错78m,地震破裂带最宽达1250m,宏观震中位于93°17′E,35°47′N,即玉西峰附近的地震地表破裂带上.  相似文献   
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