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Flora from the lower Norian deposits of the Upper Triassic, which are exposed in the Partizanskaya River basin, has been studied in detail. A new Imalinovo floral assemblage is distinguished. As is established, its taxonomic composition is represented by abundant cycadophytes and conifers occurring in association with insignificant ferns and czekanowskialeans, rare horsetails, pteridosperms, and ginkgoaleans. The studied floral assemblage is compared with several floras of East Asia: the Mongugai flora of Primor’e, the Tianqiaoling flora of northeastern China, the Yamanoi and Nariwa floras of Japan.  相似文献   
中国吉林东部与朝鲜半岛北部地区对比研究,无疑对揭示朝鲜半岛的地质属性、中朝板块北缘东延及演化有着重要的贡献。针对中国吉林东部延边地区和朝鲜咸北地区的晚古生代地层进行化石组合、沉积特征、基底性质以及岩浆序列等方面的对比研究认为:朝鲜二叠纪鸡笼山腕足动物群与中国北方二叠纪哲斯腕足动物群有明显差异,与吉林地区范家屯组,尤其是延边地区庙岭组有较强的可对比性;中国吉林—延吉褶皱带和朝鲜咸北地块均以元古宇为基底,没有太古宙岩石出露;在晚古生代期间,中国吉林东部—延边地区和朝鲜咸北地区沉积环境、岩浆活动相似;朝鲜咸北地块和狼林地块的边界断裂——输城川断裂带应与华北地块和吉黑造山带之间缝合线的东端—古洞河断裂相连接,吉黑造山带东部地块和朝鲜咸北地块在晚古生代时期应处于同一个大地构造单元。  相似文献   
本文综述了欧洲白垩纪非海相软体动物群,列出了主要产自英格兰南部、法国和西班牙早白垩世的16个不同沉积层的59个分类单元。淡水动物群以珠蚌类双壳类和田螺类腹足类为主,但在有些地点也存有肺螺类腹足类。这些化石类群与现代类型很相似,说明白垩纪淡水中的水草、氧气与营养环境良好。在欧特里沃期和巴列姆期,淡水与边缘海环境中的动物群组成都发生了显著的变化。欧洲的淡水生物群落早在巴列姆期就已存在,此时的有些类群,如著名的Mar garitifera(s.l.)valdensis在欧洲西部有着广泛的分布。英格兰南部的早白垩世韦尔登群被认为是欧洲最连续的非海相白垩纪地层,其上部的生物群可与西班牙的LasHoyas动物群和法国的Wassy动物群相对比。这3个动物群,以及法国侏罗(汝拉)和英格兰南部波倍克的侏罗纪-白垩纪的过渡生物群——Purbeck动物群,是了解欧洲白垩纪淡水动物群的关键动物群。  相似文献   
文章记述了甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世杨家山动物群的瞪羚(Gazella)化石,将临夏材料归为保德瞪羚(Gazella paotehensis)、高氏瞪羚相似种(G.cf.gaudryi)和瞪羚未定种(G.sp.).G.paotehensis为有效种,与G.gaudryi区别在于G.paotehensis两角心分散度大,表面发育较深纵沟;与G.dorcadoides区别在于G.paotehensis角心向后外方伸出角度较高,侧视倾斜度小,脑颅部从额项缝开始呈弧形向后下方弯曲.依据临夏的瞪羚化石组合推测杨家山动物群的生活环境可能为温带开阔草原,有灌木丛为典型食叶者食用.依据脑颅轮廓,G.paotehensis应归入短头型,验证了G.paotehensis可能是G.blacki祖先的观点.  相似文献   
Tylotites petiolaris吻部构造的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早寒武世澄江动物群提供了探索早期翻吻动物辐射的一个绝佳的窗口。澄江动物群翻吻动物包括8科10属10种,其中罗惠麟等(1999)依据仅有的一块不完整的标本建立Tylotites petiolaris,并将其归入叶足动物。2002年西北大学早期生命研究所野外工作组在尖山剖面采集到两块完整的具有吻部的标本,本文籍此对该属进行了进一步完善和补充,特别是吻部和躯干表面的特征,从而说明T.petiolaris为翻吻动物。因为与澄江动物群中其他翻吻动物形态有较大差异,据此建立瘤节虫科,新科Tylotitidae fam.nov.。描述如下:虫体较长,呈圆管状,长可达100mm,宽2~4mm。身体基本可以分吻部和躯干部两部分。吻部与Cricocosmia特别相似,为典型的三段式构造,从下到上可依次分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ段,Ⅰ段与躯干前端连接,直径同于躯干,表面有10列纵向的略为弯曲的小刺(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1b;插图1)。最前端吻刺最为粗壮,向后的吻刺逐渐变小。Ⅱ段位于Ⅰ段之前,向前略微收缩,光滑无刺。Ⅲ段位于吻部顶端,可进一步分为A、B两部分:A段直径后端大于Ⅱ段,表面密布斜列排列的小刺,从后向前,小刺变大;B段光滑无饰,直径小于A段。Ⅲ段可强烈自由弯曲(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1d)。颈部长约5mm,表面光滑无饰,直径略小于躯干。躯干表面具56~58个环脊,52排粗刺,最前面第4~6个环脊表面无刺,环脊之间为环沟。躯干由前向后直径逐渐增加,在中后部增至最大,然后虫体直径基本上一致。躯干刺成行成列排列。环状分布的躯干刺随着环脊与环沟落差的变化而改变,到躯干后部逐渐减小。每一个环脊之上有12个粗刺,腹刺长度小于背刺。有些躯干刺的轴部显示较强的黄铁矿化,表明其可能为中空结构(图版Ⅰ,图1c),可能有体腔伸入,躯干末端具有一对尾刺,躯干整体弯曲成6字形(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1b)。肠管从吻部一直延伸到躯干末端。肠道位于一个空闻的体腔内,Ⅰ段表面宽约1mm的黑色区域可能为胃,肛门位于躯干末端的腹面(图版Ⅰ,图1b)。T.petiolaris很可能表栖生活于海底底面上。因为体表长刺具有很强的防御作用,腹刺在运动过程中可以抓牢沉积物,所以,很可能通过背腹波动在海底底面作蠕形运动,也不排除蜷曲一解蜷的运动方式。吻部的主要功能可能为捕食。几条T.petiolaris个体相互盘绕(图版Ⅰ,图2),很可能与其两性交配有关。  相似文献   
The paper reports sunthetically the Cocene fauna of the Messel Pit Fossil site of Germany, in detail, including its rich taxanomic composttions, geological and paleogeographic backgroud, and the studying and applying history.  相似文献   
福建雁石二叠—三叠系界线地层及动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雁石二叠—三叠系界线地层及动物群可作为碎屑岩沉积区的代表性剖面来研究。首次发现和研究了本剖面的粘土岩层,鉴定为伊利石—蒙脱石粘土岩,它能和广布华南的界线粘土岩层对比,并与当时的火山活动有关。界线附近较丰富的动物群的采集及地球化学特征的测试,提高了界级划分精度,揭示生物更替规律,证明两系之间为整合的接触关系。  相似文献   
西南天山马达尔地区硅质岩地球化学特征及其沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西南天山马达尔地区乌帕塔尔坎群硅质岩与玄武岩以逆冲断层接触产出,但其时代缺乏依据。本次研究的硅质岩中含有放射虫,经鉴定时代为D3—C1。11件硅质岩样品的SiO2含量为88.80%~93.28%,Al2O3含量为2.02%~3.72%,其中只有4件样品为纯硅质岩(SiO2的含量为91.0%~99.8%),所有样品的SiO2/Al2O3值(23.84~46.11)远低于纯硅质岩(SiO2/Al2O3=80~1400),表明其含有较高比例的陆源泥质沉积物。Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)=0.57~0.72,Ce/Ce*=0.90~1.21,显示出生物沉积硅质岩的特点。此外,其Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)=0.64~0.77,V含量为10.92×10-6~26.70×10-6,Cu含量为2.15×10-6~34.10×10-6,Ti/V=25.53~44.93,∑REE为30.78×10-6~59.26×10-6,平均值为45.46×10-6,(La/Yb)N=0.88~1.33,平均值为1.09,(La/Ce)N=0.81~1.12,介于洋盆沉积物和大陆边缘沉积物之间,反映其沉积环境为接近陆源的深水-半深水的沉积环境。Ceanom值均大于-0.1,为-0.06~0.08,并且出现Eu的负异常,推测岩石沉积时水体贫氧。结合区域地质特征推测,乌帕塔尔坎群硅质岩形成于南天山洋盆闭合期的小洋盆。  相似文献   
SEM analysis of trunk ornamentation on a compressed palaeoscolecid fossil from the Shipai fauna, Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 4 at Three Gorges, South China, allows a reassignment of the material to a new taxon, Sanxiascolex papillogyrus gen. et sp. nov. The preserved body is entirely annulated. Each annulus is ornamented by four rows of irregularly alternating plates and each plate bears numerous tubercles at the marginal region and a variable number (zero to six) of nodes at its central part. These features are unique among known palaeoscolecids. Comparative analyses with other compressed palaeoscolecid macrofossils and phosphatized material on the pattern of trunk ornamentation indicates that a detailed examination of the cuticle ornament weighs heavily in analyses of their taxonomic distinctions. A similar sclerite pattern to that of S. papillogyrus has been found in some phosphatized palaeoscolecid cuticle fragments as well as in isolated sclerites. The upper series of nodes and tubercles of these sclerites suggest an accretional mode of sclerite growth. The considerable variation in node number observed across the plates of S. papillogyrus demonstrates that phosphatic palaeoscolecid taxonomy based on?relatively?minor variations in?the number of sclerite nodes?should perhaps be reconsidered. As the origins of the phosphatized specimens are quite diverse, a large variety of isolated sclerites from the Early Palaeozoic may not reflect actual biodiversity.  相似文献   
Abstract. The radiolarian age of red chert from the Kunimiyama area of the Northern Chichibu Belt was determined in order to constrain the depositional age of the Kunimiyama deposit that is among the largest ferromanganese deposits in Japan. Pseudoalbaillella cf scalprata Holdsworth and Jones, Pseudoalbaillella cf longicornis Ishiga and Imoto and Pseudoalbaillella sp. belonging to the Ps. lomentaria Zone are found in the red chert, indicating an age of middle Early Permian (middle Wolfcampian). The red chert occurs immediately above the ferromanganese deposit, and the boundary between them is gradual. Based on their mode of occurrence and geochemical features, it is most likely that radiolarian chert and ferromanganese precipitate accumulated simultaneously to produce red chert during the waning stage of submarine hydrothermal activity that was responsible for the Kunimiyama deposit. Consequently, the age of Kunimiyama stratiform ferromanganese deposit is constrained as middle Early Permian (middle Wolfcampian).  相似文献   
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