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GPS sidereal filtering: coordinate- and carrier-phase-level strategies   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Multipath error is considered one of the major errors affecting GPS observations. One can benefit from the repetition of satellite geometry approximately every sidereal day, and apply filtering to help minimize this error. For GPS data at 1 s interval processed using a double-difference strategy, using the day-to-day coordinate or carrier-phase residual autocorrelation determined with a 10-h window leads to the steadiest estimates of the error-repeat lag, although a window as short as 2 h can produce an acceptable value with > 97% of the optimal lag’s correlation. We conclude that although the lag may vary with time, such variation is marginal and there is little advantage in using a satellite-specific or other time-varying lag in double-difference processing. We filter the GPS data either by stacking a number of days of processed coordinate residuals using the optimum “sidereal” lag (23 h 55 m 54 s), and removing these stacked residuals from the day in question (coordinate space), or by a similar method using double-difference carrier-phase residuals (observational space). Either method results in more consistent and homogeneous set of coordinates throughout the dataset compared with unfiltered processing. Coordinate stacking reduces geometry-related repeating errors (mainly multipath) better than carrier-phase residual stacking, although the latter takes less processing time to achieve final filtered coordinates. Thus, the optimal stacking method will depend on whether coordinate precision or computational time is the over-riding criterion.  相似文献   
Similar to every process involving quantitative research, the study of migration heavily depends on the data available for analysis. The available movement data limit the type of questions that can be asked, and as a result, certain aspects of human spatial mobility have yet to be examined. The development of information and communication technologies and their widespread adoption offers new datasets, methods and interpretations that make it possible to study social processes at a new level. For example, mobile positioning data can aid in overcoming certain constraints embedded in traditional data sources (such as censuses or questionnaires) for study of the connections between daily mobility and change of residence. This study presents a framework for mapping changes of residence using data from passive mobile positioning and an anchor point model to better understand the limits of these methods and their contribution to understanding long-term mobility. The study concludes that the most important considerations in monitoring change of residence using passive mobile position data include the continuity of the time-series data, the varying structure of the mobile tower network and the diversified nature of human mobility. The fine spatial and temporal granularities of passive mobile positioning data allow us to study human movement at a detailed scale.  相似文献   
舒华  宋辞  裴韬 《地理科学进展》2016,35(5):580-588
现代人文地理学的研究越来越多地关注人的时空行为,而获取个体在出行活动中的时空位置数据是研究人类时空行为的前提。受数据获取技术的限制,之前对时空行为的研究主要集中在室外空间。随着室内定位技术的出现和应用,这类研究由室外空间扩展至室内空间。室内定位技术和方法较多,但从数据的角度来看,根据数据获取中使用定位方法的不同,可将室内定位数据分为几何位置数据、指纹位置数据和符号位置数据3类。目前,基于室内定位数据的研究可以归结为以下4个方面,即:人在室内的时空分布、人在室内的移动模式、人在室内的行为习惯及属性推断、人与室内环境的交互作用。然而,总体上目前的研究还处于探索阶段,理论和方法体系尚未成熟。本文认为后续的研究中需要关注以下问题:①数据获取方面。相对于蓝牙、射频识别、红外等定位技术,“智能手机+WiFi”模式的定位系统具有覆盖范围广、成本低廉、无需专门设备支持、易与用户交互等优势,是一种最具应用前景的室内定位技术;②研究内容方面。时空行为特征的研究是基础,个体属性推断及个体与环境的相互作用形式和机理研究将是重点,多时空尺度数据融合分析是一种趋势;③科学伦理方面。室内定位涉及微观尺度人类活动的记录,隐私保护问题需要高度关注。  相似文献   
Map mashups, as a common way of presenting geospatial information on the Web, are generally created by spatially overlaying thematic information on top of various base maps. This simple overlay approach often raises geometric deficiencies due to geometric uncertainties in the data. This issue is particularly apparent in a multi-scale context because the thematic data seldom have synchronised level of detail with the base map. In this study, we propose, develop, implement and evaluate a relative positioning approach based on shared geometries and relative coordinates to synchronise geometric representations for map mashups through several scales. To realise the relative positioning between datasets, we adopt a Linked Data–based technical framework in which the data are organised according to ontologies that are designed based on the GeoSPARQL vocabulary. A prototype system is developed to demonstrate the feasibility and usability of the relative positioning approach. The results show that the approach synchronises and integrates the geometries of thematic data and the base map effectively, and the thematic data are automatically tailored for multi-scale visualisation. The proposed framework can be used as a new way of modelling geospatial data on the Web, with merits in terms of both data visualisation and querying.  相似文献   
禹贡 《热带地理》2005,25(2):176-180
五桂山作为一个新开发的旅游景区,存在形象模糊、主题不突出、“灰度区”特征明显等问题。基于SWOT分析、形象定位和区域形象系统理论,五桂山旅游景区整体形象定位为:绿野仙踪、红色胜迹。旅游景区人-地感知形象、人-人感知形象的要素设计重点:视觉形象主要是标准色及字体、旅游徽标、标识牌、建筑物亭、交通工具、服饰、门票和吉祥物等8大识别要素,旅游徽标主体图案设计为“五桂飘香”;听觉形象主要是沁人心扉元素;居民形象应强化纯朴、热情、善良、文明元素设计;地标区、光环效应区形象建设的重点在东部绿野仙踪、红色胜迹旅游区和城桂路、翠山路、马石路沿岸及其进出口。  相似文献   
苏州水乡古镇旅游形象定位研究——以部分水乡古镇为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古镇旅游是当今旅游市场的新宠,苏州市水乡古镇众多,特色各异,为其水乡古镇旅游发展奠定了良好的资源基础.然而,基于水乡古镇旅游产品的趋同性,使得苏州水乡古镇在旅游业发展中竞争十分激烈,旅游形象战略成为各水乡古镇旅游业可持续发展的重要战略之一.文章从苏州各水乡古镇的旅游形象宣传口号出发,对部分水乡古镇旅游形象定位进行了对比分析,在此基础上,确定了苏州水乡古镇旅游形象定位的原则,提出旅游形象定位的建议,以期促进其旅游业的协调和可持续发展.  相似文献   
卫星红外云图上台风中心定位技术研究和应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用红外卫星云图的灰度分布和对应亮温特征,系统地研究、归纳了基于红外卫星云图的台风中心定位方法和技术.对结构特征不同的台风云系,拟订了不同的定位方法.对各定位方法的算法和实现步骤进行优化和拓展后,将其转化成实际业务工作中可操作的一整套(共计7种)台风中心定位的业务系统.整套方法以人机交互为主,部分实现了全自动化.实践证明,无论是何种结构特征的台风云系,选择其中某种方法,都能较准确地定出台风中心.  相似文献   
Land surface temperature is a key parameter in monitoring the status of crop water stress by remote sensing, and studying the water and energy balance in cropland ecosystem. The component temperatures of crop and soil are especially significant in remote …  相似文献   
安徽省震中快速定位查询系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于VB6.0软件开发平台,以MapInfo GIS软件为数据支撑平台,建立了安徽省震中快速定位查询系统。系统主要实现了震中快速定位查询显示功能、基于GIS数据的空间分析和定量计算分析功能。为地震应急响应提供辅助决策,为震后资源调度、伤员输送、人员疏散等提供科学信息,提高了应急救援的效率。  相似文献   
The main goal of this work is to critically review the IGS solution products and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) in order to demonstrate their potential to contribute to studies of large earthquakes such as the one that devastated Southeast Asia on December 26th, 2004. In view of a possible detection of the Mw 9.0 Sumatra-Andaman Islands Earthquake of December 26, 2004, position solutions, ranging from intervals of years to one second, of four International GNSS Service (IGS) stations within 3000 km of the epicenter were examined. The IGS combined, cumulative solution product (IGS04P51), consisting of epoch and station velocity solutions and based on data spans of several years prior to the earthquake, was used as a reference. Four IGS combined weekly position solutions (igs04P1301-4), two weeks before and after the earthquake, were utilized for the weekly solution resolution. PPP static and kinematic solutions with IGS Final combined orbits and clocks were used for the mean daily and instantaneous 5-min and 1-sec epoch solutions, respectively. The most significant changes, detected by both weekly and daily solutions occurred in longitude. The nearest IGS station ntus, about 1000 km east of the epicenter, moved westward about 15 mm, while the more distant Indian station iisc (∼ 2300 km NW from the epicenter), shifted about 15 mm eastward. In spite of position errors caused by interpolation of the 5-min IGS clocks, the 1-sec solutions, based on separate data sets, available only for two stations (iisc, dgar), still showed seismic surface waves, in particular at the Indian station iisc. Precise daily IGS combined polar motion and length-of-day products, after correcting for the atmospheric effects, also likely detected, statistically significant, anomalistic excitations on December 26, 2004 that could be caused by this great earthquake.  相似文献   
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