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崔海 《吉林地质》1993,12(4):42-54
本文对山门银矿矿体及围岩中黄铁矿进行了成因和找矿矿物学特征的研究,并在矿床研究方面和找矿方面得到应用。  相似文献   
Occurrence of mineral resources is directly or indirectly controlled by major tectonic processes. Additionally, similar mineral deposit types tend to be concentrated within geologically and tectonically similar areas. As a result, information on the production history of minerals in a well-explored and developed tectonic region—such as within the United States—can be used to estimate resources of geologically similar, underdeveloped tectonic areas elsewhere. For such application, two regions should be compared for geologic similarity using all available geologic information. Estimates of resources based on geologic analogy can be useful in large-scale mineral exploration programs where relatively little geologic information is available, such as in many developing countries. In this study, seven major tectonic regions within the United States are evaluated in terms of estimated mineral value as measured by historical mineral production and economic reserves. The seven regions assessed are: (1) Cordilleran Mountain Belt, (2) Colorado Plateau, (3) Central Stable Region, (4) Canadian Shield, (5) Ozark-Ouachtia Province, (6) Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain, and (7) Appalachian Mountain Belt. Regions are ranked in terms of estimated value of (1) 33 major mineral commodities, (2) nonfuel minerals, (3) hydrocarbons, and (4) individual mineral commodities. In terms of total value of historical mineral production and estimated economic reserve amounts of 33 major mineral commodities, the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain is most valuable, with an estimated value of 1980 US$1,970,000/km2. Information on historical mineral production of U.S. tectonic regions may be useful in estimating resources in tectonically similar, underdeveloped regions elsewhere.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the main mechanisms controlling the continuous and geologically long evolution of the water-rock system, which produced diverse hydrogenous mineral complexes. The concept of such complexes was introduced by the author. It was shown that the water-rock system is a steady-state and equilibrium-disequilibrium one. Its development occurs in a far from equilibrium region and results in the formation of fundamentally new mineral associations and geochemical types of water. Taking into account that water is the main factor controlling the evolutionary trend of this system, it is argued that this system must be among the most important targets of hydrogeology.  相似文献   
The occurrence of actinolite in magnetite deposits of possiblemagmatic origin has prompted an experimental investigation ofthe upper thermal stability of Mg-rich actinolite to determinehow the stability of actinolite changes with increasing Fe content.Experiments were carried out primarily on the compositionalre-equilibration of natural tremolite [molar Fe/(Fe + Mg) =Fe-number = 0·014] in the presence of synthetic clinopyroxene(Ca0·80Fe0·67Mg0·54Si2·00O6), syntheticpigeonite/orthopyroxene (Ca0·08Fe1·19Mg0·70Si2·02O6),quartz, and water to a more Fe-rich actinolite over the rangeof 600–880°C, 1 and 4 kbar, at the Ni–NiO oxygenbuffer, for durations of 1–2 weeks. The bulk compositionof the mineral mixture is close to actinolite with Fe-number= 0·5. These experiments constitute a half-reversal ofthe amphibole composition, which, when approached from a Mg-richstarting composition, provides information on the minimum Fecontent of actinolite at a given temperature. Compositionalchanges were monitored by electron microprobe analysis of amphibolerim compositions and/or overgrowths on the original tremolite.At 4 kbar and 880–800°C, tremolite shows strong re-equilibrationwith overgrowths of an Fe-rich but low-Ca (1·7 > Ca> 1·4) actinolite; Fe-rich cummingtonite (Ca <0·7)begins to nucleate at 860°C. At 800–700°C, tremoliteshows weak compositional re-equilibration but strong nucleationof Fe-rich cummingtonite. Similar results were observed at 1kbar, with tremolite showing strong re-equilibration to low-Caactinolite at 790–600°C with cummingtonite nucleationat 800°C and below. The wide variation in Ca contents ofthe re-equilibrated amphiboles was unexpected. Additional univariantreversal experiments were carried out on the thermal decompositionof a natural actinolite (Fe-number = 0·22) from PleitoMelón, Chile, indicating the breakdown of actinoliteto clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, quartz, and water at 780°Cand 1 kbar, and 850°C and 4 kbar. Considering only amphiboleswith Ca >1·7 a.p.f.u., the thermal stability of actinoliteis observed to decrease in a linear manner over the PTrange investigated with a dT/dFe-number slope of –372°C/Fe-numberat 1 kbar and –546°C/Fe-number at 4 kbar. The highthermal stabilities (750–900°C) of actinolites withFe-numbers in the range of 0–0·4 overlap with therange of water-saturated melting for a typical andesite or tonalite.These conditions also overlap the field of experimental Fe–P-richmelt formation, suggesting that actinolite may have an igneousorigin in Kiruna-type ore deposits. KEY WORDS: actinolite; mineral stability; Kiruna deposits, thermodynamic values; cummingonite  相似文献   
In order to determine whether it is desirable to quantify mineral-deposit models further, a test of the ability of a probabilistic neural network to classify deposits into types based on mineralogy was conducted. Presence or absence of ore and alteration mineralogy in well-typed deposits were used to train the network. To reduce the number of minerals considered, the analyzed data were restricted to minerals present in at least 20% of at least one deposit type. An advantage of this restriction is that single or rare occurrences of minerals did not dominate the results. Probabilistic neural networks can provide mathematically sound confidence measures based on Bayes theorem and are relatively insensitive to outliers. Founded on Parzen density estimation, they require no assumptions about distributions of random variables used for classification, even handling multimodal distributions. They train quickly and work as well as, or better than, multiple-layer feedforward networks. Tests were performed with a probabilistic neural network employing a Gaussian kernel and separate sigma weights for each class and each variable. The training set was reduced to the presence or absence of 58 reported minerals in eight deposit types. The training set included: 49 Cyprus massive sulfide deposits; 200 kuroko massive sulfide deposits; 59 Comstock epithermal vein gold districts; 17 quartzalunite epithermal gold deposits; 25 Creede epithermal gold deposits; 28 sedimentary-exhalative zinc-lead deposits; 28 Sado epithermal vein gold deposits; and 100 porphyry copper deposits. The most common training problem was the error of classifying about 27% of Cyprus-type deposits in the training set as kuroko. In independent tests with deposits not used in the training set, 88% of 224 kuroko massive sulfide deposits were classed correctly, 92% of 25 porphyry copper deposits, 78% of 9 Comstock epithermal gold-silver districts, and 83% of six quartzalunite epithermal gold deposits were classed correctly. Across all deposit types, 88% of deposits in the validation dataset were correctly classed. Misclassifications were most common if a deposit was characterized by only a few minerals, e.g., pyrite, chalcopyrite,and sphalerite. The success rate jumped to 98% correctly classed deposits when just two rock types were added. Such a high success rate of the probabilistic neural network suggests that not only should this preliminary test be expanded to include other deposit types, but that other deposit features should be added  相似文献   
Unit regional value (URV) and unit regional weight (URW) are relatively new concepts which are used to measure the intensity of the development of the mineral resources of any particular region. URV and URW of the mineral resources of India have been evaluated by sector, by commodity, as well as by state. The results are compared with values for the U.S.A. established by earlier workers and which can be taken as a standard for comparison with the mineral resources of other regions. URV of India, evaluated through the years 1898–1985, shows that the total mineral resources produced stands at $24.4 billion U.S. (deflated to 1967 value). Log URV of India lies below one standard deviation of the value for the states of the U.S. Like the U.S. India's major contribution to its URV is from fuels, but it is much less compared to that of the U.S. Next to fuels, metals, nonmetals, construction materials, and precious materials follow in that order. Except for two states, viz. Bihar and West Bengal, all other states are just below two standard deviations of the states of the U.S. The state of J&K is even much lower than the two standard deviations mark. It is concluded that India has a high potential for undiscovered mineral resources. However, this will require a large investment in exploration, on the order of Rs. 7760 crores, in the next few years.  相似文献   
本文探讨了固溶体矿物中组分非韵律型空间分布的两种局域平衡结晶动力学模型: (1) 当固相中无扩散,而熔体中完全混合时,结晶作用满足如下模型: dx/ed=(x-f)/(1-e) (2) 当固相中无扩散,而熔体中仅有扩散时,结晶作用满足如下模型:提出了非韵律型组分空间分布的成因主要归因子岩浆的非平衡结晶和结晶过程中的动力学行为。  相似文献   
刘昭民  王根元 《地质论评》1992,38(3):245-249
古代中国和西方对矿物成因之解释都很早。西方早在公元前4世纪,有希腊的亚里斯多德(Aristotle)认为地下矿物是干气和湿气所造成的。中国早在先秦时代,也有《周礼·考工记》认为是“地气”使然。本文详细说明中国和西方16世纪以前的成矿理论,比较其差异,并详细说明两者的优点和缺点,探讨它们之间是否发生相互影响,最后以现代矿床学思想和理论批判中国和西方古代之成矿理论。  相似文献   
硫同位素是示踪矿床成矿物质来源的重要手段,对于揭示硫的物质循环也具有参考意义。笔者等选择我国不同类型、不同时间、不同空间的8个大型、超大型铜矿床,系统搜集和整理了1415个硫同位素数据资料,结果发现:①空间上,矽卡岩型、斑岩型和海相火山沉积型三类铜矿硫同位素组成显示“上重下轻”、“中轻边重”的规律。②时间上,矿床尺度从成矿早期到成矿晚期,不同类型矿石的δ34S值逐渐增大;全国尺度不同类型铜矿中黄铜矿的硫同位素组成,从老到新,δ34S值由正变负,与矿床尺度的变化规律相反。③对找矿的指示,甲玛和大宝山矿床中富矿体中硫化δ34S值偏高,在阿舍勒矿床靠近矿化中心的黄铁矿δ34S值偏低,胡篦型铜矿早期富钴黄铁矿δ34S值高于晚期贫钴黄铁矿δ34S值。总体上,除新太古代红透山铜矿之外,其他时代不同类型铜矿中黄铜矿δ34S值从元古宙到古生代到中生代再到新生代,明显降低,与地球演化有关。  相似文献   
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