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海底沉积物颗粒因素在不同频率下对声衰减的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综合了多个沉积物声学测量的实验方案,提出适合研究柱状海底沉积物声衰减的实验方案。对黏土质粉砂的物理性质和声学性质作了相关处理,得到了在高、低两种测量频率下该类型沉积物的波形特性、频谱特性和与沉积颗粒因素有关的孔隙度对声衰减比的影响。进一步作了相应的回归分析,低频时方差为0.169—0.175,高频时方差为0.029—0.032,尝试总结出黏土质粉砂类型沉积物在两种频率下的声衰减趋势。  相似文献   

现代夏季风系统导致了南海西南部(越南岸外)上升流的发育,但浮游有孔虫对夏季上升流的响应如何尚缺乏实测资料,这不利于准确地利用有孔虫来重建古上升流的活动进而反演过去夏季风的强度变化。本研究利用2014年4月14日至11月1日布放于南海西南部夏季上升流区的时间序列沉积物捕获器材料,详细鉴定并定量统计了其所含浮游有孔虫类型。通过分析样品中浮游有孔虫各属种的通量和百分含量变化,结合区域气候环境资料,探讨南海西南部夏季上升流区浮游有孔虫对夏季风的响应,为古上升流与夏季风研究提供现代依据。研究结果表明初级生产力是控制上升流区浮游有孔虫通量变化的首要因素,喜营养种在上升流发育期增多而寡营养种含量下降。因此高表层生产力指示种,如Neogloboquadrina dutertrei可能是追溯南海西南部夏季上升流变化最可靠的指标。

根据对长江口水下三角洲31个表层样沉积物粒度、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)的测定,得出了粒度及有机质的分布特征,利用C/N比分析有机质来源及不同来源的贡献率。研究结果表明: 1)长江口水下三角洲表层沉积物平均粒径介于3~8Φ之间,存在由陆向海变细的趋势; 2)TOC含量在0.1% ~1.2% 之间,平均值为0.52%; TN含量介于0.02% ~0.08% 之间,平均值为0.057% 。TOC和TN含量的分布特征相似,具有自陆向海、由低至高的变化趋势,这主要是受到沉积物粒径的影响,但是TOC在崇明岛东侧和九段沙东侧有两个高值点,可能与人类活动或局地因素有关; 粒度校正之后,TOC含量在0.40% ~1.67% 之间,平均值为0.68%; TN的含量介于0.05% ~0.10% 之间,平均值为0.07% 。TOC含量在近岸地区略高,TN含量是北部地区略高于南部地区,并且TOC和TN都在崇明岛东侧和九段沙东侧有两个高值点; 3)C/N比值在6~16之间,平均值为9.6; 利用C/N比值估算得到的陆源有机碳含量在35% ~90% 之间,平均值为60% 。C/N比和陆源有机碳含量在长江口南支外围邻近海域表层沉积物中较高,表明南支带来了大量的陆源有机质入海,并呈舌状向东北方向凸出; 而在长江北支附近其值相对较低,表明北支径流影响相对减弱,潮流作用相对增强。研究表明,长江南支是主要的陆源有机质入海通道,而进入水下三角洲之后陆源有机碳分布受到了河口混合过程的显著影响。  相似文献   
Using the Ge centers of quartz sediments, the buried ages of fluvial sediments were determined by ESR technique. The ESR ages obtained from Ge centers are consistent with the TL ages, correspond with their horizons, accord with the geological background, and every ESR age is available. In this paper, determination of total dose of natural radiation (TD) and the reliability of ESR age using Ge center are also discussed.  相似文献   
The tbough one year cormsion potential and polarisation resistanoc for 3 kinds of stals in seabottomedment of Liaodong Bay were measured with the “MD” method.The measurements wiIl have some thoretical and pndital talues. The thooretical valoc lies in thatthe reoorded changing process of the practital corrosion case can be basis for indoor discussion andeectrochemical on the corrosion practical value lies in that the obtained datu canbe basis for designing and controlling elatrochemical protation syttems. In fact, it is very difficult tomeasure in situ the cornosion parnders of steeIs in sea sediment.  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物的矿物组成、成因、环境指示及研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
湖泊沉积物是不同地质、气候、水文条件下各类碎屑、黏土、自生/生物成因矿物以及有机物质等的综合体。沉积矿物蕴含着丰富区域和全球环境演变信息,如湖水的化学组成、流域构造、气候、水文以及人类活动的相互作用等。相关信息可以赋存在矿物外部微形貌、内部微结构、化学组成、物理和化学性质、同位素组成、谱学特征、成因以及共生组合等方面。因此,湖泊科学的许多关键课题都离不开矿物学,特别是在利用湖泊沉积物进行区域及过去全球变化研究中,深入的机理研究归根到底都要涉及矿物学,如流域化学风化作用、粒度组成、生物壳体化学组成、测年材料的选择等。然而,由于湖泊沉积物中矿物的多源性、复杂性,如何有效提取和解译其中的环境信息,是一项长期困扰研究者的课题,湖泊沉积矿物学的研究往往被许多研究者所忽视,中国的相关研究也较为薄弱。笔者综述了湖泊沉积物中碎屑、黏土、自生/生物矿物的矿物组合、特征、成因在(古)环境反演中的作用及最新研究进展,提出除了继续加强对湖泊沉积物中矿物来源、成因和古环境示踪的深入研究以外,矿物相间的转变及其对湖水和孔隙水组成的响应、一些非晶质或隐晶质及低丰度矿物相在湖泊化学和动力学中的作用也是很有潜力的研究领域,最后提出了研究中存在的一些问题、面对的挑战以及对研究前景的展望。  相似文献   
Ey1 has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Ey1, and have carried out Ey1 sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Ey1 desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION δ13C in organic matters from lacustrine sedi- ments varies with several factors including aquatic plants, vegetation type in the catchment, atmos- pheric CO2 concentration, climate (temperature and precipitation), and properties of water, …  相似文献   
The effects of phenanthrene(Phe)on the denitrification activity and denitrifying genes(narG,nirS and nosZ)were evaluated by dose-response experiments in sediments of Dagu River Estuary(DRE)and Jiaozhou Bay(JZB).The results showed that potential denitrification activity(PDA),N2O,NO3−and NO2−reduction rates of both areas were inhibited with an increase of Phe concentrations.The PDA,N2O,NO3−and NO2−reduction rates of both areas was highest and lowest in the control(DRE:0.453,0.427,7.439 and 3.222mgNkg−1 h−1,JZB:0.592,0.555,8.470 and 3.793mgNkg−1 h−1)and highest Phe amended treatments(DRE:0.069,0.001,4.486,and 1.563 mgNkg−1 h−1;JZB:0.114,0.024,5.527 and 2.200 mgNkg−1 h−1).The inhibition rate of PDA was highest,follow by NO2−reduction and then NO3−reduction.Moreover,with the increasing of Phe concentrations,total bacteria count and the abundance of denitrifying genes were decreased.And N2O accumulation was promoted with the addition of Phe for both areas.Based on the comparison of EC50 values,denitrifiers harboring three genes were more sensitive to Phe than PDA,and denitrifiers harboring nirS gene were more sensitive,followed by nosZ gene,and then narG gene.Furthermore,according to correlation analysis,the relative abundance of denitrifying genes was much more positively correlated with PDA,NO3−and NO2−reduction than total bacteria count.In addition,the denitrification activity and total bacteria count in JZB were more inhibited than that of DRE.This study is useful for understanding the impact of Phe pollution on denitrification in estuary and marine sediments,with profound implications for the management of aquatic ecosystems regarding eutrophication(N-removal)and greenhouse effect.  相似文献   
This study describes the use of linearly modulated optically stimulated luminescence (LM‐OSL) to distinguish surface‐soil derived sediments from those derived from channel bank erosion. LM‐OSL signals from quartz extracted from 15 surface‐soil and five channel bank samples were analysed and compared to signals from samples collected from two downstream river sites. Discriminant analysis showed that the detrapping probabilities of fast, first slow and second slow components of the LM‐OSL signal can be used to differentiate between the samples collected from the channel bank and surface‐soil sources. We show that for each of these source end members these components are all normally distributed. These distributions are then used to estimate the relative contribution of surface‐soil derived and channel bank derived sediment to the river bed sediments. The results indicate that channel bank derived sediments dominate the sediment sources at both sites, with 90.1 ± 3% and 91.9 ± 1.9% contributions. These results are in agreement with a previous study which used measurements of 137Cs and 210Pbex fallout radionuclides to estimate the relative contribution from these two sources. This result shows that LM‐OSL may be a useful method, at least in the studied catchment, to estimate the relative contribution of surface soil and channel erosion to river sediments. However, further research in different settings is required to test the difference of OSL signals in distinguishing these sediment sources. And if generally acceptable, this technique may provide an alternative to the use of fallout radionuclides for source tracing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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