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Major concentrations of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O and K2O, minor levels of TiO2, P2O5 and thirty petrologically, geochemically and environmentally significant trace elements have been determined in microwave oven acid leachates of whole powdered coal samples by direct current plasma‐atomic emission spectrometry (DCP‐AES). A single sample preparation procedure was suitable for all the determinations with no additional dilution step for major elements solution. Dried samples (0.5 g) were treated in low‐pressure PFA digestion vessels with HF/HCl/HNO3/HClO4 acids to quantitatively extract the analytes from the bulk material, while leaving the major part of organic matrix as a residue. The major constituents of geological samples, in particular the easily ionised elements (EIEs) such as alkali and alkaline earths, may complicate the instrumental determinations in DCP‐AES because of differential enhancements of elemental emission intensities and stray light interferences. Taking account of these factors, the coal matrix is considered to have very low major oxide totals as compared to many other common geo‐environmental and related materials (rocks, sediments, soil, ashes etc.). The sample size employed here, while yielding a relatively concentrated solution to cover a wide range of elemental determinations, provided a sample matrix that significantly diminished interferences for DCP measurements. The need for closely matching the unknowns and calibrators was eliminated except for overall acidity and an excess quantity of caesium for EIE buffering. Calibration of the spectrometer was accomplished by simple aqueous single element solutions as high concentration calibrators in addition to a reagent blank as a low concentration calibrator. Two point working curves were established to allow for the maximum concentrations of each element expected in the unknowns. The precision of determinations under routine conditions as well as the reproducibility of the leaching and precision of instrumental measurements have been evaluated. Relative standard deviations (RSD) were of 1–2% for those elements whose concentrations in solid samples were well above the limits of quantification. Method detection limits in the buffered solutions were also evaluated. To evaluate the accuracy of the microwave oven‐DCP method a suite of eight certified coal reference materials of differing rank, were analysed with good agreement with the certified and/or available published data. Results are presented for the uncertified major oxides in the AR series reference materials.  相似文献   
The locations of mining-induced horizontal fractures along rock interfaces in the overburden of Donetsk Coal Basin were identified using an original experimental device. The device traps methane from horizontal fracture zone (100–fold coal seam thickness) over an active longwall mining excavation. Presence or absence of horizontal fractures along rock layer interfaces is correlated with physical characteristics of the overburden, such as thickness, uniaxial compressive strength of overburden rock layers, location of rock layer interfaces and thickness of extracted coal seams. As a result, a combined criterion based on these physical characteristics is proposed to predict the presence of overburden horizontal fracturing in coal mine operations.  相似文献   
瓦斯的危害和煤层气的利用,不断在推进着瓦斯地质理论、煤层气开发利用技术的进步和发展。在以往的诸多研究中,不论是防治瓦斯的危害还是着眼于煤层气的利用,甲烷都是研究的重点。但是,除甲烷之外,还有没有其它影响或控制瓦斯危害和煤层气利用的组分或因素呢?煤层气(瓦斯)联测氢气的方法和应用研究,就是循着这一思路而做的探索性工作。  相似文献   
煤层陷落柱高分辨率地震探测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在华北、华东及西北地区近20多个煤田的石炭二叠系中,普遍存在着因煤系地层基底厚层灰岩古岩溶塌陷形成的煤层陷落柱,尤以山西省西山及汾河沿岸的煤田、河北省太行山中段的煤田更为普遍。煤层陷落柱发育形态分为圆锥形、筒形、斜塔形、不规则形等特点,应用高分辩地震勘探技术,根据陷落柱发育区反射波同相轴中断、扭曲、能量变弱、连续性变差、分叉合并或圈闭、产状突变等特征,可有效地探测其空间位置及形态。  相似文献   
根据主采煤层顶底板岩体岩性类型及结构面发育程度对其稳定性进行了评价:72煤层顶板以中等稳定一不稳定类型为主,82煤层顶板以中等稳定类型为主,10煤层顶板以中等稳定一稳定类型为主。在大量统计见煤点硬质岩百分含量(k值)的基础上,结合顶板岩石的单轴抗压强度,对各主采煤层顶底板工程地质类型进行了划分:72煤层以一、二类顶板为主,82、10煤层均以五类顶板为主。综合评价该矿工程地质条件为中等即Ⅲ类二型。根据研究成果,指出该矿在采掘过程中可能出现的工程地质问题,并依此提出了治理建议。  相似文献   
通过收集整理物探、钻探资料,分析了黑石—大山盆地煤层赋存规律,认为在盆地的斜坡地带煤层赋存较好,总结出含煤岩系及煤层的变化规律,指出下一步找煤方向——在黑石东—塔拉站区域及官地镇—大山林场区域。  相似文献   
白石沟井田是近年来探明的大巾型井田,位于五指岭-白寨背斜东端之南翼,新密-新郑复向斜之北翼.岗亚腰断层和梁山断层之间的地垒构造上,其基本构造形态为-向东倾伏的宽缓背斜。二叠系下统山西组二1煤为主要开采煤层,探明二1煤资源量7206×10^7t。分析了井田含水岩组及其富水性,对断层带及其富水特征进行了研究,从矿床(二1煤层)充水的水源、通道、机理三个方面分析了矿床充水因素,指出二1煤层的主要充水水源为该煤层底板的石炭系岩溶裂隙-承压水,充水通道为断层带和灰岩的岩溶裂隙发育带,充水机理为矿压及高水头压力冲破煤层底板阻水层阻力,形成底鼓,迅速突水。认为该井田水文地质勘查类型为三类二型,提出了排除与隔离地表水体,预留防水安全煤柱,灌浆辅助采掘的井田突水防范措施。  相似文献   
内蒙古胜利煤田共生锗矿的成因地球化学初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用统计和作图的分析方法,对内蒙古胜利煤田中共生锗矿床的锗品位与挥发分、灰分、硫分的关系进行了研究。结果表明煤中锗品位与挥发分呈正相关、与原煤灰分负相关、与洗煤灰分正相关关系;全区煤属中硫煤,锗品位与原煤和洗煤硫分均呈正相关关系,煤的灰分指数较低(3 579);锗分布不均匀,富锗煤矿明显属于断裂坳陷边缘沉积,锗品位可以在煤层的顶部、中部、底部同时或单个部位呈现高值,大多数煤层中部出现锗高品位值,这有别于以往所报道的锗品位只在煤层顶、底部相对富集的研究结论。认为胜利煤田锗主要与有机质结合;锗的有利聚集条件是水动力较弱、地下水位较低、强还原的停滞沼泽环境;泥炭聚集阶段有机质的吸附作用是锗的主要富集机制。  相似文献   
根据山西宁武煤田某煤矿2#煤层采掘及钻孔揭露情况,发现该井田中部和南部存在古河流冲刷带。通过对比基于优选的4个地震属性的四元一次、四元二次多项式回归模型与BP神经网络预测模型,决定将BP人工神经网络模型预测煤层厚度数据应用于整个测区古河流冲刷带的预判工作。首先利用GeoFrame系统和Landmark公司Poststack模块,提取2#煤层反射波的各类沿层切片,分析并圈定出2#煤层古河流冲刷带的大致范围,在此基础上,利用垂直时间剖面中2#煤层反射波的各种波形特征,进一步判别2#煤层古河流冲刷带解释的可靠性,然后结合BP神经网络预测模型获得的2#煤层厚度变化趋势图,最终解释出2#煤层古河流冲刷带范围:勘探区内2#煤层厚度变化范围0~5.3m,根据其煤层厚度变化趋势,将全区划分出一大二小3个古河流冲刷带。  相似文献   
The low-grade vanadium-containing stone coal used in this experiment was collected from Wuxi Coun- try, Chongqing City, China. The experiment focused on the vanadium recovery from roasted residue through opti- mizing the process conditions of an effective and environmentally-friendly technology, named calcified roast- ing-sulfuric acid leaching technology. By single-factor experiments and orthogonal experiments, the effects of roast- ing temperature, roasting time, sulfuric acid concentration and leaching time on the leaching ratio of vanadium were analyzed. The results showed that the leaching ratio of vanadium reached 85.5% under the proper technological con- ditions of roasting temperature=950℃, roasting time=4 h, 40% concentration of sulfuric acid and leaching time=6 h.  相似文献   
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