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Northward flowing coastal currents along the western margin of India during winter–spring advect low-salinity Bay of Bengal water in to the Eastern Arabian Sea producing a distinct low-salinity tongue, the strength of which is largely governed by the freshwater flux to the bay during summer monsoons. Utilizing the sedimentary records of δ18OG. sacculifer, we reconstructed the past salinity-gradient within that low-salinity tongue, which serves as a proxy for the variation in freshwater flux to the Bay of Bengal and hence summer monsoon intensity.The north–south contrast in the sea level corrected (residual)-δ18OG. sacculifer can be interpreted as a measure of surface salinity-contrast between those two locations because the modern sea surface temperature and its past variation in the study region is nearly uniform. The core-top residual-δ18OG. sacculifer contrast of 0.45‰ between the two cores is assumed to reflect the modern surface salinity difference of 1 psu and serves as a calibration for past variations.The residual-δ18OG. sacculifer contrast varies between 0.2‰ at 75 ky B.P. (i.e., late-Marine Isotope Stage 5) and 0.7‰ at 20 ky B.P. (i.e., Last Glacial Maximum), suggesting that the overall salinity difference between the northern- and southern-end of the low-salinity tongue has varied between 0.6 and 1.6 psu. Considerably reduced difference during the former period than the modern suggests substantially intensified and northward-extended low-salinity tongue due to intense summer monsoons than today. On the other hand, larger difference (1.6 psu) during the latter period indicates that the low-salinity tongue was significantly weakened or withdrawn due to weaker summer monsoons. Thus, the salinity-gradient in the eastern Arabian Sea low-salinity tongue can be used to understand the past variations in the Indian summer monsoons.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the application of a new data‐based mechanistic (DBM) modelling methodology to the characterization of the sediment transmission dynamics in a small upland reservoir, Wyresdale Park, Lancashire. The DBM modelling strategy exploits advanced statistical procedures to infer the dynamic model structure and its associated parameters directly from the instrumented data, producing a parametrically efficient, continuous time, transfer function model which relates suspended sediment load at the reservoir inflow to the outflow at the event scale. The associated differential equation model parameters have physical attributes which can be interpreted in terms of sediment transmission processes and associated reservoir trap efficiency. Sedigraph analysis suggests that wind‐induced resuspension episodically supplies an additional load to the reservoir outlet. The stochastic nature of the DBM model makes it ideal for evaluating the effects of uncertainty through Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) for discharge and sediment transmission. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
川西高原夏季降水变化特征及其异常年环流形势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用川西高原9个观测站的1960—2006年夏季降水资料分析了川西高原夏季降水的气候变化特征及其与大尺度环流的关系。得到如下主要结论:①1960—2006年,川西高原的夏季降水有微弱增加的趋势。20世纪60年代、80年代和近几年,川西高原夏季降水偏多,70年代和90年代川西高原夏季降水明显偏少。②川西高原夏季降水多雨年和少雨年的环流形势存着明显的差异。高原夏季降水与500 hPa乌拉尔山高压脊、亚洲东北部高压脊、巴尔喀什湖至贝加尔湖之间的低压槽密切相关,还与100 hPa南亚高压的强弱有关。③川西高原多雨年前期春季OLR距平场上,印度洋中部对流偏强,印尼-南海南部地区对流减弱。OLR的变化可以为川西高原夏季降水的预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   
利用客观分析资料和常规观测资料,分析了2011年6月长江中下游梅雨锋暴雨的大尺度环流特征,并对其中两次梅雨锋暴雨过程的降水特征和锋生条件进行对比分析。结果表明:(1) 500 hPa 中高纬地区两槽一脊强度均比常年偏强,持续稳定的高纬经向环流形势的存在为梅雨锋强降水持续稳定提供了所需的冷空气,冷空气与印缅槽前稳定的西南气流在长江流域频繁交汇,有利梅雨锋锋生以及形成大范围持续性强降水;(2) 200 hPa 南亚高压北侧强西风急流以及其南侧东风急流均比常年明显偏强;(3) 来自孟加拉湾的西南急流与副热带高压南侧偏强的东南气流辐合形成强南风影响我国华东地区,为梅雨锋强降水提供了充足的水汽输送,梅雨锋区水汽辐合明显加强时段与梅雨期四次强降水过程一一对应;(4) 两次梅雨锋暴雨过程降水特征和锋生条件存在明显差异,前者冷暖空气同时对锋区作用造成能量锋区锋生,是一次对流性降水,后者无冷空气影响,是一次地面静止锋波动引起的稳定性降水。  相似文献   
华南前汛期降水异常及其环流特征分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用国家气候中心整编的中国160站的月平均降水资料和美国NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料,分析华南前汛期降水的异常及其环流特征。文中取“九五”重中之重项目执行组指出的华南地区的16站来代表华南地区,侧重分析了华南前汛期降水异常的年际、年代际变化特征及华南前汛期多、少雨年同期的环流特征。研究发现:华南地区降水的季节分布呈现双峰型,两个峰值分别在6月和8月。华南前汛期近50年的总的降水趋势变化不明显。1950年代前期和1960年代中期—1980年代中为相对多雨期,而1950年代中期—1960年代中期以及1980年代中期—1990年代初为相对少雨期,1990年代为正常波动期。华南前汛期降水存在3 a、5 a、7 a、14 a的周期。在分析华南前汛期多、少雨年大气环流场的特征时发现:华南前汛期多雨年时南亚高压和副高都偏弱,华南地区低层的水汽通量辐合加强,而且低空辐合,高空辐散,气流上升运动加强,容易形成降水;而少雨年的情况恰恰相反。  相似文献   
As an alternative to finite element or finite difference modelling, analytical solutions are derived by the method of Laplace transformation and numerical results obtained for several models of the bottom hole temperature stabilization. Included in the models are the finite circulation time, the thermal property contrast between the borehole mud and the surrounding formation, and the presence of radial or lateral fluid flow in the formation, all of which are found to have significant effects on the dissipation of the thermal disturbance induced by drilling.
The mud circulation is considered to have the effect of either maintaining the borehole mud at a constant temperature or supplying a constant amount of heat per unit length per unit time to the borehole. For small circulation times, the former reduces to the 'zero circulation' model in which the mud circulation creates an instantaneous temperature anomaly at the hole bottom; for small borehole radii, the latter reduces to the line source model and the traditional 'Homer plot'.
For typical drilling operations in which the bottom hole temperatures are measured several hours to several tens of hours after the hole is shut in, the new models generally predict higher equilibrium formation temperatures than does the Horner plot. However, predictions from the various models converge if the BHTs are taken after the hole has been shut in for a period which is greater than about five times the circulation period.  相似文献   
Recognized for years as a major environmental disruption, El Niño generated intense public interest in 1982–1983. During its last occurrence, this phenomenon, which develops in the tropical Pacific and usually affects rimlands of the Pacific basin, exceeded its boundaries and its effects were transmitted to continental North America, Europe, Africa and East Asia. Notwithstanding its vast areal extent, the interest of geographers in El Niño events, past and recent, has been comparatively less than that demonstrated by natural scientists and ecologists: little has been accomplished to place these climatic-ecological crises within global perspective. Lessons from El Niño include the acknowledgement of new concepts of climatic transitivity, ocean dynamics and energy exchanges that must find a place within the conceptual wealth of geography if this science intends to keep up with the rapid progress of other geosciences.  相似文献   
黄如楚 《山地学报》2012,30(4):450-453
以福建省永安市麻岭村9 hm2的典型天然阔叶林为试验研究对象,应用系统抽样方法,分别200 m×100m、100 m×100 m、100 m×50 m和100 m×25 m四种抽样密度,探讨林分主要测树因子的抽样估计精度.结果表明:试验的天然阔叶林分平均树高、平均胸径、平均密度与平均单位面积蓄积量等主要测树因子的估计精度都分别要求达到70%以上、75%以上、80%以上和85%以上的最小抽样密度分别是100 m×100 m、100 m × 50 m、100m×50 m和10 0m×25 m.试验的天然阔叶林分胸径Ⅲ组林木蓄积量的估计精度分别要求达到70%以上、75%以上和80%以上的最小抽样密度分别是100 m×50 m、100 m×25 m和100 m×25 m.  相似文献   
针对新疆天山西部伊犁、博州三大山体北坡云杉上树线树木年轮资料,采用区域曲线、负指数曲线、样条函数三种不同生长去趋势方法,研制树轮宽度年表,分析不同采点和树轮去趋势方法对树轮宽度年表在不同频域的相关性及气候信号的影响发现:①采点间的距离和是否位于同一气候区是影响云杉上树线树轮宽度年表间相关性的首要因子。三个采点间的树轮宽度变化,在高频变化方面最为相似,低频变化存在着较大差异,表明它们在揭示和重建大范围的高频气候变化方面可能具有较大的应用潜力。②三种不同去趋势方法对天山西部山脉北坡上树线的云杉树轮宽度年表的研制具有一定影响,负指数和样条函数去趋势方法研制的树轮年表较为相似,而区域曲线去趋势方法研制的树轮宽度年表中则可保留较多的轮宽低频变化信息。③降水是天山西部云杉上树线的树轮宽度生长的主要限制因子,且树轮宽度生长对降水的响应具有显著的滞后性。④在天山西部的云杉上树线采点,使用区域曲线去趋势方法有利于在树轮宽度年表中保留较多的与水分有关的气候信息。  相似文献   
李刚  杨林  汤天然  谯勋  刘健平 《热带地理》2022,42(6):1018-1026
采用2010—2021年深秋初冬时节(11—12月)ECMWF细网格2 m温度预报资料,以及实况地面气压场、综合观测资料、卫星资料与NCEP/NCAR提供的FNL再分析资料,对滇黔静止锋减弱北抬期间贵州境内84个国家观测站72 h内逐日最高温、最低温进行检验评估。结果发现,滇黔静止锋活动期间相对于平均状态,其预报准确率均显著降低而平均均方根误差明显增加,其中2014年ECMWF预报准确率不足20%,几乎丧失预报能力。为此,以2014年发生的19次滇黔静止锋减弱北抬个例进行合成分析,发现各层环流和要素场特征较平均状态均发生了明显变化。主要表现为:200 hPa上,静止锋摆动期间较平均状态急流入口有所东移,其南北界区域总体变窄,急流中心平均强度由65.0 m/s下降到60.0 m/s;500 hPa上,中高纬两槽一脊形势变得更加不明显,冷空气势力减弱,环流纬向度增大;要素场上,相对平均状态,0℃线均位于600 hPa附近,中低层气温呈现明显增温状态,700~850 hPa逆温状态变弱甚至消散,在低层风场上表现为南风增强、涡度增大。因此,当滇黔静止锋发生减弱北抬时,其环流和要素场特征相对平均状态均发生强度和位置上的变化,在预报工作中,可以此特征判断静止锋是否减弱北抬,更好地进行地方预报与服务。  相似文献   
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