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煤矿断层密度是评价断层破坏程度的一个常用指标。由于它是单因素评价,所以在实际应用中往往受到限制。文中以平顶山五矿戊9-10煤层断层为例,采用分维计算方法对断层密度进行了重新定量。结果表明,断层密度分维与断层长度,条数和断层密度分布的均匀性有关,它为煤矿断层密度的定量评价提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   
高密度电法视电阻率数据预处理算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
高密度电法通过电极供电、测量电流和电压,采集视电阻率数据。在采集数据过程中,由于某些操作或仪器原因,往往使数据中包含人为错误,或外界干扰产生的量值较大的“过失误差”以及不可避免的带随机性质且量值较小的“偶然误差”。数据预处理的任务就是,限制“过失误差”和压制“偶然误差”对反演结果的影响。这里分析了误差产生的原因及电阻率数据处理的特点,比较人工处理与计算机程序处理的差异,根据几种算法编写出不同的数据处理程序,对算例进行误差限制处理,并对处理结果进行了分析对比研究。  相似文献   
PDC钻头切削齿受力随布齿密度变化关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同布齿方式的3个PDC切削齿同步连续切削转动的岩石为模拟井底钻头切削齿实际工作状态,用切削岩石时相同的布齿参数切削砂轮来磨损切削以模拟切削的以模拟切削齿磨状态,试验研究了不同磨损程度的切削齿受力与布齿密度的关系。  相似文献   
尽管角闪石在地壳中大量存在 ,但是蓝色钾 钠透闪石却是角闪石中的稀有品种。本文采用X射粉晶线衍射和晶胞参数计算 ,确定该矿物为蓝色的钾 钠透闪石 ,用电子探针 (EMPA)精确分析了它的化学成分 ,确定为钾 钠透闪石 ,而不是蓝色软玉 (即不是透闪石或阳起石 )。  相似文献   
利用线性旅行时插值射线追踪对近地表模型进行正演计算,可以快捷、准确地获得初至波走时和射线路径。由于该算法计算的初至波不局限于折射波,因此很好地解决了浅层折射勘探中的低速"隐蔽层"问题;而且,由于该算法是基于网格划分和线性插值,因此它不仅可以追踪任意复杂介质的初至波,而且可以使得追踪的初至波射线路径逼于真实,避免了同类算法直接连接网络节点形成射线路径的缺陷(路径过于弯折,计算走时偏大)。将LTI算法同其他几种算法的追踪结果进行的对比和分析表明,LTI算法在计算初至波走时和射线路径方面较其他算法更为精准、稳定,是一种有效的射线追踪方法。  相似文献   
Turbidity currents and their deposits can be investigated using several methods, i.e. direct monitoring, physical and numerical modelling, sediment cores and outcrops. The present study focused on thin clayey sand turbidites found in Lake Hazar (Turkey) occurring in eleven clusters of closely spaced thin beds. Depositional processes and sources for three of those eleven clusters are studied at three coring sites. Bathymetrical data and seismic reflection profiles are used to understand the specific geomorphology of each site. X‐ray, thin sections and CT scan imagery combined with grain‐size, geochemical and mineralogical measurements on the cores allow characterization of the turbidites. Turbidites included in each cluster were produced by remobilization of surficial slope sediment, a process identified in very few studies worldwide. Three types of turbidites are distinguished and compared with deposits obtained in flume studies published in the literature. Type 1 is made of an ungraded clayey silt layer issued from a cohesive flow. Type 2 is composed of a partially graded clayey sand layer overlain by a mud cap, attributed to a transitional flow. Type 3 corresponds to a graded clayey sand layer overlain by a mud cap issued from a turbulence‐dominated flow. While the published experimental studies show that turbulence is damped by cohesion for low clay content, type 3 deposits of this study show evidence for a turbulence‐dominated mechanism despite their high clay content. This divergence may in part relate to input variables, such as water chemistry and clay mineralogy, that are not routinely considered in experimental studies. Furthermore, the large sedimentological variety observed in the turbidites from one coring site to another is related to the evolution of a sediment flow within a field‐scale basin made of a complex physiography that cannot be tackled by flume experiments.  相似文献   
More than 40 national and regional geochemical mapping projects in the world carried out from 1973 to 1988 do not conform to common standards. In particular they have many analytical deficiencies. In the period 1988 to 1992, the International Geochemical Mapping project (Project 259 of UNESCO's IGCP Program) prepared recommendations designed to standardize geochemical mapping methods. The analytical requirements are an essential component of the overall recommendations. They included the following: 71 elements should be analyzed in future mapping projects; the detection limits of trace and ultratrace elements must be lower than the corresponding crustal abundances; and the Chinese GSD and Canadian STSD standard sample series should be used for the correlation of global data. A proposal was also made to collect 5000 composite samples, at very low sampling densities to cover the whole Earth's land surface. In 1997 an IUGS Working Group on Global Geochemical Baselines was formed to continue the work which began with IGCP 259. From 1997 up to now, new progress has been made especially in China and FOREGS countries under the aegis of this working group, including the study of suitable sampling media, development of a multi-element analytical system, new proficiency test for selection of competent laboratories and role of wide-spaced mapping in mineral exploration. One of the major problems awaiting solution has been the inability of many laboratories to meet the IGCP recommendations to generate high quality geochemical maps. Fortunately several laboratories in China and Europe have demonstrated an ability to meet the requirements and they will be well placed to render technical assistance to other countries.  相似文献   
钻井液是钻探施工的血液,低密度无固相钻井液DMZ,能有效解决小口径绳索取心钻探中出现的钻杆内结泥皮、岩粉携带能力差、失水量高等问题。  相似文献   
To this day, deterministic physical models capable of explaining the evolution of grain-size distributions in the course of transport are still lacking. For this reason, various attributes of particle frequency distributions, in particular curve shapes and textural parameters, have for many decades been investigated for potential information about transport behaviour and size-sorting processes of sediments in numerous environments. Such approaches are essentially conceptual and hence rely heavily on the validity of the assumptions on which they are based. A factor which has to date been largely ignored in this context, is the fact that different methods of grain-size analysis (e. g. sieving, laser absorption and diffraction, settling velocity measurements), when applied to the same sample material, produce variable curve shapes, and hence incongruous textural data. This is illustrated by selected examples showing the differences between sieving and settling results, conversion of settling velocities into equivalent settling diameters (psi-phi-transformations), and the influences of particle shape, particle density, and water temperature. It is demonstrated that particle-size distributions are not only method-dependent but also dependent on the adopted post-processing procedure. As a result, only frequency curves generated by the same method and subsequently processed by identical computational procedures can be meaningfully compared. Furthermore, the computation of textural parameters from bi- or multimodal size distributions produces spurious results which are unrelated to the processes leading to the mixing of different size populations frequently observed in nature. In such cases, only the decomposition of such distributions into individual populations and the spatial comparison of such populations makes any sense. Because a physical explanation for the generation of size distributions is lacking, a particular curve shape of a grain-size population has no meaning on its own. Only a systematic comparison of progressively changing curve shapes (and associated textural parameters) of sediments collected on a closely spaced grid can yield data suitable for sediment trend analysis.  相似文献   
冬季青藏高原大气热状况分析Ⅱ:年际变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过诊断3套再分析资料的非绝热加热场,研究冬季青藏高原上空大气的热力特征.结果表明,与夏季为强热源的特征不同,冬季高原上空不是欧亚大陆上最强的冷源中心.冬季高原上空整体是偏弱的冷源,在高原西侧及东南地区上空甚至出现非绝热加热正值区,这一分析对以往研究提出的高原是冷源的特性给出了修正.各种非绝热加热分量的诊断表明,冬季高原上空这种总的非绝热加热分布主要是由于高原主体的长波辐射冷却较周边地区弱,以及西侧至东南地区凝结潜热释放造成的.为了说明再分析的非绝热加热资料对冬季高原上空大气的这种热力特征描述的可信性,文中还利用了地表辐射能量、TRMM及PREC/L降水、垂直速度等资料进一步辅助分析,证实了由于高原位势较高造成大气整层温度偏低,向外长波辐射偏少,以及高原地势的隆起造成局地较强的上升运动,高原西侧至东南角降水大值区潜热偏大,最终造成高原上空总非绝热加热负值偏小.最后理想高原隆起的水球试验结果说明,冬季,高原的存在减弱了陆地上空的冷却效应,因而其上为弱冷源,再次证实了资料分析的结果.  相似文献   
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