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镇旬铅锌矿田热水沉积硅岩研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从镇(安)旬(阳)铅锌矿田热水沉积硅岩的产状、形态、岩石结构、构造、矿物成分、化学成分、微量元素、稀土元素、硫同位素、氧同位素等研究表明,本区硅岩具有以热液为主兼有生物和正常沉积的特征,并非典型热水沉积岩。  相似文献   
We present the first data on the petrology of the mantle lithosphereof the Southeastern (SE) Slave craton, Canada. These are basedon petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies of mantlexenoliths in Pipe 5034 of the Cambrian Gahcho Kué kimberlitecluster. Major types of mantle xenoliths include altered eclogite,coarse garnet or spinel peridotite, and deformed garnet peridotite.The peridotites belong to the low-temperature suite and formedat T=600–1300°C and P= 25–80 kbar in a thick(at least 220–250 km), cool lithosphere. The SE Slavemantle is cooler than the mantle of other Archaean cratons andthat below other terranes of the Slave craton. The thick lithosphereand the relatively cool thermal regime provide favourable conditionsfor formation and preservation of diamonds beneath the SE Slaveterrane. Similar to average Archaean mantle worldwide, the SESlave peridotite is depleted in magmaphile major elements andcontains olivine with forsterite content of 91–93·5.With respect to olivine composition and mode, all terranes ofthe Slave mantle show broadly similar compositions and are relativelyorthopyroxene-poor compared with those of the Kaapvaal and Siberiancratons. The SE Slave spinel peridotite is poorer in Al, Caand Fe, and richer in Mg than deeper garnet peridotite. Thegreater chemical depletion of the shallow upper mantle is typicalof all terranes of the Slave craton and may be common for thesubcontinental lithospheric peridotitic mantle in general. Peridotiticxenoliths of the SE Slave craton were impregnated by kimberliticfluids that caused late-stage recrystallization of primary clinopyroxene,spinel, olivine and spinel-facies orthopyroxene, and formationof interstitial clinopyroxene. This kimberlite-related recrystallizationdepleted primary pyroxenes and spinel in Al. The kimberliticfluid was oxidizing, Ti-, Fe- and K-rich, and Na-poor, and introducedserpentine, chlorite, phlogopite and spinel into peridotitesat P < 35 kbar. KEY WORDS: kimberlite xenolith; lithosphere; mantle terrane; chemical zoning; thermobarometry; Slave craton  相似文献   
蒲石河抽水蓄能电站地下厂房三维初始应力场反演分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用三维非线性有限元反演回归分析计算方法,提出侧压力系数函数拟合方法,考虑了地质构造,地形地貌以及实测应力对初始应力场的影响。对蒲石河抽水蓄能电站地下厂房区域初始地应力场进行反演回归分析研究,实测点处附近应力分布的局部特性证明反演计算方法是合理的。  相似文献   
冻土区输电线路塔基选位的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海西藏500kV直流联网输电线路工程跨越整个青藏高原,其生存环境不可避免与冻土有着紧密联系,冻土特有的冻胀、融沉特性给线路的勘测、设计、施工及后期运营带来了极大挑战。本文对取自青藏高原的原状和重塑冻土样样品进行了物理力学试验。结果表明:同种土在不同含冰量下,随含冰量的增大,则冻融特性敏感性增强;不同性质的土,在含冰量相同的情况下,颗粒越细,则冻融特性越敏感。同时,分析认为:塔基地质环境、不良冻土现象、不同地貌单元、冻土的热稳定性特征及施工作业便捷性等都是影响塔基稳定性的重要因素。  相似文献   
胶州湾李村河口沉积物中硫化物形成的控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在胶州湾李村河口,对多个短柱状岩芯沉积物中的有机质(有机碳和有机氮)、酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)、黄铁矿及活性铁等进行了分析。结果表明,样品的有机质含量较高,有机碳含量为0.16%~3.21%,有机氮含量为0.002%-0.2%;6个短柱状样的AVS含量变化较大:198.4—0.4umol/g,平均35.6umol/g;活性铁含量为47.5~169.3umol/g,平均91.4umol/g;黄铁矿含量为14.8~41.0umol/g,平均28.7umol/g。通过计算沉积物中活性铁的黄铁矿化度(DOP)与硫化度(DOS)指标,及分析各参数间相关性,发现以下现象:(1)胶州湾李村河口沉积物中的活性铁被转化为硫化物的程度较高,被转化为黄铁矿的程度较低,沉积物中的黄铁矿得到了较好保存。DOP不适宜用作河口区氧化还原状态的判断指标,DOS对氧化还原状态的响应更加灵敏;(2)距河口较近的区域,受李村河河水的影响较大,易分解有机质供应充足,AVS大量形成,其向黄铁矿的转化并不充分,活性铁成为硫化物形成的控制因素。距河口较远的站位,活性铁含量相对充足,有机质含量相对不足,因此有机质含量成为硫化物形成的控制因素,AVS向黄铁矿的转化比较充分;(3)有机质尤其是易分解有机质含量是李村河口硫化物形成、活性铁富集及其黄铁矿化度的主要控制因素。AVS的形成主要受到有机氮的限制,而黄铁矿的形成主要受到有机碳的限制。因此,河流输入物质对河口区沉积物中C、S和Fe的循环具有显著的影响。  相似文献   
Monocrystalline quartz inclusions in garnet and omphacite from various eclogite samples from the Lanterman Range (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) have been investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL), Raman spectroscopy and imaging, and in situ X‐ray (XR) microdiffraction using the synchrotron. A few inclusions, with a clear‐to‐opalescent lustre, show ‘anomalous’ Raman spectra characterized by weak α‐quartz modes, the broadening of the main α‐quartz peak at 465 cm?1, and additional vibrations at 480–485, 520–523 and 608 cm?1. CL and Raman imaging indicate that this ‘anomalous’α‐quartz occurs as relicts within ordinary α‐quartz, and that it was preserved in the internal parts of small quartz inclusions. XR diffraction circular patterns display irregular and broad α‐quartz spots, some of which show an anomalous d‐spacing tightening of ~2%. They also show some very weak, hazy clouds that have d‐spacing compatible with coesite but not with α‐quartz. Raman spectrometry and XR microdiffraction characterize the anomalies with respect to α‐quartz as (i) a pressure‐induced disordering and incipient amorphization, mainly revealed by the 480–485 and 608‐cm?1 Raman bands, together with (ii) a lattice densification, evidenced by d‐spacing tightening; (iii) the cryptic development of coesite, 520–523 cm?1 being the main Raman peak of coesite and (iv) Brazil micro‐twinning. This ‘anomalous’α‐quartz represents the first example of pressure‐induced incipient amorphization of a metastable phase in a crustal rock. This issue is really surprising because pressure‐induced amorphization of metastable α‐quartz, observed in impactites and known to occur between 15 and 32 GPa during ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) experiments at room temperature, is in principle irrelevant under normal geological P–T conditions. A shock (due to a seism?) or a local overpressure at the inclusion scale (due to expansion mismatch between quartz and its host mineral) seem the only geological mechanisms that can produce such incipient amorphization in crustal rocks. This discovery throws new light on the modality of the quartz‐coesite transition and on the pressure regimes (non‐lithostatic v. lithostatic) during high‐pressure/UHP metamorphism. In particular, incipient amorphization of quartz could favour the quartz‐coesite transition, or allow the growth of metastable coesite, as already experimentally observed.  相似文献   
北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段物源体系分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
物源分析是盆地分析的重要内容之一.北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段(Es3) 湖泊范围广、沉积厚度大, 而勘探程度低, 是大港油田未来勘探的重要突破区, 精细刻画北塘凹陷沙三段物源体系对沉积体系重建、有利区带预测具有重要意义.采用构造格架及古地貌宏观区分物源区与沉积区, 根据碎屑矿物组合特征划分物源区块, 依据地震反射特征勾绘物源在盆内进积方向, 利用砂体等厚图和砂地比等值线图精细描绘物源分支, 从不同角度、不同层次对北塘凹陷沙三段古物源体系进行精细研究.结果表明, 北塘凹陷物源来自北部燕山褶皱带和西部沧县隆起, 具体分为西部的沧县物源、西北角的汉沽物源、北部的大神堂物源和东北角的涧南物源.在物源体系和构造组合特征的控制下, 沙三段主要发育扇三角洲沉积体系.   相似文献   
湖南崀山丹霞地貌岩体抗酸侵蚀脆弱性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南崀山拥有独特的丹霞喀斯特现象,但具有溶蚀力的水对丹霞地貌区重要的物质基础砂岩和砾岩的侵蚀还没有进行过深入的实验研究。以此为切入点,通过实地采样获得41块砂岩、砾岩岩芯,选择其中18块岩芯平均分成3组,分别放入2%、5%、10%3种不同浓度的H2SO4溶液中浸泡并连续12天定时观测、记录,最后把未破碎的3块砾岩岩芯进...  相似文献   
北京市房山区富硒土壤调查与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用全国A层土壤背景值累频分级法来划定土壤硒的丰缺分级值,确认房山区存在富硒土壤。对于不同地貌类型土壤调查结果发现:硒含量平均值按照剥蚀堆积台地、洪积平原、冲积洪积平原、冲击平原依次递减,并且土壤硒主要富集于表层土壤,向地下深部硒的含量快速降低。土壤硒的含量受山区成土母质的影响较大,且偏碱性、富含有机质的表生环境有利于土壤硒富集。富硒区小麦和蔬菜水果中硒的分布与土壤硒含量具有良好的空间对应关系,其元素含量属于安全食品标准。  相似文献   
GIS的未来之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前地理信息系统的发展动态进行了分析,提出了未来GIS的发展呈现出的新特点、云计算GIS的发展趋势以及GIS和人们的生活密切相关.  相似文献   
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