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邢会斌  陈昇  徐康  王卫强 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):26-37
本文采用SODA3.4.2再分析数据和POP2海洋模式研究了季风转换期间(春季和秋季)热带印度洋经向热输运异常(Meridional Heat Transport Anomaly, MHTA)的年际变异特征。春季MHTA存在两个主要模态,即一致模态和辐合辐散模态:一致模态表现为热带印度洋上层一致的向北输运,受热带印度洋海温一致模相关的赤道反对称风场(赤道以北/南为东北风/西北风异常)调控;辐合辐散模态则呈现关于赤道对称的表层辐散次表层辐合特征,受控于赤道以南的热带西南印度洋和副热带东南印度洋海温偶极子。然而,秋季MHTA仅表现为辐合辐散模态,受到印度洋偶极子期间赤道东风和赤道外反气旋式风应力异常影响。此外,POP2敏感性试验也验证了印度洋海温模态影响下异常风场对MHTA的调控作用,即反对称的风引起一致向北的MHTA,赤道东风异常引起MHTA表层辐散、次表层辐合现象。因此,热带印度洋海气耦合模态年际变化对印度洋上层热量再分配有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
针对目前局部海域小时间尺度声速场建模方法未顾及不同深度区间内声速变化规律的问题,本文根据实测深海声速剖面的统计特征,提出了声速剖面分层方法,并进一步基于经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function, EOF)提出了局部小时间尺度的声速剖面分层时变模型构建方法。利用南海实测全海深声速剖面数据,分析了分层EOF第一模态系数和等效平均声速的日变化特征,并比较了不同拟合模型的精度。最后,利用试验海区的温度和潮汐数据分析了声速剖面周期变化的影响因素。结果表明: ①声速剖面分层EOF第一模态系数及等效平均声速具有日周期变化特征,上层声速日周期变化特征不明显,中层声速日周期变化特征较明显,下层声速变化较小但仍具有日周期变化特征;②局部海域小时间尺度声速拟合应考虑长期变化项的影响;③试验海区声速剖面EOF第一模态系数变化与温度显著相关,提取的声速剖面时变特征与海区潮汐周期特征基本吻合。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地凝析气田的地质特征及其形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨海军  朱光有 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3233-3250
塔里木盆地凝析油气资源丰富,已发现了二十余个凝析气田,包括库车坳陷的陆相油气来源的凝析气田和台盆区海相烃源岩来源的凝析气田;储层有碎屑岩,也有碳酸盐岩;时代自奥陶系至新生代均有分布。这些凝析气田的气油比分布在600~19900m3/m3,凝析油含量40~750g/m3;储层温度在78~155℃;地层压力在37~111MPa。研究认为,塔里木盆地凝析气藏的成因类型可以分为原生凝析气藏和次生凝析气藏。其中,以库车坳陷迪那2凝析气田为代表的煤系烃源岩在高演化阶段(镜质体反射率Ro为1.2%~2.0%),即凝析油和湿气生成带所形成的原生腐植型凝析气藏或煤成型凝析气藏。次生凝析气藏包括两类:陆相油气来源的多期充注,晚期干气对早期油藏发生混合改造,形成了以牙哈为代表的陆相油气成因的次生凝析气藏;以海相油气来源,多期油气充注与晚期干气气侵,造成蒸发分馏,在运移、聚集和成藏过程中烃体系分异、富化,发生反凝析作用,从而导致次生凝析气藏的形成。随着塔里木盆地勘探向深层转化,地层的温度和压力逐渐增高,烃类演化程度的升高,不同生烃阶段的烃体系混合也将更为普遍,次生凝析气藏也将更为普遍,因此,以海相油气来源的次生成因型凝析气藏将成为勘探的主体。  相似文献   
Water resources in semi-arid regions like the Mediterranean Basin are highly vulnerable because of the high variability of weather systems. Additionally, climate change is altering the timing and pattern of water availability in a region where growing populations are placing extra demands on water supplies. Importantly, how reservoirs and dams have an influence on the amount of water resources available is poorly quantified. Therefore, we examine the impact of reservoirs on water resources together with the impact of climate change in a semi-arid Mediterranean catchment. We simulated the Susurluk basin (23.779-km2) using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. We generate results for with (RSV) and without reservoirs (WRSV) scenarios. We run simulations for current and future conditions using dynamically downscaled outputs of the MPI-ESM-MR general circulation model under two greenhouse gas relative concentration pathways (RCPs) in order to reveal the coupled effect of reservoir and climate impacts. Water resources were then converted to their usages – blue water (water in aquifers and rivers), green water storage (water in the soil) and green water flow (water losses by evaporation and transpiration). The results demonstrate that all water resources except green water flow are projected to decrease under all RCPs compared to the reference period, both long-term and at seasonal scales. However, while water scarcity is expected in the future, reservoir storage is shown to be adequate to overcome this problem. Nevertheless, reservoirs reduce the availability of water, particularly in soil moisture stores, which increases the potential for drought by reducing streamflow. Furthermore, reservoirs cause water losses through evaporation from their open surfaces. We conclude that pressures to protect society from economic damage by building reservoirs have a strong impact on the fluxes of watersheds. This is additional to the effect of climate change on water resources.  相似文献   
全球集装箱航运企业的航线网络格局及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟  金凤君 《地理研究》2020,39(5):1088-1103
采用船期表数据,以全球前20位航运企业中的18家为研究对象,剖析各企业航线网络的异同点,并探讨企业航线配置的影响因素。研究表明:各企业航线网络均具有小世界和无标度特征,东亚是航班的首要集聚区,并且均为轴辐连接与点对点连接并存的混合式网络;各企业航线网络的市场广度和深度各异,根据航班的空间分布特征可将企业划分为4种类型,其中高丽海运、汉堡南美、阿拉伯轮船和万海航运专注于特定区域的细分市场,且拥有不同于全球枢纽港的企业枢纽港;港口腹地货源、港口自然条件及作业效率、海运保护政策、企业自身能力等是影响企业航线布局的重要因素。本研究有助于揭示航运企业的航线组织模式,为港口管理者决策提供参考。  相似文献   
塔中北斜坡下奥陶统岩溶储层基本为低孔低渗储层,主要的储集空间为溶蚀孔、洞和断裂活动产生的裂缝。储层呈现“横向连片,纵向分层”特点,优质储层主要呈层状叠合分布在不整合面下0~200m范围内的垂直渗流带和水平潜流带。岩溶储层具有大面积、多储集段含油气的特点,平面上整体表现为“西油东气,内油外气”的分布特征。鹰山组直接盖层良3—5段致密灰岩平面上具有“东厚西薄,北厚南薄”的分布特点,剖面上呈现“块状分布,横向相连,纵向叠置”的展布特征。鹰山组内部多套高阻层相互叠置,与下伏含油气层构成良好的配置关系,形成一套或多套储盖组合,控制油气的分层聚集。塔中北斜坡发育着一系列NE向左行走滑断裂,以之为边界,可以分为若干个构造区块。区块内油气水正常分异,相对高的部位聚集油气、低部位出水。块体内部油气多富集在距主干走滑断裂0.5~4.0km范围内。   相似文献   
In order to preserve the storage capacity of the Nanqin Reservoir for long-term service, several remedial measures have been worked out: (a) measures to control the upstream extension of backwater deposits and to prevent gravel bed load from entering into the reservoir, so that no armour layer will be formed; (b) sediment sluicing by density current to reduce deposits of suspended load; (c) periodical sediment flushing by emptying reservoir to restore the effective storage capacity. In addition, conceptions of flood plain elevation in reservoir, storage volume required in the routing of turbid flow (density flow), the storage capacity that can be restored after being lost by deposition, and the storage volume for sediment regulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

The lower course of the Acheloos River is an important hydrosystem in Greece, heavily modified by a cascade of four hydropower dams upstream, which is now being extended by two more dams in the upper course. The design of the dams and hydropower facilities that are in operation has not considered any environmental criteria. However, in the last 50 years, numerous methodologies have been proposed to assess the negative impacts of such projects to both the abiotic and biotic environment, and to provide decision support towards establishing appropriate constraints on their operation, typically in terms of minimum flow requirements. In this study, seeking a more environmentally-friendly operation of the hydrosystem, we investigate the outflow policy from the most downstream dam, examining alternative environmental flow approaches. Accounting for data limitations, we recommend the basic flow method, which is parsimonious and suitable for Mediterranean rivers, whose flows exhibit strong variability across seasons. We also show that the wetted perimeter–discharge method, which is an elementary hydraulic approach, provides consistent results, even without using any flow data. Finally, we examine the adaptation of the proposed flow policy (including artificial flooding) to the real-time hydropower generation schedule, and the management of the resulting conflicts.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Efstratiadis, A., Tegos, A., Varveris, A., and Koutsoyiannis, D., 2014. Assessment of environmental flows under limited data availability: case study of the Acheloos River, Greece. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 731–750.  相似文献   
Understanding and interpreting the timing, location, orientation, and intensity of natural fractures within a geological structure are commonly important to both exploration and production planning activities of low-porosity and low-permeability carbonate reservoirs. In this study, we explore the application of comprehensive geomechanical methods to quantitatively characterize the fracture parameters based on Strain Energy Density Theory, such as linear fracture density and volume fracture density. This study approach is based on the idea that energy generated by tectonic stress on brittle sandstone,which can be distinguished fracture surface energy, friction energy dissipation and residual strain energy and natural fractures can be interpreted or inferred from geomechanical-model-derived strains. For this analysis, we model an extension and compression compound fault block developed in a mechanically stratified sandstone and shale sequence because mechanics experimental data and drilling data exist that can be directly compared with model results.However, the results show that the approach and our study conclusion are independent of the specified structural geometry, which can correlate fracture parameters in different stages with different tectonic activities, and finally build and visualize fracture networks in sandstone. The presence or absence of filling minerals in fractures is shown to strongly control the destruction and transformation of low-permeability sandstone, and this control possesses crucial implications for interpreting fracture aperture and reservoir flow simulation.  相似文献   
古湖岸线是历史时期湖平面与古陆地的交线,是陆上和水下沉积的分界线。确定古湖岸线的位置对于油气勘探起着重要的指导作用。在利用泥岩颜色、泥岩X衍射分析以及自然伽马曲线特征等常规湖岸线识别方法的基础上,从有机岩石学分析的全新角度认识研究区盒8段沉积环境,确定了盒8期古湖岸线具体位置及湖岸线摆动区。沉积盆地中古湖岸线控制了优质储集层的形成与发育,由于砂岩粒度、软岩屑含量、填隙物组成的差异以及后期成岩作用导致水上沉积带砂岩物性要优于岸线摆动沉积带和水下沉积带砂岩。  相似文献   
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