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By applying the series expansion technique in the complex variable method established by Muskhelishvili, the plane elasticity problem for the stress and displacement field around a lined circular tunnel in conjunction with the consideration of misfit and interaction between the liner and the surrounding geomaterial is dealt with. The tunnel is assumed to be driven in a homogeneous and isotropic geomaterial. The coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of the stress functions are determined. The complex potentials in the liner and the surrounding geomaterial are explicitly derived, respectively. As an example, the case of a lined circular tunnel located in an isotropic initial stress field but subjected to uniform internal pressure is numerically considered. Numerical results indicate that the installation of tunnel liner can reduce the influences of the tunnel excavation on the in situ displacement and stress fields. However, the relative thickness and rigidity of the liner should be in an appropriate range. In addition, the effect of the tunnel excavation upon the displacement field is more significant than that upon the stress field. As far as the stress field in the surrounding geomaterial is concerned, when the ratio between the cover depth of tunnel and the tunnel radius is larger than 5, the results for the stress field in the paper are applicable. When the ratio between the tunnel depth and the tunnel radius is larger than 20, the results are applicable for the displacement field. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The results of unsupervised pattern recognition methods are critically dependent on the measure ofsimilarity used for clustering objects. There is little a priori information available on the relative utilityof various similarity measures. We introduce here an alternative similarity measure based on the metrictensor measure (MTM). Two standard clustering strategies are tested with the proposed similaritymeasure: hierarchical clustering and the K-median method. As data we use the ARCH obsidian data,a data set on Hungarian coal, and trace element data on Hungarian paprika. Differences from theMahalanobis distance measure are described for intraclass relations.  相似文献   
Fracture system plays a very important role in the enrichment and accumulation of oil and gas in the reservoirs. Based on scattering wave information,Fracture Orientation Function( FOF) was built,which can be used to predict the fracture orientations. However,this method has only been verified by physical experiments without studies on the application scope. In this study,based on the linear sliding theory,FOF of the scattering wave was applied to the numerical simulation and the application scope was further studied according to fracture flexibility tensor. According to the fractures filled with gas and liquid,numerical simulation was conducted on the models with various fracture flexibilities. Numerical simulation results were used to inverse fracture orientation with the aid of the FOF of the scattering wave. The results show that it is workable to predict the vertical fracture orientation with the FOF of the scattering wave. Application of this method is more effective when the fractures are filled with gas than liquid. Moreover,the application scope can be predicted by the fracture flexibility.  相似文献   
This paper includes an investigation of the influence of the soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the fundamental period of buildings. The behaviour of both the soil and the structure is assumed to be elastic. The soil‐foundation system is modelled using translational and rotational discrete springs. Analysis is first conducted for one‐storey buildings. It shows that the influence of the SSI on the fundamental frequency of building depends on the soil–structure relative rigidity Kss. Analysis is then extended for multi‐storey buildings. It allows the generalization of the soil–structure relative rigidity Ks to such complex structures. Charts are proposed for taking into account the influence of the SSI in the calculation of the fundamental frequency of a wide range of buildings. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文使用新疆区域数字地震台站记录的宽频带长周期数字波形资料,在时间域反演了2008年10月5日新疆乌恰6.8级地震的强余震及其周围先后发生的52次中等强度地震的矩张量解,结合Harvard大学在该区域的地震矩张量结果,研究了帕米尔东北缘的应力场分区特征.研究结果显示,位于印度板块向欧亚板块推挤的前缘及向北凸出的弧型构造的最北缘的卡兹克阿尔特弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带,以逆冲推覆活动为主,并有部分走滑类型的地震,基本不存在正断层类型的地震;该弧型构造近东西走向的顶部(文中的西区)与其北西走向的东侧(文中的东区)的局部应力场最大主压应力方向不同,分别为NW、NNE方向,显示出在承受印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲作用的同时,东区也更多的受到了塔里木块体顺时针旋转作用的影响.位于帕米尔陆内俯冲和变形作用强烈、碰撞造成深源地震带东段的南区,地震以走滑错动为主, 逆断、正断层都有,显示出相对复杂的应力状态.位于帕米尔高原内部的西区和南区的应力场最大主压应力方向一致,由北向南,由最大主压应力轴接近水平,过渡为最大主张应力轴接近水平,一定程度揭示了板块俯冲的状态.结合南区和西区的地震深度差异及机制解中断层面的倾角,推测在中帕米尔的东部,由北向南的板块俯冲至150~170km深度,俯冲角度为60°左右.  相似文献   
基于预应力混凝土渡槽的低周反复荷载试验,对其受力过程、破坏形态、滞回曲线、刚度退化、耗能能力等抗震性能进行了研究与分析。试验结果表明:预应力混凝土渡槽的破坏形态为弯剪破坏,滞回曲线在加载的初期阶段表现出一定的捏拢效应,滞回曲线总体呈明显的梭形,且较为丰满,耗能能力强,抗震性能优良;配筋合适的预应力混凝土渡槽在加载初期对裂缝控制具有良好的表现,渡槽整体具有良好的延性;在整个加载过程中,渡槽试件的刚度退化明显,刚度退化主要集中在开裂后至屈服这一阶段。  相似文献   
大同地震序列的震源机制解   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
使用CDSN长周期地震波形记录,利用Helmberger(1968)的广义地震射线理论得到的线性反演地震矩张量的方法,对1989年10月18日-1991年3月25日发生在大同的4个Ms>5.0的地震进行了反演,计算了这些地震矩张量和断层面解。  相似文献   
Under the background of thrusting stress regime, a large number of strike-slip earthquakes occurred on the Miyaluo Fault during the Wenchuan earthquake sequence process, which is in the southern part of the Longmenshan Fault. In order to find the cause of their occurrence, stress tensors in subregions near the Miyaluo Fault are estimated. The result shows that in both north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault, the direction of principal compressive stress is nearly perpendicular to the Longmenshan Fault, and its dip is nearly horizontal, and the direction of tensile stress is nearly vertical. While in the Miyaluo fault zone, the direction of principal compressive stress is SWW-NEE, and its dip is nearly horizontal, the direction of principal tensile stress is NNW-SSE, also its dip is nearly horizontal. It is consistent with sinistral shear stress state in the Miyaluo fault zone. It was referred that the behavior of Miyaluo Fault during the Wenchuan earthquake sequence process was caused by tearing effect generated from unbalanced forces of two sides of the fault. To understand the rupture mode of the aftershocks in subregions as described above, the total seismic moment tensors are estimated by adding the corresponding component separately of the seismic moment tensor of aftershocks in each region. The result shows the similar trend of total seismic moment tensor components in the north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault(indicating the consistency of rupture mode in the north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault), and most seismic moment tensor components in the south side is higher than that in the north side, especially the compression component perpendicular to Longmenshan Fault and expansion component in the vertical direction. It indicates that thrusting component in the southeast direction in the south side is greater than that in the north side, and the thrusting difference causes the sinistral tearing effect of the Miyaluo Fault. We also find that the sinistral tearing component of the Miyaluo Fault is the same order of magnitude with the thrusting difference of its two sides, which indicates that the tearing effect of Miyaluo Fault can be completely explained by thrusting difference of its two sides. According to the analysis, we put forward the dynamic model of the Miyaluo Fault, which can explain the above phenomenon.  相似文献   
从地震学和地质学的角度探讨2019-12-26应城MS4.9地震的发震构造。采用HYPO2000方法对地震序列进行重新定位,结果表明,余震主要分布在皂市断裂与长江埠断裂之间,总体呈NW向展布,与野外调查Ⅵ度烈度等震线长轴方向基本一致。采用kiwi波形拟合反演方法求解震源机制解,结果显示,主震破裂表现为走滑兼逆冲特征。节面Ⅰ走向NE,与震中以西的潜北断裂走向一致,但距离较远,且与该断裂的产状和受力方式不一致。节面Ⅱ走向NW,与皂市断裂和长江埠断裂相近。分析2条断裂的受力方式认为,在江汉盆地现今NWW向主挤压应力的控制下,皂市断裂与长江埠断裂均具有左旋走滑特征。由于2条断裂走向存在差异,在两者之间产生逆时针错转滑动,使得主震发震面走向处于2条断裂夹角中间方向;同时倾向也与实际断面存在差异,余震分布偏向主震东侧。综合分析认为,皂市断裂与长江埠断裂的构造活动共同引发本次应城地震序列。  相似文献   
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