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INTRODUcrIONThe concept of radiation stress was deve1oPed by tonguet--Higgins and Stewart (1964 ),who intreduced the definition of radiation stress as the excess mornentum due to the presence ofwaves, on the basis of time-averaged laws of Newtonian fluid mechanics and the assmption ofa unifOrm velocity distribution over depth. Subequently, the theory has been applied success-fully in the investigation of phenomena such as wave set-up and set--down (Bowen et al.,l968), longshore currents …  相似文献   
Diapycnal Mixing (DM) within the upper 2000m of the global ocean is calculated by a fine-scale parameterization using the multiyear-mean density gridded product that created by employing all the Argo float observations to date through the recently published equation of seawater TEOS-10. The geographic distribution of Argo-derived DM derived in this study is spatial-dependent and varies with latitude and depth. The magnitude and pattern of DM is favorably validated by comparisons with previous studies. Furthermore, the mixing coefficient tensor K is calculated and analyzed. Components of the tensor fitting for the geopotential coordinate models are also presented. It is found that the tensor components in horizontal direction, Kxx and Kyy, have similar magnitude and distribution pattern. In the vertical, Kzz is enhanced over regions with rough topography and strong wind (e.g., Westerly region), suggesting agreement with previous estimates. This work presents a scheme to estimate the DM and mixing coefficient tensor using Argo observations, and offers a useful Argo-based mixing product for the purpose of promoting the study and modeling of ocean circulation and other processes.  相似文献   
The unit cell parameters, extracted from Rietveld analysis of neutron powder diffraction data collected between 4.2 K and 320 K, have been used to calculate the temperature evolution of the thermal expansion tensor for gypsum for 50 ≤ T ≤ 320 K. At 300 K the magnitudes of the principal axes are α 11  = 1.2(6) × 10−6 K−1, α 22  = 36.82(1) × 10−6 K−1 and α 33  = 25.1(5) × 10−6 K−1. The maximum axis, α 22 , is parallel to b, and using Institution of Radio Engineers (IRE) convention for the tensor orthonormal basis, the axes α 11 and α 33 have directions equal to (−0.979, 0, 0.201) and (0.201, 0, 0.979) respectively. The orientation and temperature dependent behaviour of the thermal expansion tensor is related to the crystal structure in the I2/a setting. Received 12 February 1998 / Revised, accepted 19 October 1998  相似文献   
随着传感器技术的发展,重力场与重力张量场测量技术发展迅速,为实现地下密度分布精细反演提供了数据保障。正演是反演的基础,解决任意密度分布复杂地质体重力场与重力张量正演高效、高精度计算问题,是实现重力高效、精细反演、人机交互反演解释的关键。针对起伏地形和任意密度分布这种复杂条件下二维重力场及重力张量场高效高精度正演问题,这里提出了一种空间波数混合域正演算法,其关键环节包括:①结合新的矩形二度体组合模型波数域表达式和一维Gauss-FFT算法,提出了一种任意密度分布和起伏地形下重力场及重力张量高效、高精度正演算法;②采用新的二维正演算法,计算观测最高点和最低点之间多个不同高度水平网格重力场及重力张量,结合三次样条插值方法,实现了起伏地形上重力场及重力张量场高效、高精度正演。模型算例结果表明,新方法具有高效、高精度的显著特点。  相似文献   
Data generated from scanning electron microscopy images of oil-shale geomaterials are used to generate configurations and to acquire parameters required for use in homogenization schemes for the determination of the effective elastic properties of the samples. Two alternative homogenization methods are employed: numerical simulation using the Discrete Element Method and the Polycrystalline Self-Consistent Method from micromechanics. The schemes give rise to predictions of the effective elastic properties that are in very good agreement.  相似文献   
苏栋 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1681-1686
自然界的土体通常具有各向异性的特点,而传统的破坏准则大多只适用于各向同性的土体。结合应力张量和反映材料各向异性状态的组构张量,定义了修正偏应力及其不变量,提出了适用于各向异性土体材料的破坏准则。给出了共轴条件下正交各向异性和横向各向异性材料在一般应力空间的破坏曲线以及不同应力区中主应力系数b与摩擦角的关系曲线,并分析了它们的特性以及与各向同性材料相应曲线的区别。通过与真三轴试验数据的比较,表明该准则能很好地描述各向异性土体材料的强度特点。  相似文献   
卢鹏羽  马国庆 《世界地质》2016,35(1):216-222
相比重力数据,重力张量数据通常包含更多的异常信息。本文根据重力数据与重力张量数据的关系,利用位场转化技术,将重力张量数据应用于传统的Parker-Oldenburg密度界面反演算法中。通过模型试验,证明了在网格间距较大或者数据存在一定噪音时,使用本文算法进行反演能得到更好的效果。实验结果说明利用重力张量数据可以有效地提高密度界面反演的分辨率。  相似文献   
基于磁偶极子模型的频率域电磁法仪器在进行大地探测的过程中,由于收发线圈的安装误差、晃动以及材料的几何形变等因素影响,收发线圈的位置及姿态角发生变化,从而产生几何误差,而几何误差的定量分析对频率域电磁法仪器在制作、野外实验操作以及校正方面均具有很强的指导意义。本文根据误差来源的不同,将几何误差分为一次场误差和二次场误差两类;通过引入一次场张量矩阵和二次场张量矩阵,基于均匀大地模型正演得到9种线圈架构接收线圈接收到的一次场及二次场,并以微分的方式定量地分析了9种线圈架构收发线圈位置及姿态角变化引起几何误差的变化特征。对9种线圈架构的几何误差分析可知:在几何形变引入的一次场误差中,仅有PERyz、PERzy线圈架构不包含位置变化的一次项误差,仅有VCA、VCP及HCP线圈架构不包含姿态角变化的一次项误差;在几何形变引入的二次场误差中,PERzx、PERxz线圈架构最大,而VCA、VCP及HCP线圈架构受高度及收发距变化的影响很大,需要实时测量并进行校正,VCP线圈架构受收发距变化以及姿态角变化的影响最小。  相似文献   
节理岩体几何结构非常复杂,研究其渗流特性对于指导含水岩层稳定性分析具有重要价值。应用离散裂隙网络模型DFN方法,基于VC++6.0软件平台,建立了平面渗流分析方法,分析了节理岩体不同几何分布情况下的渗透率张量特征,通过定义渗流定向性系数对岩体渗流的定向性特征进行了定量分析。结果表明:单组节理岩体渗流具有明显的各向异性特征,渗流定向性随着节理角度变化显著;节理随着节理贯通性增加,节理渗透率呈现对数增加趋势;两组节理情况下,各向异性特征随着节理组间夹角变化;两组节理岩体渗流特征研究中,正交分布下,岩体仍存在各向异性,但渗流定向性系数较低;当节理倾角服从正态分布时,随着节理倾角标准差增大,渗透率增加;两组节理夹角不同时,节理渗透主方向倾角随着夹角增大而相应增大,基本沿两组节理夹角方向的角平分线方向。  相似文献   
 The electronic structure of the three polymorphs of Al2SiO5, andalusite, sillimanite, and kyanite, is studied by linearized-augmented-plane-wave (LAPW) calculations using the WIEN code. Total energy calculations verify, in agreement with recent pseudopotential calculations, that andalusite is the most stable phase, followed by sillimanite and kyanite.We determine the electronic charge density distribution and find strong polarizations on all oxygen ions. We identify different polarizations due to Al or Si neighbors which depend on their respective distances to the oxygen atom. The chemical bonding is not purely ionic in nature but has important covalent contributions. Electric field gradients (EFGs) at all sites are calculated and agree well (within 10%) with available experimental data on Al. We identify the origin of the EFGs and demonstrate its relation to the nearest-neighbor coordination and the resulting anisotropy of the electronic charge distribution. Received: 22 March 2000 / Accepted: 3 August 2000  相似文献   
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