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道伦达坝中型铜钨锡矿床位于大兴安岭南段,矿体呈脉状赋存于二叠系板岩及华力西期黑云母花岗岩的断裂破碎带中。道伦达坝矿床发育铜矿体、锡矿体、钨矿体、铜钨矿体、铜锡矿体、钨锡矿体和铜钨锡矿体。矿床的成矿过程可以划分为石英-萤石-白云母-电气石-锡石-黑钨矿阶段(Ⅰ阶段)、石英-萤石-黑钨矿-黄铜矿-毒砂-磁黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ阶段)、石英-萤石-绢云母-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿-银矿物阶段(Ⅲ阶段)和方解石-石英-萤石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅳ阶段)。道伦达坝矿床外围的张家营子岩体中的细粒花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为136.1±0.4Ma。Ⅱ阶段Cu-W共生矿体中2件独居石的LAICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为136.0±2.3Ma和135.1±2.2Ma。Ⅲ阶段Cu矿体中1件独居石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为134.7±2.8Ma。Ⅲ阶段铜矿体中1件绢云母的40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为138.8±0.47Ma,等时线年龄为140.0±1.1Ma。系统的定年结果表明,道伦达坝矿床的铜钨矿体和铜矿体均形成于早白垩世,它们属于同一个成矿系统;成矿与早白垩世高分异花岗岩有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   
北京市城近郊区地下水的环境同位素研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用环境同位素方法,研究北京城近郊区地下水演化规律。沿北京市永定河冲洪积扇地下水流动方向取样15组(D、18O、T、14C及全分析),对所取水样进行D、18O、T、14C分析,并确定地下水同位素年龄。运用地下水14C和T含量在垂向和水平方向变化的结果,验证了地下水的流向并计算了地下水的流速变化范围为5·02~62·63m/a,从山前至平原浅层地下水径流速度逐渐变小,反映了地下水水平径流强度逐渐减弱,地下水交替逐渐变差;浅层孔隙水以垂向交替为主,深层孔隙水以水平径流为主。对地下水D、18O之间的关系进行分析,从而判断地下水的补给来源等。  相似文献   
魏宇 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):482-493
四川甘洛铅锌矿集区位于扬子地块西南缘的川滇黔铅锌成矿带北段,是四川主要的铅锌产地,具有重要经济价值。为研究该矿集区铅锌成矿时代、成矿大地构造背景和成矿机制,以支撑区域找矿勘查,在区内选择赤普和尔呷地吉两个典型铅锌矿床开展闪锌矿Rb-Sr同位素体系研究,获得Rb-Sr等时线年龄246 ± 17 Ma(MSWD= 2.3),表明区内铅锌矿化作用发生于早三叠世,与古特提斯洋闭合时限吻合;闪锌矿(87Sr/86Sr)i值变化于0.71061~0.71393,高于幔源87Sr/86Sr值0.70355及峨眉山玄武岩87Sr /86Sr值0.704979~0.706938,低于基底岩石87Sr /86Sr值0.7243~0.7288,暗示成矿物质主要来源于地壳。综合前人研究,认为在古特提斯洋闭合背景下,强烈造山运动诱发盆地卤水深循环并萃取基底地层中的成矿物质,在峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动的热动力条件下,含矿流体沿马拉哈断裂进一步迁移沉淀形成了赤普和尔呷地吉铅锌矿床。马拉哈深大断裂及造山作用派生的层间或断层破碎带、碳酸盐岩地层是甘洛地区主要的控矿要素。  相似文献   
罗伟 《地质与勘探》2024,60(2):277-293
为研究贵州北部马鬃岭铝土矿床中富锂铝质粘土岩的物源体系及其锂的来源,对出露于大竹园组顶部的该类岩石进行了锆石U-Pb定年、Lu-Hf同位素及锆石微量元素分析。分析结果表明富锂铝质粘土岩中碎屑锆石普遍发育岩浆振荡环带,为造山作用/弧作用相关的岩浆岩类锆石。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄从早泥盆世到太古宙(411~3001 Ma)均有分布,具627~879 Ma和925~1018 Ma两个主峰及539~602 Ma一个次峰。εHf(t)值为-27.61~7.03之间,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)分布在1242~3387 Ma之间。结合碎屑锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素、微量元素特征及区域地质对比,认为富锂铝质粘土岩中碎屑锆石最主要的初始物源区为南岭-云开地体、江南造山带西段新元古代岩浆岩,其锂可能来源于江南造山带西段桂北-黔东地区860~750 Ma的基性岩。  相似文献   
由于丰富的煤炭资源,内蒙古的下白垩统地层具有重要的经济价值.但长期以来相关地层一直缺乏同位素测年研究,影响了区域地层对比工作的开展.本文对内蒙古锡林浩特下白垩统胜利组煤层夹层中的火山灰锆石应用LA-ICP-MS进行U-Pb法测年,结果显示胜利组5煤(层)和6煤(层)形成于大约109-107 Ma(早白垩世阿尔布期).这...  相似文献   
吉林延边开山屯地区地层时代的新证据   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
吉林延边开山屯地区古生代地层,在构造地层学研究的基础上,取得一些地层时代的新资料在混杂岩中新发现中二叠世北方型动物群化石;对混杂岩中的花岗岩砾石,测得SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄(286.8±5.6Ma),代表岛弧岩浆岩结晶时间;在变蛇绿岩和糜棱岩中采取白云母样品,测得40Ar-39Ar年龄,分别为408Ma和205.7Ma。由此,可以得出开山屯地区地层时代和混杂岩形成与演化的时间表泥盆纪洋壳形成;在中石炭世—中二叠世由南向北的运移过程中,洋壳之上发生硅质和碳酸盐沉积,形成海山;洋壳与由北向南移动的兴凯地块相对运动,二叠纪时向大陆俯冲,在兴凯地块西缘(现代方位)发育岛弧活动,并在中、晚二叠世形成滑塌堆积。可能与晚三叠世的洋壳俯冲作用有关,在兴凯地块前陆边缘发生逆冲作用,形成构造岩片。  相似文献   
Wind impact on pollutant transport in a shallow estuary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A three-dimensional numerical model, EFDC ( environmental fluid dynamics code) is applied to the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) in eastern North Carolina of the United States to examine the wind impact on pollutant age distributions and residence time. A series of model experiments representing base case, remote-wind-induced water level set-up and local winds cases are conducted. Model results indicate that the pollutant mean age and the system residence time are functions of gravitational circulation in the PRE. The system responses to remote-wind-induced water level set-up are different in different portions of the PRE. Under such condition, dissolved substances in the upstream portion of the PRE have a younger age and shorter residence time (compared with the base case) , by contrast, they have a older age and longer residence time in the downstream portion of the PRE. Upriver and downriver local winds appear to have opposite impacts on pollutant age distributions. The substances are retained much longer within the PRE under upriver wind than those under downriver wind. The model results also suggest that across - river winds may lead to longer residence time through enhanced turbulence mixing, which slows down the gravitational circulation in the PRE.  相似文献   
Laser line scan imaging and chirp sub-bottom profiling were used to detail the morphology of a submarine mud volcano and brine-filled crater at 652 m water depth in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The mud volcano has a relief of 6 m and a basal diameter of about 80 m. The feature comprises a central, brine-filled crater (253 m2) surrounded by a continuous bed of methanotrophic mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi) covering 434 m2 and a patchy bed covering an additional 214 m2 of the periphery. The brine pool was mostly <2 m deep, but there were two holes of >28 m and 12 m deep, respectively at the northern end of the pool which emitted continual streams of small clear bubbles. Sub-bottom profiles indicated three distinct strata beneath the present surface of the mud volcano. Integration of 17 profiles shows that the mud volcano has been built in at least three successive stages: the lowest stage deposited 35,400 m3, while the middle and upper stages deposited 7700 and 20,400 m3, respectively. Piston cores were taken at the northern edge of the mussel bed and a site ∼100 m southwest of the pool. Mussel and lucinid shells were recovered from the closer core, lucinid shells from the distant core. A mussel shell from 3.4 m sub-bottom had a Δ14C age of 16.2 ka. Mixture of modern carbon with “carbon dead” reservoir material would produce actual ages ∼2 ka less than the radiocarbon ages.  相似文献   
在波面位移为正态过程的假定下,推导出一种以平均周期和风速为参量的白浪覆盖率公式W=1-Φ[5.11094[-T/U10]0.7576].依据摩擦风速和U10的表达式,进一步推导出白浪覆盖率依赖于摩擦风速的形式W=1-Φ[0.5227[-T/U]0.7576]].考虑到在实际应用中,经常需要用波龄描述波浪的状态,将白浪覆盖率表示成一种形式简单的波龄的函数W=1-Φ(3.6496ξ0.7576),与Monahan等的海上测量数据符合良好.  相似文献   
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