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A technique has been devised for firing arrays of bottom shots on the ocean bed in depths upto 4000 m or more. Ten kilogram explosive charges are dropped from the surface while the shooting ship is navigated acoustically. They are detonated at preset times by an electronic timer which initiates an electrical detonator, detonating cord and cast PETN/TNT explosive. Ranges to ocean bottom seismographs, and the shot instants, can be calculated from the arrival-time differences of the direct and surface-reflected water waves. The accuracy, which is dependent on water-depth and range, was better than 22 m in range and 14 msec in shot instant for our experiments.  相似文献   
9810号台风期间厦门近岸海域磷的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1998年10号台风期间及台风解除后一周内,对九龙江口和西海域表层水中总磷(TP)、溶解态无机磷(DIP)、溶解态有机磷(DOP)、颗粒态磷(PP)、颗粒态无机磷(PIP)和颗粒态有机磷(POP)进行了为期9d(10月26日至11月3日)的现场观测。根据观测结果,讨论了台风对上述各形态磷的分布特征的影响,认为台风伴随的增水、入海径流量的骤增和底质再悬浮的加剧导致表层水体中各形态磷含量的短期增加。  相似文献   
渭河下游河道调整过程中的复杂响应现象   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许炯心 《地理研究》1989,8(2):82-90
应用系统复杂响应的原理研究三门峡水库上游渭河河道调整过程,表明上游河道河床形态对基面上升所作出的响应是复杂的,弯曲系数的变化为先减小而后增大,宽深比的变化是先增大后减小,比降由先减小而后增大,最后均趋于稳定.  相似文献   
在深厚软土地区的基坑,对基坑底软土进行搅拌加固形成强度较高的底板而保证坑底稳定,侧壁采用支护桩支护保证侧壁的稳定使其不倾倒,支护桩与加固底板两者共同作用形成的船状结构支护体系类似轮船的船侧壁及船底板,以保证基坑的稳定。结合具体的工程实例,介绍了船式支护的侧壁及底板的设计方法。工程案例成功实施,监测结果表明,船式支护既可避免支护桩嵌固深度过长,又利于软土的土方施工及工程桩的保护,是安全可靠的,对类似工程有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
近50 a渭河流域洪水成因分析及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
张琼华  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2006,26(1):117-121
 通过对近50 a渭河流域洪水的年际变化、月际变化和潼关高程变化的综合分析得出,造成该流域洪水灾害的原因有降水量年内分配不均和年际变化大,滩面淤积加重,支流河口淤塞以及河势、流态的恶化等。针对这些原因,根据渭河流域洪水灾害的特点,提出了相应的防治措施,即降低下游高程,减少河道的淤积,增大河道泄洪能力;利用水库进行调水调沙,引进客水冲刷渭河下游;防洪工程要除险加固,提高防洪标准与抗洪能力;恢复林草植被,遏止水土流失,从源头上控制泥沙入河等。  相似文献   
Acidification is considered the most important one of the primary chemical stress factors that impact on freshwater ecosystems. In unpolluted freshwater systems, the primary controls on the degree of acidification are factors such as the geological substrate of the catchment area, the presence of organic acids secreted by vegetation in the river system, and equilibrium exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere. Anthropogenic factors that can impact on the degree of acidification of freshwater systems include agricultural, mining and industrial activities, either through direct runoff into river systems or through deposition of atmospheric pollutants from these sources. The capacity factors alkalinity and acidity, which represent the acid- and base-neutralizing capacity (ANC and BCN) of an aqueous system, have been used as more reliable measures of the acidic character of freshwater systems than pH. Unlike pH, ANC and BNC are not affected by parameters such as temperature and pressure. Therefore, ANC has been employed as a predictor of biological status in critical load assessments. Freshwater systems with ANC's eq/L isμeq/L are considered sensitive to acidification, ANC=0 μbelow 150 commonly used as the predictor for fish species such as trout in lakes, and an eq/L as more realistic for streams. Acid-neutralizing capacity μANC value of 40 (ANC) can be determined by titration with a strong acid to a preselected equivalence point. Alternatively, it can be calculated as the difference between base cations ([BC]) and strong acid anions ([SAA]): ANC=[BC]- [SAA]=[Ca^2+]+[Mg^2+]+[Na^+]+[K^+]-[SO4^2-]-[NO3^-]-[Cl^-] To date, there has been no attempt to establish the ANC of South Africa's freshwater ecosystems or variability therein, despite the fact that long-term water quality monitoring data exist for all the parameters needed to calculate it according to the above equations. As a result, the relationship between the acid neutralizing capacity of freshwater ecosystems in South Africa and biodiversity factors, such as fish status, is unknown. Results of the first comprehensive (country-wide scale) evaluation of the acid neutralizing capacity of river systems in South Africa will be presented. Long-term monitoring data obtained from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) from most of South Africa's river systems were used to establish geographic and temporal variabilities in ANC. The results show that the Berg and Breede River systems are most susceptible to acidification, and that geological substrate appears to explain most of the geographic variabilities observed.  相似文献   
The failure of a lava dam 165,000 yr ago produced the largest known flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The Hyaloclastite Dam was up to 366 m high, and geochemical evidence linked this structure to outburst-flood deposits that occurred for 32 km downstream. Using the Hyaloclastite outburst-flood deposits as paleostage indicators, we used dam-failure and unsteady flow modeling to estimate a peak discharge and flow hydrograph. Failure of the Hyaloclastite Dam released a maximum 11 × 109 m3 of water in 31 h. Peak discharges, estimated from uncertainty in channel geometry, dam height, and hydraulic characteristics, ranged from 2.3 to 5.3 × 105 m3 s−1 for the Hyaloclastite outburst flood. This discharge is an order of magnitude greater than the largest known discharge on the Colorado River (1.4 × 104 m3 s−1) and the largest peak discharge resulting from failure of a constructed dam in the USA (6.5 × 104 m3 s−1). Moreover, the Hyaloclastite outburst flood is the oldest documented Quaternary flood and one of the largest to have occurred in the continental USA. The peak discharge for this flood ranks in the top 30 floods (>105 m3 s−1) known worldwide and in the top ten largest floods in North America.  相似文献   
2002年8月12日,叶尔羌河再次发生因高原冰川阻塞形成的洪水。本文对叶尔羌河历次高原冰川阻塞性洪水的成因以及与气象的关系做了较详尽的分析,并提出了从气象角度预报该类型洪水的方法和利用卫星遥感技术对冰川阻塞湖进行监测的建议,期望对叶尔羌河今后的防洪工作有一些指导意义。  相似文献   
岷江上游干扰岸坡主要表生地质灾害分布特征及成因浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岷江上游地处我国著名的南北向地震带的中段,因其特定的地质环境导致区内表生地质灾害极为严重。通过对岷江上游(汶川以上)河段的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等表生地质灾害的调查研究,其分布沿岷江两岸具有明显的分段特征与河谷地貌分段基本一致,它们形成发展与特定地形地貌、易崩滑或软弱地层、特殊的构造部位、降雨等密切相关。  相似文献   
We analyse longitudinal river profiles in southwestern Taiwan. As all necessary data are not available, a physical modelling of river erosion would be subject to large uncertainties. We thus shortcut this modelling and adopt simple empirical exponential equations giving riverbed elevation as a function of downstream distance. We identify a positive altimetric anomaly, which reveals active uplift of an anticline at the front of the fold-and-thrust belt. To cite this article: J. Angelier, R.-F. Chen, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1103–1111.  相似文献   
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