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Concentrations of halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine) were determined in six geochemical reference materials (BHVO‐2, GS‐N, JG‐1, JR‐1, JB‐1b, JB‐2). Halogens were first extracted from powdered samples using a pyrohydrolysis technique, then hydrolysis solutions were analysed by ion chromatography for F and Cl and inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry for Br and I. The detection limits in solutions were 100 μg l?1 for both F and Cl and 10 ng l?1 for Br and I. Considering the extraction procedure, performed on a maximum of 500 mg of sample and producing 100 ml of pyrohydrolysis solution, detection limits in rock samples were 20 mg kg?1 for F and Cl and 2 μg kg?1 for Br and I. The mean analytical errors on the studied composition ranges were estimated at 10 mg kg?1 for F and Cl, 100 μg kg?1 for Br and 25 μg kg?1 for I. The concentration values, based on repeated (generally > 10) sample analysis, were in good agreement generally with published values and narrowed the mean dispersion around mean values. Large dispersions are discussed in terms of samples heterogeneity and contaminations during sample preparation. Basaltic RMs were found to be more suitable for studies of halogen compositions than differentiated rock material, especially granites – the powders of which were heterogeneous in halogens at the 500 mg level.  相似文献   
A procedure for determining a wide range of chalcophile and siderophile elements in typical crustal rocks using standard addition and ICP‐SFMS (inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry) is presented. New results for Ga, Ge, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Tl and Bi abundances in USGS whole‐rock reference materials AGV‐2, BHVO‐1, BIR‐1, G‐2, GSP‐1 and W‐2 are reported using this analytical procedure. Intermediate precision of means based on multiple dissolved aliquots of each USGS reference material was 10% RSD or better for Ga, Ge, In and Sn in all, and similarly good for Ag, Cd, Sb, Tl and Bi in most reference materials. Poorer intermediate precision of Mo and W measurements in several reference materials is probably due to higher analytical blanks on these elements and powder heterogeneity due to a sulfide‐related nugget effect in the specific case of Mo in GSP‐1. Results for all elements fell within the range of available published data with the exception of Ag, which yielded systematically higher concentrations than found in the literature for five of the six reference materials, likely reflecting interference from unresolved polyatomic species.  相似文献   
We introduce and propose zircon M257 as a future reference material for the determination of zircon U‐Pb ages by means of secondary ion mass spectrometry. This light brownish, flawless, cut gemstone specimen from Sri Lanka weighed 5.14 g (25.7 carats). Zircon M257 has TIMS‐determined, mean isotopic ratios (2s uncertainties) of 0.09100 ± 0.00003 for 206pb/238U and 0.7392 ± 0.0003 for 207pb/235U. Its 206pb/238U age is 561.3 ± 0.3 Ma (unweighted mean, uncertainty quoted at the 95% confidence level); the U‐Pb system is concordant within uncertainty of decay constants. Zircon M257 contains ~ 840 μg g?1 U (Th/U ~ 0.27). The material exhibits remarkably low heterogeneity, with a virtual absence of any internal textures even in cathodoluminescence images. The uniform, moderate degree of radiation damage (estimated from the expansion of unit‐cell parameters, broadening of Raman spectral parameters and density) corresponds well, within the “Sri Lankan trends”, with actinide concentrations, U‐Pb age, and the calculated alpha fluence of 1.66 × 1018 g?1. This, and a (U+Th)/He age of 419 ± 9 Ma (2s), enables us to exclude any unusual thermal history or heat treatment, which could potentially have affected the retention of radiogenic Pb. The oxygen isotope ratio of this zircon is 13.9%o VSMOW suggesting a metamorphic genesis in a marble or calc‐silicate skarn.  相似文献   
In this article, a Gaussian-based two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) model is applied to evaluate the geographical accessibility to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-authorized retailers. First, the proposed method considers the interaction between the food supply (in terms of categorized benefit redemptions) and demand (in terms of benefit-receiving households). Second, the model is used to visualize food access patterns at the level of refined administrative units (i.e., census block groups). The developed food access metric was compared to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Access Research Atlas, justifying the validity of this new method for small area estimation. The following are important observations: (1) the choice of catchment size had a considerable impact on the accessibility measure in urban areas (or when small statistical units are used); (2) the 2SFCA measurement had a higher level of correspondence with that of the USDA Atlas at a smaller catchment size for identifying low food access units; and (3) there was no significant inequality regarding SNAP accessibility with respect to different socioeconomic deprivation variables. This new method can better assist the SNAP administration with store authorization on a refined geographic scale. Key Words: food access, inequality, scale, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA).  相似文献   
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organised a proficiency test (PT), IAEA‐CU‐2010‐02, for the determination of elements in sewage sludge. The PT sample was analysed by semi‐absolute standardless k0‐instrumental neutron activation analysis (k0‐INAA). Results for seven elements (As, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Se, Zn) were submitted to the IAEA by our laboratory. All of our results were scored ‘acceptable’ by the ‘result evaluation criteria’ adopted by the IAEA. The same analytical methodology produced quantitative results for twenty‐six additional elements. In total, thirty‐six elements were determined with uncertainty varying from 4 to 11%. This paper presents the provisional mass fractions of twenty‐six additional elements (Ag, Al, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Dy, Eu, Ga, Hf, I, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, V, U, W) not reported by the IAEA. The analytical methodology was discussed with important sources of spectral, nuclear and fission‐product interferences. It was shown that the important components of uncertainties were the k0 factor, Q0 factor, detector efficiency, mass and counting statistics. The methodology was validated by analysing the IAEA‐S7 reference material.  相似文献   
A thermal ionisation mass spectrometric technique enabled the abundance of Zn in geological and biological reference materials and water samples to be measured by double spiking isotope dilution mass spectrometry enriched in the 67Zn and 70Zn isotopes. In the past, thermal ionisation mass spectrometry proved to be difficult for low-level zinc isotopic measurements. The size of Zn samples used for isotopic determination, in particular the biological RMs, represents an important breakthrough. These results represent the most accurate and precise concentrations measured for Zn in these samples. The maximum fractional uncertainty was that for TILL-3 (2%), while the minimum fractional uncertainty was 0.7% for both BCR-1 and W-2. The inhomogeneity of Zn in HISS-1 was revealed while other reference materials appeared homogeneous at the 95% confidence uncertainty. The certified concentration of Zn in HISS-1 and IMEP-19 by their producers are 28% and 3.8% higher than the values measured in this work. These are the first Zn concentration measurements in these materials by the isotope dilution-TIMS technique, except for BCR-1, NIES No 9 and IMEP-19. Reducing the blank enabled accurate measurement in water at the ng g-1 level demonstrating the applicability of the technique for low-level Zn samples.  相似文献   
从区域构造入手,对单侯井田构造进行分析,认为井田内断层发育以走向NW—NE、落差≤5m的小型正断层为主,且主要分布于大中型构造的两侧.特别是在其弧形转折带附近往往形成“羽”状雁列的小断层密集带。断层垂向上多分布于4—7号煤层之间的厚煤层发育区,其严重破坏了煤层的连续及完整性,是影响煤层开采的最主要因素之一。井田褶皱构造相对不发育,以短轴小型背、向斜为主,均属缓波状褶曲,对煤层的开采无影响或影响较小。根据井田地质构造发育程度,对其进行预测及分区评价:井田东部为强烈的构造挤压带,以发育走向NW-近EW—NE向的大型逆掩断层为特点,构造最复杂;井田西北部是相对较轻微的构造挤压带,以发育走向NE向的逆断层为特征,构造较复杂;井田南部以发育近SN或NNW向正断层为主,构造相对简单。评价结果对矿井设计及采区与工作面布置有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
A two‐step Th isolation protocol, involving micro‐columns of TRU‐Spec extraction chromatography material and AG1 resin, was evaluated. The MC‐ICP‐MS procedure included 232Th tailing characterisation and correction, and calibrator bracketing using an in‐house standard solution (ThS1) to correct for instrumental mass bias and Faraday cup to secondary electron multiplier relative gain. Repeated analyses of reference solutions (UCSC Th ‘A’, WUN, OU Th ‘U’, IRMM‐36) were consistent with published data. Six reference materials (A‐THO, BCR‐2, AGV‐2, BHVO‐2, BE‐N and BIR‐1) were processed. The average 230Th/232Th values obtained for these samples are in excellent agreement with published data. In addition, we report the first 230Th/232Th values for BE‐N and BIR‐1. The intermediate precisions for rock samples ranged from ± 0.24 to ± 0.49% (2 RSD) and were similar to those achieved for synthetic solutions, thereby supporting the overall validity of the chemical separation, data acquisition and reduction procedures. Counting statistics on the 230Th isotope was the most significant source of uncertainty. The intermediate precision of the mean 230Th/232Th for the Th‐depleted BIR‐1 (5.64 × 10?6 ± 0.27%, 2 RSD) is in the range of the analyses of other reference materials analysed in this study.  相似文献   
In Singapore, owners of private housing estates reaping windfalls through collective sales have been subject to the news media's sensational coverage of the topic. While collective sales will give rise to new developments that regenerate the country's landscape to reflect the image and identity of an entrepreneurial city, efforts to resist this wealth generating urbanism are subject to erasure. Instances of minority owners disinterested in profit-making using the courts to save their homes from the collective sale juggernaut are certainly emblematic of the inherent tension between one's home as housing and home as investment repository. Drawing upon ethnographical experiences from a housing estate built for public officials in Singapore, this article's use of the Lefebvrian theory of spatial production sheds light on how minority owners unmotivated by monetary windfalls (re)produce spaces of their homes that are overtly inimical to the impulses of majority owners to monetize their homes at high premiums.  相似文献   
A method to determine F and Cl in silicate materials by employing pyrohydrolysis and ion chromatography (IC) is described. Pyrohydrolysis involved mixing a pulverised sample (∼ 40 mg) with V2O5 (∼ 160 mg) and heating to 1100 °C under a wet oxygen flow in a quartz tube. Recovery yields of F and Cl were ∼ 97% using a NaF + NaCl standard solution. Detection limits of the pyrohydrolysis-IC method for silicate samples were 0.36 and 0.69 μg g-1 for F and Cl, respectively. Fluorine and Cl concentrations were determined in the reference materials JB-2, JB-3 and JA-1 from the GSJ; BCR-2, BHVO-1, BHVO-2, AGV-1 and AGV-2 from the USGS; and NIST SRM 610, 612 and 614 glasses. Precisions (RSD) for determinations of F were 1–13% (except NIST SRM 614) and 2–19% for Cl, and were dependent on the concentration and blank correction. Most results obtained in this study were in good agreement with those of previous studies. In comparison, the Na2CO3 + ZnO fusion method at 900 °C showed that the yields of F and Cl by alkaline fusion systematically decreased with fusion duration time. The yields were 84% and 83% for JB-3, inferring that F and Cl were lost in this alkaline fusion.  相似文献   
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