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刘宇  周桂玲 《中国沙漠》2010,30(1):92-96
为了探讨禾本科赖草属植物大赖草的交配系统,对其的花设计、花展示、花粉活力、柱头可授期及交配方式进行了研究。结果表明:①单花的3个花丝不同步伸长,其中两个生长速度相对较快先弯曲,然后花药纵裂散出花粉,第三个花丝随后弯曲,花药纵裂散出花粉,3个花药的不同步散粉延长了单花的“花粉寿命”。②花药被送出内外稃完成散粉后,羽状柱头伸到内外稃外接受外来花粉,避免了单花内的雌雄干扰。③大赖草花序上小花阶段性批量开放(确保了同一时刻开放的小花是同步的),还可降低同株异花花粉对柱头的干扰。④大赖草属自花授粉不亲和型,同时同株异花授粉也不亲和,大赖草已进化出了特殊的花设计、花展示和短的花粉寿命等特征来促进异花授粉。这些特征是大赖草在适应极端的沙漠环境的过程中进化出的一种生殖对策。  相似文献   
在紧邻大都市的上海九段沙湿地国家级自然保护区上沙实验区范围内,根据地形地势,潮沟水系走向,因地制宜规划设计一个5km2环保低碳,具有湿地保育、监督管理、科学研究和宣传教育于一体的多功能湿地生态科普园,让久居城市的人们远离喧嚣,营造一种宁静清幽、寓教于乐、回归大自然的亲切感。从设计目标、原则、理念和总体布局等方面阐述了九段沙湿地生态科普园的建设思路,为生态、低碳、环保、科学建设九段沙湿地生态科普园提供参考。  相似文献   
The main removal mechanisms for the degradations of seven pollutants in wastewater treatment wetlands were analysed, and a mathematical model was established to quantify the removal of each pollutant, based on its main removal mechanisms. Subsurface horizontal flow wetlands were treated as a series of continuous stirred - tank reactors (CSTRs). Kinetic models for the removal of biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, total nitrogen and faecal coliforms were established by combining Monod or first - order kinetics with CSTR assumptions. These tentative models account for a wide range of factors that affect wetland performance, but the models have not been proven by ex periment data. Depending on the derivation of various coefficients in the models and verification by actual performance data, this study may provide a starting point for an integrated pollutant removal model to be developed, and experimen tally verified, thereby making a step forward from the current greenbox' approach of wetland design.  相似文献   
Earth fissures have developed at Wadi Al-Yutamah, western Saudi Arabia. The fissues are associated with land subsidence which is considered to be due to both rapid draw down of the ground-water level and hydrocompaction of the wadi soil after flooding. This phenomenon is relatively recent in the area.The wadi soil was investigated and classified in the field, and disturbed and undisturbed samples were collected for laboratory testing and analysis. The engineering properties of the wadi soils were determined, including in situ field density, specific gravity, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, shrinkage limit, and consolidation characteristics such as total settlement and coefficient of subsidence (collapse).Four types of silty soil of different colours were identified, in addition to yellowish-brown sand (representing the dunes) which accumulated on the surface of the study area. The silty soils include yellowish-brown silty sand, yellowish-gray silt, pale brown silt and yellowish-brown clayey silt. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the clay is mainly kaolinite and illite with minor smectite. The dominant soil type in the study area is silt of low plasticity, high void ratio and low density which decreased with depth. This soil was classified as loess-like materials.The studied soils are of a collapsing type, and settlement is greatly increased by excessive wetting under constant pressure. The calculated coefficients of subsidence (collapse) of the soils at different depths generally increased with decreasing soil density and ranged between 3·1% and 10·8%. The wadi soils are considered to pose a moderate problem when wetted.  相似文献   
干热退化山地不同类型侵蚀沟生物生态工程治理试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冲沟是生态环境治理和控制泥石流活动的关键地段。结合云南南涧县城后山泥石流生物生态工程治理试验示范研究,总结出由土石混砌与土木筑造结构的生物谷坊,浆筑结构拦坝和谷坊等组成的沟道侵蚀治理方法,并成功地进行了相应的生物坝系建设,筛选出大叶桉,赤桉,马鹿花,台湾相思,马占相思,新叶合欢,夹竹桃等一批适宜干热生境和沟道植被恢复及防护林建设的植物种类,同时采取冲沟与谷坡同时整治,生物治理与调蓄水措施相结合的坡面治理方法。结果表明,这些生物生态工程措施对于防止沟床侵蚀,抑制泥石流活动和护床固坡效果显著。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):253-265

This article explores the interplay between geographic concepts and geographers' Web site design. The concepts—place, site, and situation—provide the context for reconsidering current metaphors dominating the rhetoric of cyberspace. Challenging the predominant metaphor of cyberspace as path or highway, we draw on the work of French phenomenologist Merleau-Ponty and on the work of phenomeno-logically oriented geographers to propose the figure/ground structure of cyberplace in contrast to the void of cyberspace. For the absolute freedom of unlimited space we suggest the depth and breadth of world. If geographers succeed at creating Web sites informed by disciplinary concepts, Web site design itself can help to reconceive geographic concepts. Two virtual field-trips offer the opportunity to demonstrate the interaction of a reconceived notion of place and the design of graphical interfaces. The article discovers possibilities for enhancing the value of geographic Web sites. Three design strategies—geographic context, duration, and nonlinearity—are recommended as a result of this investigation.  相似文献   
数字城市若干理论问题探讨   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
该文从城市与区域信息化,数字城市工程建设的角度,结合数字城市工程实践,综合城市建设领域,3S领域,测绘科学领域,计算机科学领域专家学者对数字城市的研究成果,对数字城市的基本概念,数字城市的理论框架,数字城市的工程框架等理论问题,进行了初步的研究,提出了数字城市的基本理论框架。  相似文献   
我国新亚欧大陆桥沿线地区机电工业发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机电工业作为产业带建设中的主导产业之一,在产业结构高级化中的作用越来越大,对国民经济的带动作用也越来越明显。文章分析了知地区发展机条件和方向,论述了沿桥地区以大城市为依托的5个各有色特色的机电工业基地,并对沿桥机电工业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
徐州矿区土地利用变化遥感监测及塌陷地复垦利用研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
基于1987、1994和2000年三期TM遥感图像,将徐州矿区土地利用类型划分为建成区、耕地、林地、水体、塌陷地和其他土地等6类,编制了3个不同时段的土地利用结构变化图;提取并分析了土地利用结构转移变化的矩阵信息和土地利用结构的动态变化.研究表明:采煤塌陷土地面积在不断扩大,年均增加率为6.33%,塌陷地复垦速度仍赶不上塌陷速度.着眼于技术、规划、资金和管理等方面的综合视角,探明塌陷土地复垦的工程技术措施和对策,对于进一步加大土地复垦力度,促进矿区土地资源可持续利用,具有重要的现实意义和价值.  相似文献   
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