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The Precambrian massif of Ourika is crosscut by two systems of basic dykes, striking N40°E and N90–120°E. Using incompatible trace elements, the two systems form two distinct chemical groups, displaying a continental tholeiitic affinity. The composition variations between the two defined groups can be due to heterogeneities of mantle sources and to contamination, during the magma ascent, by the continental crust. The emplacement of these basic dykes, before the late-PIII formations, can be related to the Neoproterozoic distension generalised to the Anti-Atlas chain. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 827–833.  相似文献   
Sediment transport processes in the Kärkevagge are investigated concerning their spatial and temporal characteristics due to long–term monitoring. Within this study remote sensing techniques and GIS modelling in connection with geomorphic mapping are applied for identification and characterization of geomorphic process units. Relationships between geomorphometric parameters and slope processes like solifluction, talus creep and rockfall have been analysed. Multitemporal Landsat–TM5 scenes are used as source for landcover characteristics (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) after preprocessing involving orthorectification and topographic normalization in order to remove possible terrain–induced effects. Additionally, a digital elevation model with a resolution of 20 m for the Kärkevagge catchment is developed and parameters like slope gradient, slope aspect and profile curvature are extracted as input for the analysis of the sediment transport system. The combination of landcover information, geomorphometrical and topological features allows the definition of areas for single process activities. They show specific sediment displacement characteristics depending on material conditions, topological and geometrical features. Geomorphic process units, which show a homogenous composition, are extracted from these available layers.  相似文献   
基于卫星遥感的鲁西北季节性风沙化土地研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章对鲁西北地区季节性风沙化土地的分布、特征及近20年来的演变做了初步的分析,阐述了该地区风沙化土地的成因及其危害,在肯定已有治沙成绩的基础上,就如何合理利用和改造这些土地提出了合理布局农田林网、地一步完善农田水利设施等意见和建议。  相似文献   
根据板深22井中不同地球化学指标的背景含量和异常特征,重点探索和总结了不同油气层的化探指纹指标,并根据地表指纹指标的异常组合、配套关系及异常特征,对油气层的埋深进行了初步预测,为今后该地区地表开展预测油气藏埋深的工作提供了一定的地球化学依据。  相似文献   
依据镜泊湖地区水体的同位素、水化学及微量元素中子活化分析资料,详细阐述了各采样点水体的来源、补给相对高程和它们之间可能的水力联系,以及有关的地热信息;分析了区内地热资源的有利地质背景条件研究区地处深大断裂及岩浆喷发带,火山喷发一直延续至第四纪全新世,有充分的热源供给;区内上部为较厚的玄武岩覆盖,有利于储存地热;下部白垩系上统为主要含水层,发现有广泛分布的典型木/岩热蚀变产物——斜发沸石,进而证明存在地下热水的可能性。  相似文献   
贵州是我国碘缺乏病严重地区之一,特别是黔西南地区。本根据含碘量的调查,编制了贵州露头地层、地表土壤和地表水中含碘量分布图,并与地甲病患病率分布图进行对比研究。研究表明,地甲病患病率与露头地层中碘含量关系不明显,地表土壤中碘含量与地甲病患病率有一定关系,而地表水中碘含量与地甲病患病率关系较为密切,地表水中含碘量高的地区,地甲病患病率就低,反之则地甲病患病率高。  相似文献   
介绍了两台计算机之间通过电话线和Modem互联通讯的原理及应用,详细论述了在这种组网方式下如何通过SLIP协议(或PPP协议)实现SCO UNIX主机和Windows主机、SCO UNIX主机相连来实现文件的远程传输,并提出解决方案,给出实例。  相似文献   
The Bikou volcanic terrane is predominated by subalkaline tholeiitic lavas. Rock samples display lower initial ratios of Sr and Nd, 0.701248-0.704413 and 0.511080-0.512341 respectively. 207Pb and 208Pb are significantly enriched in the lavas. Most samples have positive εNd, which indicates that the magma was derived from EM-type mantle source, while a few samples with negative εNd indicate that there was contamination in the magma evolution. Magma differentiation is demonstrated by variations of LREE and LILE from depletion to enrichment. Additionally, normalized REE patterns and trace elements showed that lavas from the Bikou volcanic terrane have similar characteristics to those of basalts in arc settings caused by subduction and collision. Analyses showed that the Bikou volcanic terrane is a volcanic arc. New evidence proved that the Hengdan Group, north of the Bikou arc, is a turbidite terrane filling a forearc basin. Consequently, the Bikou volcanic terrane and the Hengdan turbidite terrane const  相似文献   
1IntroductionTheHongshijinggolddepositislocatedinthenorthofLuobupouLakeofRuoqiang ,about 30 0kmsouthwestofHamiCity ,Xinjiang .ItwasdiscoveredbytheSixthGeologicalTeamofXinjiangduringgeo chemicalexploration .TheHongshijinggolddeposit,whichoccursinthegold bearingformationcomposedofMiddleandLateCarboniferousvolcanicandpyroclasticrocks ,isabrittle ductileshearzonetypegolddepositcontrolledbyariftbelt.TheHongshijinggolddepositislocatedinthesouthwestoftheHongshi jing -Maotoushanmineralizationb…  相似文献   
运用烃类勘察地球化学方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部彬县大佛寺井田钻遇中休罗统煤层的耽钻孔,进行了垂向剖面多指标的综合地球化学研究。结果表明:剖面中所有岩样中的烃类物质均为热解烃生成初期演化阶段的煤成烃产物,具明显的同一性;由煤层至地表黄土,所有岩样中的烃类呈明显的、规律性垂直向上运移。这证实地下煤层烃类在近地表具有很好的地球化学信息显示,利用勘察地球化学方法找煤/煤层气是可行的。  相似文献   
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