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传统摄影测量在影像分辨率给定的前提下,为获得尽可能高的高程精度,基本上都采用大基高比(0.6~1)的方案,以实现地形三维信息的可靠高精度的提取。在影像获取系统严格标定和影像匹配精度较高的情况下,小基高比摄影测量同样可以重建可靠的三维信息。文中从数学的角度探讨小基高比立体像对重建高程信息的可能性。对不同基高比的航空影像进行的实验表明,在特征明显区域小基高比立体像对可以获取可靠的高精度的高程信息。  相似文献   
基于MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)测站实测数据,采用系统间交叉验证方法检核海上BDS/GNSS精密单点定位质量。分析不同系统组合的精密单点定位精度和收敛速度,结果表明,相对于单BDS,不同系统组合可有效提高精密单点定位的收敛速度和定位精度;组合系统的数目越多,相应的精密单点定位精度越高,收敛速度越快。同时,在静态、仿动态、海上动态不同定位模式下,采用系统间交叉验证方法检核精密单点定位的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
在南大洋印度洋扇区中部海域,除了地形控制(凯尔盖朗高台),南极绕极流和厄加勒斯回流的汇合流进一步加强了下游的斜压剪切强度,导致涡旋能量显著增强,因此,对该海域涡旋的研究有助于了解该海域的涡旋特征以及地形与涡旋的分布关系。基于2005~2019年卫星遥感数据,对该海域涡旋特征进行统计,并对涡旋产生地分布、跨锋面涡旋的移动状况进行分析,同时结合Argo剖面数据,进一步剖析涡旋内部水文分布特征。结果表明:该海域涡旋生命周期多在20 d以内(64.25%),平均半径多在30~100 km(96.13%);平均半径与平均振幅呈正相关关系(相关系数R=0.55);生命周期越大的涡旋平均传播距离也越大。2014年开始涡旋数量明显增加,主要由短寿命涡旋(<30 d)数量增加所贡献。反之, 21世纪10年代后期年平均涡动能异常呈减小趋势。涡旋产生地随着寿命增长,逐渐从亚南极锋与南极绕极流南部边界之间的锋面区域向亚南极锋以北移动。跨锋面涡旋中,暖涡向高纬,冷涡向低纬移动,大部分具有携带水团移动的能力。由涡旋内部水文特征分析结果可知,不同极性的涡旋能够实现完全不同来源水团的远距离输送,对同一来源水团,气旋涡具有抬升作用,而反气旋涡具有压沉作用。该研究工作有助于提升对南大洋涡旋特征及变动的认识,为进一步的涡旋动力研究提供支撑。  相似文献   
滕凯 《水文》2014,34(2):71-74
用常规的分段求和法完成标准U形断面渠槽水面线计算不但存在误差累积而且计算工作量大、效率低。依据优化拟合理论,以标准剩余差最小为目标函数,在工程适用参数范围内,经拟合计算获得了由一个简化通用算式替代原积分中的分段且不可积函数,并通过积分获得了该种断面水面线的解析计算模型,且由于正、负拟合误差的相互抵消,使最终计算成果的精度进一步提高。利用该模型完成标准U形断面水面线计算可使求解过程大大简化,工作效率明显提高,具有实用推广意义。  相似文献   
针对高密度宽方位3D3C地震资料处理要求,考虑有效信号与噪声在类型、时间、频率、数据域、处理步骤、地表区域等方面存在的差异,选择多域分步去噪策略,在不损害有效信号的前提下,首先使用十字排列锥形滤波去除面波、线性噪声,然后采用低频噪声编辑去除残余面波及低频噪声,接着进行分频去噪来去除各类随机噪声,最后去除折射波。从单炮记录和叠加剖面的监控显示上都证明了该方法的有效性,资料信噪比也得到提高。  相似文献   
利用中国(C)、日本(J)和韩国(K)3个长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)第四(F4)代选育群体,采用完全双列杂交方式构建建立了3个自交群体、3个正交群体和3个反交群体。结果表明,各交配组合在180日龄、360日龄和450日龄生长优势差异显著(P0.05);在不同生长阶段各组合的生长性能、一般配合力值、特殊配合力值和杂种优势效能值各不相同。杂交组合C♂K♀、J♂C♀和K♂J♀分别在180日龄、360日龄和450日龄表现出较大的生长优势,而自交组合K♂K♀在各个生长阶段均表现出生长劣势。中国F4代选育群体父母本一般配合力效应值均表现为非负值,而韩国F4代选育群体父母本一般配合力效应值均表现为非正值。杂交组合的特殊配合力效应值在不同生长阶段表现不一致,但与生长优势效能值基本相符。实验结果表明,多数杂交子代在生长性状上存在一定程度的杂种优势,可进行规模化商业推广应用;中国F4代选育群体作为杂交候选父母本时,具有高的可稳定遗传给子代的加性效应值。利用群体选育建立配套系,对不同选育群体进行杂交育种是培育长牡蛎优良新品系的有效方法。  相似文献   
Based on measured hydrological data by using ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) instrument, we analyzed shapes of river cross sections of the middle Yangtze River basin (mainly focusing on Makou and Tianjiazhen river reach). Hydrodynamic properties of river channels were also discussed. The research results indicate that nonlinear relationships can be identified between river-width/river-depth ratio (W/D ratio), sizes of cross section and mean flow velocity. Positive relations are detected between W/D ratio and mean flow velocity when W/D<1; and negative relations are observed when W/D>1. Adverse relationships can be obtained between W/D ratio and cross-section area. Geomorphologic and geologic survey indicates different components of river banks in the wider and narrower river reaches respectively. These may be the main driving factors causing unique hydrological properties of river channels in the middle Yangtze River basin. Narrower river cross sections tend to raise water level in the upstream river reach near narrower river channel, giving rise to backwater effects. River knots can cause serious backwater effects, which is harmful for flood mitigation. However river knots will also stabilize river channel and this will be beneficial for river channel management. The results of this paper may be helpful for flood mitigation and river channel management in the middle Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   
缪启龙  杜德亮 《气象科学》1996,16(2):110-119
利用地表热源的气候学计算方程,建立了中国47个站地表热源的时间序列,分析了中国地表热源的多年变化规律,进而又分析了中国地表热源与南方涛动指数间的交叉谱,指出中国地表热源与南方涛动指数之间各地都在9年,3年的准周期上有显著相关。这表明中国各地地表热源与南方涛动指数的联系,可能存在某种共同的物理过程。  相似文献   
The dominance of isotropic hummocky cross‐stratification, recording deposition solely by oscillatory flows, in many ancient storm‐dominated shoreface–shelf successions is enigmatic. Based on conventional sedimentological investigations, this study shows that storm deposits in three different and stratigraphically separated siliciclastic sediment wedges within the Lower Cretaceous succession in Svalbard record various depositional processes and principally contrasting sequence stratigraphic architectures. The lower wedge is characterized by low, but comparatively steeper, depositional dips than the middle and upper wedges, and records a change from storm‐dominated offshore transition – lower shoreface to storm‐dominated prodelta – distal delta front deposits. The occurrence of anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratification sandstone beds, scour‐and‐fill features of possible hyperpycnal‐flow origin, and wave‐modified turbidites within this part of the wedge suggests that the proximity to a fluvio‐deltaic system influenced the observed storm‐bed variability. The mudstone‐dominated part of the lower wedge records offshore shelf deposition below storm‐wave base. In the middle wedge, scours, gutter casts and anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratified storm beds occur in inferred distal settings in association with bathymetric steps situated across the platform break of retrogradationally stacked parasequences. These steps gave rise to localized, steeper‐gradient depositional dips which promoted the generation of basinward‐directed flows that occasionally scoured into the underlying seafloor. Storm‐wave and tidal current interaction promoted the development and migration of large‐scale, compound bedforms and smaller‐scale hummocky bedforms preserved as anisotropic hummocky cross‐stratification. The upper wedge consists of thick, seaward‐stepping successions of isotropic hummocky cross‐stratification‐bearing sandstone beds attributed to progradation across a shallow, gently dipping ramp‐type shelf. The associated distal facies are characterized by abundant lenticular, wave ripple cross‐laminated sandstone, suggesting that the basin floor was predominantly positioned above, but near, storm‐wave base. Consequently, shelf morphology and physiography, and the nature of the feeder system (for example, proximity to deltaic systems) are inferred to exert some control on storm‐bed variability and the resulting stratigraphic architecture.  相似文献   

The shape and structural development of the box-like Parrabel Dome (PD) within the Hastings Block is poorly understood because it has only been weakly cleaved, complexly folded and extensively faulted in comparison to the adjoining blocks. Better characterising this block will provide important controls on the tectonics of the southern New England Orogen. The structural development of the PD and southern Hastings Block (SHB) provides evidence of the degree of rotation, translation and deformation of the Hastings Block, a key terrane within the southern New England Orogen. A major decollement under the Hastings Block–Nambucca Block was suggested to facilitate south-directed deformation caused by the developing Coffs Harbour Orocline. The orientation of bedding and the stratigraphic facing of some fault blocks within the northern Hastings Block (NHB) are consistent with development of the PD, while other fault blocks indicate significant disruption of the NHB prior to, during and after dome development. A deep-seated fault is suggested by the gravity worm analysis consistent with the boundary zone between the PD, NHB-Yarrowitch Block and the east-dipping and younging sequences in the SHB. The eastern limb of the PD underwent clockwise rotation after formation. Fault blocks have been rotated and translated within a restraining bend as the NHB moved post-PD formation northwest along the interface between the NHB and SHB.
  2. The Hastings Block was translated and rotated into its current position from the southeastern end of the Tamworth Belt.

  3. Gravity worm data indicate a boundary between northern and southern Hastings Block.

  4. The Hastings and Nambucca blocks have been detached from the basement Gondwana rocks.

  5. Fault block analysis within the Parrabel Dome, northern Hastings Block indicates relocation of some blocks by faulting.

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