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研究了斯托克斯移去恢复法和框架约束球谐函数展开模型,分析了数据稀疏、质量不高地区的计算情况,实现了框架约束球谐函数模型精度优于常规斯托克斯移去恢复法。  相似文献   
Some depression cells with heights lower than their surrounding cells may often be found in Grid-based digital elevation models (DEM) dataset due to sampling errors. The depression-filling algorithm presented by Planchon and Darboux works very quickly compared to other published methods. Despite its simplicity and delicacy, this algorithm remains difficult to understand due to its three complex subroutines and its recursive execution. Another fast algorithm is presented in this article. The main idea of this new algorithm is as follows: first, the DEM dataset is viewed as an island and the outer space as an ocean; when the ocean level increases, the DEM cells on the island's boundary will be inundated; when a cell is inundated for the first time, its elevation is increased to the ocean level at that moment; after the ocean has inun- dated the entire DEM, all of the depressions are filled. The depression-removing processing is performed using a priority queue. Theoretically, this new algorithm is a fast algorithm despite the fact that it runs more slowly than Planchon and Darboux's method. Its time-complexity in both the worst case and in an average case is O(8nlog2 (m)), which is close to O(n). The running speed of this algorithm depends mainly on the insertion operation of the priority queue. As shown by the tests, the depres- sion-filling effects of this algorithm are correct and valid, and the overall time consumption of this algorithm is less than twice the time consumed by Planchon & Darboux's method for handling a DEM smaller than 2500×2500 cells. More importantly, this new algorithm is simpler and easier to understand than Planchon and Darboux's method. This advantage allows the correct program code to be written quickly.  相似文献   
廖戎  潘高峰  毛羽 《矿物岩石》2002,22(3):90-92
工业湿法制备超细镍粉过程中,提高镍粉的纯度一直是困扰生产厂家的难题,为此,在研究黑镍除杂和用螯合剂水溶液超声波搅拌洗涤除杂的基础上,讨论温度,pH值,黑镍量,螯合剂,超声波的搅拌洗涤次数等因素对除杂效果的影响。通过实验找出湿法制备高纯度超细镍粉除杂的最佳工艺条件。  相似文献   
曲旭朝  王刚 《西部资源》2012,(1):109-111
水体砷污染是全球饮用水主要威胁之一。研究高效、廉价的饮用水除砷技术,对于解决地方性砷中毒具有重要意义。系统的介绍了国内外各种除砷工艺和方法,总结了目前各种方法在应用上的优缺点及发展前景。  相似文献   
遥感影像中薄云的去除方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
薄云去除是遥感图像处理中一个常见的问题。目前,针对遥感影像薄云去除问题国内外学者提出了不少方法,本文在分析薄云去除难点的基础上介绍了几种薄云去除方法的原理并讨论了每种方法的适用范围。  相似文献   
高炮、火箭和飞机催化扩散规律和作业设计的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周毓荃  朱冰 《气象》2014,40(8):965-980
文章基于扩散计算的解析解,提出了针对高炮、火箭和飞机等不同催化方式的点源、多线源和移动点源的数值计算方案,分别研究了不同催化方式催化剂扩散规律和有效范围,并利用卫星捕获的一次飞机播云实例检验了计算方案,同时研究了实现目标区充分催化的作业设计等问题。主要结论有:高炮做为点源催化,单个高炮作业,达到有效催化浓度的范围半径约只有0.5 km,应当采用多炮弹密集作业,比较有利于浓度和催化范围的维持,提高炮弹成核率能够很大程度地提高高炮作业效果;火箭和飞机作为线源催化,1 h内达到有效催化浓度的宽度分别为7和6.6 km,此宽度可作为多线播撒作业飞行间距设计的参考依据;飞机单线播撒达不到充分催化的要求,而耕作式播撒,在风速作用下,扩散区域会分散或重叠。根据风速大小设计的"8"字形来回播撒飞行路线,可使目标区得到充分播撒。在扩散计算方案研究基础上研发的各类催化扩散计算和作业设计软件系统,可方便准确地计算飞机、高炮和火箭实际作业时催化剂在云中扩散的范围、浓度及其随时间的演变,并可针对不同目标区进行充分播撒催化的作业设计,结果直观简明,为催化扩散计算的实际业务应用和作业设计提供了帮助。  相似文献   
刘强  夏柏如 《探矿工程》2009,36(2):61-63
针对非开挖施工中清渣困难的问题,首次将反循环清渣工艺引入非开挖施工中。从理论上计算了传统非开挖和反循环的清渣泵量,计算结果表明,反循环清渣所需泵量远远低于传统的非开挖泵量,从而提出将反循环工艺应用于非开挖清渣施工中。实际应用效果表明,反循环清渣工艺可大大提高非开挖施工中的清渣效果。  相似文献   
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