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本文介绍的火山岩带,有层状流纹岩及穹丘状、岩颈状等非层状流纹岩,分别属溢流相、侵出相及火山管道相,三种流纹岩均受火山岩带核中断裂及晚期火山构造控制,复盖或穿发寿昌组一段地层,又被寿昌组一段之后的次火山岩及隐爆岩所穿切,局部被横山组不整合复盖。该类流纺岩同位素年龄值较小,多数在130Ma左右,处于晚侏罗世与早白垩世过渡期。根据其层序、穿切关系及同位素年龄等,认为三种流纹岩均属火山岩带晚期不同岩相的产  相似文献   
西藏纳木错流纹岩构造上处于北冈底斯南缘,地层角度不整合于中—晚侏罗世拉贡塘组之上,归属于卧荣沟组。其中流纹岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为120~112 Ma,时代为早白垩世中期。岩石具高Si O2、富Al2O3和K2O,贫Ti O2、MgO、Ca O特征,A/CNK=0.94~1.91(平均1.16),属于高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列过铝质岩石。(La/Yb)N为1.49~11.08,δEu=0.12~0.55,球粒陨石标准化稀土元素分布模式显示为略右倾V字形。大离子亲石元素及高场强元素Rb、K、Th、Ta、Ce、Zr、Hf相对富集,Nb相对亏损,Ba、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,成岩岩浆源自地壳,可以与多尼组酸性火山岩对比。流纹岩具同碰撞型火山特征,不具传统岛弧环境特征,研究认为在早白垩世中期(120 Ma左右),北冈底斯发生了一次重大的构造事件,即班公湖—怒江新特提斯洋俯冲已经结束,冈底斯带与羌塘地块陆-陆碰撞开始,碰撞过程中下地壳增厚并部分发生熔融,纳木错流纹岩是碰撞后部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
郑世帅  徐夕生 《岩石学报》2021,37(12):3712-3734
破火山内出露的火山岩与浅成侵入岩为硅质岩浆演化研究提供了 一个重要窗口,从而备受关注.小雄破火山内的火山-侵入杂岩是中国东南沿海晚白垩世岩浆活动的典型代表,包括小雄组火山岩(K2*)与两类侵入岩(花岗斑岩、正长斑岩).本文以小雄火山-侵入杂岩为研究对象,开展了系统的锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石学和地球化学研究,旨在深入探讨...  相似文献   
王飞飞  张勇  韩宗珠  宋维宇  吴浩  宁泽 《中国地质》2020,47(5):1426-1437
福建北部沿岸岛屿岩石组合以晚中生代火成岩为主,研究认为是古太平洋俯冲消减的产物,对反演洋盆构造演化具有重要的指示意义。本次对其中的福建北部海域东台山岛上广泛发育的酸性火山岩进行了锆石U-Pb定年以及全岩主微量地球化学分析工作。2件年代学样品分别获得了92 Ma和86 Ma的锆石U-Pb年龄,确定东台山岛火山岩形成于晚白垩世。全岩地球化学特征指示火山岩样品以酸性钙碱性岩石为主,整体富集Rb、Ba等元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Sr、Eu等元素,显示弧型岩浆岩的地球化学组成。研究认为东台山岛火山岩起源于古老下地壳变沉积岩熔融,并在浅层岩浆房内经历了不同程度的结晶分异过程。结合区域上晚中生代岩浆作用由陆向海的时空迁移特征,福建北部沿岸岛屿火山岩形成的深部动力学机制应该与古太平洋俯冲过程中的板片回转过程相关。  相似文献   
苏扣林  丁兴  郭宇  石晓龙 《中国地质》2021,48(1):161-172
广州市增城地质公园发育有大量的燕山期安山岩和流纹岩,由于缺少详细的岩石地球化学研究,这些火山岩的成因和所代表的大地构造意义一直未明确.文章对上述火山岩进行了较为系统的全岩地球化学以及同位素地球化学分析.研究结果显示,安山岩具有安第斯型火山岩特点,显示Nb、Ta、Sr和Ti的亏损,Isr值介于0.70332~0.7144...  相似文献   
内蒙古苏查(苏莫查干敖包)萤石矿区晚古生代火山沉积岩分布广泛,主要岩石类型有碳泥质板岩、结晶灰岩、凝灰岩、千枚岩、英安岩和流纹岩,其中碳泥质板岩和流纹岩为苏查特大型萤石矿床的顶和底板围岩。采用锆石SHRIMP UPb铅法分别对底板围岩中蚀变流纹岩和顶板围岩中未蚀变流纹岩样品进行了同位素年代测定,所获数据分别为276±10 Ma和271±8 Ma。蚀变和未蚀变流纹岩的形成时间均为海西晚期(早二叠世)。苏查萤石矿区早二叠世流纹岩是华北陆台与西伯利亚板块从碰撞挤压到松弛张裂转折期,酸性岩浆喷发活动的产物,其成岩物质来自壳、幔混合源。早二叠世流纹岩的出现不仅标志着苏查到西里庙地区海西期构造岩浆活动的终结,同时也为苏查特大型萤石矿床的成矿作用提供了动力、热力和物质来源。早二叠世流纹岩成岩时代的厘定不仅为阐明华北陆台北缘西段构造演化历史提供了科学依据,而且对于查明流纹岩的原岩性质和圈定新的萤石矿床找矿靶区也具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The origin of large-volume Yellowstone ignimbrites and smaller-volumeintra-caldera lavas requires shallow remelting of enormous volumesof variably 18O-depleted volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks alteredby hydrothermal activity. Zircons provide probes of these processesas they preserve older ages and inherited 18O values. This studypresents a high-resolution, oxygen isotope examination of volcanismat Yellowstone using ion microprobe analysis with an averageprecision of ± 0·2 and a 10 µm spot size.We report 357 analyses of cores and rims of zircons, and isotopeprofiles of 142 single zircons in 11 units that represent majorYellowstone ignimbrites, and post-caldera lavas. Many zirconsfrom these samples were previously dated in the same spots bysensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP), and all zirconswere analyzed for oxygen isotope ratios in bulk as a functionof grain size by laser fluorination. We additionally reportoxygen isotope analyses of quartz crystals in three units. Theresults of this work provide the following new observations.(1) Most zircons from post-caldera low-18O lavas are zoned,with higher 18O values and highly variable U–Pb ages inthe cores that suggest inheritance from pre-caldera rocks exposedon the surface. (2) Many of the higher-18O zircon cores in theselavas have U–Pb zircon crystallization ages that postdatecaldera formation, but pre-date the eruption age by 10–20kyr, and represent inheritance of unexposed post-caldera sub-volcanicunits that have 18O similar to the Lava Creek Tuff. (3) Youngand voluminous 0·25–0·1 Ma intra-calderalavas, which represent the latest volcanic activity at Yellowstone,contain zircons with both high-18O and low-18O cores surroundedby an intermediate-18O rim. This implies inheritance of a varietyof rocks from high-18O pre-caldera and low-18O post-calderaunits, followed by residence in a common intermediate-18O meltprior to eruption. (4) Major ignimbrites of Huckleberry Ridge,and to a lesser extent the Lava Creek and Mesa Falls Tuffs,contain zoned zircons with lower-18O zircon cores, suggestingthat melting and zircon inheritance from the low-18O hydrothermallyaltered carapace was an important process during formation ofthese large magma bodies prior to caldera collapse. (5) The18O zoning in the majority of zircon core–rim interfacesis step-like rather than smoothly inflected, suggesting thatprocesses of solution–reprecipitation were more importantthan intra-crystalline oxygen diffusion. Concave-downward zirconcrystal size distributions support dissolution of the smallercrystals and growth of rims on larger crystals. This study suggeststhat silicic magmatism at Yellowstone proceeded via rapid, shallow-levelremelting of earlier erupted and hydrothermally altered Yellowstonesource rocks and that pulses of basaltic magma provided theheat for melting. Each post-caldera Yellowstone lava representsan independent homogenized magma batch that was generated rapidlyby remelting of source rocks of various ages and 18O values.The commonly held model of a single, large-volume, super-solidus,mushy-state magma chamber that is periodically reactivated andproduces rhyolitic offspring is not supported by our data. Rather,the source rocks for the Yellowstone volcanism were cooled belowthe solidus, hydrothermally altered by heated meteoric watersthat caused low 18O values, and then remelted in distinct pocketsby intrusion of basic magmas. Each packet of new melt inheritedzircons that retained older age and 18O values. This interpretationmay have significance for interpreting seismic data for crustallow-velocity zones in which magma mush and solidified areasexperiencing hydrothermal circulation occur side by side. Newbasalt intrusions into this solidifying batholith are requiredto form the youngest volcanic rocks that erupted as independentrhyolitic magmas. We also suggest that the Lava Creek Tuff magmawas already an uneruptable mush by the time of the first post-calderaeruption after 0·1 Myr of the climactic caldera-formingeruption. KEY WORDS: Yellowstone; oxygen isotopes; geochronology; isotope zoning; zircon; U–Pb dating; caldera; rhyolite; ion microprobe  相似文献   
在江西相山铀矿田河元背地区实施的CUSD3钻孔,发现其深部存在晚期侵入到打鼓顶组流纹英安岩、凝灰岩、泥质粉砂岩中的流纹斑岩。利用激光等离子质谱分析技术(LA ICP MS)测得流纹斑岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄为(1318±07)Ma (MSWD=041),晚于前人所测的鹅湖岭组碎斑流纹岩年龄。该流纹斑岩具有高硅、富钾、铝过饱和等特点,还表现出高场强元素Rb、Th、U、La、Ce、Nd和LREE富集,Ba、Nb、Sr、P、Ti等元素亏损以及δEu明显负异常的特点。锆石的εHf(t)值介于 -677~-1038之间,对应的二阶段Hf模式年龄TDMC介于1 619~1 846 Ma,岩石的ISr值为0710 92~0712 01,εNd(t)值为-818~-919。其稀土元素、微量元素分布模式及同位素特征与前人报道的碎斑流纹岩特征类似,暗示流纹斑岩与碎斑流纹岩具有相同的物质来源。以上特征说明河元背地区流纹斑岩形成于早白垩世造山运动碰撞后伸展阶段,为深部硅铝质地壳部分熔融的产物。相山西部流纹斑岩的发现,可以推测该区或许存在一个次级火山机构。  相似文献   
The caldera-forming 26·5 ka Oruanui eruption (Taupo,New Zealand) erupted 530 km3 of magma, >99% rhyolitic, <1%mafic. The rhyolite varies from 71·8 to 76·7 wt% SiO2 and 76 to 112 ppm Rb but is dominantly 74–76 wt% SiO2. Average rhyolite compositions at each stratigraphiclevel do not change significantly through the eruption sequence.Oxide geothermometry, phase equilibria and volatile contentsimply magma storage at 830–760°C, and 100–200MPa. Most rhyolite compositional variations are explicable by28% crystal fractionation involving the phenocryst and accessoryphases (plagioclase, orthopyroxene, hornblende, quartz, magnetite,ilmenite, apatite and zircon). However, scatter in some elementconcentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and the presence of non-equilibriumcrystal compositions imply that mixing of liquids, phenocrystsand inherited crystals was also important in assembling thecompositional spectrum of rhyolite. Mafic compositions comprisea tholeiitic group (52·3–63·3 wt % SiO2)formed by fractionation and crustal contamination of a contaminatedtholeiitic basalt, and a calc-alkaline group (56·7–60·5wt % SiO2) formed by mixing of a primitive olivine–plagioclasebasalt with rhyolitic and tholeiitic mafic magmas. Both maficgroups are distinct from other Taupo Volcanic Zone eruptivesof comparable SiO2 content. Development and destruction by eruptionof the Oruanui magma body occurred within 40 kyr and Oruanuicompositions have not been replicated in vigorous younger activity.The Oruanui rhyolite did not form in a single stage of evolutionfrom a more primitive forerunner but by rapid rejuvenation ofa longer-lived polygenetic, multi-age ‘stockpile’of silicic plutonic components in the Taupo magmatic system. KEY WORDS: Taupo Volcanic Zone; Taupo volcano; Oruanui eruption; rhyolite, zoned magma chamber; juvenile mafic compositions; eruption withdrawal systematics  相似文献   
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