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论"单位涌水量就是导水系数"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰太权 《地下水》2007,29(5):43-45,68
单位涌水量是井抽水水位降深换算为1 m时的单井出水量;导水系数是含水层宽度为1 m时,地下水水力坡度为1时的单宽流量.二者之间从定义上看毫无关系,但它们的单位(m3/d·m)(m2/d)是相同的.笔者经过多年探讨和初步试验后发现,单位涌水量就是管井抽水所利用含水层的导水系数.  相似文献   
The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were used to determine the seasonal contributions of precipitation to groundwater recharge at a forested catchment area in the upper North Han River basin, Korea. A comparison of the stable isotopic signatures of groundwater and precipitation indicates that the precipitations which occurred during both the dry and rainy seasons are the important source of groundwater recharge in this region. A stable isotopic signature shown in the stream waters at the upstream reaches is similar to that of groundwaters, indicating that stream waters are mostly fed by groundwater discharge. Reservoir waters in the downstream flood control dams have lower deuterium excess values or d-values compared with those of the upstream waters, indicating a secondary evaporative enrichment. These results can provide a basis for the effective management of groundwater and stream water resources in the North Han River basin.  相似文献   
A simple, well-constrained simulation of solute increases in a downgradient direction was used in the shallow unconfined aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate (United Arab Emirates). The simulation indicates that the observed exponential increase in solute concentrations results from a combination of upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites, and groundwater losses by evaporation. Groundwater recharge and discharge flux in unconfined regional aquifers in arid regions commonly are difficult to estimate because there are few constraints on the flux of water lost or gained from the system. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and deuterium isotopes (δ2H) in groundwater are used to constrain estimated fluxes to the shallow aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate. Vertical upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites accounts for solute increases along approximately the first 80 km of the simulated flow path, but a combination of upward solute transport and evaporation is necessary to explain observed solute concentrations beyond 80 km. Mobilization and transport of solutes in the unsaturated zone by recharging precipitation is not a significant factor.
Résumé Une simulation simple et bien contrainte de l’augmentation des solutés dans la direction de l’écoulement a été réalisée sur l’aquifère phréatique et libre de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi (émirats Arabes Unis). La simulation indique que l’augmentation observée de solutés, de forme exponentielle, est le produit de la combinaison du transport ascendant de solutés provenant des mudstones et des évaporites sous-jacents, et de l’évaporation des eaux souterraines. La recharge des eaux souterraines et les flux de vidange dans les aquifères régionaux libres des régions arides sont habituellement difficiles à estimer du fait du peu de contraintes agissant sur la perte ou le gain d’eau dans le système. La charge dissoute totale (TDS, en anglais) et les isotopes deutérium (δ2H) des eaux souterraines sont utilisés pour contraindre l’estimation des flux en direction de l’aquifère phréatique de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi. Le transport vertical ascendant des solutés à partir des mudstones et des évaporites fait parti des processus qui concentrent les solutés approximativement le long des 80 premiers kilomètres du trajet des écoulements simulés, mais une combinaison du transport ascendant des solutés et de l’évaporation est nécessaire pour expliquer les concentrations observées en soluté au delà des 80 km. La mobilisation et le transport des solutés par les précipitations efficaces dans la zone non saturée ne représentent pas des facteurs significatifs.

Resumen Se utilizó una simulación simple y muy restringida, de incrementos de soluto en la dirección del flujo, en el acuífero libre poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi, (Emiratos árabes Unidos). La simulación indica que el aumento exponencial observado en las concentraciones del soluto, resulta de una combinación de transporte ascendente de solutos desde las evaporitas y lodolitas subyacentes, y por pérdidas del agua subterránea por evaporación. Los flujos de recarga y descarga de agua subterránea, en los acuíferos libres regionales en regiones áridas, normalmente son difíciles estimar, porque hay algunas restricciones en el flujo de agua perdido o ganado por el sistema. Los sólidos disueltos totales (TDS) y los isótopos de deuterio (δ2H) en el agua subterránea, se usan para forzar los flujos estimados hacia el acuífero poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi. El transporte ascendente vertical de solutos desde las lodolitas y evaporitas subyacentes, involucra los aumentos del soluto a lo largo de aproximadamente los primeros 80 Km. de la dirección de flujo simulada, pero es necesaria una combinación de transporte ascendente del soluto y la evaporación para explicar las concentraciones del soluto observadas más allá de 80 Km. La movilización y transporte de solutos en la zona no saturada, por recarga debida a precipitación, no es un factor significante.
In this paper, a simple scenario and probabilistic approach is used to assess the potential groundwater risk due to proposed overdraft remedial actions in cone of depression, Jining City, China. Focusing on the concentrations of Chloride ions (Cl) and total hardness (TH), the impact of artificial recharge and reduced pumping on groundwater quality and quantity is analysed by using the three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow and transport model, Visual MODFLOW, to simulate groundwater flow and transport within the study area based on scenarios, and utilizes SURFER software to map risk levels. Although 5, 10 or 15% reduced pumping with artificial recharge leads to more decrease in Cl and TH concentrations than the 25%, less volume increase is achieved for the remediation of land subsidence and other environmental problems in the cone of depression. The Cl concentrations in recovered groundwater are within the desired concentration of 200 mg/l; however, TH in some cases are above the maximum permissible limit of 500 mg/l, with an exceedence probability of about 0.67 for recharge and recharge with reduced pumping at 25%. The presence of fractures and hydrogeological complexity greatly determines impacts of remediation, and the 22% reduced pumping with artificial recharge offers an optimum strategy for overdraft remediation in the Jining cone of depression.  相似文献   
The effects of climate change on the groundwater systems in the Grote-Nete catchment, Belgium, covering an area of 525 km2, is modeled using wet (greenhouse), cold or NATCC (North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Change) and dry climate scenarios. Low, central and high estimates of temperature changes are adopted for wet scenarios. Seasonal and annual water balance components including groundwater recharge are simulated using the WetSpass model, while mean annual groundwater elevations and discharge are simulated with a steady-state MODFLOW groundwater model. WetSpass results for the wet scenarios show that wet winters and drier summers are expected relative to the present situation. MODFLOW results for wet high scenario show groundwater levels increase by as much as 79 cm, which could affect the distribution and species richness of meadows. Results obtained for cold scenarios depict drier winters and wetter summers relative to the present. The dry scenarios predict dry conditions for the whole year. There is no recharge during the summer, which is mainly attributed to high evapotranspiration rates by forests and low precipitation. Average annual groundwater levels drop by 0.5 m, with maximum of 3.1 m on the eastern part of the Campine Plateau. This could endanger aquatic ecosystem, shrubs, and crop production.  相似文献   
In Bangladesh, development of the groundwater resource for irrigation is a vital component of the government’s agricultural strategy to attain food self-sufficiency. Amidst reports of falling groundwater levels in many parts of Bangladesh, the potential of groundwater use has been investigated in the Teesta Barrage Project (TBP) in which large-scale groundwater development for dry-season irrigation has taken place in the recent past. Several techniques and tools have been applied such as the combination of analysis of groundwater hydrographs and mathematical modelling to derive key hydrogeological variables, calculation of net irrigation requirement and the use of geographical information systems. The results show that the economically attractive high-yielding variety (HYV) Boro (dry season) rice cultivation during the groundwater irrigation season may not be sustained in large parts of the project area if the current trends in abstraction are continued. However, due to spatial variation in abstraction, nine thanas (sub-districts)—out of a total of 21 in the project area—may still be able to expand groundwater-irrigated cropland and a groundwater-use potential of 40 mm/year may be created if deep-set shallow tubewells are used by the farmers to abstract groundwater. A structured approach, based on zoning of potential areas, is recommended for groundwater development and use.
Resumen En Bangladesh, el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas para riego es un componente vital del la estrategia agrícola del Gobierno para obtener la auto-suficiencia alimentaria. Un informe intermedio evidencia un descenso de los niveles de aguas subterráneas en muchas partes de Bangladesh, el uso potencial de aguas subterránea ha sido investigado en el Proyecto Tessta Barrage (TBP) en el cual ha tenido lugar el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas a gran escala para el riego en la estación seca en un pasado reciente. Se ha aplicado algunas técnicas y herramientas, como la combinación del análisis de datos gráficos de aguas subterráneas y modelización matemática para obtener variables hidrogeológicas clave, el cálculo de la necesidad neta de riego y el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. El resultado muestra que el cultivo, económicamente atractivo, de arroz HYV Boro (estación seca) durante la estación de riego con aguas subterráneas puede no ser sostenible en gran parte del área del proyecto si continúan las tendencias actuales en las extracciones. Sin embargo, debido a la variación espacial en la extracción, nueve thanas (subdistritos)—de un total de 21 en el área del Proyecto—pueden todavía sufrir un aumento de la tierra cultivable regada con aguas subterráneas y que se puede asumir un uso potencial de agua subterránea de 40 mm/estación si los granjeros utilizan sondeos someros instalados en fosas para la extracción. Se recomienda una aproximación estructurada para el desarrollo y uso de las aguas subterráneas, basada en la zonificación de áreas potenciales.

Résumé Au Bangladesh, l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraines pour l’irrigation est une composante vitale de la stratégie agricole gouvernementale pour atteindre l’auto-suffisance alimentaire. Parmi les baisses de niveaux piézométriques rapportées sur de nombreuses régions du Bangladesh, le potentiel d’utilisation des eaux souterraines a été étudié sur le Projet de Barrage de Teesta (TBP), où, dans un passé récent, les eaux souterraines ont été massivement exploitées pour l’irrigation en saison sèche. De nombreux outils et techniques ont été utilisés, comme l’analyse combinée des chroniques piézométriques et des modèles mathématiques pour dégager les variables hydrogéologiques clés, le calcul des besoins nets pour l’irrigation, et l’utilisation des systèmes d’information géographique. Les résultats démontrent que la culture en saison d’irrigation de la variété de riz HYV Boro (saison sèche), économiquement attrayante, n’est potentiellement pas viable sur de nombreux secteurs de la zone étudiée si les prélèvements perdurent selon la tendance actuelle. Cependant, du fait de la variation spatiale des prélèvements, neuf thanas (sous-districts)—sur un total de 21 sur le secteur d’étude—pourraient encore augmenter les surfaces irriguées, et une disponibilité en eau de 40 mm/saison pourrait être générée si les agriculteurs utilisaient des puits peu profonds pour exploiter les ressources souterraines. Une approche structurée, basée sur le zonage des secteurs potentiels, est recommandée pour l’exploitation et l’utilisation des eaux souterraines.
姚足金  陈德华 《地球科学》2001,26(3):291-296,327
现行西北地区水资源评价,是基于下列水文地质概念模型:(1)作为主要补给源地的山区,其与盆地之间存在“阻水屏障”;(2)山区形成的地下水基本上已全部汇入出山河谷,流向盆地绿洲,经实地勘探水化学同位素分析与资料研究,认为现行“模型”不符合地质实际。在引用国外高山区产流数值模拟成果的基础上,采用比拟法估算出研究区,由山区通过基岩向盆地绿洲作侧向补给的大致数量。新概念模型的建立,意味着西北高山-盆地系统的绿洲基岩不深处,赋存有相当数量以前未被计入的、可供开发的水资源。  相似文献   
In the southeastern Holstein region, located to the east of the metropolitan zone of Hamburg, northern Germany, a groundwater investigation program was conducted from 1984 to 2000 by the State Agency for Nature and Environment (Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt, LANU) of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, with the aim of providing long-term, ecologically acceptable groundwater management plans for the region. The focal point of the investigation comprised the determination of groundwater recharge rates. The investigation method was based on the transfer of available lysimeter results from other regions to comparable regions within the area studied. With the help of lysimeter equations, potential amounts of percolation water were calculated. The groundwater recharge rate was then determined after subtraction of the surface runoff which was calculated for the entire area. All computations were performed with a spreadsheet program. Groundwater recharge rates were calculated for two areas. One consisted of roughly determining groundwater recharge rates for the total region (1,392 km2) of southeastern Holstein. The overall goal of these investigations was to identify potential areas of water exploitation. Areas in which groundwater recharge rates are high and groundwater outflow is low are particularly suited to water exploitation, since inflow rates into deeper aquifers are high. These areas are located on the flanks of the Elbe and Stecknitz River valleys. Subsurface groundwater runoff to these lowlands would be reduced through groundwater withdrawal. However, the resulting decline in shallow groundwater tables would be so small that it would have no detrimental ecological effects. Groundwater recharge rates were also calculated for a 110-km2 area in the outskirts of Hamburg (Grosshansdorf model area) which is intensively developed for water supply. These investigations showed that the amount of groundwater recharge is already being withdrawn to a large extent. Approximately 65% of the recharge rate is currently withdrawn by the waterworks in this area, thus making further increases in exploitation rates unjustifiable from an ecological point of view. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
In the Alpujarra (southern Spain), every year between the March and June, an ancestral practice continues in the form of diverting water from the rivers by way of an extensive network of irrigation channels (acequias) to well-defined, highly permeable areas. This practice, known ascareos, constitutes an ancient example of artificial recharge. The objective is to guarantee a supply of drinking water during the dry months, as well as improve the physicochemical characteristics of the water. In addition, this system helps maintain moisture in the immediate environment, and thus has a positive effect on local vegetation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research project of the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony (NLfB) and the Programme Group Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE) of Research Centre Jülich on the GIS-based determination of the mean long-term groundwater recharge in Lower Saxony using high-resolution digital data (Dörhöfer and others 2001). The model calculations were performed on the basis of the water-balance model GROWA (Kunkel and Wendland 2002) with a spatial resolution of 100x100 m2. The accuracy of the calculated groundwater recharge values for the period 1961–1990 was verified on the basis of data from gauging stations and displayed a good agreement between observed runoff values and model results.  相似文献   
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