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The rain-flow counting method is widely used to compile the fatigue load spectrum. The second stage counting of the rain-flow method is a troublesome process. In order to overcome this drawback, the rain-flow and reverse rain-flow counting method is proposed in this paper. In this counting method, the rule for counting of the rain-flow method is modified, so that the sequence of load-time need not be adjusted. This is a valid and useful method to count cycles and compile the load spectrum and it can be widely used in ocean engineering.  相似文献   
Numerical benchmark studies on drag and lift coefficients of a marine riser have been organized by the 27th ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee. The purpose of the studies was to benchmark the capabilities of CFD methods through quantitative comparisons and validation studies against the model test results of a circular cylinder by MARIN. Studies were focused on the drag crisis phenomenon for the stationary smooth cylinder in the critical Reynolds number regime. Eight organizations have participated in the studies by using RANS, DES and LES methods. An overview of the model test results, test cases, submissions and comparison results are presented in this paper. Conclusions and recommendations are made for future studies.  相似文献   
从理论上分析逆时偏移波场延拓过程中的振幅变化有助于发展真振幅的逆时偏移方法,提高成像结果的精度和保真性。本文研究逆时偏移波场延拓中的几何扩散对振幅的影响,首先基于高频渐进理论,给出正向和逆时延拓波场的WKBJ近似表示;然后应用稳相原理,证明逆时偏移中逆向波场延拓能够补偿正向波场延拓中的几何扩散效应;最后通过数值算例验证理论推导的结果,分析逆时偏移自动补偿几何扩散后的成像振幅。该研究为真振幅逆时偏移方法研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   
Air DTH hammer has been successfully applied in minor-caliber solid mineral exploration,water-well drilling and other drilling areas.In order to expand the applications of the technology,the authors further studied the principle and analyzed the mechanism of reverse circulation drilling technique with air DTH hammer to get the perfect assembles of equipments by optimizing working parameters.No parameter seemed more important than the air volume because it could maintain the working performance stability.The minimum air volume is related to the parameters such as depth and pressure,which was calculated under the actual conditions.It was solved for the air injection flow tables of the air DTH Hammer working at the different pressures.According to the data tables,operators could adjust the air volume to meet the demand on this technique,which had a realistic guiding significance.So it could build up a set of systematic and complete hi-technique.  相似文献   
In order to satisfy operating requirements for constant core drilling technology in reverse circulation with hollow-through DTH,the power unit of G-3 engineering driller was ameliorated. The new one with dual channel drive shaft, achieved the perfect assemble with transmission structure of the original power unit. It could interconvert according to need by using two sets of drive shafts with direct and reverse circulation. The repacked G-3 engineering driller carried on experiment in the field test in Luanchuan molybdenum mine of Henan, whose effect was very good.  相似文献   
利用海底地震仪数据分析台风对海底环境噪音的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在海底布设的海底地震仪(OBS)能比较清晰地记录到海底的环境噪音,而台风可以直接或间接的产生在海底传播的弹性波,从而影响海底的环境噪音,并在较大程度上影响OBS的数据记录。本文通过分析台风对工作区的整个影响过程中OBS记录数据的振幅变化,再选择合适的滤波方式,首次发现台风产生的风浪及涌浪在短周期海底地震仪的记录数据上有良好的表现特征,指出了台风对海底环境噪音的另一种可能的影响方式,并由此得出:1)台风产生的风浪和涌浪对海底环境噪音的影响模式不同;2)风浪和涌浪所加强的海底环境噪音的范围和程度不同;3)短周期OBS可以比较清晰的记录涌浪信息,其周期主要是6—8 s,且能量稳定(简称“8秒现象”)。这三点结论为后期的海洋地震研究和海洋学其他研究提供经验与借鉴。  相似文献   
反渗透膜技术于20世纪60年代取得突破性进展,促使反渗透海水淡化在近50年间高速发展,淡化产能自20世纪90年代起激增.海水反渗透(SWRO)淡化已成为目前投资最省、成本最低的利用海水制备饮用水的过程.文中主要对海水反渗透淡化的发展状况进行了介绍,如膜和组件的改进,关键设备高压泵和能量回收装置效率的提高,多种工艺过程的不断发展,包括预处理和后处理的新工艺,以及对环境的影响和相应对策等.反渗透技术的发展也推动了其他膜分离技术的进步,并扩展其应用领域.预计在不久的将来,膜技术在海水淡化和水再利用、扩大和保护水资源、循环经济、清洁生产、改造传统产业、节能减排及提高人民生活水平等方面发挥的作用会越来越显著.  相似文献   
廖小年  齐华 《四川测绘》1999,22(3):123-127
本文在介绍铁路便线的设计过程中,详细地讨论了各类曲线测量要素的计算方法,掌握了这些方法,铁路便线施工放样的困难就可迎刃而解。  相似文献   
笔者在研究有关文献和参加一些学术会议后发现.地洼学说近十余年来进展显著,科研成果累累.被称为当代最有生命力的学科之一,但系统地研究其成长过程尚欠缺.为了促进地球科学的不断发展。总结经验与教训。扩大学科间的交流.本文重点论述了地洼学说产生的历史背景:进展阶段与特点;发展总体趋势;学说的前景和展望等问题.  相似文献   
以四川省广元市某区遥感影像为例,尝试了一种基于DEM和IHS变换的遥感影像反立体纠正方法。该方法首先对IHS变换得到的亮度分量I进行滤波处理,将反映地物反射率差异的亮度信息与地形因子信息分离,然后用DEM制作的地形阴影图替换原图像中的地形因子信息,最后进行IHS反变换。试验结果表明,该方法能有效纠正遥感图像上的反立体现象,并基本保持与原图像色彩一致。  相似文献   
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