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熊双才 《地质论评》2024,70(4):2024040015-2024040015
东准噶尔是中亚造山带(CAOB)的重要组成部分。本文对东准噶尔老爷庙地区出露的流纹岩开展岩石学、地球化学和锆石U- Pb年代学研究,探讨其岩石成因和成岩时的构造环境。结果表明老爷庙流纹岩具有高硅、高钾、富碱,贫钙、磷、铁、镁、钛的特征,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、K、Th、Nb、Ta及高场强元素Zr、Hf,相对亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti。轻稀土富集明显,且轻稀土元素内部分馏相对较强,重稀土元素元素内部分馏较弱,Eu负异常较强(δEu=0. 12~0. 65),呈右倾海鸥型。锆石饱和温度平均878℃,属于高温花岗岩;形成压力<0. 8GPa,深度<30km。与典型A型花岗岩相似,成因类型上属A2型流纹岩,产于后碰撞环境。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年显示其形成于311. 6±3. 1Ma,属晚石炭世,地层归属为巴塔玛衣内山组。综合本文数据及区域地质特征,老爷庙地区在晚石炭世已经拼贴到西伯利亚板块,进入后造山向板内转化的过渡期,结束了地壳的侧向增生,但由于大量幔源岩浆底侵作用,使该区仍在垂向增生。  相似文献   
A Paleoproterozoic A—type Rhyolite   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rhyolites in the upper Lueliang Group of Shanxi,China,are Paleoproterozoic weakly alkaline volcanic rocks.They are characterized by high,SiO2,NaO K2O,Zr,Nd,Ga,Y and REE contents and large FeO^*/MgO,Rb/Sr and Ga/Al ratios,and low CaO,Sr and Eu contents,and share much in common with the A-type granitic rocks.They erupted in the rift setting at the continental margin.Chemical features and isotope data,as well as high Nd and low initial Sr ratios,suggest that the original granitic magma was derived from partial melting of Late Archean metamorphic rocks in the lower crust due to the influence of basaltic magma and hot fluid in response to rifting.The A-type rhyolites were finally formed after the fractional crystallization of the dominant mineral feldspar.  相似文献   
为了揭示冲绳海槽西南端流纹岩成因,利用电子探针和LA-ICP-MS对该流纹岩中角闪石进行了主量和微量元素测定。所有角闪石主量元素成分变化范围小,晶体化学特征主要表现为:CaB>1.60,CaA=0,(Na+K)A<0.33,NaB介于0.23~0.39之间,均为钙质镁闪石。微量元素以富集Sc、V、Cr、Co、Ni和REE,亏损Rb、Sr、Ba、Zr、Th、U和Pb为特征,这些元素的富集与亏损与复杂的类质同象作用有关。由角闪石温压计得出其结晶时的温度范围为775~839℃,压力为0.12 GPa,大致相当于4 km的深度。角闪石的成因矿物学研究显示该流纹岩中角闪石为壳-幔混合成因,进一步表明冲绳海槽南部流纹岩由幔源玄武质岩浆与壳源长英质岩浆混合形成的中基性岩浆在浅层岩浆房中结晶分异而形成,且壳幔混合源很可能是冲绳海槽西南端火山岩岩浆的主要来源。  相似文献   
The 1305 Kaharoa rhyolite eruptive episode is the largest volcanic event(4 km3 magma) to have occurred in New Zealand during the last 1000 years. Proximal areas were devastated by pyroclastic flows, and tephra fell over much of the northern North Island. No eyewitness observations are recorded, but ejecta analyses show that the rhyolite eruptions were primed and triggered by basalt intrusions. This key finding, combined with observations of similar modern eruptions, has allowed construction of a conceptual scenario of the seismic and other activity that likely preceded the Kaharoa episode.The precursory scenario begins at -5 years (before the first eruption). Rising basalt magma intrusions generate deep long-period earthquakes in the lower crust, before intersecting and heating a rhyolite magma body at 6 km depth beneath Tarawera. By -1 year, increased heat flux from the rhyolite magma body had raised temperatures and pressures in the overlying hydrothermal system; generating shallow long-period earthquakes and increased heat flow at the surface. At -2 months, shallow volcano-tectonic earthquake activity intensified, driven by inflation of the rhyolite magma body, with magmatic gas appearing in fumarole discharges. Rapidly accelerating seismicity, ground deformation and surface heat flow occurred in the last few weeks and days, before the initial vent-opening explosions intensified into major plinian eruptions.Effectiveness of the present volcano monitoring system at Tarawera can be evaluated against this scenario. The precursory seismic activity, including the critical deep long-period earthquakes, would be recorded but not accurately located. Similarly, the existing ground deformation monitoring systems would detect early magma chamber inflation, but discrimination from the background tectonic tilting signal would be difficult. Continuous telemetering of geodetic data from existing and additional instruments would be required for any useful monitoring of rapid ground deformation in the final precursory phases.  相似文献   
蔺广太 《吉林地质》2003,22(2):50-55
建设国家地质公园是时代发展、保护自然遗产的客观要求.四平山门-伊通一带分布着的十数座流纹岩柱状节理火山锥和玄武岩柱状节理火山锥,辅以燕国古城遗址、努尔哈赤起兵和慈禧祖籍地、解放战争"四战四平"战绩地等人文景观和其他自然景观,以及各类保护区和经济开发区的建设,使本区具备了地质公园的地质遗迹特殊的科学意义.稀有的自然属性,优雅的美学观赏价值,融合自然与人文景观并具有生态、历史和文化价值,为建立国家地质公园奠定了丰厚的物质基础.本文对四平山门-伊通火山地质公园从基础条件,基础研究、基础建设、申报工作等方面给予了详实论述.  相似文献   
Young (<65 ka) explosive silicic volcanism at Taupo volcano,New Zealand, has involved the development and evacuation ofseveral crustal magmatic systems. Up to and including the 26·5ka 530 km3 Oruanui eruption, magmatic systems were contemporaneousbut geographically separated. Subsequently they have been separatedin time and have vented from geographically overlapping areas.Single-crystal (secondary ionization mass spectrometry) andmultiple-crystal (thermal ionization mass spectrometry) zirconmodel-age data are presented from nine representative eruptiondeposits from 45 to 3·5 ka. Zircon yields vary by threeorders of magnitude, correlating with the degrees of zirconsaturation in the magmas, and influencing the spectra of modelages. Two adjacent magma systems active up to 26·5 kashow wholly contrasting model-age spectra. The smaller systemshows a simple unimodal distribution. The larger system, usingdata from three eruptions, shows bimodal model-age spectra.An older 100 ka peak is interpreted to represent zircons (antecrysts)derived from older silicic mush or plutonic rocks, and a youngerpeak to represent zircons (phenocrysts) that grew in the magmabody immediately prior to eruption. Post-26·5 ka magmabatches show contrasting age spectra, consistent with a mixtureof antecrysts, phenocrysts and, in two examples, xenocrystsfrom Quaternary plutonic and Mesozoic–Palaeozoic metasedimentaryrocks. The model-age spectra, coupled with zircon-dissolutionmodelling, highlight contrasts between short-term silicic magmageneration at Taupo, by bulk remobilization of crystal mushand assimilation of metasediment and/or silicic plutonic basementrocks, and the longer-term processes of fractionation from crustallycontaminated mafic melts. Contrasts between adjacent or successivemagma systems are attributed to differences in positions ofthe source and root zones within contrasting domains in thequartzo-feldspathic (<15 km deep) crust below the volcano. KEY WORDS: zircon; U-series dating; rhyolite; Taupo Volcanic Zone; Taupo volcano  相似文献   
The 12·7–10·5 Ma Cougar Point Tuff in southernIdaho, USA, consists of 10 large-volume (>102–103 km3each), high-temperature (800–1000°C), rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs erupted from the Bruneau–Jarbidge volcanic centerof the Yellowstone hotspot. These tuffs provide evidence forcompositional and thermal zonation in pre-eruptive rhyolitemagma, and suggest the presence of a long-lived reservoir thatwas tapped by numerous large explosive eruptions. Pyroxene compositionsexhibit discrete compositional modes with respect to Fe andMg that define a linear spectrum punctuated by conspicuous gaps.Airfall glass compositions also cluster into modes, and thepresence of multiple modes indicates tapping of different magmavolumes during early phases of eruption. Equilibrium assemblagesof pigeonite and augite are used to reconstruct compositionaland thermal gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir. The recurrenceof identical compositional modes and of mineral pairs equilibratedat high temperatures in successive eruptive units is consistentwith the persistence of their respective liquids in the magmareservoir. Recurrence intervals of identical modes range from0·3 to 0·9 Myr and suggest possible magma residencetimes of similar duration. Eruption ages, magma temperatures,Nd isotopes, and pyroxene and glass compositions are consistentwith a long-lived, dynamically evolving magma reservoir thatwas chemically and thermally zoned and composed of multiplediscrete magma volumes. KEY WORDS: ash-flow tuff; Bruneau–Jarbidge; rhyolite; Yellowstone hotspot; residence time  相似文献   
长塘流纹岩为"大量流纹岩-少量玄武岩"构成的不对称双峰式火山岩组合的酸性端元,前人对年代学研究认为是目前华南识别的燕山期最年轻的流纹岩(SHRIMP年龄96.8 Ma),但在岩石地球化学特征及成因方面尚未深入研究。本文通过全岩主微量元素、Sr-Nd-Pb-O和锆石Hf同位素研究得到:流纹岩为亚碱性弱过铝质岩石,稀土元素富集,轻重稀土分馏明显,Eu负异常;具有较小的(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i、较高的εNd(t)和较低的(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb)_i、(~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb)_i、(~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb)_i值;锆石的εHf(t)值较高且Hf模式年龄和全岩基本一致,均显示为新生下地壳岩浆;全岩的δ18O值较高。结合区域地质资料,本文认为长塘流纹岩是在晚白垩世早期拉张环境下,源于EMⅡ富集地幔的岩浆混染少量下地壳物质形成新元古代新生下地壳,发生熔融产生的岩浆在上升过程中经历结晶分异演化后喷出地表的产物。晚白垩世早期流纹岩成因对华南陆壳拉张减薄到正常厚度时间节点提供了证据。  相似文献   
通过大比例尺平面地质填图、剖面测量和显微组构分析,九台营城煤矿区流纹岩中石泡构造发育。根据成因、产状、宏观形态和显微特征,石泡构造可分为3类:膨润土中的独立石泡、层状流纹岩表面贴附的石泡和块状流纹岩内部的石泡。独立石泡大小不等,直径由几厘米至几十厘米,表面似葡萄状,平面上呈环带状分布于珍珠岩四周蚀变膨润土中,为富含挥发物质的岩浆遇水淬碎成球体,经结晶分异作用形成。层状流纹岩表面贴附的石泡,直径由几毫米至几厘米,表面形态与独立石泡相似,平面上呈环带状分布于独立石泡带外侧,形成机理与独立石泡相似,由于遇水量减少和岩浆喷发强度增大形成差别。块状流纹岩内部的石泡,直径由几毫米至几厘米,内部具多圈层结构,为含气液混合物的岩浆,气体逸出,液体中的矿物成分随温度下降,由外至内依次结晶形成。3类石泡赋存于喷溢相上部亚相,形成机理为等容降温、冷凝收缩。  相似文献   
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