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This study presents a method of obtaining asymptotic approximations for motions near a Lagrange point in the planar, elliptic, restricted three-body problem by using a von Zeipel-type method. The calculations are carried out for a second-order escape solution in the proximity of the equilateral Lagrange point, L 4, where the primaries' orbital eccentricity is taken as the small parameter .  相似文献   
On the Kuril Islands there are 85 volcanoes, 39 of which are active. Hot springs and mud pots are wide spread in this area and have significant inputs on the chemical composition of the surrounding surface waters and environment. We present results of trace elements as well as data on H, O, S, and He isotope ratios for hydrothermal systems of the Mendeleev Volcano (Kunashir Island) and surrounding surface waters. Water and gas samples were taken from springs and holes as well as creeks and the Lesnaya River. Among the thermal water types, three main groups can be distinguished. The first group includes the waters, in which SO4^- ion predominant. The water temperature on the surface reaches 97℃, and TDS varies from a few g/L to 7 g/L. These waters are acid to superacid with pH values ranging 0.6 to 2.3. The second group is sodium-chloride waters. A maximum TDS is 14.2 g/L. The waters are neutral or alkaline; pH varies from 6.9 to 8.2. The third group is the sodium-chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate water. The Stolbovskie springs, located in the periphery of the Mendeleev Volcano are representative of this type. The pH of these waters is close to neutral. TDS is 1.9 g/L. They are rather the derivatives of sodium-chloride waters arisen from dilution of them by subsurface waters. The Kuslyi Creek and Lesnaya River are located near the Mendeleev Volcano. The most acid springs discharge into the Kislyi Creek as a result pH of this creek being 2.5, and contents of most elements rather high. For example, the contents of dissolved solids of Si, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, in waters of the Kislaya Creek are 22.1, 8.1, 6.2, 1.29, and 0.28 mg/L, and correspondently. The water of the Lesnaya River, (Before the Kislyi Creek, pH is about 8 with TDS 102 mg/L, but after the Kuslyi Creek, pH decreases and the concentrations of chemical elements increase. Debit of the Kislayi Creek in summer season is about 370 L/sec. It means that every day only this small creek inputs in the Lesnay River about 706 kg of Si;  相似文献   
In this paper seven of the ten Water Control Zones (WCZs) in Hong Kong′s coastal waters with monthly or bi-weekly sampling data of 17 parameters collected at 37 monitoring stations from 1988 to 1999 were selected to analyze the spatial and temporal variations of chlorophyll-a and its influencing factors. Cluster analysis was employed to group the monitoring stations based on the structure of the data set. Multiple step regression was employed to determine the significant influencing factors of chlorophyll-a level. The results suggest that all the monitoring stations could be grouped into two clusters. Cluster I with frequent red tide incidents comprises two WCZs which aresemi-enclosed bays. Cluster II with less red tide occurrence comprises the other five WCZs in an estuarine environment in the west. For both clusters, the organic contents indicator, BOD5, was a common significant influencing factor of the chlorophyll-a level. Nitrogen and light penetration condition related to turbidity, total volatile solids and suspended solids had more influence on the cholophyll-a level in Cluster I than in Cluster II, while phosphorus and oceanographic conditions associated with salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were more important in Cluster II than in Cluster 1. Generally, there was a higher average chlorophyll-a level in winter and autumn in a year.The chlorophyll-a level was much higher in Cluster I than in Cluster II among all seasons. Although the chlorophyll-a concentration had great variations from place to place in Hong Kong′s coastal waters, it seemed to have a common long term fluctuation period of 8-10 years with a high-low-high variation in the period in the whole region, which might be influenced by other factors of global scale.  相似文献   
Because of its copious and reliable rainfall, Ireland has an abundance of springs. Many of the larger ones issue from the Carboniferous limestone that occurs in over 40% of the country. The spring water is mainly a calcium bicarbonate type with a temperature of about 10°C. In the 18th century, warm and cold springs were developed as spas in various parts of Ireland. The popularity of these springs was short and most were in major decline by 1850. Today only one cold spa at Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare is still operating. Springs in Ireland were places of religious significance for the pre-Christian Druidic religion. In the Christian period they became holy wells, under the patronage of various saints. Cures for many different ailments were attributed to water from these wells.  相似文献   
川东北楼房洞洞穴系统水体元素含量季节变化与影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对川东北诺水河地区楼房洞洞穴系统水体Ca、Mg、Sr、Ba和U元素含量变化进行为期一年(2011年7月至2012年6月)的监测,结果发现:(1)各监测点的元素含量变化一般具有较明显的季节性,但不同的监测点之间、不同的元素之间季节变化趋势并不一致,反映了在不同的环境下不同的元素含量变化的影响机制存在差异;(2)对于2011年9月的强降水事件,河水的元素含量明显受到稀释作用影响,而洞穴内水体尤其是池水的元素含量变化明显较弱,这反映了洞穴上覆地层对外部降水事件的缓冲作用,特别是洞穴内池水由于存在更复杂的影响机制,其对外界的降水事件的响应最不敏感;(3)在所有监测点,Sr含量和Sr/Ca比值变化均表现出冬春季节相对较高而夏秋季节较低的特点,可能反映了水岩相互作用和大气沉降活动是影响Sr含量和Sr/Ca比值变化的主要机制。这对该地区岩溶洞穴沉积中的Sr含量(或Sr/Ca比值)和87Sr/86Sr比值作为研究大气粉尘活动和冬季风强度变化指标的观点给予了支持。  相似文献   
大自然造化的山水风光对人们具有极大的精神感召力, 而人们要欣赏自然风光的经常途径是旅游。因此, 山水风光已经成为发展国民经济的重要自然资源。旅游地学将地质学、地理学的理论与研究方法运用于旅游资源的调查与开发, 对发展国民经济有重要的理论和经济意义。欣赏山水风光首先要观察山水风光内在的成景因素, 同时也要探索山水与周围环境和社会环境的相互关系和相互作用。前者指山水的自然形态、线条、体积、数量、音响、色彩和动势以及植被; 后者主要指相适应的建筑, 有时还包括气象特征和人文特色。它们共同谓之风景的构成因素。  相似文献   
In recent times many benthic indices have been proposed to assess the ecological quality of marine waters worldwide. In this study we compared single metrics and multi-metric methods to assess coastal and transitional benthic status along human pressure gradients in five distinct environments across Europe: Varna bay and lake (Bulgaria), Lesina lagoon (Italy), Mondego estuary (Portugal), Basque coast (Spain) and Oslofjord (Norway). Hence, 13 single metrics (abundance, number of taxa, and several diversity and sensitivity indices) and eight of the most common indices used within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for benthic assessment were selected: index of size spectra (ISS), Benthic assessment tool (BAT), Norwegian quality index (NQI), Multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI), Benthic quality index (BQI), (Benthic ecosystem quality index (BEQI), Benthic index based on taxonomic sufficiency (BITS), and infaunal quality index (IQI). Within each system, sampling sites were ordered in an increasing pressure gradient according to a preliminary classification based on professional judgement. The different indices are largely consistent in their response to pressure gradient, except in some particular cases (i.e. BITS, in all cases, or ISS when a low number of individuals is present). Inconsistencies between indicator responses were most pronounced in transitional waters (i.e. IQI, BEQI), highlighting the difficulties of the generic application of indicators to all marine, estuarine and lagoonal environments. However, some of the single (i.e. ecological groups approach, diversity, richness) and multi-metric methods (i.e. BAT, M-AMBI, NQI) were able to detect such gradients both in transitional and coastal environments, being these multi-metric methods more consistent in the detection than single indices. This study highlights the importance of survey design and good reference conditions for some indicators. The agreement observed between different methodologies and their ability to detect quality trends across distinct environments constitutes a promising result for the implementation of the WFD’s monitoring plans. Moreover, these results have management implications, regarding the dangers of misclassification, uncertainty in the assessment, use of conflicting indices, and testing and validation of indices.  相似文献   
Quasi-Analytical Algorithms (QAAs) are based on radiative transfer equations and have been used to derive inherent optical properties (IOPs) from the above surface remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) in aquatic systems in which phytoplankton is the dominant optically active constituents (OACs). However, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Non Algal Particles (NAP) can also be dominant OACs in water bodies and till now a QAA has not been parametrized for these aquatic systems. In this study, we compared the performance of three widely used QAAs in two CDOM dominated aquatic systems which were unsuccessful in retrieving the spectral shape of IOPS and produced minimum errors of 350% for the total absorption coefficient (a), 39% for colored dissolved matter absorption coefficient (aCDM) and 7566.33% for phytoplankton absorption coefficient (aphy). We re-parameterized a QAA for CDOM dominated (hereafter QAACDOM) waters which was able to not only achieve the spectral shape of the OACs absorption coefficients but also brought the error magnitude to a reasonable level. The average errors found for the 400–750 nm range were 30.71 and 14.51 for a, 14.89 and 8.95 for aCDM and 25.90 and 29.76 for aphy in Funil and Itumbiara Reservoirs, Brazil respectively. Although QAACDOM showed significant promise for retrieving IOPs in CDOM dominated waters, results indicated further tuning is needed in the estimation of a(λ) and aphy(λ). Successful retrieval of the absorption coefficients by QAACDOM would be very useful in monitoring the spatio-temporal variability of IOPS in CDOM dominated waters.  相似文献   
Iodine enrichment in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is widespread and varies significantly between reservoirs, including nitrate-rich “caliche” soils, supergene Cu deposits and marine sedimentary rocks. Recent studies have suggested that groundwater has played a key role in the remobilization, transport and deposition of iodine in Atacama over scales of millions-of-years. However, and considering that natural waters are also anomalously enriched in iodine in the region, the relative source contributions of iodine in the waters and its extent of mixing remain unconstrained. In this study we provide new halogen data and isotopic ratios of iodine (129I/I) in shallow seawater, rivers, salt lakes, cold and thermal spring water, rainwater and groundwater that help to constrain the relative influence of meteoric, marine and crustal sources in the Atacama waters. Iodine concentrations in surface and ground waters range between 0.35 μM and 26 μM in the Tarapacá region and between 0.25 μM and 48 μM in the Antofagasta region, and show strong enrichment when compared with seawater concentrations (I = ∼0.4 μM). In contrast, no bromine enrichment is detected (1.3–45.7 μM for Tarapacá and 1.7–87.4 μM for Antofagasta) relative to seawater (Br = ∼600 μM). These data, coupled to the high I/Cl and low Br/Cl ratios are indicative of an organic-rich sedimentary source (related with an “initial” fluid) that interacted with meteoric water to produce a mixed fluid, and preclude an exclusively seawater origin for iodine in Atacama natural waters. Iodine isotopic ratios (129I/I) are consistent with halogen chemistry and confirm that most of the iodine present in natural waters derives from a deep initial fluid source (i.e., groundwater which has interacted with Jurassic marine basement), with variable influence of at least one atmospheric or meteoric source. Samples with the lowest isotopic ratios (129I/I from ∼215 to ∼1000 × 10−15) strongly suggest mixing between the groundwater and iodine storage in organic-rich rocks (with variable influence of volcanic fluids) and pre-anthropogenic meteoric water, while samples with higher values (∼2000–93,700 × 10−15) indicate the input of anthropogenic meteoric fluid. Taking into account the geological, hydrologic and climatic features of the Atacama region, we propose that the mean contribution of anthropogenic 129I is associated with 129I releases during nuclear weapon tests carried out in the central Pacific Ocean until the mid 1990's (129I/I = ∼12,000 × 10−15). This source reflects rapid redistribution of this radioisotope on a global scale. Our results support the notion of a long-lived continental iodine cycle in the hyperarid margin of western South America, which is driven by local hydrological and climate conditions, and confirm that groundwater was a key agent for iodine remobilization and formation of the extensive iodine-rich soils of Atacama.  相似文献   
大青鲨(Prionace glauca)是金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中最主要的兼捕鱼种之一,作为海洋生物链的顶端物种对海洋生态系统的稳定性和多样性起到了重要作用。作者根据中国金枪鱼渔业科学观察员在北大西洋海域(3°~55°N,15°~40°W)采集的2 112尾大青鲨数据,按不同性别对其渔业生物学特征进行初步研究。结果表明:雌、雄大青鲨的优势叉长组分别为180~220 cm、190~230 cm,雄性叉长均值显著大于雌性,雌、雄性比符合1︰1;大青鲨叉长-全长、尾凹长-全长的线性关系分别为L_F=0.8008L_T+7.3361,L_P=0.7576L_T–1.8479;北大西洋热带海域(3°~13°N)兼捕的大青鲨群体组成以大个体为主(180~240 cm),冰岛附近海域(48°~51°N)兼捕的大青鲨群体组成以小个体为主(100~210 cm);大青鲨叉长和质量关系式为W_R=7×10~(–6)L_F~(2.9994);大青鲨肝脏为性腺的发育提供能量,成熟个体的肝质量指数显著小于未成熟个体;热带海域兼捕的大青鲨以性成熟个体为主(96.9%),冰岛海域兼捕的大青鲨以未成熟个体居多(77.1%);50%雌性性成熟个体对应的叉长为178.7 cm,50%雄性性成熟个体对应叉长为173.6 cm;雌性怀仔大青鲨的叉长与其怀仔数量线性关系为L_S=0.419×L_F–49.7(R~2=0.3905),幼仔雌雄性比符合1︰1;胃含物中以沙丁鱼和鱿鱼出现频率最高。作者的研究有助于更好地了解北大西洋大青鲨的生物学特征,为区域性渔业管理组织评估大青鲨种群资源状态提供数据参考。  相似文献   
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