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不规则脉状倾斜矿体的开采是矿山企业急需解决的技术问题。该文结合矿山采矿法的多年实践,详细地介绍了沙旺矿区小矿体回采的探采结合采矿法和小矿块全面采矿法的结构布置、参数确定、使用情况及具体措施。采场应用结果表明:这2种采矿方法能够安全地、最大限度地提高资源利用率,可带来显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
研究区行政区划隶属于内蒙古巴林右旗,与后卜河中型铅锌矿相距约20km,同处于Ⅲ6:突泉—林西华力西燕山期铁(锡)铜、铅、锌、银、铌(钽)成矿带,Ⅳ62:神山-白音诺铜、铅、锌、铁、铌(钽)成矿带,Ⅴ62-5白音诺尔——碧流台铜、铅、锌成矿带。矿床处在两个燕山期花岗岩体凹陷构造部位,矿床成因为热液充填脉型银多金属矿。  相似文献   
尝试性地对乌拉山脉金矿田中钾长石进行了偏振光下的吸收光谱研究,结果表明,含矿与不含矿钾长石的吸收光主普有着本质的差异,钾长石的可见光吸收光谱特征可作为乌拉山式金矿的重要找矿标志。  相似文献   
隈子金矿产于似斑状黑云母花岗岩所包围的辽河群盖县组残留体中,矿脉明显受层间断裂控制。矿石特征,硫、氧同位素,包裹体及红外光谱综合研究表明:隈子金矿床属中-高温成矿,成矿流体呈重熔岩浆热液特征。因此,该矿床是重熔岩浆热液矿床。  相似文献   
论夹皮沟地区金矿床的花岗岩浆热液成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夹皮沟地区金矿床已有三十余年的研究历史,但关于金矿床的成因问题依然是众说纷纭。笔者利用大量的地质地球化学标志,论证了金矿脉与岩脉及岩脉与海西期花岗岩间的同源性,建立起夹皮沟地区海西期岩浆岩脉与金矿脉的形成演化序列。根据金矿脉与花岗岩之间明显的地球化学相似性,进而直接地证明了夹皮沟地区金矿床属花岗岩浆热液成因。  相似文献   
云英岩化形成于富含挥发组份和氧逸度较高的酸性环境中,钾长石化形成于缺乏挥发组份的碱性条件下。富云母云英岩化和钾长石化为不同条件下的钾质交代蚀变作用,富石英云英岩化和硅化为不同条件下的硅质交代蚀变作用。单纯云英岩化或钾长石化,对钨矿化都不一定有利,而云英岩化外侧具钾长石化锒边,以及钾长石化外侧尚存在富石英云英岩化或硅化时,钨等矿化相对富集。  相似文献   
汪劲草 《地质论评》1997,43(1):78-84
本文以广西龙水水政顶倾竖褶皱构造变形分析为基础,根据含金石英脉与非含金石英脉的变形差异,认为作用于岩层上的主剪切应力(σ_s)与主压缩应力(σ_p)随时间(t)的变化是导致岩层褶皱过程中石英脉多样性变形的主因;阐述了上述模型的动态应力场及其动力学过程;提出了构造变形的分解作用、水力压裂作用与裂开-愈合作用是石英脉形成的新构造机制。  相似文献   
According to the differences in ore-controlling structural systems and the characteristics of host rocks, textures and structures of ores and mineral associations of ores, quartz vein-type gold deposits in the Rushan area can be divided into the Rushan and Tongling styles. Rushan style gold deposits, occurring in the Kunyushan complex, include Rushan, Tangjiagou and Tongxishan gold mines. They are distributed along four NNE-trending and sinistral, compresso-shear faults with a right stepping array. A prominent characteristic of the gold mineralization is that the orebodies in neighbouring gold deposits distributed in a single ore-controlling fault zone take opposite pitches. Study of the locating structures of the quartz vein gold deposits shows that the Rushan-style gold deposits are characterized by NNE and NE zoning. Therefore, the intersections of the NE direction of the known gold deposit and the neighbouring NNE-trending fault zones are favourable for looking for gold deposits, and the ends of the  相似文献   
赣南脉状黑钨矿床及外围金银找矿前景分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在钨矿化集中区的地质调研和1:5万化探分散流扫面工作基础上,通过了解赣南钨矿山及周边的资源现状,总结脉状黑钨矿床的成太规律和矿化富集特征,进一步分析金银成矿特征,探讨金银矿化与钨锡的矿化关系,提出脉冲黑钨矿床及外围金银找矿前景。  相似文献   
The Canglangpu Stage of Lower Cambrian Series is widely distributed along both sides of the Tanlu (Tancheng-Lujiang) Fault Zone in the Jiao-Liao-Xu-Huai regions. In the Liaodong Peninsula, the Canglangpu Stage consists of three formations, i.e. Gejiatun, Dalinzi and Jianchang formations in ascending order (lying on the eastern side of the Tanlu Fault Zone). The Dalinzi Formation, developing in a littoral Sabkha environment, is full of catastrophic event records of violent seism, such as liquefied muddy-sandy veins, hydroplastic folds, hydroplastic micro-faults (three forming an organic whole), liquefied crinkled deformations, liquefied breccia and sandy dikes. Based on such records, the seismic liquified sequence of argillaceous rocks in Sabkha is built up. In northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, however, there hardly observe seismic records in the Canglangpu Stage, which consists of Jinshanzhai and lower Gouhou and upper Gouhou formations (lying on the western side of the Tanlu Fault Zone). Even if the Gouhou Formation, developing in a lagoon-dry environment, is in the same climate zone as the Dalinzi Formation, and 4 depositional sequences have been identified in the Canglangpu Stage in Northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, however, in the same stage in the Liaodong Peninsula, there exist only 3 ones. Therefore, it is not supported by the above mentioned evidence (such as catastrophic events, sequences stratigraphy and lithologic correlation of formations) that the Canglangpu Stage in the Liaodong Peninsula came from northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces through a long-distance, about hundreds kilometers, left-hand displacement of the Tanlu Fault in the Mesozoic era.  相似文献   
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