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Offshore floating facilities are fixed by anchoring systems embedded in seabed soils through chains or ropes. The chain inverse catenary profile embedded in soils influences both the anchor failure mechanism and the anchor holding capacity. The chain mobilizes varying soil normal and tangential resistances during motion, hence it is with difficulty to depict the chain profile. The present work proposed a modified method to estimate the chain inverse catenary profile with high accuracy based on the chain equations and the chain yield envelope. A testing arrangement with three load cells and two MEMS (Micro-electromechanical systems) accelerometers included was designed in model tests. By model tests, the loading combinations of the soil tangential and normal resistances on the chain were obtained and the yield envelopes for both chain and rope were determined. In addition, supplemental model tests were performed to validate the modified method proposed in this study, and the testing results indicated that the estimated chain inverse catenary profile was in good agreement with the actual one. Moreover, the testing arrangement is beneficial in investigating the chain-soil-anchor interaction.  相似文献   
选取乌加河地震台2015-2018年地电阻率观测资料,分析数据异常变化,结合观测环境及实地调查,发现存在降雨、雷电、金属管线、农田灌溉、设备漏电等影响因素,对比分析并总结各类干扰曲线形态、变化幅度、影响时间、干扰频次等特征,以便正确认识并排除地电阻率干扰,为地震异常信息识别提供帮助。  相似文献   
根据平截面假定,考虑超高桥墩大位移变形产生的几何非线性影响,建立超高桥墩的振动控制微分方程,利用变步长的龙格-库塔法进行求解,结合B-R运动判定准则,对超高桥墩在地震作用下的动力失稳机理进行研究。理论分析表明,超高桥墩的动力失稳与桥墩的几何尺寸、质量分布、边界条件有密切关系;桥墩动力失稳时刻随地震波加速度峰值的增大而减小;失稳时刻与失稳加速度荷载有对应关系。算例结果表明:本文方法正确,利用本文理论能够准确计算超高桥墩的失稳时刻及失稳加速度,对超高桥墩动力失稳的理论分析及工程实践有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
With the progress in computational power and seismic acquisition, elastic reverse time migration is becoming increasingly feasible and helpful in characterizing the physical properties of subsurface structures. To achieve high-resolution seismic imaging using elastic reverse time migration, it is necessary to separate the compressional (P-wave) and shear (S-wave) waves for both isotropic and anisotropic media. In elastic isotropic media, the conventional method for wave-mode separation is to use the divergence and curl operators. However, in anisotropic media, the polarization direction of P waves is not exactly parallel to the direction of wave propagation. Also, the polarization direction of S-waves is not totally perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. For this reason, the conventional divergence and curl operators show poor performance in anisotropic media. Moreover, conventional methods only perform well in the space domain of regular grids, and they are not suitable for elastic numerical simulation algorithms based on non-regular grids. Besides, these methods distort the original wavefield by taking spatial derivatives. In this case, a new anisotropic wave-mode separation scheme is developed using Poynting vectors. This scheme can be performed in the angle domain by constructing the relationship between group and polarization angles of different wave modes. Also, it is performed pointwise, independent of adjacent space points, suitable for parallel computing. Moreover, there is no need to correct the changes in phase and amplitude caused by the derivative operators. By using this scheme, the anisotropic elastic reverse time migration is more efficiently performed on the unstructured mesh. The effectiveness of our scheme is verified by several numerical examples.  相似文献   
调查发现山西北部农村地区农居窑洞多是独立式土坯窑洞,结构主要受力体系是土坯砌体砌筑拱结构,其建造无统一标准,外形样式存在差异。由于拱结构的内力分布对外形尺寸变化比较敏感,为研究窑洞外形特征对结构抗震性能影响,建立相应的有限元模型进行计算分析,对比不同外形特征窑洞在地震作用下的损伤情况,并结合历史震害,指出窑洞结构的薄弱位置。研究结果表明覆土较厚的窑洞容易损伤,连拱孔数较多窑洞的两侧位置更容易发生破坏,拱的曲线形状对结构抗震性能有一定影响,合理拱曲线窑洞的抗震性能优于一般形状窑洞。  相似文献   
为提高Kriging近似模型在船舶结构性能多维度响应预测方面的适用性,对常规Kriging近似模型进行分区间泛化改进:一是对设计样本点的各个维度(分量)进行划区,并在每一个分区间内采用最优拉丁超立方(OLhd)取样;二是引入比例系数w1组合高斯与指数型相关函数提高模型对数据的泛化能力,从而在每个划分的区间内建立泛化的Kriging近似模型。通过SCH测试函数,验证了构造的分区间泛化Kriging模型有效性。结合参数化建模和改进Kriging近似模型对某过渡肘板和舱口角隅边界进行形状优化,优化第一阶段由改进的近似模型通过多岛遗传算法得到全局初步的最优解,第二阶段在初步解的基础上缩小优化变量范围,由少量的FEM计算即可在小范围内搜寻到精确的最优设计变量。结果表明:分区间泛化Kriging近似模型在预测多维度响应时较常规Kriging模型预测精度更高;分阶段的形状优化流程在保证极小误差和缩小计算成本的情况下能够得到理想的应力分布和重量优化结果,有助于船舶结构的轻量化研究。  相似文献   
Headland-bay beach (HBB) is one of the most prominent physiographic features on the oceanic margin of many countries in the world. Under the influence of a predominant swell, its curved periphery in natural environment may reach static equilibrium and remains stable without sediment supply from updrift and/or a riverain source within its own embayment. Coastal scientists and engineers have attempted to develop mathematical expressions to quantify this ideal bay shape since the 1940s. As the scenario with depleting sediment supply has become a common reality on many parts of the world coastline in more recent time, some coastal engineers have advocated a rational approach to mimicking the static bay shape found in nature in order to mitigate beach erosion as well as for coastal management. Nowadays, many useful applications have emerged since the publication of the parabolic bay shape equation (PBSE) developed for static equilibrium planform (SEP) in late 1980s. The advance in modern computer technologies and international collaboration has further facilitated the exchange of knowledge and applications of this static bay beach concept (SBBC).  相似文献   
The hydroelastic responses of a very-long floating structure (VLFS) placed behind a reverse T-shape freely floating breakwater with a built-in oscillating water column (OWC) chamber are analyzed in two dimensions. The Bernoulli–Euler beam equation is coupled with the equations of rigid and elastic motions of the breakwater and the VLFS. The interaction of waves between the floating rigid breakwater and the elastic VLFS is formulated in a consistent manner. It has been shown numerically that the structural deflections of the VLFS can be reduced significantly by a suitably designed reverse T-shape floating breakwater.  相似文献   
为探讨星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)精子的超微结构和形态,应用扫描电镜和透射电镜对星康吉鳗精子结构进行观察。结果表明,精子由头部、中段和鞭毛3部分组成,有其独特的结构,总长度为35.75± 1.15µm。精子头部为新月形,主要由细胞核构成,细胞核内有核泡,无顶体结构。精子头部的质膜内包含单一的线粒体。精子头部长为3.33±0.16 um,头宽为1.12±0.13 um。在精子头部的凸面上,有4条从中段到头端的条纹。精子中段伸出一支根,支根位于精子的中段末端。精子中段长度为0.55±0.05 um,支根长度为1.38±0.08 um、直径为90.48±6.06 nm。精子尾部鞭毛细长,鞭毛横切面呈圆形,无侧鳍,鞭毛的轴丝结构为“9+0”型;一些鞭毛的末端呈现卷曲状,发育机制尚不明确。精子鞭毛长为31.16±1.51µm,鞭毛直径为0.17±0.01µm。通过比较分析发现精子的这些形态学特征不仅表现在星康吉鳗精子,还表现在鳗鲡目其他属的精子;表明是鳗鲡目精子的共同特征。本研究揭示了星康吉鳗精子的形态结构,为突破星康吉鳗人工繁殖技术提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
泥石流扇的平面形态可用规划的几何图形来模拟。在研究了中国西南地区小江流域和意大利东北部阿尔卑斯山区的52个泥石流扇的基础上,本文提出了两种泥石流扇的平面形态:中国西南地区的“等腰三角形+半圆形”泥石流扇和意大利东北部的“几何扇”。用统计分析建立了两组泥石流扇和泥石流流域之间的形态度量关系。通过两个研究区域的对比,两个流域参数:流域面积和主沟比降确定为影响泥石流扇平面形态和面积的最重要的因素。  相似文献   
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